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The ROC (receiver operating characteristic) curve is frequently used for describing effectiveness of a diagnostic marker or test. Classical estimation of the ROC curve uses independent identically distributed samples taken randomly from the healthy and diseased populations. Frequently not all subjects undergo a definitive gold standard assessment of disease status (verification). Estimation of the ROC curve based on data only from subjects with verified disease status may be badly biased (verification bias). In this work we investigate the properties of the doubly robust (DR) method for estimating the ROC curve adjusted for covariates (ROC regression) under verification bias. We develop the estimator's asymptotic distribution and examine its finite sample size properties via a simulation study. We apply this procedure to fingerstick postprandial blood glucose measurement data adjusting for age.  相似文献   

Measuring the accuracy of diagnostic tests is crucial in many application areas including medicine and health care. Good methods for determining diagnostic accuracy provide useful guidance on selection of patient treatment, and the ability to compare different diagnostic tests has a direct impact on quality of care. In this paper Nonparametric Predictive Inference (NPI) methods for accuracy of diagnostic tests with continuous test results are presented and discussed. For such tests, Receiver Operating Characteristic (ROC) curves have become popular tools for describing the performance of diagnostic tests. We present the NPI approach to ROC curves, and some important summaries of these curves. As NPI does not aim at inference for an entire population but instead explicitly considers a future observation, this provides an attractive alternative to standard methods. We show how NPI can be used to compare two continuous diagnostic tests.  相似文献   

In many situations the diagnostic decision is not limited to a binary choice. Binary statistical tools such as receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curve and area under the ROC curve (AUC) need to be expanded to address three-category classification problem. Previous authors have suggest various ways to model the extension of AUC but not the ROC surface. Only simple parametric approaches are proposed for modeling the ROC measure under the assumption that test results all follow normal distributions. We study the estimation methods of three-dimensional ROC surfaces with nonparametric and semiparametric estimators. Asymptotical results are provided as a basis for statistical inference. Simulation studies are performed to assess the validity of our proposed methods in finite samples. We consider an Alzheimer's disease example from a clinical study in the US as an illustration. The nonparametric and semiparametric modelling approaches for the three way ROC analysis can be readily generalized to diagnostic problems with more than three classes.  相似文献   

The problem of estimating standard errors for diagnostic accuracy measures might be challenging for many complicated models. We can address such a problem by using the Bootstrap methods to blunt its technical edge with resampled empirical distributions. We consider two cases where bootstrap methods can successfully improve our knowledge of the sampling variability of the diagnostic accuracy estimators. The first application is to make inference for the area under the ROC curve resulted from a functional logistic regression model which is a sophisticated modelling device to describe the relationship between a dichotomous response and multiple covariates. We consider using this regression method to model the predictive effects of multiple independent variables on the occurrence of a disease. The accuracy measures, such as the area under the ROC curve (AUC) are developed from the functional regression. Asymptotical results for the empirical estimators are provided to facilitate inferences. The second application is to test the difference of two weighted areas under the ROC curve (WAUC) from a paired two sample study. The correlation between the two WAUC complicates the asymptotic distribution of the test statistic. We then employ the bootstrap methods to gain satisfactory inference results. Simulations and examples are supplied in this article to confirm the merits of the bootstrap methods.  相似文献   

Non-inferiority tests are often measured for the diagnostic accuracy in medical research. The area under the receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curve is a familiar diagnostic measure for the overall diagnostic accuracy. Nevertheless, since it may not differentiate the diverse shapes of the ROC curves with different diagnostic significance, the partial area under the ROC (PAUROC) curve, another summary measure emerges for such diagnostic processes that require the false-positive rate to be in the clinically interested range. Traditionally, to estimate the PAUROC, the golden standard (GS) test on the true disease status is required. Nevertheless, the GS test may sometimes be infeasible. Besides, in a lot of research fields such as the epidemiology field, the true disease status of the patients may not be known or available. Under the normality assumption on diagnostic test results, based on the expectation-maximization algorithm in combination with the bootstrap method, we propose the heuristic method to construct a non-inferiority test for the difference in the paired PAUROCs without the GS test. Through the simulation study, although the proposed method might provide a liberal test, as a whole, the empirical size of the proposed method sufficiently controls the size at the significance level, and the empirical power of the proposed method in the absence of the GS is as good as that of the non-inferiority in the presence of the GS. The proposed method is illustrated with the published data.  相似文献   

Receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curves can be used to assess the accuracy of tests measured on ordinal or continuous scales. The most commonly used measure for the overall diagnostic accuracy of diagnostic tests is the area under the ROC curve (AUC). A gold standard (GS) test on the true disease status is required to estimate the AUC. However, a GS test may be too expensive or infeasible. In many medical researches, the true disease status of the subjects may remain unknown. Under the normality assumption on test results from each disease group of subjects, we propose a heuristic method of estimating confidence intervals for the difference in paired AUCs of two diagnostic tests in the absence of a GS reference. This heuristic method is a three-stage method by combining the expectation-maximization (EM) algorithm, bootstrap method, and an estimation based on asymptotic generalized pivotal quantities (GPQs) to construct generalized confidence intervals for the difference in paired AUCs in the absence of a GS. Simulation results show that the proposed interval estimation procedure yields satisfactory coverage probabilities and expected interval lengths. The numerical example using a published dataset illustrates the proposed method.  相似文献   

The receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curve is a graphical representation of the relationship between false positive and true positive rates. It is a widely used statistical tool for describing the accuracy of a diagnostic test. In this paper we propose a new nonparametric ROC curve estimator based on the smoothed empirical distribution functions. We prove its strong consistency and perform a simulation study to compare it with some other popular nonparametric estimators of the ROC curve. We also apply the proposed method to a real data set.  相似文献   

The comparison of the accuracy of two binary diagnostic tests has traditionally required knowledge of the disease status in all of the patients in the sample via the application of a gold standard. In practice, the gold standard is not always applied to all patients in a sample, and the problem of partial verification of the disease arises. The accuracy of a binary diagnostic test can be measured in terms of positive and negative predictive values, which represent the accuracy of a diagnostic test when it is applied to a cohort of patients. In this paper, we deduce the maximum likelihood estimators of predictive values (PVs) of two binary diagnostic tests, and the hypothesis tests to compare these measures when, in the presence of partial disease verification, the verification process only depends on the results of the two diagnostic tests. The effect of verification bias on the naïve estimators of PVs of two diagnostic tests is studied, and simulation experiments are performed in order to investigate the small sample behaviour of hypothesis tests. The hypothesis tests which we have deduced can be applied when all of the patients are verified with the gold standard. The results obtained have been applied to the diagnosis of coronary stenosis.  相似文献   

Measuring the accuracy of diagnostic tests is crucial in many application areas including medicine, machine learning, and credit scoring. The receiver operating characteristic (ROC) surface is a useful tool to assess the ability of a diagnostic test to discriminate among three-ordered classes or groups. In this article, nonparametric predictive inference (NPI) for three-group ROC analysis for ordinal outcomes is presented. NPI is a frequentist statistical method that is explicitly aimed at using few modeling assumptions, enabled through the use of lower and upper probabilities to quantify uncertainty. This article also includes results on the volumes under the ROC surfaces and consideration of the choice of decision thresholds for the diagnosis. Two examples are provided to illustrate our method.  相似文献   

In assessing the area under the ROC curve for the accuracy of a diagnostic test, it is imperative to detect and locate multiple abnormalities per image. This approach takes that into account by adopting a statistical model that allows for correlation between the reader scores of several regions of interest (ROI).

The ROI method of partitioning the image is taken. The readers give a score to each ROI in the image and the statistical model takes into account the correlation between the scores of the ROI's of an image in estimating test accuracy. The test accuracy is given by Pr[Y > Z] + (1/2)Pr[Y = Z], where Y is an ordinal diagnostic measurement of an affected ROI, and Z is the diagnostic measurement of an unaffected ROI. This way of measuring test accuracy is equivalent to the area under the ROC curve. The parameters are the parameters of a multinomial distribution, then based on the multinomial distribution, a Bayesian method of inference is adopted for estimating the test accuracy.

