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Vron Ware 《Cultural Studies》2013,27(6):526-551
The attack on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon in September 2001 and the subsequent declaration of the ‘war on terror’ by US and European powers, placed a particular burden upon feminists in those countries to call attention to the centrality of gender discourse in the current geo-political era. This essay recognises the urgency of exploring the ‘war on global terror’ from a feminist perspective, and applying pedagogical expertise to encourage wide-ranging, informed debate within the academic classroom. Identifying the feminist questions at the heart of contemporary discourse on freedom and civilization can become a valuable way to develop a critique of imperialism from many different locations. Two themes are pursued: the language of difference, and the implications of speaking about women and gender in different situations; and the challenges of postmodern warfare, which demand a close critique of information sources. The international enterprise to reconstruct civil society in Afghanistan offers urgent opportunities to test the feasibility of transnational feminist work, in theory and practice. Finally, the essay considers the importance of bringing different kinds of contemporary texts into the classroom. The best-selling The Bookseller of Kabul is examined as a useful subject of critique. Bringing a feminist perspective on whiteness can also be helpful in analysing representations of orientalist, racist texts. Finally, feminist analyses of militarism provide a valuable way to connect patterns of power ‘at home’ with the way that war is represented to the public.  相似文献   

Several recent empirical studies have challenged the conventional wisdom that deficits cause a higher interest rate. Many economists are, however, critical of the seemingly implied theoretical justification—that every individual fully recognizes the size of the deficit and the extent to which it increases future tax liabilities. This paper demonstrates that far weaker information assumptions are needed to obtain an aggregate savings response equal to the deficit: a reallocation of deadweight losses causes Ricardians to save more than their share of the deficit to keep consumption unaffected, allowing for a substantial fraction of Keynesians who save less than their share.  相似文献   

In the mid to early 1970s feminist writers raised four major criticisms about sociological research on women and expressed concern about the related issue of the discipline's treatment of women sociologists. Critics charged that sociological research underrepresented women as subjects, concentrated on research topics more central to men's than to women's lives, used concepts, paradigms, methods, and theories better portraying men's than women's lives, and used men and male experience as norms against which all social experience was assessed. Examination of published research in ten major sociology journals the 1974–83 period suggests that some concerns articulated in the critiques are reflected in subsequent published work, but others have had little or only limited impact. Findings suggest an association between women's participation as editors, board members, and authors in journals and the quantity and character of published gender articles.  相似文献   

This article comments on a recent study by Heim and Snyder (1991) which explores the interaction between marital distress and spouses' attributions in predicting depression. We suggest taht the attributional theory model may set up a reductionistic research stance that potentially separates what depressed people think from their circumstances and history, thus implying a linear relationship between thinking, depression, and, in this case, marital distress. We also question whether the authors' focus on women's attributional processes, combined with their reliance on a potentially unidimensional model of depression, might inadvertently support preexisting power imbalances in the marital relationship. Finally, we address research design issues regarding measurement, sampling, and statistical concerns.  相似文献   

This paper examines the gender matrix of time, arguing for cross-disciplinary consideration of political economy, globalization and technology to achieve a detailed understanding of gendered hierarchies of time and the ways in which public/private identifications of social space and time have variously constructed and maintained them. It is argued that women are alienated from their own time, which is identified as most legitimately allocated to the service of others both in the home and at work. The inter-relationship of technologies and gendered identities is explored in relation to public/private divisions and the political-economic and scientific-technological knowledge processes that contribute to upholding them. ICTs reflect these historically established gendered patterns, but international projects such as 'Women on the Net' also demonstrate the capacities of these technologies for disrupting the gender matrix of time through their use by women for women.  相似文献   

This paper examines the political processes inherent in Functional Family Therapy (FFT). It argues that this model of family therapy takes a covert political stance which reinforces traditional gender roles in both family and therapist. Of particular interest are FFT's affirmation of existing interpersonal functions in the family, as well as suggested therapist use of self. The implications of this stance are discussed, as well as recommendations for change.  相似文献   

