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王庆生  李莹  王丹蕾 《城市》2012,(4):12-16
随着天津海河景观建设工程的推进,作为天津都市旅游观光点睛之笔的海河及其沿岸风光,逐渐成为国内外游人关注的魅力天津的焦点.尤其是那些同时有游历中国海河和法国塞纳河体验的人士,更会情不自禁地将海河与塞纳河二者相提并论.就景观河道的意义及旅游吸引物形成与发展规律来看,两者确有互通互鉴之处,可以说对世界名河塞纳河景观特征的分析,一定会为天津海河景观带旅游开发提供有益借鉴.  相似文献   

凯宾 《老人世界》2014,(10):37-38
巴黎是黄昏的组成部分,或者说黄昏是巴黎的组成部分,没有黄昏就没有巴黎,而没有巴黎黄昏也就没什么意思了,巴黎用街景把自己变成一幅油画、一枚古董,镶进黄昏里……巴黎,对我来说是《悲惨世界》《巴黎圣母院》、佐拉、巴尔扎克、巴黎公社、凯旋门、拿破仑,还有沙特、毕加索……太多了,说不完。  相似文献   

秋天的浪漫,巴黎的质感,在那惊鸿一瞥中,慢慢回味优雅与冷静交织的眼神。  相似文献   

在十七、十八世纪,巴黎相继出现了一些文艺沙龙。其沙龙的主持人是那些高才卓识、颖悟绝伦、柔情绰态、余韵流风、朱门绣户、别具慧眼、左右逢源、长袖善舞的伯爵夫人或女名流。她们通常每个月或每个星期举办一次沙龙活动。从晚上八时直到凌晨三四时。她既邀请独霸一方的艺术家,也接待刚崭露头角的青年才俊。在典雅巨大的客厅里,四五十位精英才俊荟萃一堂,他们一边喝着香槟酒、葡萄酒,一边吃着刚出炉的巧克力松饼,一边就艺术灵感、艺术创造力、艺术风格、艺术内涵与社会责任心以及历史意义等问题,相互探讨交流。或质疑抨击;或论今说…  相似文献   

2012年秋季巴黎家居装饰博览会在9月中举行.共吸引观众70.916位。  相似文献   

2011年7月份,我和省里的一些官员去法国巴黎出公差,其中有水利厅的专家。主要活动基本完成后,在水利厅专家的强烈推荐下,我们去参观了巴黎的下水道。巴黎的下水道有世界上唯一的下水道博物馆,是外来游客的观光胜地。  相似文献   

周家高 《城市》2003,(3):60-61
1907年7月19日是一个让巴黎人铭记在心的日子,就是在这一天,巴黎的第一条地铁正式开通。斗转星移,如今的巴黎地铁已经拥有14条线路和5条地区快速线路,乘上地铁可以到达巴黎市区和郊区的任何一个角落。当你乘坐地铁列车穿梭在纵横交错的巴黎地铁当中,你不能不感叹一个世纪以来法国人的聪明才智,因为它是世界上最方便、最华丽、最现代化的地铁。巴黎地铁的历史始于1880年,那个时候巴黎只有200万人口,城市的大街小巷挤满了横冲直撞的马车和汽车,混乱的局面不堪回首。实际上早在1845年,有关修建地下铁道的计划就已经递交给政府当局,但这个计划却…  相似文献   

1986年4月2日,阿拉伯电影协会组织在法国巴黎举办了第四届阿拉伯电影节。阿拉伯电影协会于1982年在法国成立,从1983到1985年已在巴黎举办了三届阿拉伯电影节。在巴黎举办阿拉伯电影节,目的是为法国观众放映最新阿拉伯优秀电影,评选阿拉伯最佳导演和演员。埃及陶菲格·萨利赫荣膺本届电影节最佳导演称号,获得本届电影节最佳女演员桂冠的是埃及女电影明星马吉黛。参加这届电影节的,有埃及、阿尔及利亚、伊拉克、突尼斯、黎巴嫩等阿  相似文献   

曹娟 《老人世界》2008,(12):36-36
最早的巴黎是古代高卢人建起来的,当时叫路特提亚。在墨洛温王朝和加洛林王朝时期,巴黎是历代国王居住的地方。到了巴黎,一定要看看凯旋门、香榭里舍大街、巴黎圣母院、埃菲尔铁塔、卢浮宫和红磨坊。  相似文献   

