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Extant major approaches to states and revolutions privilege the role of state practices and the character of war‐making in shaping modern state‐making in the Third World. Bringing the role of ideology into this analytical landscape of state‐making, this paper advances an alternative claim that ideological practices shape modern state structures and practices as well as the dynamics of political contention between the state and the revolutions. First, I argue that that intra‐movement ideological dynamics within the nationalist movement can have a profound impact on the structure and practices of the state. Using the writings of the party leaders, memoirs and official publications of the Burmese communist party, I maintain that subtle and specific ideological differences amongst the Burmese leftist movements generated organizational splits and internecine conflicts in the nationalist struggle, which exerted profound influences on the structures and practices of the Burmese state Secondly, relative ideological positions of the state and the revolutionary movements play an important role in shaping the dynamics of contention between the state and revolution. For example, an intimate web of ideological affinity between the nascent Burmese state and the Burmese leftist movements shaped the context and content of political contention between the state and these movements in the post‐colonial Burma. To address these issues empirically, the first part of the paper examines the formation and cementation of organizational linkages amongst Burmese leftist nationalists during the anti‐colonial struggle. The second part of the paper addresses specific and subtle ways in which ideological character and practices of the Burmese state and the Burmese Communist party shaped state practices and state structures in modern Burma as well as the dynamics of political contention between the state and the revolutionary movements.  相似文献   

This paper discusses the impact of globalization on the built environment and the tension between the forces of globalization and localization as exemplified in the case of Kuwait. It claims that globalization has been active in the countries of the Gulf area since the middle of the 20th century when they witnessed rapid development and change that permitted globalization and localization processes to be more evident and magnified than in other parts of the world. The aim of this paper is to analyze manifestations and consequences of globalization and localization processes in the built environment in Kuwait by tracing the rapid transformation of the built environment in Kuwait during the second half of the 20th century. The paper claims that the clash of styles that exists in the built environment is a product of the tension between globalization and localization processes, and that the dichotomy between the cultural forces currently shaping the built environment, i.e. modern-traditional, Islamic-Western, and local-international, is the result of this tension. While some architects attempt to integrate the local architecture into global cultural trends, others try to revive the traditional architectural style to protect the local identity and heritage. The resulting built environment is chaotic and lacks identity and sense of place. The paper concludes that the processes of globalization and localization are inseparable and that they coexist, like in many other parts of the world, in continuous state of change and interaction. There is a need for an alternative understanding of what global architecture can be; one that understands the essential need to preserve and respect diversity as well as house seemingly disparate philosophies of space, people, and their interactions with and within the built form. This approach should be reflected in professional practice, education and building regulations that govern the production of the built environment.  相似文献   

Questions of the relation between race and nationality are at the centre of Israel' defence narrative and its violence, its deployment of blood and domination of land and bodies. Usually, the discourse of violence in a nation' logic involves images of penetration to borders and land. However, this essay is about internal violence, about the reproduction of the state not through land, but through bodies, and babies, narratives and memory, knowledge and censorship. To understand this case is to reconsider questions of how Orientalism, as a practice of knowledge and of violence works. The author revisits the concept of Orientalism thereby relocating the different ways in which it internally works within the Israeli nation state. To illustrate her claim, she finds it useful to locate parallel features in the discourse of the Gulf War and the image of Saddam Hussein, created by Western media, and the discourse of the kidnapped Yemenite babies scandal and the image of Rabbi Uzi Meshulam, created by Israeli media. Both cases involve questions of violence, resistance and Western domination. In the author' analysis, she focuses on the complexity in which Orientalism functions when the state demarcates people and identities rather then land and borders. It will be shown how concepts of violence, race and nationalism are reproduced through the media discourse of the kidnapped Yemenite babies at the junction of social conflict and resistance. A sample of newspaper reports on the Yemenite babies affair during the resistance of Rabbi Meshulam are examined, known in Israel as the ‘The Fortification in Yahud’. The author' analysis is also based on her experience as an investigative reporter covering the Yemenite babies affair, and first hand observation of the resistance of Rabbi Meshulam.1  相似文献   

