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This collection of papers materialized in response to the American Sociological Association’s call for centennial plenary sessions in 2004 as it prepared for the 2005 annual meeting in Philadelphia. Three of the nearly two-dozen centennial plenary sessions selected for the conference proceedings focused on the subject of sociological knowledge. One of these plenary sessions was organized by me; the other two, originally intended to be one session but divided in order to accommodate the large number of proposed presenters, was organized by Barbara Schneider. Shortly after the sessions were confirmed, I contacted Barbara to determine her interest in publishing some of the presentations as a collection that offered multiple perspectives on the nature of sociological knowledge. Based on the initial interest expressed by both Barbara and the presenters, I contacted Larry Nichols to determine if he might have an interest in publishing a special issue of The American Sociologist on this topic. Upon his consent, work proceeded forward on this special issue. Bruce Keith is professor of sociology and associate dean for academic affairs at the United States Military Academy. He can be reached at zb9599@usma.edu.  相似文献   

The responsibilities of sociological poets   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
My contention is that we can't meet our aims and responsibilities as qualitative sociologists by writing poetry. I propose that our responsibilities include creating access to social worlds by exposing and analyzing the frameworks of meaning that uphold those worlds; writing as clearly and accessibly as we can; and making the rules of our craft known to outsiders. Poetry fails at these things because it keeps its foundations hidden, functions as a restricted code, and gives primacy to form over analytic content. I use the work of Laurel Richardson, an advocate for the use of poetry in qualitative sociology, as a foil for developing my argument. My conclusion is that, while there are ways we can use poetry in our research, the only way to meet the aims and responsibilities that define our craft and discipline is to write better prose.  相似文献   


Case studies are widely used in law, medicine and business schools. In this paper an example of how the case method can be used in complex organization, industrial sociology or political sociology classes is presented. The case method also lends itself to an applied approach challenging the student to use a sociological perspective in policy analysis. The utility of the case method for instructors using an applied approach is demonstrated.  相似文献   

In this essay the George Foster Peabody Collection and the WSB Atlanta Television News Archive are described. A discussion of the form, structure and content of the collections reveal that each are ideally suited to visual sociological investigation. In all, the textual body of visual imagery found in the Peabody collection is an important source for the study of culture. The collection offers access to fifty years of award winning audio and video recordings, spanning news, documentary, international, entertainment, public service and childrens program submissions, the WSB collection contains a rich array of materials that service to elaborate on a cultural and historic framework of the new and old south. Hard news stories along with documentaries reveal a variety of public and social rituals of historic importance, the WSB and Peabody collections can be accessed to fulfil a number of scholarly endeavors. Visual sociologists, anthropologists and communication scholars are encouraged to further explore the use of these two electronic media archives.  相似文献   

This article examines key sociological questions that are raised by the confinement of children and young people. Globally, there are approximately one million children held in confinement, and there is an emerging body of qualitative sociological research in this area. This article examines the role that social constructions of childhood innocence and evil play in shaping the processes of protection and removal, and how these constructions play a role in mediating state strategies of punishment and rehabilitation. The article also draws from an emerging body of qualitative sociological research to examine the role of youth confinement institutions in socializing vulnerable young people.  相似文献   

This paper aims to build a foundation from which sociologists can effectively address hoarding as a social problem embedded in a wider economic, cultural, and historic context. By focusing on practices of consumerism, interior design, collecting and waste disposal, we can see how socially constructed attitudes toward objects are linked with three primary hoarding behaviors: the acquisition of objects, clutter within the home, and difficulty discarding items. The transformation of shopping into a leisurely pastime has created a cultural context in which the acquisition of objects is normal and expected. Arrangement of objects within the home can be used to create of a sense of class membership, and collecting as a hobby and a lifestyle has been socially and economically encouraged since the late 1800s. Finally, a look at disposal practices reveals that the way we get rid of objects can be just as socially dictated as the way we use them. The behaviors associated with hoarding have been historically developed and are actively encouraged in contemporary western society. By examining the social context of hoarding behaviors, we can move toward an understanding of the ways that hoarders and nonhoarders alike navigate the social and economic landscape using material culture.  相似文献   

This paper argues existing scholarship on Asian American communities is limited by an assumption that incorporation into the US can productively address racial and economic precarity. As an alternative, we offer “Extinguishing Asian (American) Insurgency”, a theoretical framework that incorporates histories of colonialism, imperialism, and postcolonial politics of incorporation into contemporary sociological analyses of Asian subject formation. Applying Du Boisian sociology alongside Frantz Fanon and Joy James, the framework adopts a global, relational analysis of Asian Americans and the US state. We demonstrate the framework's utility through two case studies: anti-colonial Sikh diasporic politics through the Gadar Party and US state efforts to tie diasporic South Vietnamese identity to an anti-communist politic. As such, we encourage the study of alternative possibilities of Asian subject formation that are extinguished by state incorporation, particularly through imperialism and military serivce. Specifically, we address sociologists who extinguish the insurgent Asian American subject in their scholarship by assuming incorporation and pro-state politics as a natural end goal of migration, or those who simply do not name the US as the institutional force extinguishing possibilities of Asian Americans' insurgency.  相似文献   

Sleep is essential for our health and well‐being but it has, historically, been the subject of little sociological study. Yet sleep is not, as common sense would have us believe, ‘asocial inaction’. Like our waking lives, it is a time of interaction. The sociology of sleep presently exists in a state similar to the early stages of development of the sociology of the body, waiting for something like Frank's (1991 ) typology of body action, which served as a heuristic guide through which action and its multifaceted components could be understood. This paper argues that one productive analytical framework is to adapt Watson's (2000 ) ‘male body schema’ for the sociological investigation of sleep. This revolves around four interrelated forms of embodiment: normative (opinions and perceptions about healthy sleep behaviour); pragmatic (‘normal’ as related to social role); experiential (feelings related to sleep); and visceral (the biological body and sleep). The possibilities this model provides for the sociology of sleep is illustrated in the paper through the analysis of a case study of sleep negotiation between a couple.  相似文献   

