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This paper responds to Dave Elder‐Vass's generally sympathetic critique of Margaret Archer's position on structure and emergence. Elder‐Vass does helpfully emphasize the synchronic effects of structure. Yet, it is argued here, in his treatment of structure, Elder‐Vass tends to concede too much to methodological individualism and to overemphasize social rules at the expense of social relations. Finally, a question is raised about how both Archer and Elder‐Vass and Critical Realism in general speak of emergence.  相似文献   

In his article, “Saving Critical Realism,” Harre (2009 ) relates his revised philosophy of science to a social philosophy concerning the nature of society, and to a political philosophy regarding the nature of freedom and reform. I argue that his social philosophy and political philosophy rest upon an individualistic sense of society and freedom. I demonstrate that his individualism is factually and politically untenable. (I shall not comment on his philosophy of science, although the errors in his social and political philosophies make it suspect.) I counterpose an alternative social philosophy and political philosophy that are based on a structural model of society, freedom, and social change. My critique demonstrates how social science can adjudicate claims of structuralist vs. individualist social and political philosophy. It also argues that social science must constitute the basis for formulating political ideals of freedom and social organization if these are to be viable.  相似文献   

This paper is a realist argument for the existence of "social objects". Social objects, I argue, are the outcome states of a contingent causal process and in turn posses causal properties. This argument has consequences for what we can mean by realism and consequences for the development of a realist methodology. Realism should abandon the notion of natural necessity in favour of a view that the "real" nature of the social world is contingent and necessity is only revealed in outcome states. This, I argue, has both theoretical and methodological implications and I develop my argument through two case studies, of homelessness and ethnicity.  相似文献   

This article examines the gradual evolution of the French Régulation school (FR) for the study of capitalism through the lens of structure and agency. The analysis first segments the school into two epochs, the early Régulation, led by authors Aglietta and Lipietz, and the later Régulation, which saw the rise of Boyer. We find that the gradual progression that occurred within the FR school is linked to its authors' implicit ontic engagement with structure and agency, which, in turn, provides natural linkages to Critical Realism. In the second part of the paper, we demonstrate how the comparison between Morphogenetic Régulation and French Régulation (FR) can facilitate a much deeper reading of the structure-agency debate pertaining to the transformation of capitalism. In so doing, it discusses the value addedness of Morphogenetic Régulation through three specific concepts by stressing their relevance for contemporary studies in international political economy. These concepts are: stratified emergence; causality and the problématique of hierarchy.  相似文献   

This paper has three aims. The first is to subject to critical analysis the intractable debate between realists and anti‐realists about the status of the so‐called (moral) self, a debate that traverses various academic disciplines and discursive fields. Realism about selves has fallen on hard times of late, and the second aim of this paper is to get it back on track. Traditional substantive conceptions of the self contain ontological baggage that many moderns will be loath to carry. This paper settles for a more moderate aim, a “softer” kind of self‐realism derived from an unlikely source—Hume—and outlines the Humean moral self and its possible advantages. The third and subsidiary aim is to challenge the view that recent “narrative” conceptions of selfhood have made the old realism versus anti‐realism debate redundant. “Narrativism” about selves turns out to do little more than recycle old arguments in fancy new packages.  相似文献   

现实主义的蜕变与误读   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
杨春时  林朝霞 《求是学刊》2007,34(2):97-102
自19世纪以来,现实主义概念几经变迁,在接受过程中被误读,先后演化为苏联的“社会主义现实主义”和中国的“革命现实主义”。那么,现实主义的真实内涵是什么?它是如何蜕变的?这些问题有待于知识考古学的细致研究。  相似文献   

