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文章从劳动力市场"去管制化"出发,提出对中国"知识失业"现象的解释。理论模型发现,随着劳动力流动和工资"去管制化",受教育人口不断增加,与之伴随的则是"知识失业"的出现和增加。但当劳动力市场进一步"去管制化",知识失业率在增加到一定程度后开始下降。因此,"知识失业"是劳动力市场"去管制化"的结果,"知识失业"的出现在一定程度上是暂时的、阶段性的,继续推进劳动力市场改革,"知识失业"现象就会减少甚至消弭。微观数据实证分析证实,劳动力流动"去管制化"和工资"去管制化"都是2002年样本劳动力市场出现"知识失业"的原因,2009年样本劳动力流动"去管制化"仍是"知识失业"出现的重要原因,但工资"去管制化"效应不再显著。  相似文献   

This article examines common assumptions behind the notion of "gay community," contrasting these views with the experiences of homosexual men originating from Southeast Asia on the commercial gay scene in Melbourne, Australia. The narratives here reveal fragmented social networks involving various social groups, categories of people and an "In/Out" culture where informants were culturally marginal. Fitting into the scene culture involves processes of assimilation, and loss of connection even with supportive ethnic networks. While all men who look for a place to belong on the scene generally feel pressure to assimilate to a predominantly white middle-class gay culture, Southeast Asian men generally had more cultural distance to cover. Men who are not well assimilated face exclusion, invisibility and discrimination. Differences and discrimination within Southeast Asian based networks also contributed towards fragmented relations. This article raises questions about dominant gay cultural forms, assumptions of gay solidarity, and how ethnic minority men make sense of and negotiate their sexual and social experiences.  相似文献   

The paper focuses on possible future pathways in maternity care for midwives and nations to consider. The paper blends personal and professional experiences to outline priority areas facing midwives in the future. It begins by examining maternal mortality and morbidity in the developing world and considering the potential of the ten high priority action messages (1997) in helping to improve the plight of women and children in the future. The paper then examines major issues facing midwives in the developed world including: the way birth is viewed; the medical-midwifery divide; marketing midwifery; and finally the challenge of dealing with fear around birth. The third part of the paper examines a part of society where the two worlds meet and there are issues from both the developed and developing world to consider. The paper focuses on women from culturally and linguistically diverse communities, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander women and women birthing in remote and rural areas. By looking at these three worlds separately the paper examines different concerns facing midwives in the future but also draws on common issues that face us all as citizens of this planet and particularly as predominantly women. The paper challenges midwives to be politically active and dare to change the world.  相似文献   

随着经济全球化中制造业转移的渐趋平稳,又出现了新一轮的知识型服务产业由发达国家向发展中国家转移的新现象,这对于扩大国内就业具有重要作用。要想在这次转移中把握机会,不仅需要资本输入国具备人力资源的成本优势,而且需要具备人力资源的质量和技能优势以及良好的软环境,因此,提高人力资源的素质、改善软环境是接受新的产业转移,成为世界办公室的重要前提。  相似文献   

第三次"人口革命"在21世纪的显著特征是老年人口和高龄人口迅速增长。通过对20世纪西方国家应对第三次"人口革命"挑战所采取的政策的反思和从第三次"人口革命"对21世纪带来的冲击看,社区发展是应对第三次"人口革命"对21世纪挑战的一个重要途径。因此,第三次"人口革命"与社区发展紧密相连,二者共同构成21世纪人口科学研究的一个重大论题。  相似文献   

“单身”热潮的社会学解析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
杜双燕 《西北人口》2008,29(5):49-54
单身现象已经成为世界范围内一个不可忽视的社会现象,尽管今天的“单身”已经是一种生活方式,但是仍然有其相似特征和产生的深层原因,并且对社会产生了物质、精神、制度文明等方面的影响,针对其产生的消极影响,提出初步的建议和对策,引导和规范“单身”行为,使之朝向更积极的方向前行。  相似文献   