While the new epistemology and related models of therapy are claimed to have radical social implications, the Milan approach is in ill repute amongst feminists who see it as conservative in relation to women's issues. This paper explores the sociopolitical implications of the new epistemology and the Milan approach, concluding that, while second order cybernetics has greater potential to incorporate a radical social analysis, it has, nevertheless, failed to do so. The application of second order cybernetics in family therapy appears to be constrained by the sociopolitical conservatism of its proponents.  相似文献   

This article tests the general hypothesis that a stronger assuranceof confidentiality improves survey response by means of a meta-analysisof the experimental literature. No support is found for thegeneral hypothesis, but the subsidiary hypothesis, that confidentialityassurances improve response when the data asked about are sensitive,is supported. Under those circumstances, the effect of confidentialityassurances is small but statistically significant and is robustin the presence of a variety of control variables.  相似文献   

Traditionnellement, dans les sciences sociales on a été préoccupé par les techniques destinées à accoître les taux de réponse aux questionnaires distribués par la poste. Ce n'est que rarement qu'on a essayé de déterminer si des taux de réponse élevés avait une relation avec la qualité des données obtenues. Si on considère les taux de réponse d'envinon 60 pour cent obtenus dans les enquêtes faites par entrevues par les centres de recherche commerciaux, on doit réexaminer le problème de l'utilisation des questionnaires en voyés par la poste comme une alternative, même si on ne prend pas en considération la grande différence de coût par sujet entre les entrevues et les questionnaires envoyés par la poste. Dans la recherche discutée ici, le même questionnaire a été envoyé par la poste, dans des conditions différentes, à trois échantillons tirés au hasard. Le taux de réponse pour les trois Cchantillons variaient de 33 à 48 pour cent, mais les données obtenues dans chaque échantillon étaient pratiquement équivalentes. Pour controler ce resultat, un questionnaire semblable a été envoyéà un échantillon tiré d'une autre population. Le taux de réponse à ce questionnaire était juste inférieur à 90 pour cent, mais les données obtenues des premiers et des derniers sujets étaient généralement équivalentes. Traditionally, social scientists have been preoccupied with techniques for increasing response rates to mail questionnaires. Only rarely have there been attempts to ascertain whether high response rates are related to the quality of data obtained. Given current completion rates of about 60 per cent for interviews by commercial survey research centres, the issue of using mail questionnaires as an alternative data-gathering technique requires re-examination, even apart from any consideration of the wide differential between interviews and mail questionnaires in cost per respondent. In the current research, the same questionnaire was mailed under varying conditions to three independent random samples. The response rates for the three samples varied from 33 to 48 percent, but the data obtained from each sample were basically equivalent. As a further check on this finding, an overlapping questionnaire was sent to a sample from another population. The response rate to this questionnaire was just under 90 per cent, but the data from earlier and later respondents were generally equivalent.  相似文献   

As the number of individuals and families impacted by AIDS continue to multiply, family therapists will increasingly be asked to become engaged in the challenge of caring for those affected. To date, little has been written in family therpy journals regarding the response of family therapists to this crisis. This paper represents an initial attempt to examine the atitudes of clinical members of the American Association for Marriage and Family Therapy toward AIDS and persons with AIDS. Included in the study are data regarding the therapists' contact with persons with AIDS, gays, and lesbians, and the impact of such contact on attitudes. Implications for future research, training, and treatment of those affected by AIDS are also provided.  相似文献   

In explaining fertility and reproduction and emerging patterns of childbearing, both demographers and feminists have centered their thinking on women's status (economic and social), women's changing roles and life experiences (increased labor force participation, increased availability of reproductive options, declining marriage rates in many parts of the industrialized world, and the centrality of women to development), and women as agents in micro- and macrolevel changes in family, fertility, and economic change. Although demography has recently begun to integrate feminist perspectives into fertility explanations, there is not yet a synthesis of feminist theoretical insights with demographic questions. Drawing from recent thinking on global and national political and policy challenges in the less and more developed worlds, to the epistemological shifts in knowledge of reproduction/mothering, to changes in the technologies of reproduction, this article moves toward an integration of feminist and demographic perspectives on fertility.
…far from the economic dependence of women working in the interests of motherhood, it is the steadily acting cause of a pathological maternity and a declining birthrate.
Charlotte Perkins Stetson, Women and Economics , 1899  相似文献   

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