传统影像建构出大学生的消费者、服务者、普通人形象,却在悠远的宏大叙事向日常生活实践的转向、新媒介、城市空间等面向中被当代大学生解构和重构。这三个面向统合在青年亚文化中。并为大学生进行自身形象的视觉建构提供了技术和思想准备。政治话语与娱乐诉求的分离、日常生活审美化的趋势与商品利益的幕后操纵所形成的合力,询唤着当代大学生的时尚表现者和身体抵抗者形象的视觉建构:时尚的区分与整合功能使大学生实现自我认同和社会归属,同时内生抵抗主流意识形态的力量而建构身体抵抗者形象。抵抗的实质其实是大学生与媒介和商品合谋,当代大学生的视觉建构与大众媒介的商业利益相互邀约、彼此验证,携手建构出媒介暗自得意、大学生自觉另类、社会秩序和谐稳定的"整体的生活方式"。  相似文献   

意见领袖的要素是影响者、接受者和信息媒介,实质是影响力的实现。在信息社会背景下,网络意见领袖的出现,促进了网络领导力的发展。大学生是网络的生力军和意见领袖的重要群体,大学生网络领导力成为重要的研究领域。网络是大学生领导力实现的途径.大学生网络领导力的特征是价值理念文化性、工具技能时代性、影响渠道虚拟性、影响模式单一性、影响效果即时性和指导绩效发展性;影响因素有渠道与理念、工具与技能、环境与信息、指导与奖惩;研究领域更加系统化.研究范式是实证与质性相结合。  相似文献   

Political intervention is deeply etched in the history and theory of Cultural Studies. The vehicle of intervention is typically understood as textual and the measure of success as ‘has it changed the world?’ This graphic and textual essay argues for and enacts thinking of and practising intervention more innovatively and more modestly: as equally extra-textual, and as a site for experimentation in the folds among theory, practice, and the quotidian. The author’s original black and white charcoal and pastel images are paired with text to explore the potential for an articulation of the visual and the textual to engage, convey, actualize, and produce concepts and insights of Cultural Studies. In evocative images and accessible language it enacts a new mode of engaging the theory and practice of Cultural Studies, specifically engaging concepts of articulation and assemblage, movement and things, questions of identity, the importance of affect, the power of transformation, youth cultures and resistance, The Black Lives Matter movement and matters of race, the struggles of women, the challenge of overcoming culturally engendered hatred of difference, and the difficulties of negotiating change in the precarious circumstances of contemporary culture.  相似文献   

Thurber is famous for his satirical and humorous words,with which he always mocks the relations between humans.This fable is a famous one to disclose the relation between the husband and wife in upper class.This article focuses on the fable and gives detail analyses of the unicorn and the three kinds of flowers:rose,lily and tulip which indicates purity and love etc.And these indicate the deep resource and deep meaning of each image.With the help of it,we can see through the fable and find the true meaning of the story and the intention of the writer.The analyses help us to uncover the false veil,and have a deep understanding of the relation between the upper class.  相似文献   

公元7世纪到13世纪,中阿两大文明同处于世界文明的顶端。在长达数百年间,中阿双方在政治、经济、文化各领域的频繁交往,有力地促进了中华文明和阿拉伯—伊斯兰文明两大不同文明的繁荣和发展。唐宋时期中阿文明的交往,不仅在中阿关系史和人类文明交流史上具有重要的历史意义,而且具有弥足珍贵的当代价值。这种交往对今天中阿关系的进一步发展及对世界不同文明之间的对话与交流都有可资借鉴的启示。  相似文献   

Self psychology has previously been employed in describing the treatment of narcissistic personality disorders. This article discusses the clinical application of concepts of self psychology to the psychotherapy of a psychotic patient. Empathy and the concept of empathic failure were very helpful in conceptualizing the therapeutic process. The two selfobject transferences of mirroring and idealization were both present in this case, and the recognition and interpretation of these transferences were critical in understanding the therapeutic process. The patient's delusional experiences receded and began to be less disruptive as the selfobject transferences emerged and remained in place. The resurgence of delusional material was usually indicative of a failure of empathy and a disruption of the selfobject transference. This patient's ability to regulate his anxiety and calm himself was considerably enhanced during the course of treatment. Self psychology and the understanding it provides proved to be of great value in the treatment of this patient and has wide applicability to the psychotherapy of psychosis.  相似文献   

