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袁大昌  赵博阳 《城市》2007,(11):61-63
一、引言 城市开敞空间是在城市建筑实体以外存在的开敞空间体.是人与社会、自然进行信息、物质和能量交换的重要场所。绿地系统作为城市开敞空间的主体,对于城市生态、城市环境、城市空间都有着重要的意义。因此,在我国城市规划学科体系中很早就将绿地系统规划设置为城市总体规划中的一个重要的专项。  相似文献   

We examined the distribution of birds and butterflies at two types of urban riparian areas in the metropolitan area of Denver, Colorado, USA. The sites consisted of relatively natural areas containing native woody vegetation, and those that had been highly modified with trees and shrubs removed and planted with lawn grass. Species richness of both butterflies and birds differed significantly between the two types of sites. Species richness, however, was not significantly correlated between birds and butterflies. Bird abundance was similar between site types but consisted of two assemblages. Brewer's blackbirds, common grackles, bank swallows, and mourning doves were abundant at wooded sites while American robins, European starlings, house sparrows, house finches, and mallards were more abundant at lawned riparian sites. Butterfly abundance was less at lawned sites. This contrast in bird and butterfly response to habitats suggests they respond to different habitats in distinct ways. Both taxon groups, however, were important discriminators between habitat types. Overall, butterfly and bird species richness was 44% less at highly modified riparian sites.  相似文献   

A survey was conducted to determine the distribution of dominant ants and factors that may influence their dominance in New Zealand cities. A new method of active ant trapping combining aspects of pitfall trapping and attraction to food baits was used to capture a sample of all ant species that attended baits. Fifty eight percent of the ant species present in New Zealand were recovered from 2202 traps, with multiple species catches in 245 traps. There was a strong latitudinal relationship in the distribution of ant species, with the proportion of native to introduced species increasing in favour of the native species as latitude increased (south). The presence of Linepithema humile, the Argentine ant, a numerically dominant species was associated with a significant reduction in the number of other ant species captured. With increased urbanisation, providing refugia at times of cool temperatures for warm temperate-sub tropical introduced ant species, their range may extend into the higher latitudes, further displacing native ants from New Zealand cities.  相似文献   

Since the implementation of the Open Door Policy in China, the Chinese economy has been actively involved in the world economy, and has played a more important and influential role in the global economic structure than previously. This tendency has a great effect on Chinese domestic economic development and urban development.  相似文献   

论城市四维空间设计   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
宋言奇 《城市》2004,(2):43-45
城市是人类文化累积的产物,一个好的城市形态不仅仅局限于空间,还包含时间因素.但是,在现实中,许多城市遗留的时间因素(即历史因素),未能很好地被融入到空间中,为此,必须通过一定的设计,将城市的时间因素更好地整合在空间中,实现时间因素与空间因素的有机结合,创造出一个富有文化感的四维空间.  相似文献   

城市地下空间的开发和利用   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
李峵崨 《城市》2004,(6):20-22
一、地下空间利用的效益分析 在过去的五十年中,世界上几乎每个国家的城市都面临着发展空间日益紧张的问题.城市发展在空间上的需求使得城市只能向高度上发展,各种各样的摩天大楼充斥着城市的天际线.但是,在建筑物向高空发展的过程中,我们千万不要忘记我们脚下的资源--地下空间的开发和利用是我们在未来所面临的巨大挑战.城市地下空间开发和利用的潜力不仅在于可以消除城市处处可见的停车楼、高速公路和购物中心,还可以进一步理顺地面上的发展空间并为城市其他方面的发展消除障碍.  相似文献   

王明浩  肖翊 《城市》2007,(1):12-16
健康城市是世界卫生组织(WHO)面对21世纪全球城市化给人类健康带来的新威胁所提出的一项全球战略行动.按照WHO的解释,健康城市是由健康的人群、健康的环境和健康的社会有机结合的一个整体,应该能不断地改善环境、扩大城区资源,使区内居民能互相支持,以发挥最大的潜能.  相似文献   

自城市科学概念提出以来,在一批致力于城市科学研究的专家、学者和实际工作者的不懈努力下,经过20多年的迅速发展,城市科学为振兴城市经济、促进城市建设、繁荣民族文化作出了突出的贡献,指导和推动着城市的发展.  相似文献   

Urban open spaces are highly valued for their contribution to the quality of life in the cities [Tenkel (1963). Cities and space: The future use of urban land. Baltimore:Johns Hopkins Press; Burgess, Harrison and Limb (1998). Urban Studies, 25, 455–473; Madanipour (1999). Environment and Planning B: Planning and Design, 26, 879–891]. Third world cities, for example, Chiang Mai (Thailand), are no exception with regard to the role of urban open space in achieving such a goal [Tantayanusorn (2003). Unpublished doctoral thesis. Melbourne:Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology]. However, the provision of urban open space as a social public facility is coming low in priority in comparison to other market-demanded facilities in the form of roads, car parks, clean water, electricity and the like. Such a fact was corroborated by a study conceived by Thailand's Social Research Institute (1996) which reveals that 73% of Chiang Mai population wanted more public open space.This paper aims at exploring the revitalization of existing traditional open spaces (kuang)—which is usually categorized as ‘religious land’, hence it is a religious property—in Chiang Mai as an intermediate strategy in providing the much needed public open space. In doing so, the physical and cultural characteristics of kuang have to be elaborated, while at the same time the local aspirations on urban open space were canvassed. The combined analysis of those two inquiries resulted in a proposal of kuang wat—a variance of kuang—utilization as an agent of urban open space provision in the project of achieving quality of urban life in Thai city of Chiang Mai.  相似文献   