Using a multinomial model for the test results, a Bayesian method based on the predictive distribution of future diagnostic scores is employed to find the test accuracy. By resampling from the posterior distribution of the model parameters, samples from the posterior distribution of test accuracy are also generated. Using these samples, the posterior mean, standard deviation, and credible intervals are calculated in order to estimate the area under the ROC curve. This approach is illustrated by estimating the area under the ROC curve for a study of the diagnostic accuracy of magnetic resonance angiography for diagnosis of arterial atherosclerotic stenosis. A generalization to multiple readers and/or modalities is proposed.

A Bayesian way to estimate test accuracy is easy to perform with standard software packages and has the advantage of employing the efficient inclusion of information from prior related imaging studies.  相似文献   

In the presence of partial disease verification, the comparison of the accuracy of binary diagnostic tests cannot be carried out through the paired comparison of the diagnostic tests applying McNemar's test, since for a subsample of patients the disease status is unknown. In this study, we have deduced the maximum likelihood estimators for the sensitivities and specificities of multiple binary diagnostic tests and we have studied various joint hypothesis tests based on the chi-square distribution to compare simultaneously the accuracy of these binary diagnostic tests when for some patients in the sample the disease status is unknown. Simulation experiments were carried out to study the type I error and the power of each hypothesis test deduced. The results obtained were applied to the diagnosis of coronary stenosis.  相似文献   

In this article, we use a latent class model (LCM) with prevalence modeled as a function of covariates to assess diagnostic test accuracy in situations where the true disease status is not observed, but observations on three or more conditionally independent diagnostic tests are available. A fast Monte Carlo expectation–maximization (MCEM) algorithm with binary (disease) diagnostic data is implemented to estimate parameters of interest; namely, sensitivity, specificity, and prevalence of the disease as a function of covariates. To obtain standard errors for confidence interval construction of estimated parameters, the missing information principle is applied to adjust information matrix estimates. We compare the adjusted information matrix-based standard error estimates with the bootstrap standard error estimates both obtained using the fast MCEM algorithm through an extensive Monte Carlo study. Simulation demonstrates that the adjusted information matrix approach estimates the standard error similarly with the bootstrap methods under certain scenarios. The bootstrap percentile intervals have satisfactory coverage probabilities. We then apply the LCM analysis to a real data set of 122 subjects from a Gynecologic Oncology Group study of significant cervical lesion diagnosis in women with atypical glandular cells of undetermined significance to compare the diagnostic accuracy of a histology-based evaluation, a carbonic anhydrase-IX biomarker-based test and a human papillomavirus DNA test.  相似文献   

The weighted kappa coefficient of a binary diagnostic test is a measure of the beyond-chance agreement between the diagnostic test and the gold standard, and is a measure that allows us to assess and compare the performance of binary diagnostic tests. In the presence of partial disease verification, the comparison of the weighted kappa coefficients of two or more binary diagnostic tests cannot be carried out ignoring the individuals with an unknown disease status, since the estimators obtained would be affected by verification bias. In this article, we propose a global hypothesis test based on the chi-square distribution to simultaneously compare the weighted kappa coefficients when in the presence of partial disease verification the missing data mechanism is ignorable. Simulation experiments have been carried out to study the type I error and the power of the global hypothesis test. The results have been applied to the diagnosis of coronary disease.  相似文献   

Summary.  In studies to assess the accuracy of a screening test, often definitive disease assessment is too invasive or expensive to be ascertained on all the study subjects. Although it may be more ethical or cost effective to ascertain the true disease status with a higher rate in study subjects where the screening test or additional information is suggestive of disease, estimates of accuracy can be biased in a study with such a design. This bias is known as verification bias. Verification bias correction methods that accommodate screening tests with binary or ordinal responses have been developed; however, no verification bias correction methods exist for tests with continuous results. We propose and compare imputation and reweighting bias-corrected estimators of true and false positive rates, receiver operating characteristic curves and area under the receiver operating characteristic curve for continuous tests. Distribution theory and simulation studies are used to compare the proposed estimators with respect to bias, relative efficiency and robustness to model misspecification. The bias correction estimators proposed are applied to data from a study of screening tests for neonatal hearing loss.  相似文献   

