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本研究采用郭金山(2002)修订的EOM - EIS -Ⅱ为测量工具,对达斡尔族和汉族高一学生的自我同一状态进行了考察,并在性别和民族维度进行了比较研究.结果表明:传统统计方法比较结果中,同一性各维度间不存在性别差异;FOR、DIF维度存在民族间差异;现代统计方法比较结果显示,同一性各维度不存在性别差异;仅DIF维度存在民族差异. 相似文献
黑龙江各族先民 ,为缔造祖国的悠久历史和灿烂文化 ,都作出了杰出的贡献。本文论述了达斡尔族的历史来源和其创造的高度文明 ,阐述了达斡尔族的历史功绩 相似文献
达斡尔族在长期的社会生产和生活实践中形成了具有自身民族特点的伦理思想。本文分别就达斡尔族的社会生活、风俗习惯、婚姻家庭、文化艺术以及政治道德中的伦理思想进行了概述。这些伦理思想和道德观念既是达斡尔族文化和人民精神生活中的宝贵精神财富,它在该民族的传统文化及社会生活习俗中有着极其重要的地位并发挥着重要的作用,也是中华民族伦理思想中不可或缺的有机组成部分。在弘扬民族文化的今天,对达斡尔族伦理思想的研究无疑是一个薄弱环节。为充实、丰富和完善中华民族的伦理思想宝库,有必要进一步加强对达斡尔族伦理思想的发掘、整理和研究。因为它对于加强达斡尔族地区的道德建设、弘扬民族文化、提高民族素质,都具有重要的理论意义和现实意义。 相似文献
本文简要介绍了达斡尔族的基本概况,阐释了达斡尔族传统民居的落位选址、建筑布局、建筑特色及成因,探究了达斡尔族传统民居鲜明的民族特色及其浓郁的地方风格。 相似文献
本文比较详细地阐释了达斡尔族男婚女嫁的一系列程序。从其订婚、结婚、离婚、再醮入手 ,深入浅出地剖析了达斡尔族婚姻习俗的全过程以及解放后的变化 ,体现了达斡尔族鲜明的民族特色 相似文献
达斡尔族人民创造了自己特有的物质文明和精神文明,达斡尔族艺术是其中重要的组成部分。在音乐、舞蹈、器乐、曲艺、工艺美术,造型艺术等诸多领域无不反映着达斡尔族的民族审美价值取向。对达斡尔族艺术研究的现状及主要成果的客观认识、评价;对所存在问题的恰当分析,寻找相应的解决办法,是本文关注的要点。 相似文献
本文根据黑龙江将军衙门档案 ,考证我国北方重镇齐齐哈尔城的兴建 ,系由清初达斡尔总管首倡 ,以达斡尔族为主按“民筑”的方式建成的 ;齐齐哈尔城名是由当年倡议建城的达斡尔总管所驻在的齐齐哈尔村名延续而来的。文章考述了达斡尔族为兴建齐齐哈尔城做出的贡献 相似文献
Mellie Torres 《Race Ethnicity and Education》2017,20(4):546-560
This study provides insights to the school experiences of Latino male students through an exploration of how they describe their beliefs about education and how they engage in school for academic success. Data is drawn from interviews and surveys conducted with Latino males that participated in New York University’s Black and Latino Male School Intervention Study (BLMSIS) between 2006 and 2011. The findings revealed a dynamic interplay among how the students ‘do school’ (behavioral engagement), their intellectual involvement (cognitive engagement), and their strong beliefs in the education for social mobility shaped schooling for them. This focus on the experiences of young Latino males seeks to assist researchers, policymakers, and practitioners alike design and implement programs and policies to promote their educational progress and success. 相似文献
中心与边缘是一个相对概念,它体现了一个社会存在的政治、经济、文化发展的不平衡状态.本文以羌族旅游为研究个案,通过中心/现代性与边缘/传统性的语境分析,再现了在旅游过程中,羌族作为地方传统性的异族形象不断被来自中心的旅游者所强化和认同,另一方面羌族自身又在不断吸纳现代性的过程中有意识地强化传统性的异族形象的复杂过程,从而揭示出中心与边缘在推进现代性与保持传统性的矛盾过程中对羌族文化传承与发展所带来的双重影响. 相似文献
Micah Andrews 《Race Ethnicity and Education》2016,19(2):368-388
Using students’ interviews as data source, this study explores the interactional experiences of several Mexican students at a US high school in the Midwest with their teachers and discusses how three cultural models of teacher interaction valued by the students impact their affiliation, motivation, and engagement with school. Emphasis is given to the students’ voices to explore how teachers are perceived by them. The study found that several teachers displayed negative stereotypes influenced by cultural and social biases toward Mexicans and the anti-immigrant climate in society. Insights are provided regarding the manner in which Mexican students’ teacher interaction influences their high drop out rate, their low academic achievement, and their low graduation statistics. The findings suggest that there is an urgent need to improve teachers’ cultural awareness and cultural sensitivity toward Mexican students. 相似文献
This study seeks to challenge the uni-dimensional way care in school is written about by highlighting an often overlooked aspect of care – the kind that students do for each other. Data is drawn from focus groups conducted with the youth participants and founder of Umoja Network for Young Men (UMOJA), an all-male, school-based mentoring program for over-aged and under-credited (OA/UC) high school students. The authors draw on theories of culturally relevant pedagogy, care, and critical pedagogy to present the findings and propose a form of culturally relevant care (CRC) that entails warm demanding and building mutual trust. This study highlights the humanizing experiences of the Black and Latino male transfer students and their mentor. This focus on the experiences of young Black and Latino male participants seeks to shift the discourse from one focused on deficits to one that recognizes their agency and capacities for social and academic success. 相似文献