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孙唐水 《社会工作》2009,(24):21-24
通过对本系2006级学生的专业实习进行的跟踪调查,探讨专业实习中遇到的超出能力范围和超出权力范围的问题,发现这些问题主要出现在专业的实习机构,问题的类型有情感心理问题、与家庭相关的问题和求助者自身发展的问题,其中超出权利范围的问题主要出现在带由政府性质的机构中。导致遭遇这种问题的原因有问题本身的特殊性、实习生自身的原因和学校的原因。解决这类问题的对策有加强学生专业素质的培养、加强学校督导和机构对社工专业实习的积极配合。  相似文献   

新兴国家群体性崛起是当前最重要的国际政治现象之一.个体差异巨大的新兴国家出现群体性崛起,证明其背后有普遍性因素在起作用.本文提出新兴国家群体性崛起的“刺激-反应”模式,通过分析国际体系变量与国内变量的互动,研究知识扩散加速、大众政治潮流演进、自由国际经济秩序扩张三大外部变量对新兴国家的刺激性影响,以及新兴国家如何在经济模式、政治模式和对外政策模式方面做出积极反应,从而解释新兴国家群体性崛起的宏观体系动力.这一模式对中国的启示在于从历史的宏观角度深刻认识“学习的限度”,防范发展减速的风险.  相似文献   

Because men and women differ with regard to independent and interdependent self-construals, we propose that downward comparisons are more likely to lower women's achievement-related self-evaluations compared to men's. We also hypothesize that gendered self-schemas provide men with advantages in the processing of self-related dispositional information and women with advantages in the processing of self-related social-contextual information. To the extent that a downward social comparison presents a potential threat to the self, men and women differ in how effectively they can fend off the implications of different types of comparisons. Results from three experiments (total N = 393) support these hypotheses, suggesting that gendered responses to downward comparison are at least in part driven by a culturally normative focus on dispositional information prevalent in the West.  相似文献   

Proponents of the view that social structures are ontologically distinct from the people in whose actions they are immanent have assumed that structures can stand in causal relations to individual practices. Were causality to be no more than Humean concomitance correlations between structure and practices would be unproblematic. But two prominent advocates of the ontological account of structures, Bhaskar and Giddens, have also espoused a powers theory of causality. According to that theory causation is brought about by the activity of particulars, in the social psychological case, individuals of some sort. Consistence would demand that structure be those individuals. But neither Giddens nor Bhaskar wish to reify structure to the extent that would fit it for a role as a powerful particular. If only human beings can be powerful particulars in these contexts, the only way that structures can be real must be as properties of conversational (symbolic) interactions. Human action is social just in so far as people direct themselves to engage well in joint activities with others.  相似文献   

边燕杰  缪晓雷 《社会》2019,39(6):1-22
本文探讨了社会网络虚实转换的线上推动力和线下拉动力问题。JSNET2014调查数据表明,虚拟空间亲密好友数量对于虚实转换的推动力有正向影响,但非线性的。线上好友超过50人,虚实转换程度下降,印证了西方实证研究中发现的所谓“邓巴数字定律”在中国网络好友中也是存在的。线上推动力的另一指标同样显示了积极作用,因为专业使用者比一般使用者更具有虚实转换优势。实体空间的拉动力对于虚实转换也存在正向作用:其一,以餐饮社交参与程度为标志的人际交往需求越高,线上好友的下线比率越大;其二,以经济收入为标志的人际交往的承付和兑现能力越强,好友的虚实转换几率越高。这些发现都是在控制了个人身份特征的基础上获得的,有力地说明了线上和线下的双重动力都独立存在。系数集束化分析进一步表明,线上推动力效应大于线下拉动力效应。实证分析还表明,线下拉动力的两个指标之间是相互抑制的,高收入群体在网络交往中不但不受交往需求的影响,人际交往意愿反而会因收入水平的提高而降低。  相似文献   

Correspondence to Dr Karen Healy, School of Social Work and Applied Human Sciences, Education Building, Level 7, The University of Sydney, Australia. E-mail: k.healy{at}social. uq.edu.au or Dr Gabrielle Meagher, Political Economy, School of Economics and Political Science, The University of Sydney, Australia. E-mail: G.Meagher{at}econ.usyd.edu.au Summary Contemporary practice theories assume that social workers havethe capacity to enact their work as a thoughtful, analytic andcreative activity, and that these capacities are, or shouldbe, recognized and supported in human services organizations.However, emerging evidence from the front line of social servicespractice suggests that, despite public policy rhetoric emphasizingservice quality, the practice environment is characterized bya lack of support for, if not outright hostility towards, professionalsocial work. In this paper we will consider how the social workprofession can collectively improve the recognition of theirwork as professional activity. We discuss the deprofessionalizationof social services work and analyse collaborative strategiesfor achieving recognition, specifically the formation of professionalassociations and trade unions. We will focus our discussionon emerging convergences between new professionalism and thenew political unionism. Finally, we consider how these new developmentscan enhance the industrial and cultural recognition of humanservices work.  相似文献   

