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This paper describes an international clinical internship that uses a developmental model to build inter-cultural sensitivity in baccalaureate social work students. The paper analyzes the stages students go through as they struggle to develop a bi-cultural professional perspective. This model adheres to the position that cross cultural practice in a multicultural world not only conforms to the emerging picture of life in the United States, but is also in accord with the values of social work.  相似文献   

Maintenance, an important concept in the organizational literature, is often assumed to be a key factor in the low levels of sensitivity to client needs and demands apparent in many human service organizations. This paper uses data from a national sample of juvenile courts to demonstrate, however, that maintenance may relate to other variables in ways that are at variance with the common assumption. The maintenance of internal organizational operations is bound closely to the development of ties to the community; as a result, strong emphasis on maintenance actually leads to high levels of sensitivity to clients when certain environmental forces demand it. This positive relation is especially strong when organizations are highly vulnerable to external pressures. Such results suggest a contingent view of the role of maintenance in organizations and imply some further directions for research.  相似文献   


The extent to which opportunities afforded by e-learning are embraced by an institution can depend in large measure on whether it is perceived as enabling and transformative or as a major and disruptive distraction. Most case studies focus on the former. This paper describes how e-learning was introduced into the latter environment. The sensitivity of competing pressures in a research intensive university substantially influenced the manner in which e-learning was promoted. This paper tells that story, from initial stealth to eventual university acknowledgement of the relevance of e-learning specifically to its own context.  相似文献   

Based on an ethnography at the Swedish Public Employment Service, this paper offers a typology of how employees managed to obey tasks they would rather not perform. It is argued that earlier studies of workplace obedience have tended to focus on a single mood in which the actor obeys: despair, cynicism, or seduction. Here, the movement between these moods is analysed. To pass from despair to cynicism, the emotional sensitivity particular to despair must be reduced. This happens through processes of detachment. To pass from cynicism to seduction, employees must break down the reflexive layer that obstructs enthusiasm. This happens through positive thinking. The reflexive step back to cynicism requires an analytic space that can be obtained either intentionally or through certain events. Building up the sensitivity that distinguishes cynicism from despair occurs through forms of alarm.  相似文献   

Despite extensive research activity on the recognition of emotional expression, there are only few validated tests of individual differences in this competence (generally considered as part of nonverbal sensitivity and emotional intelligence). This paper reports the development of a short, multichannel, version (MiniPONS) of the established Profile of Nonverbal Sensitivity (PONS) test. The full test has been extensively validated in many different cultures, showing substantial correlations with a large range of outcome variables. The short multichannel version (64 items) described here correlates very highly with the full version and shows reasonable construct validity through significant correlations with other tests of emotion recognition ability. Based on these results, the role of nonverbal sensitivity as part of a latent trait of emotional competence is discussed and the MiniPONS is suggested as a convenient method to perform a rapid screening of this central socioemotional competence.  相似文献   


This paper reports on the use of Milton Bennett's Developmental Model of Intercultural Sensitivity (DMIS) to analyze logs that were submitted by mental health service providers who participated in an intensive training program on intercultural competency. Program participants wrote eight monthly reflective logs about cultural experiences that occurred between training sessions. The categories of intercultural sensitivity described in the DMIS were used as the basis for coding log entries. The findings over the 10-month training period show that the development of intercultural sensitivity is, for the most part, a non-linear process in which one makes intermittent reversions to earlier levels and moves forward in spurts. After offering examples of non-linear and linear patterns in the logs, the paper discusses possible explanations for the findings and the challenges of coding according to the Bennett Model. Implications for intercultural competency education and training programs and their evaluation are proposed.  相似文献   

This paper proposes a new framework, based on graph database theory, for encoding complex data on covert networks, mapping their structure, and conducting a sensitivity analysis. The framework is then applied to reconstruct the terrorist network of the 2015–2016 attacks in Paris and Brussels, and related plots in Europe by the Islamic State group. The resulting network was found to be qualitatively different from the ideologically-related Al-Qaeda network, having a lower secrecy and a lower mean degree, under different network-generating assumptions.  相似文献   