Some religious denominations offer programs where member congregations can signal their acceptance of all gender identities and sexual orientations. The United Church of Christ (UCC) created one of the earliest of such programs in the mid-1980s by which congregations can adopt an "Open and Affirming" identity. However, there has been little research examining this program and how it has evolved over time. Research suggests that organizational innovations like the Open and Affirming program often become institutionalized over time, leading to changes in how the program is expressed or conducted. We examine Open and Affirming (ONA) congregations in the UCC to see if the manner in which they express their ONA identity depends on when they adopted the identity. We find that early adopters of such programs are more likely than later adopters to focus on sexual orientation. While this could be seen as a troubling pattern, we argue that it could represent greater awareness of the Open and Affirming program's meaning, which has allowed for greater flexibility in its expression.  相似文献   

美国 2 0世纪产业结构变化的突出现象是“去工业化”和与信息产业相关的新兴产业的崛起。伴随产业结构变化 ,人口区域分布也经历了“非都市转折”和“再城市化”的过程。产业结构的变化是城市兴衰的决定性因素。对我国来说 ,重视城市化发展过程中的产业支撑 ,根据区域发展格局的调整和产业结构的演进实施不同的城市化发展模式 ,尤为重要。  相似文献   

徐永利 《人口学刊》2013,35(5):26-35
在经济发展过程中,劳动力就业和城市化进程具有很强的关联性。"金砖四国"城市化的进程不同,中国和印度处在城市化加速阶段,就业结构明显存在着分布失衡和质效低下的问题,尤其是中国,作为劳动力大国,但远非劳动力强国,劳动力素质和劳动生产率显著落后于俄罗斯和巴西,应该在三次产业间和产业内进行结构的调整和优化,改善劳动力素质结构,努力提高劳动生产率,以促进经济的持续发展。  相似文献   

敬莉 《西北人口》2006,(2):45-48
党的十六大提出“统筹城乡经济社会发展,”使三农问题上升到了战略的高度。“三农”问题是一个经济发展和社会进步问题,是构建社会主义和谐社会及全面建设小康社会的核心。“三农”问题的形成原因是多方面的,有体制、制度的因素,而根本原因在于中国庞大的农村人口。要解决“三农”问题,需要关注农村人口的问题,需要体制创新、需要结构调整、需要政府支持。  相似文献   

“非正规”老年教育与老年人社会参与   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
如何促进老年人广泛而有效的社会参与,提高老年人口的生活质量是老龄化社会必须要面临的挑战。老年教育作为实现积极老龄化的重要途径正在引起普遍关注。相对于我国"正规"的老年大学而言,"非正规"老年教育是指除"正规"老年大学以外的多种形式的老年教育,主要包括社区老年教育、大众传媒中老年教育和老年人自发组织的老年教育。"非正规"老年教育以其灵活性、参与性和低成本等特性契合了中国老年人口的特点,能够更有效地适应老年人的教育需求,是促进中国老年人社会参与的重要途径。在大力发展适应中国国情的"非正规"老年教育的同时,应加强国家和政府的支持、推动参与主体的社会化、提升教育服务水平与服务质量。  相似文献   

春运问题的人口社会学分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
春运是近十多年来在中国形成的一大独特的社会现象,因在短期内集中引发诸多问题而成为人们日益关注的社会问题。春运既是当代中国社会结构变迁的产物,又蕴涵着丰富的传统文化意味,春运问题实质上是现代与传统冲突的结果。社会结构空间上的人口流动、社会发展的不均衡以及制度性约束是春运问题产生的根源,因而要从根本上解决春运问题,必须加快城乡、区域的均衡发展,同步推进城市化与农村建设,促进社会结构的日趋合理与稳定。  相似文献   

计生工作"三结合"不仅仅是计生工作思路和方法的改革,也是促使加大投入、产出力度,提高农村家庭生产、生活、生育(简称"三生")效益,实现少生、快富、文明目标,为农村、农业、农民的发展创造条件、提供保证、搞好服务的必经之路和成功之路。计生工作"三结合"的出发点和落脚点,就是为农村、农业、农民更好地向前发展创造良好的环境,主要是为农村家庭搞好"三生"服务,进而实现少生、快富、文明的目标。  相似文献   