城市治理、城市经营与城市政府管理制度创新   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
郭鸿懋 《城市》2003,(1):12-14
一、“城市经营”是我国改革开放以来城市管理与治理的一种创新模式改革开放以来,我国的政府管理改革,无论是中央政府,还是省、市等地方政府的改革进程,不仅与经济体制的转轨相适应,或者由后者所推动,或者由后者启动,而且由于实行开放的方针,也必然接受国际政府改革思潮之影响,吸取先进经验,以利于发挥我们的后发优势。经济全球化趋势中资源在全世界范围内的优化配置为我国城市政府提出了新课题:一个开放型的城市政府应该如何管理城市?“九五”末期和“十五”初期,我国各个城市,特别是中心城市的政府加速引进国际城市管理的经…  相似文献   

Urban Ecosystems - Termites comprise a large group of organisms in urban areas, and this leads us to believe that there is a comprehensive literature on the subject, sufficient for conducting a...  相似文献   

黄城志 《城市》2011,(2):68-71
城市中的公共空间是从自然中限定自然开始的,是人类有目的地创造的、能够满足人们精神需求和物质功能的善意空间。随着城市的大规模建设和快速发展,各式各样的高层建筑拔地而起,尽管大多是纵向发展,往空中寻找生路,但城市中的公共空间仍是与日俱减。  相似文献   

This paper is an inquiry into the uses of space and emotions in the governance of urban dangers. Cities have always been affective assemblages, yet the role of both space and affect in the control of urban crime has dramatically changed over the century. What defines spatial urban management today, in Africa and elsewhere, are not the prohibitive, moralising or forcefully exclusionary techniques of the past; instead, the powers of seduction and atmosphere have gained pride of place and given rise to a regime of spatial management through flirty surfaces. Crime, according to security strategists and city makers in the South African city of Durban, can be literally charmed out from particular bubbles of governance. Urban practitioners do not search for the root causes of violent crime somewhere deep in the history of society, but rather in space itself, right at the city's surface. While part of a worldwide trend, this recent fascination with the charming aspects of space has a particularly strong South African dramatic. Governing through handsome space in South Africa is not simply a creation of beautiful illusions against the reality of pervasive violence, but a constant endeavour to re‐draw a troubled spatial history.  相似文献   

城市绿地景观生态建设   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
吴晓晖 《城市》2005,(3):54-56
随着城市建设的不断发展,城市的形象日新月异.城市绿地景观作为构成城市形象的重要部分,其景观生态的营造也随着人们对城市环境建设的日益重视而不断升温.近年来,在全国范围内形成了景观生态研究的热潮,但在研究中也存在着种种问题.理论研究上的不成熟和实践中急于同国际形象接轨的思想使我们在景观生态建设方面出现了很多问题.  相似文献   

段兆广  朱跃华 《城市》2007,(9):54-56
一、引言 一般认为,城市公共空间是城市中面向公众开放使用和进行各种活动的空间,是社会、经济、文化、科技、自然、地理气候等多种因素综合作用于城市的物质形态表现;是由各种实体(道路、街区、建筑物、树木、广场、绿地和其他设施等)共同构成的城市空间.  相似文献   

王海天  王成欣 《城市》2010,(10):45-49
自从有人类活动以来,居住与道路就是相伴发展的。有怎样的居住水平,就需要有怎样的道路与之相适应。人类早期没有固定的住所,因此也没有固定的道路。《尔雅》中说:“道者蹈也,路者露也”,就是说当时的道路是由于人的行走而自然产生的。后来人类逐步形成聚居部落及至出现城市,产生固定的居住区,出现了居住区道路。  相似文献   

The first part of this paper provides an analysis of poverty and destitution in the cities of Mozambique. The second part summarises the existing programmes for poverty alleviation and the social safety net. The last part describes in some detail the only organisation and programme which has had significant impact in terms of alleviating poverty and destitution: the Gabinete de Apoio a População Vulnerável (GAPVU) Cash Transfer Scheme.A poverty profile of Mozambique's urban centres shows that over half of all households are living in poverty. It distinguishes between absolutely poor and destitute households. The latter have expenditures less than two thirds of the poverty line, are at risk of malnutrition, high child mortality and low life expectancy and comprise nearly a third of the population. A distinction is made between structural and conjunctural causes of poverty and used as a basis for classifying households in different situations, in order to identify appropriate types of intervention. Existing policies and programmes to reduce poverty and alleviate destitution are reviewed and their strengths and weaknesses identified. The cash transfer scheme designed and operated by the GAPVU is described in more detail, and its effectiveness in reaching destitute households assessed. Finally, its administrative efficiency and financial and institutional sustainability are evaluated. It is shown to be a well designed programme which succeeds in reaching increasing numbers of vulnerable households because of its use of decentralised health and community administrative structures, and strong political and institutional backing.  相似文献   

This article discusses how local diversity is being experienced by Somali immigrants who have previously lived in the Netherlands and are now residing in London. It explores the various challenges and potential advantages of living in homogenous urban areas within a super-diverse city and focuses on three situations: (1) when homogeneity is functional and leads to living in parallel worlds; (2) when homogeneity creates social reproduction, even when located in a super-diverse city; and (3) when people manage to oscillate between both worlds – i.e. between homogenous urban areas and the potential offered by a super-diverse city. The article argues that migrants trace different pathways in the context of super-diversity. They have the ability to operate at different scales – the locale and the cosmopolitan super-diverse metropolis. However, the most vulnerable people have more difficulty in accessing and benefiting directly from the potential offered by super-diversity.  相似文献   

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