Wang HongmingTheDawnoftheChineseNation;aftera stage showinPads.Wang Hongming in Paris  相似文献   


This article approaches transition as a problem on its own right, through the cases of the Paris Commune of 1871 and the Fatsa ‘Commune’ of 1979. Transition has received scant attention as an object of theoretical inquiry. Prior to Etienne Balibar’s suggestion that the history of the mode of production occurs at the intersections between political struggles and economic contradictions, a theory of transition had not been explicitly explored. Problematizing transition can reveal what is ‘ruptural’ about ruptural moments, indicating the limitations of the prevalent mode of production. This investigation builds on the Althusserian theory of temporal lag, and considers aspects of the cases in order to translate its insights into the historical events, and conversely to develop theoretical initiative based on findings. An examination of outstanding figures and events in the cases suggests that they can inform a theory of transition and address certain challenges of contemporary radicalism.  相似文献   

The Paris Declaration embodies the consensus that country ownership of donor programmes is vital, and above all the principle that donors should base their programmes on developing country priorities. The Organisation for Economic Co‐operation and Development (OECD) has assessed the World Bank as performing relatively well against the Paris targets, though not moving towards full compliance. In Sri Lanka and Côte d'Ivoire, however, the Bank pays only lip service to the governments’ priorities. The Paris commitment is swamped by the influence of the Bank's governing Board and its US‐nominated President, its lending imperative and the professional preoccupations of its staff. Real implementation of the Bank's Paris commitment would entail, ideally, a reform of Bank governance and a contractual mechanism for developing countries to hold the Bank (and other donors) to their Paris promises. Less ambitiously, the Bank and other donors may still take limited but precise action to ensure that country priorities are respected and ownership becomes a reality. In the Bank, it might be enough for the Bank's President to make true adherence to the Paris Declaration a personal priority, and to nominate one of his senior managers to follow up.  相似文献   

This article explores how perceptions of Jewish power shaped the negotiations between Czechoslovak leaders and Jewish minority representatives at the time of the Paris Peace Conference. In the aftermath of the First World War, Prague-based Zionists embarked on a mission to convince Czechoslovak elites that attacks on Jews were detrimental to the internal stability of the new state and to Czechoslovak interests abroad. As Edvard Bene?, the head of the Czechoslovak delegation in Paris, worked to cultivate an image of the new state as more “Western” and “civilised” than other successor states – a strategy meant to garner international support for Czechoslovak territorial demands and its projected absorption of large minority populations – Jewish activists encouraged his uncertainty with regard to Jews' influence on Western audiences and statesmen. They did so in order to convince him to accept their demands for special protection clauses for the new country's Jews. The paper thus shows that the unprecedented victimisation of Jews and the upsurge in antisemitism during and after the war coexisted with a new bold and public Jewish activism. Yet, Jewish leaders did not in the end have the ability to convince Bene? and his colleagues to give in to international Jewish demands for special protection. Instead, they sought to cultivate a strategic alliance between the state's Czech elite and the Jewish minority which centred on the claim that Czechoslovakia was a particularly welcoming and tolerant place for Jews, an image that would evolve into a significant component of the myth of Czechoslovakia as an island of democracy in Eastern Europe.  相似文献   

The Paris agenda on aid effectivess emphasises support for recipient‐owned development strategies, increased use of national systems and more co‐ordinated and predictable donor actions. Monitorable targets for such behaviour have been agreed, but the connections with expected development benefits are as yet unproven. Alternative views of the rationale for aid agencies, transaction costs and conditionality, in which there is rarely complete preference alignment and trust between donors and recipients, introduce further complications. Four additional policy measures are identified which cannot be managed easily within the Paris agenda: better international balancing of aid allocations; new instruments with longer commitment horizons; liquidity arrangements to enable ‘scaling up’ across several countries; and independent aid rating institutions linked to market‐like sanctions.  相似文献   

The new approach to assisting developing countries inspired by the Paris Declaration emphasises greater recipient control over the funds provided, thus confining donors’influence to upstream points in the policy process, where political aspects of development co‐operation become more important. Understanding better the role that power plays in the aid relationship will be critical to the implementation of the Declaration. This article shows how the political science literature can inform this set of issues. It argues that an understanding of aspects of power illuminates the challenges involved in transforming relations between donors and recipient governments as well as between governments and civil society organisations.  相似文献   

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