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Des observations sur la manière dont le droit de l'Union européenne fait place aux instruments destinés à assurer la protection des travailleurs élaborés à l'échelle internationale ou à l'action des organisations internationales pour la protection des droits sociaux, cette contribution tire une typologie destinée à mettre au jour les liens, souvent tenus mais d'une grande diversité, qui rattachent le droit européen au «droit international du travail», au sens large.  相似文献   

Is it legitimate to establish a similarity of situation between migrants, and their descendants, and national minorities in a national territory, whether ethnic, cultural or religious? Both populations seem to be perceived in a comparable way by the majorities in power though they themselves may be plural in their composition. Accordingly some nation states create categories among the population, while others consider the law as universal for all. However, similar attitudes towards the other are developing based on psychological traits and with a socio-economic basis more often than not for political reasons. The ‘amalgam’ towards the Other depends on the meeting spot where real and forged identities meet. In the field there also function various levels of increasing mutual corresponding exclusions/rejections. Political utilitarianism is most clever in exploiting ‘amalgam’ to meet its own rallying views, the most obvious aspect being religious, whether openly developed or not. In spite of the clear danger of connecting worldwide places, a transverse study would enable one to bring into perspective similar phenomena all the more within their linkages.  相似文献   

Les sociétés civiles polonaise et hongroise sont d’habitude présentées comme des forces non négligeables dans la lutte contre le régime communiste. Cependant, dans les deux pays, les anciennes organisations de masse, certes transformées, jouent aujourd’hui un rôle prépondérant au sein de ces mêmes sociétés civiles. Bien que leur nombre soit limité, elles y occupent une position importante à en juger par leurs moyens financiers, le nombre d’adhérents, de bénévoles et d’employés. Autrement dit, tout comme les partis jadis communistes, ces organisations ont su réussir dans les nouvelles conditions. Comment cela a-t-il été rendu possible et quels moyens leur permettent de rivaliser avec d’autres organisations de la société civile ? Cette question ouvre des pistes intéressantes pour discuter, dans des termes plus généraux, la problématique de la conversion de la nomenklatura communiste en Europe centrale. Sous le régime communiste, le leadership des organisations de masse faisait partie de la nomenklatura. Après 1989, non seulement ces organisations ont-elles bien réussi la période de transition, mais aussi leurs dirigeants ont connu une amélioration de leur situation financière par rapport aux années 1980. Cela permet d’examiner la circulation des anciennes élites de la nomenklatura dans le contexte de la transition postcommuniste.  相似文献   

Les auteurs examinent la relation entre risque d'entreprise et déclin de la part du travail en Chine. Partant du modèle d'Holmström et Milgrom (1987), ils montrent qu'un risque d'entreprise moindre motiverait les travailleurs à travailler plus intensément, ce qui augmenterait le produit par tête et le salaire moyen. Toutefois l'augmentation du produit peut faire baisser la part du travail. Une étude empirique, fondée sur la CIED, base de données des entreprises industrielles chinoises, (1998-2007), et sur l'enquête de la Banque mondiale sur le climat de l'investissement (2005), confirme cette hypothèse d'une corrélation positive entre part du travail et risque d'entreprise.  相似文献   

After showing that language and writing are used as basic resources in sociology, this article seeks to identify issues raised by writing in sociology to produce the knowledge expected of this discipline as other social sciences. After considering the status of sociological knowledge and use of language that this knowledge requires, the article seeks to define the rules to be followed by sociologists in order to explain what it means in science. The arguments presented here differ from those developed in some post-modern theories, according to which sociology is after all only a matter of language, and sociologists are authors like novelists. The article is based on considerations developed in particular by Pierre Bourdieu.  相似文献   

According to a popular and widespread belief, suicide is a rare phenomenon, if not absent at all, in Muslim societies. It is considered as a sociologically irrelevant because of the cognitive power and efficacy of religion. This idea is reinforced by the upheaval of suicide bombings and terrorism, the clamour of which conceals the phenomenon of civil suicide. This article will explore civil suicide through interviews held in Algeria, in which suicide is described as a more feminine, young and rural phenomena. These three dimensions are marginal in social science studies on ‘Islamic’ suicide, which are mainly centred on a Durkheimian analysis – that is to say an analysis which considers suicide as an essentially urban and male phenomenon, far from gender issues and conformed to dominant regimes of discourse.  相似文献   

L'analyse, axée sur les tâches, de la structure de l'emploi urbain du Brésil, de la Colombie et du Mexique montre que celui-ci a nettement diminué entre 2002 et 2015 dans des professions semi-qualifiées et augmenté dans les professions faiblement et fortement qualifiées. La décomposition des résultats suggère que le déclin de l'emploi des secrétaires et des sténographes s'explique entièrement par les changements intrabranche (hypothèse de «routinisation»), tandis que dans la conduite des machines et l'artisanat l'explication tient aux changements interbranches. Sous l'angle sociodémographique, le changement technologique affecte négativement les femmes, mais il profite aux travailleurs plus jeunes et plus instruits.  相似文献   

