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北京地名和地域文化   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
地名可以反映形成该地名的各种自然和人文条件。北京地名与北京早期的民族接触、移民历史、思想观念、世俗文化等方面密切相关,本文从这些方面探讨北京地名反映的地域文化。  相似文献   

《武王伐纣平话》仅存元至治年间建安虞氏刊本,通过对相关文献和文本的综合考察,我们大致可以断定该书的成书方式系由金元时期的书坊主倩文化水平不高的下层文人根据说书人的故事底本加工整理而成;该书成书时间的上限当在金灭北宋(1127)以后,下限当在元至治(1321-1323)年间;该书的编者熟知中原地理,当系金元时期长期活动中原地区的北方人,该书成书与流传的地域很可能也是在北方中原地区。  相似文献   

Americans are living longer, but dying after a prolonged period of management of multiple chronic illnesses and functional disabilities. Despite waves of public and professional activity targeted toward improving care for the dying and supporting the families, gaps in care and challenges in end-of-life care persist. Contentious issues such as the so-called “death panels” or physician payment for discussion of advance directives and care wishes at the end of life; aid in dying; and regarding individuals who actively choose death (case of Brittney Maynard) are continually debated in the public media. Progress toward improvement in the experience of dying remains incremental and change has been slow. With the release of a second Institute of Medicine (2014 Institute of Medicine (IOM). (2014). Dying in America: Improving quality and honoring individual preferences near the end of life. Washington, DC: National Academy Press. [Google Scholar]) report devoted to what it means to die in America in the 21st century, momentum and opportunity for change may increase. If this is to happen, social workers will need to deliver the range of biopsychosocial care that patients and families so desperately need. However, holistic care of the individual will only improve, if the nation also addresses ongoing systemic problems in financing, policy, and service delivery in end-of-life care.  相似文献   


A conceptual model for the design and implementation of effective social services for Latino older adult immigrants in the United States is proposed in this article. Built on the stage-of-migration framework (Drachman, 1992 Drachman, D. 1992. A stage-of-migration framework for service to immigrant populations. Social Work, 37: 6872. [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar]), the model presented shows how the premigration service experience of Latino older adults can be used as a basis for service design and implementation in the country of immigration. The case of Puerto Rican older adult immigrants is used to illustrate how the model can be applied to understand present service utilization and develop future programs that are useful and culturally sensitive for Latino older adult immigrants.  相似文献   

《Social work with groups》2013,36(2-3):101-118

This paper aims to help practitioners promote mutual aid to short-term groups. It describes and discusses the impact of time and place on the process of such groups. The challenges of the short-term group are identified and implications for practice are drawn.  相似文献   

A survey on credit issues of academic chemists in U.S. Ph.D.-granting institutions was conducted. The respondents rated 15 criteria for authorship of scientific publications; core intellectual contributions received the highest ratings although making a single suggestion that was essential to the successful completion of the project was rated very low. Acquisition of data was also rated highly. The respondents rated eight potential influences on their own “policy” toward giving credit; doing what “seems to be the right thing” was the highest rated influence followed by graduate educational experiences; professional society or other responsible conduct of research (RCR) institutional policies were rated, by far, the lowest.  相似文献   

A survey on credit issues was conducted of academic chemists in Ph.D. granting institutions in the United States. Six-hundred faculty members responded representing 16% of the survey recipients. Fifty percent of the respondents reported not receiving appropriate credit for contributions they had made to published projects. Neither the number of years after receiving their Ph.D., their fields of expertise, their total number of publications, nor their total number of single-author publications showed any significant relationship with the perception of not receiving appropriate credit. Twenty percent of the respondents had discovered that they were an author of a paper, after that paper had been submitted to a journal. Forty-nine percent reported that they had asked to have their name deleted as an author. Relationships between these perceptions and academic background factors were examined. For example, respondents who had asked to be removed from authorship were more likely to give authorship or an acknowledgement to others and were also more likely to have had an authorship problem with others, both of these factors being related to longevity as a publishing scientist.  相似文献   

白爱平 《唐都学刊》2006,22(3):11-13
贾岛出家及还俗的时间地点问题是贾岛生平仕历研究的一个重要问题。通过对现有史料记载以及贾岛等人诗文的考证分析,可知贾岛贞元九年(793)在北岳恒山出家为僧,时年15岁。后曾住洛阳石楼及嵩山一带。贞元十七年(801)在石楼与韩愈初次相识。元和六年(811)春在洛阳又遇到时任河南县令的韩愈,同年秋跟随韩愈赴长安准备应进士举,但并未马上还俗。冬十一月返回家乡范阳,处理僧俗事务。至迟于次年即元和七年(812)春还俗并参加进士考试,时年34岁。  相似文献   

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