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Results are reported for a national opinion poll of 1,000 adult New Zealanders which focussed on two questions: what are New Zealand parents currently doing to discipline their children, and what are the current attitudes of New Zealanders towards physical punishment in the home? Changes appear to be occurring in the attitudes and behaviour of New Zealanders toward physical punishment in the home. Although smacking with the hand is still both approved and used as a common parental response to the misbehaviour of children of all ages, anything more severe is no longer part of the repertoire of most parents or the experience of most children. Further evidence of change is provided by data on difference among the groups in the sample. Younger parents, current parents and the more highly educated are less likely to report using and endorsing the more severe forms of physical punishment that those who are older, have never had children or who have less education. Unlike the reported child-rearing practices of 30 years ago, parents today appear to be making use of a range of non-physical responses to misbehaviour and are more frequently explaining or discussing matters with their children.  相似文献   

想到青岛,就会幻觉似地听到一种声音,眼前便出现鸟翼煽动的轻微声响。在空中振翅的刹那,露出腹部柔软的白羽。六月,踏上青岛,出站便是大海,它没有浩浩然茫茫然的大气象,仅仅像一个不太大的湖,轻轻荡漾着,波动着——这才是青岛的特色。在海上冲浪,尖叫声和快艇划开的长长的雪白的浪路,不断迅疾地抛在身后。扬帆——我有我的目标  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to compare differences in reasons for encounters, diagnosis and treatment between men and women patients presenting with psychosocial problems as recognised by their general practitioners. The research design was a survey based on structured questionnaires completed by the general practitioners on patients consulting with mental health problems in Bunbury in the rural South West region of Western Australia. The data collection took place for a period of 5 weeks. Twenty two general practitioners, from 5 surgeries, collected information on 428 patients, pertaining to socio-demographic characteristics, reasons for encounter, diagnoses, social problems, chronicity, counselling, medication and use of referral services. The gender differences in the illness profile was quite pronounced. Men patients were older, were more likely to be diagnosed with psychosis or character disorders, to have employment or unknown problems. On the other hand, female patients were younger and more likely not to be given a definite diagnosis, to report more social isolation, dependent/difficult relatives and problems resulting from assault. Men were more likely to be on medication and to be referred to psychiatrists, while women received more counselling from their GPs or were referred to counselling services. On the basis of the findings, it is pointed out that men and women differ in terms of the recognition that they are suffering from a problem, that outside help is needed and making the decision to consult. They also differ in terms of the social factors influencing gender differences in recognition of the illness by the GP and the decision to treat and/or refer.  相似文献   

This study examines whether there were significant changes in the entry of young women to trade training in South Australia as a result of equal opportunities policies and initiatives to change the means of entry to trade training. It surveys the period 1981 to 1984 because that, like the present, was a period of change in education and training arrangements. It looks at women's hold on places in pre-vocational courses and apprenticeships in the most male-dominated trade areas and examines in detail the outcomes of the first three Introduction to Trades for Young Women courses in 1982 and 1983. It concludes that they led to only a slight improvement in female participation in trade training. The difficulties these courses faced in articulating with both student income support policies and the selection procedures for pre-vocational courses are discussed. The study demonstrates a marginal increase in the numbers of female apprentices outside hairdressing between 1981 and 1984 and evidence of weak commitment to an effective equal opportunities policy. A brief comparison is made between the situation at the beginning and end of the decade. This suggests that female participation in the most male-dominated trades areas in South Australia was generally lower than the Australian average in those areas, an outcome which must open to question the policy commitment to change.  相似文献   

双月动向辽宁工业经济稳步进入"三增"发展轨道今年上半年,辽宁省规模以上工业企业完成工业增加值2327.6亿元,按可比价格计算,比上年同期增长22%。辽宁工业已经连续5年实现高速增长。辽宁工业经济已稳步进入发展速度增、盈利水平增、创新能力增的"三增"发展轨道。  相似文献   

沈阳当选新浪2006年度风情城市Shenyang was selected as a city with amorous feelings in 2006 by Sina Network.沈阳市凭借世界园艺博览会等八大亮点以最高票当选新浪2006年度风情城市。颁奖人龙永图评价年度风情城市奖已经成为新浪网络盛典当中一个知名的品牌,“含金量非常高”。  相似文献   

每个人心中都有一个江湖梦,驴友尤甚。何谓"驴友",该词源自网络,最初由新浪旅游论坛传出,是旅游的旅的谐音,泛指参加旅游,自助游的朋友。这类朋友互称驴友。但现在更多的是指背包客,就是那种背着背包,带着帐篷、睡袋宿营的户外爱好者。驴友们走向高山、峡谷、戈壁、丛林……他们穿过城市,亲近自然。你要去哪里?这是一个现实问题,也是一个终极问题。  相似文献   

This paper is a presentation of the theory and use of Assertiveness in Recovery groups as a model of intervention with alcoholics and significant others during the recovery phase of alcoholism. It focuses upon a rationale that many alcohol-affected individuals need specialized help in changing characteristically dysfunctional drinking behavior and suggests that assertiveness training techniques within a social groupwork format can be adapted adequately to this need.  相似文献   

The authors describe the development of a short-term group for women in recovery from alcoholism and other addictive patterns. This group adds a special dimension to the treatment of women. The ankle outlines how the group assists women in identifying goals and competencies needed to restructure their emotional and social lives.  相似文献   

"面朝大海,春暖花开",海子的这句诗点燃了多少人的居住梦想。海边生活的浪漫与情调,恰恰是在内陆生活的人的向往与梦想。大海对于他们,也许只是文学中的蔚蓝无际,影像里的波澜壮阔,却无缘一见。因此,心底对海的那份渴望一直存在着,积淀着,定格为一个梦想,一个遗憾。我很幸运,我见到了海,我与海的邂逅从青岛开始。  相似文献   

Community participation is one of the underlying principles of democratic societies and the potential benefits of the participation process are well documented. Although a number of participatory mechanisms have been established by government departments and community agencies to facilitate community participation in health, few Australians regularly or actively participate. This paper examines the context for participation in health action in Australia including a political culture which serves to discourage participation in health, and many other areas, and barriers to participation associated with the complex structure and financing of the health care system.  相似文献   

世界文化与自然遗产博览会将成为沈阳金字招牌今年6月,世界遗产博览会将成为沈阳的金字招牌,吸引全世界的目光。本届“世遗会”由联合国教科文组织遗产委员会批准。自1972年缔结《世界遗产公约》以来,世界上还没有任何国家和地区举办过世界遗产博览会。  相似文献   

双月城市CITY沈阳去年实现地区生产总值2482亿元进入全国前列据国家统计局10月份发布的数据显示,2006年,全国有12个城市地区生产总值超2000亿元,沈阳名列其中。这12个城市是上海、北京、深圳、广州、天津、佛山、杭州、东莞、南京、重庆、沈阳和武汉。  相似文献   

《Social work with groups》2013,36(3-4):95-110
It is the purpose of this paper to investigate the phenomenon of loneliness as a social, interpersonal and existential fact and to describe its natural and predictable emergence in the life cycle of the small group. A basic thesis is that the experiencing of loneliness in the group may be of significant value in the resolution of problems of autonomy and the exploration of life losses. The manner and the extent to which loneliness can be faced and resolved are seen to be functions of personality structure.  相似文献   

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