Women's/gender studies were established in the Eastern European post-communist countries during the 1990s, as a new field of academic research and higher education. Works produced in this framework are often used as expert studies and aim to contribute to the improvement of the condition of women in that region, being at the core of the social and political reconstitution programs during the post-communist era. They were established by agents who were simultaneously active in different social spheres (scientific space, civil society associations, or institutionalized politics) and who exemplarily personify the multisituated feminism of the globalization era. These studies criss-cross national and international levels as well as scientific and militant logics. Hence they seem a pertinent entry to study the reconstruction of social sciences, the emergence of new academic topics, the international circulation and the importation of scientific questions and, finally, the recomposition of the academic elites within the countries of Central and Eastern Europe. The article begins with a general point about the East-European context of the 1990s, when the socio-economic degradation of women's condition met a widely-spread rejection of feminist ideas due to their ideological manipulation by the socialist regimes. Then a zoom on the Romanian case allows us a reflection on the construction of the ‘women's issue’ during the post-communist transition, when several types of agents involved in the democratization reforms make theirs the transnational concern for women's rights. Finally, on the basis of these preliminary ideas, some research axes and working hypotheses are presented, such as: the sociology of gender studies as a new academic discipline, in a perspective inspired by the social history of social sciences; the sociology of the international circulation of feminist ideas and of the dynamics of East–West intellectual debates on the topic of women's condition in the post-communist countries; the analysis of the multiplying bureaucratic uses of ‘gender’ consequences.  相似文献   


Cet article se fonde sur les résultats d’une recherche portant sur les expériences sexuelles et la construction des masculinités dans une population de jeunes hommes (20–30 ans) immigrés en Europe, en France et en Italie, d’origine marocaine et musulmans. Les méthodes d’enquête adoptées ont été celles de l’entretien semi-directif et de l’observation ethnographique. Le texte propose d’étudier une face cachée de la masculinité hétéronormative hégémonique : sa vulnérabilité. Lorsque la masculinité dominante, virile et (hétéro)sexuellement active que les interviewés essaient de reproduire est mise en danger ou questionnée par le regard ou les actions d’autres acteurs (des hommes ou des femmes, les pairs par exemple, ou les partenaires sexuelles), différentes stratégies défensives sont employées. L’étude de ces stratégies permet d’observer et d’interroger la condition et les expériences de ces jeunes hommes immigrés, entre vécu en Europe et rapport aux milieux d’origine.  相似文献   

A growing body of research demonstrates that U.S. politics has become increasingly polarized over the past few decades. In these polarized times, what potential roles might social movements play in bridging divides between, or perhaps further dividing, people across a variety of political and social groups? In this article, we propose a research agenda for social movement studies focused on the prosocial and antisocial outcomes of social movements. Although scholars commonly frame their work on the consequences of social movements in terms of social movements' political, economic, cultural, and biographical outcomes, we suggest a focus on two categories of social movement outcomes (prosocial and antisocial outcomes) that cut across prior theoretical categories, and we show how an emerging body of scholarship has documented such outcomes at micro, meso, and macro levels of analysis. We also consider how emerging scholarship has addressed the sociological question about the conditions under which social movements produce prosocial versus antisocial outcomes. As we argue, attention to prosocial and antisocial outcomes of social movements holds both theoretical implications for social movement research and practical implications for social movements navigating the United States' political and social divides.  相似文献   

‘Only Connect…live in fragments no longer’

(E.M. Forster, Howards End).

This paper utilises ‘Only Connect’, the epigraph from Forster’s novel ‘Howards End’ as the starting point for exploring the challenges and opportunities of integrating social networking with relationship based social work practice. The paper discusses the more deleterious implications of social networking, whilst assuming a deliberately optimistic stance to uncover ways in which the opportunities afforded by online space can be utilised effectively within social work education and practice. Whilst recognising that social networking platforms are transforming constantly, the paper adopts Kaplan’s definition of social media as a ‘group of internet based applications that build on the ideological and technological foundations of Web 2.0’. Whilst much of the discussion within the paper relates to Twitter and Facebook, two of the most endemic international social networking platforms, it is also applicable to myriad forms of social networking. The paper begins with a discussion of UK professional conduct cases and explores these both within Klein’s concept of splitting and historical attitudes to new technologies. Drawing from emerging research data and other examples, the positive relational practices educed by social media within social work education and practice are emphasised and discussed. The paper concludes by highlighting Forster’s plea for connection and recommending that social work embraces the renewed opportunities provided by online networking.  相似文献   

In 2008, the Institut national de santé publique du Québec (INSPQ) undertook a research programme on lotteries. The preliminary qualitative exploratory component enabled us to observe the diversity and ubiquity of lottery advertising to which the vast majority of the population is exposed, including minors and non-players. The aim of a second component was to better comprehend the relationships between exposure to lottery marketing, lottery purchasing habits, attitudes towards gambling, and socio-economic vulnerability indicators. The study's data was collected by a polling firm from a representative sample of adults in the Québec population (n = 2001). Our survey revealed significant links between exposure, gambling behaviour and certain socio-economic indicators: for example, individuals with lower levels of education more often play the lotteries and spend the most on them. In addition, a greater number of people who are less educated and from a low-income household considered that lottery advertising was very or excessively present in their daily lives and that the amount of advertising has increased in recent years. From the perspective of creating healthy environments and protecting vulnerable populations, legislative measures to control the quantity, location and contents of gambling marketing would be promising preventive measures.  相似文献   

School social workers can be seen as a professional group operating on the margin of an educational logic that dominates schools as institutions. This conditions what tasks they are assigned and what aspects of social work knowledge they will find relevant. On the other hand, the role as a sole professional and relative outsider in the organization provides a potential for school social workers to transcend established theories of social work practice. This article aims to investigate how social work theory is applied in school social work. Twelve semi-structured interviews with school social workers were analysed in terms of how they relate to four knowledge approaches derived from the literature: task-centred, systems theory, strengths and anti-oppressive. Contrary to claims within the sociology of professions that social work practice is formed largely by organizational context rather than a discipline-specific knowledge base, the interviewees seemed to lean on a robust professional foundation within social work theory. Interviewees strongly emphasised their role as working for the individual pupil and positioned themselves as somewhat in opposition to a somewhat oppressive school environment.  相似文献   

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