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Behavioral parent training programs have documented efficacy for improving behaviors among parents and their children and are frequently used by child welfare agencies to prevent removal of a child from the parental home or to facilitate reunification. Although an ideal time for parent training might be during supervised visits where parents may practice skills with their children under the guidance and support of a therapist or caseworker, this is not typically the case. Most often, parents within the child welfare system receive parent training in small groups without their children present, and to date, few studies have examined effects of behavioral parent training interventions during supervised visitation. In this study, concurrent multiple baseline across behaviors design was used to examine effects of a behavioral parent training program, Filming Interactions to Nurture Development (FIND), on parental skill acquisition with four mothers who had lost custody of their children but were being considered for reunification. Children emitted little or no problem behaviors during baseline or intervention, so parenting behavior was the primary dependent variable. Results obtained across participants documented a clear functional relation between implementation of the FIND intervention and increases in developmentally supportive parenting behaviors. Results of social validity and contextual fit measures suggest the intervention was perceived by mothers to be positive, feasible, and appropriate within the child welfare context. Practical and conceptual implications, limitations of this study, and directions for future research are discussed.  相似文献   


Research on sibling dynamics throughout the life span has gradually increased over the past several years. However, limited work has been conducted on the sibling relationship dynamics of adults particularly using qualitative methods. The current study is a phenomenological examination of the nature of sibling relationships in adults using a sample of forty adults, 24 females and 16 males, between the ages 29 and 70 (M?=?50.55, SD = 12.03) from a large Northeastern city in the United States. Participants were interviewed using semi-structured questions about past and current sibling relationship dynamics. Results were analyzed using the phenomenological method. Themes emanating from the interviews included: (1) impact of age, gender, and geography on the relationship, (2) topology of support provided by siblings, (3) content of conversations/information sharing and taboo items, (4) contact frequency and method of contact (phone, electronic), (5) factors contributing to sibling closeness, and (6) negative aspects of the relationship. Findings highlight the continued and unique importance of this bond even as adult are occupied with their daily life and the diversity found in sibling dynamics during adulthood.  相似文献   

This study explored how maternal involvement in sibling relationships and coparenting behaviors were associated with adolescents' sibling conflicts. Adolescents (Mage = 12.25 years; 47.8% boys) and their mothers from 542 families in China participated in this research. Mothers completed questionnaires that assessed their strategies of involvement in sibling relationships, as well as their perceptions of the quality of their coparenting behaviors. Furthermore, adolescents completed questionnaires that assessed sibling conflicts. Results revealed that the mother's positive guidance was negatively related and their authoritarian control was positively related to sibling conflict. A significant interaction was also found between positive maternal guidance in sibling relationships and undermining coparenting behaviors. These findings underscore the unique and interactive effects of mothers' direct involvement in sibling relationships and coparenting behaviors in adolescents' sibling conflicts.  相似文献   

In recent years, attention focused on compulsive gambling,1 and its causes and cures, has increased at a notable rate. Among the measures taken to help the compulsive gambler is the voluntary2 self-exclusion program which is either in place or being considered in various states.3 Although the programs differ from jurisdiction to jurisdiction, the basic premise is that the gambler requests that he be banned from the gaming establishment and/or removed from its mailing list. This article examines this new concept primarily from a legal perspective. The self-exclusion program represents a state-created legal entity constructed upon a clinical foundation. It prominently includes several clinical references to mental health principles. Of necessity, there appear some analogies to the field of substance abuse; these have provided at least a starting point for more particularized study and research in the fledgling field of compulsive gambling treatment.  相似文献   

This paper examines a model of treatment for working with sibling groups. It is suggested that the sibling group is rarely considered as a viable treatment entity, yet siblings potentially exert a powerful influence within the family system. Assumptions underlying this model of treatment are examined. As a unit of treatment, sibling groups can be worked with in three ways: (1) as an adjunct to family or adult treatment, (2) as an adjunct to individual child therapy, and (3) by itself. Treatment objectives are described and a case illustration is provided. Finally, limitations and benefits of sibling group treatment are discussed.  相似文献   