The analysis of female biography is problematic, straddling as it does the public world of work and the private domain of home. In recent years the development of life course analysis has encouraged a greater awareness of the variability and complexity of most women's lives. Within this context discussions of the home have centred on domestic relationships, on marriage and parenting. Less discussed have been the implications of tenure and accommodation for domestic responsibility and domestic labour. The home is an arena for family life. Housing is the basis of home-making and many of the responsibilities of housework and maintenance devolve on women as home-makers. The interrelationship between housing and the domestic relationships of women was explored in a research project concerned with the wives of Royal Navy personnel. The marriage patterns and housing careers of these women revealed a biographical pattern that was distinctive and largely uniform. This pattern was the product of an occupationally-related structure of housing options and the wider pressures towards home-ownership. This pattern shaped the domestic responsibilities of the naval wives and their relationships with husbands and children and had implications for their patterns of employment and family formation.  相似文献   

As with all practice knowledges, family therapy theory sits in a complicated relationship to practice. This paper offers a set of reflections exploring challenges of teaching and learning theory for, and about, practice in family therapy. The importance of teaching particular frameworks of practice sits in tension and balance with the importance of the common factors of therapeutic change, and the inseparability of the use of self and the use of particular practice knowledge. Passion and commitment to particular ways of working is held in balance with the need for flexibility and the freedom to think independently. Discipline and focus is balanced with creativity and the room for integration. A number of balancing practices are identified in the art and craft of teaching, and the contextual issue of power and vulnerability in the teaching and learning relationship is acknowledged. Finally, the three ‘Rs’ in teaching and learning family therapy practice theory are drawn out – reflection, the recursiveness of theory and practice, and the reflexivity of self in relation to context and knowledge.  相似文献   

The article discusses the map of youth cultural scenes in Makhachkala, the capital of the Republic of Dagestan, and the third largest city in the North Caucasus region of the Russian Federation. The uniqueness of Makhachkala’s youth space is associated with the specific geopolitical and cultural circumstances of the history of the republic. This is set against the context of post-Soviet transformation: rising unemployment and severe inequality; the revival of Islam; radical changes in the gender regime, the ethnic and religious composition of Dagestanis; and a complicated political agenda involving the struggle with radicalization, and the growth of a terrorist threat. Thus, we consider it important and timely to study the local youth socialities, which exist in such a contradictory context. The research that underpins the article is focused on two opposing youth scenes in Makhachkala: street workout (inscribed in the context of the local patriarchal regime), and the anime community (symbolically resisting the pressure of social ‘normativity’). Using the theoretical concept of cultural scenes and a case-study approach (in-depth interviews, participant observation, community mapping), the potential to categorize youth that are not centred (that is, who are outside the ‘core’ of the capitalist world-system) is critically considered through the opposition between subcultural and mainstream groups. The key aim of the article is to demonstrate the importance of using the construct of the ‘other’ (that which is alien or dangerous) as the main way to define the more subtle (often latent) structure of group identity and cultural capital of a community. This also describes the intra- and inter-group solidarities and the value conflicts of youth in a complex and contradictory local urban environment. In this case, the process of growing up and the socialization of youth involve the selection of different strategies of acceptance and resistance to the social order, the structure of normativity and images of success.  相似文献   