Stephen Kemp and John Holmwood, Realism, Regularity and Social Explanation, pp. 165–187.
This article explores the difficulties raised for social scientific investigation by the absence of experiment, critically reviewing realist responses to the problem such as those offered by Bhaskar, Collier and Sayer. It suggests that realist arguments for a shift from prediction to explanation, the use of abstraction, and reliance upon interpretive forms of investigation fail to demonstrate that these approaches compensate for the lack of experimental control. Instead, it is argued that the search for regularities, when suitably conceived, provides the best alternative to experiment for the social sciences.  相似文献   

David Elder‐Vass's “For Emergence: refining Archer's account of social structure,” is the latest of a number of papers which together constitute a family quarrel in the cognitive space After Postmodernism among realist social scientists. In the case under examination here in “Elder‐Vass's Move and Giddens's Call”, the concern is the structure and agency problem in the social sciences. The debate continuing in Elder‐Vass's paper represents the proponents of the resurrection of Durkheim's social realism under the auspices of Bhaskar's Transcendental Realism; the debate that continues here as a response to the Elder‐Vass paper, opposes the latter's attempt to advance the argument for social realism under the canopy of Harre's Immanental realism. The theme of this response is this: Elder‐Vass fails to realize the promise of reconciling social structural realism and social relational realism.  相似文献   

实证主义在社会工作理论和实务的发展中发挥着重要的影响,而各种反实证主义思潮的论争则使社会工作有了更多视角和面向,在这其中批判诠释学是一支重要的力量。本文对实证主义传统下的社会工作模式进行了一些反思,在此基础上,讨论了批判诠释学对实证主义传统的批评和对社会工作理论和实务的影响。  相似文献   

The paper assesses the aims and arguments of critical social science and the reconstructions of it provided by critical realist philosophy. It argues that attempts to derive normative conclusions on the basis of explanatory critiques of social phenomena are flawed in several important respects. Accounts of critical social science standardly underestimate the problems of justifying critical standpoints and finding alternative social forms which generate fewer problems than those they replace, and hence lead to net improvement. By arguing that value positions can be derived from explanatory critiques, the philosophical reconstructions make light of the normative issues raised by proposals for social change. They also ignore the question of the feasibility of alternative systems and the prevalence of structures which generate both good and bad effects. While the reconstructions succeed in defending critiques centering on straightforward cases of false beliefs or the frustration of universal human needs, in others, where culturally-specific needs and issues of social responsibilities are involved, they fail to recognise the need to address prior normative questions. It is therefore argued that the aims and claims of critical social science need to be moderated and its dependence on normative discourse properly acknowledged.  相似文献   

One of the limitations of anti-oppressive perspectives (AOPs)in social work is its lack of focus at a micro and individuallevel. AOPs should entail the social worker’s addressingthe needs and assets of service users, challenging the oppressivesocial structure and, most importantly, critically challengingthe power dynamics in the service-provider/service-user relationship.Critical consciousness challenges social workers to be cognizantof power differentials and how these differentials may inadvertentlymake social-work practice an oppressive experience. The authorscontend that critical consciousness fills in some of the gapsof AOPs, and argue for a fuller integration of critical consciousnessinto teaching and practice of AOPs. The methods to work towardcritical consciousness, such as inter-group dialogues, agent–targetdistinctions and empowerment, are detailed.  相似文献   

Identification of public objectives related to agricultural sector support   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) is a widely debated policy in terms of both its budget and its instruments. In order to serve the citizens of Europe properly, CAP requires optimal identification of the public objectives desired. This paper aims to analyse the relative weights that citizens assign to the various potential objectives of the CAP and to show how these can be used to improve the selection of policy instruments. As a means of identifying social preferences we used the Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) technique on a population sample in Castilla y León (Spain). Results show how the current policy decision process lacks mechanisms capable of identifying social preferences and thus leading to the choice of sub-optimal policies.  相似文献   

