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人民内部矛盾是一个多层次、多领城、多类型的复杂系统。横向有:工人阶级、农民阶级和其他社会阶层、群体之间的矛盾;执政党与他觉、非党之间的矛盾,工人阶级内部的矛盾.农民阶级内部的矛盾,其他社会阶层、群体内部的矛盾.市场经济生产者之间、经营者之间、  相似文献   

郝睿琦 《现代交际》2024,(3):49-58+122-123
实践论和矛盾论是毛泽东哲学思想的重要内容,是马克思主义哲学中国化时代化的重要成果。实践论包括“实践、认识、再实践、再认识”循环往复以至无穷的辩证唯物主义认识论、知行统一观和真理观,矛盾论包括唯物辩证法的宇宙观、矛盾的普遍性和特殊性、主要矛盾和矛盾的主要方面、矛盾双方的同一性和斗争性等。“两论”在中国革命、建设、改革的不同历史时期都具有重要指导意义。新时代中国特色社会主义对实践论和矛盾论既坚持又发展:一方面,坚持实践是认识的来源,在实践基础上进行理论创新;坚持理论是实践的指导,在理论引领下进行变革性实践;坚持矛盾分析法,判断社会主要矛盾转化。另一方面,树立问题意识,以问题导向化解新矛盾;发扬斗争精神,以顽强斗争打开新天地;形成系统观念,以系统思维开创新局面。对实践论和矛盾论的坚持与发展,开辟了马克思主义哲学中国化时代化新境界,使毛泽东哲学思想在新时代得到了继承和发展。  相似文献   

婆媳矛盾的确是家庭生活中一个很普遍也很棘手的难题。如何处理婆媳矛盾,很多人都觉得困惑,理不清头绪。在本期,明天老师从家庭系统论的角度提出了新的观点:即婚姻系统优先于姻亲系统,夫妻应是共同体,彼此在对方心目中都是第一位的。这也是处理姻亲关系的一个基本原则。  相似文献   

教学作为一个系统,包含三个基本要素:教师、学生和教材。这三个要素之间相互依存相互联系和相互作用,产生了教学进程中的三对基本矛盾,即教师与学生、教师与教材、学生与教材之间的矛盾。其中最活跃的要素是教师和学生,“教”与“学”之间的矛盾构成了三对基本矛盾中...  相似文献   

家庭治疗是一种心理咨询与治疗流派,其将家庭作为一个整体,从系统、动态的视角看待家庭成员的心理问题,主要通过改变家庭成员围绕症状所展现出来的交往方式,从而达到治疗症状的一种治疗理论和治疗方式。探究运用家庭治疗理念解决大学生寝室人际矛盾的方法,并结合案例进行分析,依次介绍了大学生寝室矛盾的案例、对案例的定性分析、问题关键点;家庭治疗理念和技术的具体运用、解决思路和实施办法,最后介绍了高校解决大学生寝室矛盾的经验与启示。  相似文献   

我国许多企业目前在薪酬制度方面都存在着矛盾,本文简单地分析了矛盾存在的原因,并提出企业如何确定薪酬总额,并且如何来正确地制定出每个岗位工资,从而使薪酬管理更加科学、全面、系统,使薪酬能够真正起到吸引人才,留住人才,激励员工的作用。  相似文献   

采用马克思主义社会科学方法中的社会系统研究方法、以实践为基础的研究方法、社会矛盾的研究方法分别对语言学进行浅析,以期为外语学习者和研究者提供一些借鉴和思考。  相似文献   

注重解决日常生活中的细小矛盾,不要让矛盾堆积,不要让矛盾恶化。当发生矛盾时,矛盾的双方要保持冷静。冷静会使人们变得理智,冷静会化解一切矛盾的烟云,从而使人们成功度过矛盾的危机,从矛盾之中解脱出来。矛盾发展到僵持的时候,不妨通过正确的途径,寻求老师、家长、学校的帮助。通过帮助,使得矛盾的双方从危机的边缘走向合作的、伙伴的境地,这正是我们平常所说的"退一步,海阔天高"。借发生的不良言行事件,在课堂上警醒全班同学以后引以为鉴,减少学生中矛盾冲突的发生。  相似文献   