The paper presents the results of the evaluation of the selected active labour market policy measure “Contribution to the Graduate practice” in Slovakia. The measure is of a voluntary nature and its main aim is to prevent long-term unemployment among young people and to support a competitive ability of young school-leavers and thus their employability and sustainability in the labour market through the acquisition of work experience, professional skills and work habits. In the study, we analyse the selected characteristics of young jobseekers who participated in this measure in 2016 and their counterfactuals who did not participate. In addition to 2016, the observed period includes a subsequent 2 years – the individual impact period of the measure for each participant, i.e. the years 2017 and 2018. We evaluated the effects of the measure by applying the exact matching of treated and non-treated individuals using the outcome variables, namely wages and placement in the labour market in the impact period of the measure. The results indicate that the Graduate practice had a positive impact on the employability and sustainability of its participants, but rather in short-term or maximum long-term. Regarding the wage levels referring to the financial appraisal of the participants of the measure, the results suggest that non-treated individuals were better financially evaluated and so the Graduate practice did not guarantee better salary to its participants. The findings of the study are important in the setting of conditions of the measure for future periods in order to achieve its better functioning and efficiency in the way of proper targeting, more efficient use of funds, and for a system of their redistribution.  相似文献   

This article aims to demonstrate the relation between the participation and location of women in the Israeli labour force and economic-structural processes central to the development of the Israeli economy. It begins with a discussion of the main features of the economic growth of Israeli society, indicating the implications of these features for female labour. The overall pattern of female participation in the labour force is then discussed, noting the main shifts in this pattern and their significance, followed by a more detailed presentation of the position of women in a number of economic branches–the textile and clothing industries, education and welfare services, finance and trade. The sexual division of labour is further examined according to the difference between Ashkenazi and Oriental women of first and second generations. Finally, a concluding discussion assesses the significance of women to the economy and the implications of their position within the economy to their future prospects.  相似文献   

《Journal of Rural Studies》2001,17(2):165-181
Chinese reforms initiated at the end of 1970s have brought a profound change to its rural economy. The rapid economic growth and restructuring over the last two decades spurs the interest of many scholars in studying the nature and process of change in rural China at different scales and from a variety of perspectives. Using Yuhang in Zhejiang Province as a case, this study reveals dynamic processes and operating mechanisms of rural economic changes at a local level, and the interweaving relationships among the state, local governments, and peasants under the reformed institutional framework of rural development. The political economy of decentralisation and liberalisation, local government initiatives, and spontaneous coping strategies of peasants have penetrated the entire process of economic growth and restructuring, as evidenced in the displacement of the agricultural sector and in the shift of the role played by township enterprises, villages enterprises, and household enterprises in Yuhang. The pattern of change unveiled in the case of Yuhang neither confirms nor denies entirely the experience of the Sunan, Wenzhou, or Zhujiang models studied extensively in the literature. What is involved in this restructuring process at the local level are the changing relations between peasants and the land, individuals and collectives, and peasant workers and rural enterprises.  相似文献   

This article explores and develops the concept of the horizon as a figurative and analytical device used to negotiate the relations between experience, everyday life and historical time. Its central focus is Reinhart Koselleck’s application of the concept, though it also draws on the work of Karl Mannheim (through his distinction between conjunctive and communicative experience) and Raymond Williams (through his concept of structure of feeling) in order to add to and refine Koselleck’s use of the term in examining the temporal structures of experience and expectation. Our sense of historical time is generated through the tensions between experience and expectation, everyday life and social process. These are, of course, historically variable and contingent. During the course of modernity and late modernity, experience and expectation have become increasingly divergent. Their separation has profoundly affected how we think about historical time in relation to everyday life and the span of a generation and a lifetime. It also turns the conception of history as historia magistra vitae on its head, with modernity increasingly forced to fund itself ethically out of its own transient present. The article discusses the main aspects of these changes and how they have altered the balance between the space and horizon of experience and expectation. It attends both to the need to examine historical concepts in terms of their various meanings and implications, and to the ways in which the particular concept of the horizon can help illuminate the consequences of accelerating time in the conditions of modernity and late modernity. The diminution of historical understanding in relation to everyday life is seen as among the most serious of these consequences.  相似文献   

《Journal of Aging Studies》2006,20(2):133-149
Caregiving relatives continue to feel primarily responsible for the care and well-being of elderly persons, when they are admitted to hospital. Although involvement of relatives in decision-making is rare, and the hospitalisation therefore may be a frustrating experience, little is known of relatives' experience of the hospitalisation of elderly persons from a life-world perspective. In this phenomenological study, hospital admission was a time of crisis and possible transition for the relatives, and the encounter with the professional system added to the relatives' emotional and physical burden. They felt responsible for protecting the elderly person and ensuring they received sufficient care. The history of the relationship and care was the frame of reference in which the hospital stay of the elderly person was reflected and understood. Feelings, roles and experiences were brought into the hospital setting and formed the basis for the relatives' expectations, values and conducts there.  相似文献   