The assessment of a binary diagnostic test requires a knowledge of the disease status of all the patients in the sample through the application of a gold standard. In practice, the gold standard is not always applied to all of the patients, which leads to the problem of partial verification of the disease. When the accuracy of the diagnostic test is assessed using only those patients whose disease status has been verified using the gold standard, the estimators obtained in this way, known as Naïve estimators, may be biased. In this study, we obtain the explicit expressions of the bias of the Naïve estimators of sensitivity and specificity of a binary diagnostic test. We also carry out simulation experiments in order to study the effect of the verification probabilities on the Naïve estimators of sensitivity and specificity.  相似文献   

In biomedical research, two or more biomarkers may be available for diagnosis of a particular disease. Selecting one single biomarker which ideally discriminate a diseased group from a healthy group is confront in a diagnostic process. Frequently, most of the people use the accuracy measure, area under the receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curve to choose the best diagnostic marker among the available markers for diagnosis. Some authors have tried to combine the multiple markers by an optimal linear combination to increase the discriminatory power. In this paper, we propose an alternative method that combines two continuous biomarkers by direct bivariate modeling of the ROC curve under log-normality assumption. The proposed method is applied to simulated data set and prostate cancer diagnostic biomarker data set.  相似文献   

The accuracy of a binary diagnostic test is usually measured in terms of its sensitivity and its specificity, or through positive and negative predictive values. Another way to describe the validity of a binary diagnostic test is the risk of error and the kappa coefficient of the risk of error. The risk of error is the average loss that is caused when incorrectly classifying a non-diseased or a diseased patient, and the kappa coefficient of the risk of error is a measure of the agreement between the diagnostic test and the gold standard. In the presence of partial verification of the disease, the disease status of some patients is unknown, and therefore the evaluation of a diagnostic test cannot be carried out through the traditional method. In this paper, we have deduced the maximum likelihood estimators and variances of the risk of error and of the kappa coefficient of the risk of error in the presence of partial verification of the disease. Simulation experiments have been carried out to study the effect of the verification probabilities on the coverage of the confidence interval of the kappa coefficient.  相似文献   

The Receiver Operating Characteristic (ROC) curve and the Area Under the ROC Curve (AUC) are effective statistical tools for evaluating the accuracy of diagnostic tests for binary‐class medical data. However, many real‐world biomedical problems involve more than two categories. The Volume Under the ROC Surface (VUS) and Hypervolume Under the ROC Manifold (HUM) measures are extensions for the AUC under three‐class and multiple‐class models. Inference methods for such measures have been proposed recently. We develop a method of constructing a linear combination of markers for which the VUS or HUM of the combined markers is maximized. Asymptotic validity of the estimator is justified by extending the results for maximum rank correlation estimation that are well known in econometrics. A bootstrap resampling method is then applied to estimate the sampling variability. Simulations and examples are provided to demonstrate our methods.  相似文献   

Abstract. The receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curve is a tool of extensive use to analyse the discrimination capability of a diagnostic variable in medical studies. In certain situations, the presence of a covariate related to the diagnostic variable can increase the discriminating power of the ROC curve. In this article, we model the effect of the covariate over the diagnostic variable by means of non‐parametric location‐scale regression models. We propose a new non‐parametric estimator of the conditional ROC curve and study its asymptotic properties. We also present some simulations and an illustration to a data set concerning diagnosis of diabetes.  相似文献   

The accuracy of a binary diagnostic test is usually measured in terms of its sensitivity and its specificity. Other measures of the performance of a diagnostic test are the positive and negative likelihood ratios, which quantify the increase in knowledge about the presence of the disease through the application of a diagnostic test, and which depend on the sensitivity and specificity of the diagnostic test. In this article, we construct an asymptotic hypothesis test to simultaneously compare the positive and negative likelihood ratios of two or more diagnostic tests in unpaired designs. The hypothesis test is based on the logarithmic transformation of the likelihood ratios and on the chi-square distribution. Simulation experiments have been carried out to study the type I error and the power of the constructed hypothesis test when comparing two and three binary diagnostic tests. The method has been extended to the case of multiple multi-level diagnostic tests.  相似文献   

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