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许萍 《今日辽宁》2015,(4):71-73
身为辽宁人,如果喜欢shopping,那么对沈阳的中街和太原街一定不会陌生.闲逛繁华时尚的中街,你会发现,怎么会不知不觉就走近了沈阳故宫,面对眼前的红墙碧瓦,一定会有种穿越感;到太原街购物,穿梭于热闹街路之间的你也会惊奇地发现,无论怎样行走都能够看到“沈阳站”,脚下迷宫一样的街道,身旁散发着异域风情的老建筑……这些,似乎会让我们找回曾经发生于此的些许故事.  相似文献   

王凯 《青岛画报》2015,(1):72-75
尚记得,小时候理发都是在路边,穿白大褂的师傅,通常是一位老大爷,拿着推子嗡嗡几下,一个"板寸"就出炉了,记得当时从没考虑过发型是否好看,就觉得头上凉凉的,很舒服。如今,大大小小的美发店街连成片地开了起来,街头理发逐渐成为了公园广场上的"稀罕景儿",而一些喜欢怀旧的老人,仍然喜欢在街头"来两推子",顺便刮刮脸。今年62岁的祁宗轩,干了20年的街头理发,老舍公园是他的固定"据点"。说起干这个行当的初衷,他满怀酸楚,  相似文献   

前几日整理旧照片,无意中看到的两张照片,让人感慨万千.一张是1905年时拍摄的四平街,也就是今天沈阳中街的照片,另一张则是今天中街风貌的照片.沧桑百年,巨大的变化,假如没有照片说明,人们将无法断定这就是今天游走在我们生活中的那条老街.  相似文献   

王栋  贺中 《青岛画报》2012,(7):84-85
著名的"红房子"医药商店旧址、胶澳皇家邮局旧址、博德维希-卡比施百货公司旧址……20世纪初,广西路是德国设计师们张扬激情,展示个性的建筑试验场,是名副其实的"欧人街"。百年后,一个循着先辈的足迹前来青岛的德国人这样写道:"漫步于青岛的街道之间,只有来往的人群才可以看到一些东方的痕迹……走在广西路上,仿佛就像在柏林的一条街道上。街道是德式的,房屋的风格以及  相似文献   

“八卦”是中国传统易经文化的重要组成部分,已有四千余年的历史.在中国有许多形如“八卦”且以“八卦”命名的地方,如浙江金华的八卦村,辽宁桓仁的八卦城……其实,在沈阳市和平区南市场附近也有一处造型独特、形似八卦的“八卦街”.然而随着沈阳城的建设发展,“八卦街”已踪影渐失,但从航拍图上我们依稀可以看到“八卦街”的大致轮廓.如果想寻找此地,只要站在地铁一号线南市场车站入口处,“八卦街”就已经尽在眼前.今天就让我们在尘封的档案中,探寻这处神奇“八卦街”的踪迹.  相似文献   

This article examines the historical evolution of the development of social policy toward street children in Russia and makes recommendations for prevention. The historical examination begins with the Soviet period, when statistics on social problems were not publicly known. It continues through the post-Soviet period when there was an emerging awareness about the increasing number of abused, abandoned children and children living on the streets. Etiological factors, such as child maltreatment and parental substance abuse, are then discussed. Based on these etiological factors, the article then proposes a model in which existing institutions and professionals are supported in facilitating an integrated system of primary, secondary and tertiary prevention. This includes improving child protection services and interventions to prevent children leaving their homes, early identification of children who are becoming involved in street life and a continuum of care for children who cannot return home.  相似文献   

吴访 《创新》2008,2(5)
分析当前城市道路景观绿化设计的基本含义和主要特点,指出城市道路景观绿化面临的突出问题。总结近年来南宁市道路绿化的发展和已建道路绿化的风格和特点,阐明道路绿化建设的新概念。在观念意识上转变"就景观论景观"的传统思维,对城市道路景观的总体考虑和设计手法的理论方法上探讨"把个体或整体景观建设与更大范围内的城市综合发展紧密联系"的可能性与必要性,创造大城市大园林的新理念。  相似文献   

根据笔者的调查,流浪少年儿童流浪期间生活没有保障,有65%的流浪少年儿童曾经受到过欺负,有30.1%的流浪少年儿童曾经被人诱劝加入组织。所以,必须对流浪少年儿童实施主动救助。郑州大学社会工作专业的大学生志愿者将外展社会工作方法应用于流浪少年儿童的救助与保护,大力开展街头巡回救助,同时吸收已经接受救助的流浪少年儿童参与进来,协助外展社会工作者发现和帮助还在街头流浪的少年儿童,取得了良好的效果。  相似文献   