The aim of this paper is to examine democracy and oligarchy in the independent trade unions in the Transvaal and the Western Province General Workers Union in the 1970s. The unions considered in the Transvaal comprise the Federation of South African Trade Unions (FOSA TU) and the Consultative Committee of Black Trade Unions. The Consultative unions consisted of the Commercial Catering and Allied Workers’ Union (CCA WUSA) and a large proportion of the present Council of Unions of South Africa (CUSA). This study covers the period from the foundation of the unions in the early 1970s to the second half of 1979 for the Transvaal unions and to the end of 1980 for the Western Province General Workers’ Union. It is divided into two major sections. The first deals with theories of democracy and oligarchy in trade unions by considering Michels’ iron law of oligarchy. His iron law is evaluated in the light of two centuries of experience in the British trade unions as analysed mainly by the Webbs, Clegg and Hyman. After deriving a theory of democracy and oligarchy in trade unions based on the historical material, it moves on to examine democracy and oligarchy in the independent trade unions in the 1970s. The stage the unions reached at the end of the period is evaluated and some conclusions are drawn.

Before considering theories of trade union democracy and oligarchy however, it is necessary to clarify some key concepts and consider the role of democracy in trade unions.  相似文献   

伴随着中国经济的高速增长,社会结构由深刻变革的阶段走向一个逐渐趋于稳定、逐渐定型化的过渡时期.新旧信仰体系交替时期出现了真空期,随之也出现了青年信仰危机与信仰缺失的现象。“奉献、友爱、互助、进步”的志愿者精神,是促进社会和谐的精神力量,是贯彻科学发展观的生动体现.更是促进社会良性运行和协调发展的重要方面。志愿精神既传承了中华民族助人为乐、扶贫济困的传统美德.又体现了社会主义道德的基本要求,具有鲜明的时代特征。青年在参与志愿服务的过程中。不仅为社会和他人提供了帮助,自身也得到了锻炼和提高,思想境界得以升华与发展。志愿精神的培育是帮助青年走出信仰危机、提升自我切实可行的路径。  相似文献   

The main causes of population mobility in Latin America have been 1) dissolution of the traditional rural societies, 2) expansion of the agro-industrial economy, and 3) consolidation of an urban economic and cultural model. Disparities in wages and exchange rates and inequality in development between different countries have led to emigration to countries at higher levels of economic development and to the industrialized Western countries. More recently, political instability and institutionalized violence in Central America have induced population movements to other countries in the region. 6 basic types of migration in Latin America are 1) seasonal migration of small farmers to urban areas or the rural areas in other countries, 2) migration by young rural people to cities or urban areas of other countries, 3) rural-urban and international migration by the whole family group, 4) international urban-urban migration by individuals or by the whole family group, 5) migration for family reunification, and 6) return migration. The predominant type of mobility has been from the countryside to the cities. Both men and women migrate, although the proportion of migrant women is increasing and women occasionally outnumber males. Migrant women generally find less skilled jobs which are less well paid. Migrant workers frequently have access only to less skilled and poorly paid jobs or enter the informal sector of the urban economy. The impact of migration on the structure and functioning of the family unit in the sending society is determined by the number, sex, and role of the family members who migrate. Other economic and social factors such as assistance received by the migrant, the work found, the level of income, and the specific characteristics of the receiving society determine the success of the venture, the capacity to some or all of the remaining family members. Family members who stay in the sending society must adjust their behavior in ways determined by the number, sex, and age of the family members concerned and the type of economic activities by the family. For the migrating family, settlement in the receiving society requires the development of new functions and specialized domestic activities by each of its members. Survival possibilities will be largely determined by assistance networks, the reorganization of the structure and functioning of the family group, and the adoption of new organizational patterns.  相似文献   

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