An exploratory study was conducted with a convenience sample of 41 adult survivors of sibling incest using a retrospective survey design. Participants were interviewed about their childhood sexual experiences with a sibling. Most participants reported vaginal or oral intercourse and coercive experiences. Half of the sample reported sexual experiences with family members, as well as other child abuse. Half of the participants showed evidence of distorted beliefs about child sexual abuse. Disclosure of the incest during childhood was rare. doi:10.1300/ J070v15n04_02.  相似文献   

A meta-program theory is proposed to overcome the limitations and improve the use of program theory as an approach to faith-based program evaluation. The essentials for understanding religious organizations, their various programs, and faith and spirituality are discussed to support a rationale for developing a faith-based program theory that captures the complex nature of religious program phenomena. Implications for public policy are examined. New concepts based on structural approach and four program theories are formulated for program analysis. Several theoretical concepts for faith-based program evaluation to guide methods for describing patterns that reflect the religious beliefs and values are suggested.  相似文献   

One hundred twenty-eight sibling dyads, 64 from married families, and 64 from divorced, were observed on two separate occasions while playing a structured and an unstructured game. Half of the sibling dyads within each family form were from higher socioeconomic status (SES) families and half from lower SES families. The frequency of caretaking (e.g., directing, teaching, helping), negative, and positive behaviors were coded. Results revealed that sibling interactions in divorced families are both more negative and less positive than in married families. Siblings in divorced families also engage in more caretaking behavior. Similar differences were detected between lower and higher SES families, yet differences in sibling interactions in married and divorced families were not exacerbated by socioeconomic status. Younger siblings were more likely to be the recipient of caregiving behavior and to be more positive in their interactions. However, both older and younger siblings' behavior was influenced by the game context.  相似文献   

A questionnaire was given to 500 mental health and child welfare professionals asking for maximum acceptable ages for siblings to engage jointly in certain family practices related to hygiene, affection, and privacy. A large proportion of respondents felt it was never acceptable for siblings to take showers together (40%), kiss on the mouth (37%), or toilet together (32%). Some significant differences occurred based on the gender of the older sibling within sets of same gender or mixed gender pairs, with older brothers being acceptable up to lower ages than older sisters. The effects of child abuse, age, race, and the amount of education on the respondents' answers are investigated. The limitations of the age guidelines are discussed.  相似文献   

《Marriage & Family Review》2013,49(3-4):291-310
No abstract available for this article.  相似文献   

Drawing on research findings and clinical experience, this paper considers the contributions that sibling envy, jealousy, and rivalry can make to healthy development as well as the way in which sibling discord may compromise development and in some cases lead to pathology. An account of the treatment of a depressed and anxious woman, Marcia, whose pain and rage at being displaced by her 4-year-younger brother contributed to her pathology, is offered. Through attention to sibling transferences, countertransferences, and the enactments that occurred during the treatment, the paper demonstrates how an individual may misperceive and misrespond to her children as well as her therapist as if they were a sibling rival or the mother who they experienced as rejecting them in favor of a brother or sister. The paper attests to the importance of recognizing siblings as persons in their own right who hold an important place in each other’s minds, rather than as simply displacement objects for parents, as they were often regarded in the past.  相似文献   

Matched data for parents and siblings in Israel were used to decompose the sibling correlation in schooling and earnings into four components: (a) A “genetic” component induced by inherited ability, (b) Correlated effects induced by sharing common parents, (c) Contextual effects due to common ethnicity, and (d) An endogenous component induced by interactions between siblings. Most of the sibling correlation is due to the latter. Parents have little to do with the sibling correlation. The sibling interaction coefficients for schooling and earnings were positive, but it was considerably greater in the case of schooling. It was shown that sibling interaction increases inequality, especially in the case of schooling. However, parent–children interaction contributes little to inequality.
Michael BeenstockEmail:

Increasing empirical evidence points to the prevalence and devastating effects of sibling incest. The dynamics of incestuous sibling relationships are complex and typically embedded in severely dysfunctional families. Often confused and/or distressed by their incestuous experiences, many victims fail to disclose the abuse. Left undisclosed and untreated, unresolved issues of mutuality and consequent shame and guilt can lead to life-long emotional problems and dysfunctional behavioral patterns that are difficult to repair. Two cases illustrate common therapeutic themes, the importance of timely disclosure and coordinated, multi-dimensional treatment approaches, as well as the therapeutic challenges of assisting sibling incest victims who present for treatment as adults.  相似文献   

Visitation, assumed to be important for children in foster care, has not been studied in sufficent detail. In the present study, patterns and characteristics of home and foster family visitation and telephone contact are described in a national sample of children in foster care in Israel (n=590). Relations between child, biological and foster family characteristics are explored by type of contact and foster placement. Parent-child contact is most strongly related to foster family characteristics and relations with the biological family. Patterns differ for relative and nonrelative foster families.Dr. Oyserman is on sabbatical leave  相似文献   

Dryfoos J 《New directions for youth development》2005,(107):7-14, table of contents
The concept that drives the emerging full-service community school movement is this: Schools cannot address all the problems and needs of disadvantaged children, youth, and families. Community schools are operated jointly by school systems and community agencies, are open extended hours, and may provide the site for after-school programs, primary-care health services, mental health counseling, parent education and involvement, and community development. No two community schools are alike. They grow out of a planning process that involves all stakeholders, school personnel, community-based organizations, city and county government, parents, and students. The Quitman Street Community School in Newark, New Jersey, exemplifies this approach.  相似文献   

Using pooled time series analysis on approximately 9,000 individuals ages 16–85 interviewed in the 1987–1988 and 1992–1994 waves of the National Survey of Families and Households (NSFH), this research examines change in 4 behavioral measures of sibling relationships—proximity, contact, giving help, and receiving help—over the life course. All four measures of sibling relationship decline significantly during early adulthood, but proximity and contact stabilize in middle age and do not decline further, whereas sibling exchange demonstrates a slight rise after approximately age 70. Life course analyses provide only modest support for a model in which siblings substitute for parents, spouses, and children. With the partial exception of proximity, measured life course changes do not explain observed age effects.  相似文献   

Cultural competence has long been valued in home visitation, with a special focus on adapting home visiting programs to maximize their effects on specific cultures and populations. Critics advocate that traditional cultural competence training focusing on individual, professional skills-building should be replaced by cultural humility approaches that focus on humble engagement of participants. Little is known about how home visiting programs serving broadly diverse populations experience cultural competence and/or cultural humility efforts and initiatives on the ground. Interviews approximately 90−120 min in length were conducted with 34 home visiting program administrators in a large Midwestern state. Interviews were audio-recorded, transcribed, coded thematically, and subjected to content analysis. Two themes were identified from interviews. Respondents emphasized that: 1) cultural competency training was required by home visiting program models, so cultural competency questions were always addressed in home visitation, especially in training for new home visitors; and 2) cultural competence also included many aspects of cultural humility, commitment to continuous self-evaluation and self-reflection on cultural encounters that identified cultural knowledge gaps and sought more information. Respondents did not see cultural competency and cultural humility as oppositional and saw both concepts as important for engaging participants in home visitation.  相似文献   

Previous research has shown adolescent siblings are similar in their alcohol use and that this similarity is largely due to their shared environment. Using a genetically informed sibling sample (196 full‐biological pairs, 384 genetically unrelated pairs), we confirmed that the extent to which older siblings facilitate younger siblings' alcohol use (i.e., help them get alcohol) was one factor contributing to this shared environmental association. All analyses controlled for parent and peer influences. Findings were not moderated by sibling differences in genetic relatedness, gender, or ethnicity. Proximity in sibling age strengthened these associations, somewhat. Results were especially strong for sibling pairs where the older sibling was of legal drinking age. Implications for prevention and intervention are discussed.  相似文献   

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