从留守儿童问题看我国监护制度之改进   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
黄忠 《西北人口》2009,30(2):67-71
20世纪80年代以来,农村留守儿童的大量产生带来了许多问题,究其原因主要是监护不力。在我国现阶段的留守儿童监护中。法定监护普遍存在监护不力的问题;而自愿监护和委托监护在现实中还不普遍,在个别存在的自愿监护和委托监护中也同样存在激励不足、监护不力的问题。所以应当在立法上区分亲权与监护,在监护制度的设计上强化国家公权力的介入,设立专门的国家监护组织,推行监护的社会化运作,着重完善委托监护制度.并切实加强国家的监护监督职能。  相似文献   

Drawing upon my ethnographic experiences in a drag venue called The Park in Roanoke, Virginia, this article explores the experiences of female impersonators in terms of their early motivations for doing drag, how they create and maintain drag personas and identities, and the obstacles to becoming a queen. Departing from previous researchers that have framed female impersonation as a deviant, stigmatizing, and pathological activity, this research analyzes the significant benefits some drag queens garner by donning women's attire. An experiential understanding of drag reveals that the significant rewards from the activity--contextual power and status, self-affirmation and empowerment--are powerful motivating factors. Instead of being deviant and/or partaking in pathological behavior, female impersonators can be seen as operating on an incentive system where the benefits of doing drag positively enrich the quality of the performer's life in a context where successful queens are held in the highest regard.  相似文献   

“延龙图”区域人口发展战略研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
结合延边州及"延龙图"区域的自然、经济、社会发展情况,制定了"延龙图"区域未来20年的人口发展战略目标及主要任务,并提出促进"延龙图"区域人口增长的对策建议。通过动员社会资源的共同努力,促进人口资源的优化配置,来实现"延龙图"区域经济社会的全面协调可持续发展,将"延龙图"区域打造成吉林省东部地区的中心城市,确立它在东北亚图们江地区开发中的战略地位、在长白山旅游发展中的枢纽地位、在自治州体制改革中的示范地位、在东北地区具有民族地域个性的特色地位。  相似文献   

城乡协调推进“三结合”,开展“五关爱”活动,是计划生育工作新的工作模式和运行机制。对提高人口计生工作的管理水平具有重要的实际意义和积极的推动作用。  相似文献   

What do searchers find when they look for literature on homosexuality? This question has profound implications for older as well as younger gays in their coming out, as well as in their subsequent identity development. Library records provide credible data to answer the question, since they represent relatively free sources of information, unlike data from bookstores, publishers, and some World Wide Web sites. The records of WorldCat, the world's largest union database of library records, comprise over 30 million records listed in the Online Computer Library Center. For the purposes of the study, 18,757 records listed under "Homosexuality," "Gay Men," and "Gays" were downloaded; records for "Lesbian" and "Lesbians" were not examined. Findings of the study suggest that while there has indeed been considerable growth in terms of the quantity of gay literature produced since 1969, such gains may be offset by the deteriorating quality of cataloging copy, which makes the experience of browsing records a discouraging and confusing one.  相似文献   

George Gallup polled "ideal family size" in 1936 and introduced a concept which subsequently appeared in many polls and fertility surveys. Previous research shows that ideal is a poor measure of respondent's personal fertility plans or behavior and that among researchers there is little agreement about what ideal family size does measure, if anything. Construct validity analysis based on historical, trend, and cross-sectional data suggests that the late 1960s saw ideal politicized as preoccupation with the "population problem" grew. Ideal family size is now appropriately regarded as a measure of a societal pronatalist norm and not merely a projected fertility preference.A version of this paper was presented at the meetings of the Society for Applied Anthropology, Merida, Mexico, 5 April 1978. Data on ideal family size from Blake (1974) are used with permission of the editors ofDemography. Other data come from the 1965 and 1970 National Fertility Studies co-directed by N.B. Ryder and C.F. Westoff (under contract No. PH-43-65-1048 with the National Institute of Child Health and Human Development).  相似文献   

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