The efficacy of child protection social work is regularly being questioned in the media as vociferous critics deride the profession for the apparent failings of its practitioners. This paper aims to examine the impact this hostility can have on practice and the relationship practitioners develop with their organization and subsequently the families they work with. By using autoethnography, a personal experience I encountered whilst working as a statutory social worker for an Emergency Duty Team will be explored in detail in order to analyse how discursive regimes can endorse and encourage particular ways of thinking and doing for social workers. I also intend to demonstrate that when workers operate in a risk averse environment, oppressive practices can develop subconsciously. These not only affect professionals’ values and assumptions but also fortify distance between the social worker and the client. If social work is to facilitate positive change in the current climate of uncertainty, then it is hoped that this story may enable both practitioners, and their critics, to recognize that being open to different forms of knowledge could lead to better outcomes for all involved.  相似文献   

A discussion of the social issue race contrasts the American Dilemma of the 1940s, typified by moral uneasiness over the struggle of right versus wrong, with what is described as a "New American Dilemma," characterized by moral conflict between right versus right—race-neutral and race-conscious social policies. Critical Race Theory (CRT) explanations for evidence of continuing and sometimes widening racial disparities in social and economic status are reviewed. Psychological Critical Race Theory (PCRT) is proposed as a way of accounting for the role of social psychological processes in continuing racial disparities. The components of PCRT—(1) Spontaneous and persistent influence of race; (2) Fairness is derived from divergent racial experiences; (3) Asymmetrical consequences of racial policies; (4) Paradoxes of racial diversity; (5) Salience of racial identity—are discussed. Implications for understanding the social issue of race are discussed.  相似文献   

Social care policy and practice draw on multiple sources ofknowledge. In order to help practitioners and policymakers identifyand act on the basis of high quality evidence, ways of assessingthe quality of this knowledge are needed. Part of the answermay lie in the use of a set of generic standards. To test thepotentiality of this approach, one document from each of fivecore domains of social care knowledge was selected and assessedindependently by three researchers using a set of generic standardsdeveloped within a study commissioned by the Social Care Institutefor Excellence. Critical reflections on feasibility and addedvalue were recorded. Each reviewer successfully applied theset of standards to each document, but faced problems with interpretationand the identification of source-specific standards. Use ofthe TAPUPAS schema forced consideration of the strengths andweaknesses of each document and broadened the common notionof quality and quality assessment to sources beyond the traditionalresearch domain. This small-scale testing suggests the potentialof the schema to enable assessments of quality to be appliedacross knowledge sources within both social care and other applieddiscipline areas such as health and education. As with any qualityassessment tool, training in its use is required.  相似文献   

This article addresses the process of developing an educational model for teaching social work with groups in an undergraduate social work degree program in Israel. The model was developed against a backdrop of decreasing status of social group work within the profession and the consequent loss of its unique identity and power in the social work field. The model's aims are to provide the students with the basic principles of social group work, to ensure its place in their professional identity, and to awaken curiosity regarding its use in their future practice as social workers.  相似文献   

This paper argues that researchers and social workers, whose work aims at empowering single parent families, have inadvertently participated in a social construction process that reinforces a pathological perspective on these families. The process has paradoxically caused single parent families to be disempowered through a welfare service system that pinpoints their difficulties and vulnerabilities. To address the paradox, the author recommends a ‘both–and’ perspective that takes into account both the needs and difficulties, and the strengths and successes, of these families.  相似文献   


Harvey Dean (1998) rejects my (Wakefield, 1988a; 1988b) argument that minimal distributive justice is the essential mission of social work and that treatment of mental disorder is not part of the profession's essential mission but rather a derived task. He argues that social work has broader ethical aims that encompass both pursuit of justice and treatment of mental disorder. In this article, 1 review my earlier position and respond to Dean's objections. I argue that Dean's narrativist account of the profession's ethical aims is overly broad and that he confuses non‐disordered psychological problems with mental disorders. I conclude that neither my “minimal distributive justice” view of social work's mission nor my exclusion of treatment of mental disorder from the profession's essential mission are disconfirmed by Dean's arguments.  相似文献   

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