This paper draws on the available literature, as well as unpublished data, to reconstruct the often chaotic early childhood experiences of homeless adolescents and to describe the problematic ways of relating that may result from these troubled life histories. We also examine the processes by which homeless youth become separated from their families, and we make connections between socio-emotional problems on the street and early neglect and abuse at home. The risk-amplification model is offered as a theoretically compelling explanation of the adolescent homeless experience, high rates of victimization on the streets, and mental health problems that arise out of these circumstances. Finally, we present a promising approach for intervening with homeless youth, one that explicitly targets this cycle of ineffective interpersonal relationships.  相似文献   

李荣 《今日辽宁》2014,(5):67-69
中国十大著名商业街之一的沈阳中街,是东北地区第一条商业街,被誉为“流金的路、淌银的街”.中街步行街两侧店铺鳞次栉比,各种小商品、风味小吃琳琅满目,从早至晚人流攒动,非常繁华,目前已成为集旅游、购物、餐饮、休闲、娱乐等多种功能为一体的沈阳最大的商圈.  相似文献   

The current study aims to reveal the experiences of young malestreet prostitutes in Israel, providing a stage for the voiceof this marginal group to be heard, as we believe youth workersneed to know more about these young people’s lives beforewe can offer meaningful responses. The study was guided by twomain questions: (1) What accounts do young men who work as prostitutesprovide for their involvement in the sex industry? and (2) Whatare their experiences as young males engaged in prostitution?Using the life story interview and thematic analysis, four mainthemes were revealed: (a) a life-long path to prostitution;(b) entering prostitution; (c) interpersonal encounters whileengaging in prostitution; and (d) the consequences of workingin prostitution. The results highlight the lack of meaningfulinterpersonal relationships in the lives of these young men.Practical recommendations are made to better inform youth workersassisting this high-risk population.  相似文献   

Street violence against women (SVAW) in India is highly under researched. This article aims to understand the contextual factors responsible for the occurrence of SVAW in five cities of North‐east India: Agartala, Kohima, Imphal, Shillong, and Guwahati. The aftermath of an horrific gang rape and the subsequent death of a 23‐year‐old woman in a moving bus in New Delhi in December 2012 served as a wake‐up call for the Government of India (GOI), augmenting the need to understand the issues of SVAW. On December 23, 2012, the GOI constituted the Justice Verma Committee (JVC) who prepared a 630‐page report, submitted to the Prime Minister of India, which identified “failure of governance” as the central cause of SVAW. Based on some of the recommendations of the JVC report, the GOI passed the Criminal Law Amendment Bill, 2013. Drawing upon semi‐structured interviews from qualitative research in combination with a questionnaire survey, this research aims to understand the factors that allow SVAW to persist. Using recommendations of the JVC report and the Justice Usha Mehra Commission, the Criminal Law Amendment Act, 2013 , as well as research findings, this article is an attempt to inform prevention strategies aimed at escalating the safety of women in public spaces of the study region.  相似文献   

我国政府历来重视对流浪儿童的救助保护,也取得了相当的成绩,但该领域的政策体系尚存缺陷与不足,难以满足社会发展的需要。立足现实,从社会政策的视角,探究流浪儿童救助保护政策的现状,并提出有关对策建议,以期建立健全该领域的社会政策框架。  相似文献   

中国和印度占世界人口总数约40%,同为发展中国家,中国和印度流浪儿童数量都很庞大。本文通过分析中国和印度两个国家的流浪儿童基本情况、政府救助、非政府救助等情况,借鉴印度的一些救助措施、救助理念,推动我国的流浪儿童救助工作发展。  相似文献   

中国和印度占世界人口总数约40%,同为发展中国家,中国和印度流浪儿童数量都很庞大。本文通过分析中国和印度两个国家的流浪儿童基本情况、政府救助、非政府救助等情况,借鉴印度的一些救助措施、救助理念,推动我国的流浪儿童救助工作发展。  相似文献   

程福财 《社会》2009,29(5):168-186
流浪儿童现象是一个普世性的问题。本研究通过对上海火车站地区49名流浪儿童的民族志调查发现,流浪儿童问题的生成主要是由社会转型过程的家庭功能失调、从农村到城市的人口流动和儿童对自主童年的追求等因素造成的。这些因素的存在,使得社会文化已确定的规范性儿童照顾模式与儿童的实际生活条件之间产生明显的断裂,进而迫使儿童外出流浪以寻找替代性的生存机会。  相似文献   

《Social work with groups》2013,36(2-3):107-122
This paper presents the "hoops group," a basketball group for young "street" men. The purpose of this presentation is: (1) to further the discussion of services developed for group empowerment for homeless persons, (2) to present a case example of services to this population, and (3) to further the conceptualization using McGrath's (1991) construct of group functions. This article maintains that groups developed around activities in which individuals feel competence (in this case, playing basketball) are ideal in developing a collective identity and facilitating therapeutic gains.  相似文献   

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