电子警察俗称"闯红灯自动记录系统",在维护交通治安、保障公共安全、提高行政效率等方面起到不可替代的作用。然而,近年来各种"直播事件"的曝光却引起了人们对自己隐私权保护的担忧。本文对我国电子警察与公民公共隐私权进行分析,系统论述了它们之间的矛盾冲突,在此基础上提出有关公民隐私权公法保护的建议。  相似文献   

周代的城邦国家是在原始的氏族血缘关系尚未解体的条件下建立起来的。国是家的放大,忠是孝的延伸,整个社会是国家(state)与社会(society)二元合一的结构。秦原是宗法制不甚严格的游牧部落,商鞅变法后,社会系统按照耕战合一的要求重新整合,确立了以王权为核心的国家与社会二元合一的结构模式。“夷狄之君”入主中原“礼义之邦”,秦以其政治体制加诸传统深厚的宗法社会,构成了国家与社会两大系统相矛盾分离的社会结构。二者间的激烈对抗导致秦政权的崩溃。后来的统治者虽尽可能地对这种结构性矛盾加以调节,却始终没能从根本上改变国家与社会二元矛盾分离的社会结构。  相似文献   

Sociological studies of affect and associated processes have a long tradition in the discipline, originating with Durkheim's interest in religious belief and practice. Contemporary interest in the area has focused on several distinct instances in which affective evaluations are learned, are expressed toward others, organize behavior in social situations, and change. Attitudes, emotions , feelings, moods, and sentiments are distinguished from one another and studied as distinct factors in the organization of social action. Affective information is socialized in families and reinforced in social institutions as the actor matures. Interaction with others and the exchange of social rewards leads to patterns of social organization in proximal and distal groups as actors identify others who share similar patterns of orientation to social objects. Status structures in groups are reflected in patterns of sentiment distribution. Similarly, sentiment and emotion structures impact status behavior in groups. Technological developments have advanced measurement of emotional reactions, expression of sentiments toward social objects, and identification of social structures in social media. Theoretical developments in the study of sentiment and emotion are highlighted in the essay.  相似文献   

Due to the increase of production costs in manual harvesting, strategies must be developed in order to overcome these effects, such as the attempts in implementing agricultural machines in harvest activities, whether being totally or partially mechanized. This study brings a qualitative and quantitative comparison on the impacts in work conditions and productivity in Brazilian orchards caused by the use of semi-mechanized harvesting systems, such as multiplatforms. The results come from the application of Ergonomic Work Analysis method, which focuses in the activity, quantifying and analyzing times and frequencies of the harvesting cycle, as well as the amount of movements. To achieve this, footage, interviews and a stopwatch were used in the observation 12 pickers' work cycles, six for each method of harvesting. The data interpretation pointed to improvement in working conditions with a reduction in the amount of movements performed by the picker, and increase of up to 60% in productivity with the use of semi-mechanized harvesting. Thus, the found results indicate the viability of this harvesting method. However, other variables must be observed in future studies in order to complete the guidelines for a healthy progress in the area of citrus harvesting in Brazil.  相似文献   