The sociological construction of gender and sexuality   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
This essay considers how we might come to understand social constructionism sociologically. It examines a number of related approaches to gender and sexuality that speak to sociological concerns and might be termed social constructionist: historicism, symbolic interactionism, ethnomethodology and materialist feminism. By recognising that social constructionism is multifarious rather than unified, we find that each social constructionist approach offers particular strengths for analysing the complexities of gender and sexuality. Through closely analysing these approaches and some of the criticisms of them we can reassert sociology's specific contribution, and embrace social constructionist analyses which address the multilayered characteristics of the social in general and gender and sexuality in particular.  相似文献   

Recent attempts to announce the death of the family as a useful analytical category for sociologists are rebutted as being premature. The tendency to view household relations as family relations or, indeed, couple or gender relations as family relations seems to have arisen in the early 1970s. Earlier attempts to construct an empirically grounded analysis of family relationships have been curiously neglected. An account of one family on the Isle of Sheppey in Kent provides some illustrative ethnography on both the positive uses of family members-particularly siblings - and on the way the social boundaries of this family are constructed by its members. It is argued that the family is best understood as a system of relationships that change over time. There is a curious lack of systematic ethnography of contemporary family relationships so that what is taught to students as the sociology of the family may be widely at variance with their own personal experience. This may be partly a result of relying too much on random surveys of households at the expense of detailed explorations of existing patterns of social relationships and social meanings. Developing theoretical arguments on the basis of inadequate or inappropriate ethnography is evidently a dangerous and misleading exercise.  相似文献   

The demographic transformation and the sociological enterprise   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
The dramatic demographic changes of the 1980s and 1990s in the United States are creating a multiracial, multicultural society. This article examines the intellectual challenges for sociology posed by the emerging racial diversity brought about by these population trends. The problem is that conventional sociological frameworks no longer apply in this increasingly complex social world of rapid population changes, diversity, and polarization. Most significant, conventional American sociology, which has focused on white society rooted in western culture, is challenged by three large racial/ethnic categories. We argue that diversity must be incorporated into our sociologies. This requires two new approaches: (1) Sociology must be recentered, that is, it must move away from the notion that whites have the universal experience against which all others are measured; and (2) Sociologists must apply to diverse populations the same kind of sociological analysis that they apply to mainstream categories. This means that we demythologize by dispelling common myths about those outside the mainstream and that we uncover the mechanisms that construct social differences.  相似文献   

Any evaluation of sociology as a discipline ought to focus not only on the way sociology is produced, but also on how it is consumed. In this article, we examine the degree to which sociological concepts have been incorporated into the vernacular of American society, the impact of sociological techniques and methods on politics and society, and the relationship between sociology and public policy. While sociologists often point to the problems caused by a certain alienation from the general culture—for example the notion that sociology is written in an obtuse language that the public cannot comprehend—we point to the problems that develop when sociology is too readily incorporated into American culture and society. The danger is that the more popular sociology is, the less likely it will be to maintain the sharp intellectual edge that made its incorporation possible in the first place.  相似文献   

This article discusses the experiences and obstacles the author encountered while conducting research on dislocated workers from a privately owned inner city printing company that closed in 1993. While these experiences are meant to guide others, the primary issue addressed is the schism between social science academicians, particularly sociologists and members of the business community, and its impact on the relationship between economics and sociology. The possible causes and consequences of the problems sociologists face when using the private sector as a research laboratory, and its effect on the sub-field of economic sociology, are also explored. Recommendations for breaking down these barriers are considered. David A. Reingold received his Ph.D. in sociology from the University of Chicago, and wrote his dissertation on plant closings, worker dislocation, and low-wage labor markets. He has published articles on the employment problem of the urban poor, as well as the effect of inner-city public housing on community participation and work behavior. His work appeared in Urban Studies, Economic Development Quarterly and the journal of Urban Affairs. Currently, he is working on a study of welfare reform’s impact on human service providers.  相似文献   

Classical sociology addressed the relationship between science and religion, but interest in the topic waned during the 20th century. A second wave of research has emerged in the 21st century, focusing on scientists' (ir)religiosity, evolution, and the relationship between knowledge and acceptance of scientific concepts. Most of this research has been conducted in the United States, used quantitative methods, and focused on creationism, although scholars have recently begun to explore different research methods and sites. Their results suggest that the “conflict thesis” is not valid and that publics and scientists' views tend to be fluid and strongly shaped by national context. The literature on nonreligion has also expanded, but its connection to science remains ripe for further development. A more intersectional approach would also benefit the field, as would increased engagement between public understanding of science scholars and sociologists studying science and religion. Research in both areas is showing that attitudes toward science and religion cannot be understood solely in terms of knowledge about either domain. There is scope for more empirical and theoretical work internationally eschewing the assumption that science and religion conflict and focusing more on identity, culture, and power relations.  相似文献   

Passed in 1966, The Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) has provided nearly thirty years of access to government information virtually unmatched throughout the world. Used heavily by the media, it has been virtually ignored by sociologists. Nonetheless, it promises access to a potential wealth of data for sociological research. Following a brief discussion of the history of federal information policy and the FOIA, some suggestions for possible research applications are made. Implications for further research are presented, including the emergence of two new classes, information “haves” and information “have-nots,” indicating a new dimension for stratification research in contemporary society.  相似文献   

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