Mainstream game theory explains cooperation as the outcome of the interaction of agents who permanently pursue their individual goals. Amartya Sen argues instead that cooperation can only be understood by positing a type of rule-following behaviour that can be (and often is) out of phase with the pursuit of individual goals, due to the existence of a collective identity. However, Sen does not clarify the ontological preconditions for the type of social behaviour he describes. I will argue that Sen's account of collective identity can be best interpreted in the light of John Searle's notion of collective intentionality, while Sen's explanation of rule-following behavior and agency is best understood using the critical realist transformational model of social activity.  相似文献   

This paper addresses the nexus between contingency, social engagement and change, through investigating the potential of severe (“disruptive”) contingency to bring about new forms of joint agency. By challenging Boltanski's notion of existential tests (which can only be experienced in isolation), the paper argues that social actors can experience disruptive contingent events in an inherently intersubjective manner. Although they severely hinder social interaction, disruptive contingent events enable a possibility of what might be called “negative common knowledge” between social actors which in turn renders certain societal norms meaningless. This possibility is mediated through processes of mutual engagement (calls between actors) that could, further, be transformed into a new “norm circle” (Dave Elder-Vass). Social domination – in particular its “complex” variety – in this context appears as the obstructing of such transformation. A recent political episode in Serbia is analyzed to demonstrate the emancipatory potential of contingency and the logic of complex domination.  相似文献   

New social workers have been shown to experience higher rates of burnout, vicarious trauma, compassion fatigue, and vocational turnover. It is critical to find ways to support the growth and development of competent and resilient social workers. Yet, due to current contextual issues in the workplace, social workers are often not in environments that are conducive to fostering the growth of strong professional selves. A self psychology lens is used to assess and form the basis for recommendations for agencies/organizations and individuals to strengthen the professional selves of individual social workers and, in turn, the profession itself.  相似文献   

网络舆论、集体行为与社会控制   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
王雪 《探求》2007,46(1):57-61
网络舆论是一种通过互联网实现的集体行为。在近年来发生的一系列网络舆论事件中,网络技术提供了事件发展的最初动力,媒体间的互动协调则强化了特定舆论的力量,使其成为不容忽视的公众舆论并最终在现实社会中产生影响。网络舆论的力量既给政府的社会控制提供了新的手段,也对现有的社会管理和信息控制模式带来了挑战。  相似文献   

Collective action is one of the core mechanisms of social change, and thus of major importance to social scientists, practitioners, and policy-makers. Our goal in editing this issue is to bring together recent advances on the social and psychological dynamics of collective action among members of disadvantaged as well as advantaged groups. This article introduces the contributions to this issue after a brief review of the major psychological perspectives on collective action (social identity, relative deprivation, and resource mobilization theories), and a discussion of the considerable diversity in collective action research in terms of contexts, populations, and measures. We hope that this issue contributes to a more multi-faceted and integrative understanding of the social and psychological dynamics of collective action in terms of theory, research, policy, and practice.  相似文献   

黄荣贵  桂勇 《社会》2011,31(6):1-21
“社会资本的后果”是社会资本研究的一个重要议题。现有研究倾向于认为,中国城市社区中的集体性社会资本对社区参与具有积极的影响。本文认为,由于社会资本与社区参与都具有多个维度,两者的关系不能一概而论。基于2006-2007年在上海收集的调查数据,本研究使用多层次logistic回归模型考察了集体性社会资本对三种类型的社区参与(抗议型、体制化与公共型参与)的影响。统计结果证实了社会资本与社区参与之间复杂的联系。此外,对多层次模型的方差成份分析发现,社区社会资本可以解释60%或更多的社区间的差异。这说明,社区参与的影响因素不仅取决于居民的个人特征,还取决于居民所在的社区特征。  相似文献   

The issue of psychological empowerment in crowd events has important implications for both theory and practice. Theoretically, the issue throws light on both intergroup conflict and the nature and functions of social identity. Practically, empowerment in collective events can feed into societal change. The study of empowerment therefore tells us something about how the forces pressing for such change might succeed or fail. The present article first outlines some limitations in the conceptualization of both identity and empowerment in previous research on crowd events, before delineating the elaborated social identity model of crowds and power. We then describe recent empirical contributions to the field. These divide into two areas of research: (1) empowerment variables and (2) the dynamics of such empowerment. We finally suggest how psychological empowerment and social change are connected through crowd action. We conclude with some recommendations for practice following from the research described.  相似文献   

论分权与权力制约   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
分权与权力制约并不是资本主义的专利,分权的学说与权力本身一样古老,而有分权就有权力制约。我国的权力分工与制约体制是新型的社会主义权力制约制度,在本质上带有调整和探索的性质。与实行多党制的国家相比,我国现阶段的国家权力之间的分工和制约只能是相对的,而分权与权力制约的变革实际上面临的是一个国家权力如何民主化的问题。  相似文献   

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