I give a brief account of the emergence in Britain in the late 1960s of a secular religious education (RE), utilizing material from the religions of the world, and refer to its role in multicultural education in the 1970s. Next, I summarize some developments in the history of the uneasy relationship between multicultural and antiracist education up to the early 1990s, when new critical approaches to multicultural education appeared, noting that the political climate in Britain under Conservative Governments prevented any positive influence from these on policy. Since the election of a Labour Government in 1997, two main factors have resulted in the restoration of some multicultural/intercultural education to the curriculum: The first is a response to social disruption nationally and globally. The second is the introduction of citizenship education in the curriculum of English and Welsh schools. In the case of social disruption, in relation to riots in England and to the events of 11 September 2001, in New York and their global consequences, religion has been a key element requiring analysis and response. Policy discussions, in England and Wales and in Europe more widely, are recognizing the importance of the religious dimension to intercultural education. New interpretive and dialogical pedagogies of RE share similar analytic stances towards ‘culture’ and ‘religion’ and similar critical and reflexive methodologies to recent approaches to multicultural/intercultural education. Thus, RE, employing these pedagogies, can make a direct contribution to an intercultural education working to promote social cohesion. There are also opportunities for fruitful collaboration between educators in the RE and intercultural fields.  相似文献   

This article introduces and reprints a speech by Watson Kirkconnell to the Canadian Association of Slavists in 1957. Watson Kirkconnell (1895—1977) was an influential Canadian scholar, university administrator, Baptist activist, and prodigious translator of verse. The introduction discusses his significant role in the development of Slavic and East European studies in Canada, as founder of the Humanities Research Council of Canada, and as an early promoter of multiculturalism in Canada. In his speech, Kirkconnell discussed his personal encounter with Slavic studies and the early development of the field in Canada, his role in the pre-history of the Canadian Association of Slavists, and the importance he accorded to fostering critical knowledge of the Slavic and East European societies and cultures in Canada. Slavic studies, he argued, were necessary both intellectually and politically: the Slavic and East European literatures constituted “major stones in the arch of modern civilization”; moreover, in the atmosphere of the Cold War, knowledge of the languages and societies of Soviet-dominated Central and Eastern Europe would play a fundamental role in the fight against communism.  相似文献   

This study reports on the perceptions, emotions and attitudes of 172 Jewish and Arab undergraduate and graduate students of education concerning their own national identity, the intergroup relations between Arabs and Jews in Israel, and the desired political solution for the Arab minority in Israel. Against the background of the continuously changing political situation that involves advances and drawbacks in the peace process between Israel and the Palestinian Authority, the perceptions, emotions and attitudes of future educators concerning the Jewish-Arab conflict seem important as a foundation for strengthening pupils' orientation towards equality and pluralism. Results are presented concerning four domains: identity markers of students in the two groups, intergroup perceptions and emotions manifested in indicators of social distance, Jewish students' attitudes towards cultural autonomy of the Arab minority, and opinions concerning a desired political solution. The findings are discussed in light of the characteristics of the sample, in relation to previous studies that asked similar questions, and in relation to the processes taking place in the region in the last few years.  相似文献   

《Rural sociology》2018,83(1):109-144
This article examines changes in concentrated poverty in the rural United States between 2000 and 2012. Using data from the decennial census and American Community Survey, we address three main objectives. First, we document changes in the number and share of counties with poverty rates above 20, 30, and 40 percent, stratifying our sample by metropolitan status. Second, we use exploratory spatial methods to identify geographic patterns in county‐level poverty dynamics between 2000 and 2012. Third, we estimate the share of the population living in high‐poverty counties, and track changes over time and by race and poverty status. Overall, we find a substantial increase in concentrated poverty since 2000. Increases in both the number of high‐poverty counties and the share of the population living in these counties were widespread, though spatially and temporally uneven in some cases. We also observe convergence in concentrated poverty between rural and micropolitan areas, and between non‐Hispanic white and Hispanic populations. Overall, we observe a reversal of the declines in concentrated poverty that occurred in the 1990s, and find that in many cases this trend began prior to the Great Recession.  相似文献   

This essay explores the issues of multiculturalism, Islamism and the experiences of Muslim minorities in Western Europe and in Britain in the light of the events of 9/11 and 7 July London bombings. First, the experience of immigrants and minorities and the key historical and cultural debates in which the idea of Europe has emerged is contextualised. Second, the debate in relation to how multiculturalism in Western Europe is conceived and problematised is focused upon. Third, a detailed discussion of the British experience of multiculturalism is elaborated upon, exploring the various shifts in discourse and policy-maker thinking. Finally, suggestions for moving ahead are discussed, and how it might provide impetus to academic, governmental, civil society and practitioner action. In conclusion, it is argued that the challenges that Muslim minority youth face in Western Europe are many but not insurmountable if one takes into consideration the needs and aspirations of a society that is inclusive and forward looking but also aware of the historical and contemporaneous factors involved in the alienation and the marginalisation of variously incorporated Muslim minorities.  相似文献   

Abstract This study examines gender inequality in the distribution of various aspects of autonomy and authority in the workplace in Japan, Britain, and the United States. In all three societies, there are clear gender gaps in access to autonomy and authority relations, but the distributions are most unequal in Japan. The main part of this study involves the testing of four hypotheses which attempt to explain gender differences in autonomy and authority. The first hypothesis, which focuses on family responsibilities, receives limited support from the Japanese and British data. Japanese and British women are disadvantaged in obtaining managerial positions and supervising other employees by the presence of children. The human capital explanation of gender inequality in the workplace appears to be supported to some extent in Japan and Britain because gender gaps are reduced when we controlled for Render differences in education, tenure and work experience in these countries. The differential access to managerial positions is an important source of gender inequality in workplace social relations in all three countries. Nonetheless, significant gender gaps remain. especially in the United States. When all these factors (family responsibilities, human capital and managerial positions) are taken together, gender gaps are reduced substantially in Japan. In contrast. persistent gender inequality is found in the United States.  相似文献   

By 2015, there were more than two million Afghan immigrants, both legal and illegal, living in Iran. Although, over the recent years, there has been a growing interest among social scientists, policymakers and national and international institutes in investigation of the quality of life (QoL) of immigrants, research on the QoL of Afghan immigrants in Iran is still in its infancy. The present article aims to study the QoL of Afghan immigrants in Iran and identify its influential dimensions and factors. This study relies on a perception survey of 347 Afghan households in Tehran city. Based on the 5‐point Likert Scale, the mean of overall life satisfaction of the Afghan immigrants was found as 3.22, which shows satisfactory QoL of Afghan immigrants in Iran. The highest level of satisfaction, with a mean value of 3.96, is related to public transport access followed by satisfaction in social relations with friends, relatives and fellow immigrants living in Iran, and access to cultural centres such as the mosque, library, and cinema. The lowest level of satisfaction, with a mean value of 1.90, was seen at border services like entry and exit from Iran, followed by the Iranian government policy towards Afghan refugees, and saving abilities. In addition, the most important predictors of immigrants' QoL include indicators of health, security, work status, and income, which are closely interrelated with the main reasons for Afghans' immigration to Iran. After immigration to Iran, the QoL status of the immigrants has improved significantly, especially in the fields of security and education; nevertheless, their employment in jobs with low skill and income, along with the decrease in the economic growth of Iran over the recent years, have caused problems for the economic and financial status of the immigrants. The results and findings of this study will be useful for designing and implementing plans and policies necessary to improve QoL of Afghan immigrants in Iran.  相似文献   

This study presents the challenge involved in the negotiation and construction of a standard process in a major petroleum company that has the purpose of guiding the implementation of ergonomic studies in the development of projects, systemising the implementation of ergonomics design. The standard was created by a multi-disciplinary working group consisting of specialists in ergonomics, who work in a number of different areas of the company. The objective was to guide "how to" undertake ergonomics in all projects, taking into consideration the development of the ergonomic appraisals of work. It also established that all the process, in each project phase, should be accompanied by a specialist in ergonomics. This process as an innovation in the conception of projects in this company, signals a change of culture, and, for this reason requires broad dissemination throughout the several company leadership levels, and training of professionals in projects of ergonomics design. An implementation plan was also prepared and approved by the corporate governance, complementing the proposed challenge. In this way, this major oil company will implement new procedures of ergonomics design to promote health, safety, and wellbeing of the workforce, besides improving the performance and reliability of its systems and processes.  相似文献   

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