This paper proposes a partial equality-of-opportunity ordering based on the inequality-of-opportunity curve, a mechanism that gives preference to those who are worse off in terms of opportunity. Moreover, it provides a complete ordering that depends on a sensitivity parameter representing the degree of priority in the equality-of-opportunity policy. The Moreno-Ternero approach is obtained as a particular case. This proposal is applied to a set of 12 countries to compare their degree of equality of opportunity. Results show the relevance for economic policy of observing inequality of opportunity over tranches. Denmark dominates, in terms of post-tax income, all other economies in our sample. This paper was written during my visit to the Department of Political Science at Yale University. I am very grateful for the hospitality and helpful comments of John Roemer. I also acknowledge useful comments and suggestions by Juan D. Moreno-Ternero, the audiences at XIV EEP (Santander) and ECINEQ2007 (Berlin) and two anonymous referees. This paper has benefited from the support of the Spanish Ministry of Science and Technology [Project#SEC2003-08397], Fundación BBVA and Instituto de Estudios Fiscales. The usual disclaimer applies.  相似文献   

This paper examines whether the profusion of ums that so many speakers produce is noticed, and whether these ums influence what audiences think of speakers. Even though ums do not seem to be a product of anxiety or lack of preparation, the first study, using a simple questionnaire, indicated that the average listener assumes that they are. The second study manipulated um rates by editing a tape to create a version where ums were replaced by silence or were eliminated. The original and edited versions were played to audiences who were told to focus on either the content or the style, or were not given any particular instructions. Estimates of ums showed no sensitivity whatsoever in the content focus, some sensitivity without focus instruction, and greatest sensitivity with the style focus, suggesting that ums can be, but are not always, processed automatically. On subjective ratings of the speaker, filled pauses created a better impression than silent pauses, but no pauses proved best of all. The ums had an effect even in conditions where the audience was unable to report their presence.  相似文献   

The increasing number of children diagnosed with psychosocial disorders reflects a trend toward pathologizing behavior that is unusual, challenging or extreme. Although these behaviors may match items on the symptom lists for various disorders, a therapist must first consider the origin and context of those behaviors for an individual child through a non-pathological lens. This paper proposes a framework for understanding the behavior of difficult children based on core issues rather than diagnostic symptoms: arousal/excitability, range of focus, perfectionism, intensity, interpersonal sensitivity, sensory sensitivity, cognitive/perceptual style, perception of time, reaction style, and affiliation/integrity. Each trait is examined from two perspectives: how it can lead to or be interpreted as a problem, and how a therapist can re-frame the trait and build on it to identify effective interventions. This approach affirms children’s strengths and upholds social work values.Barbara Probst, Adjunct Professor is affiliated with Graduate School of Social Service, Fordham University, NY, USA.Address correspondence to Barbara Probst, MSW, LCSW, Graduate School of Social Service, Fordham University, Neperan Road, Tarrytown, NY 10591, USA; e-mail: barbprobst@aol.com  相似文献   

This article investigates the role of government debt in the degree of excess sensitivity of private consumption to current disposable income. Because this type of excess sensitivity is generally attributed to liquidity constraints, this amounts to a test of the impact of government debt on the amount of credit extended to individuals. Controlling for financial liberalization we find that, for a panel of OECD countries in the 1990s, a high government debt leads to more excess sensitivity. This result supports the idea that a high government debt induces lenders to tighten credit conditions. Our findings survive several robustness checks.  相似文献   

This paper is written for non-Asian family therapists who must deal with an increasing number of Asian-American client families. Unlike some writers in fthe field who advocate that client and therapist have the same ethnic background, the authors belive that cultural sensitivity can be learned. Several culturally important values are described, and suggestions on how to orient treatment to fit this client population are offered. A Detailed case example illustrates the treatment issues involued.  相似文献   

This paper examines the way immigrant earnings are determined in Australia. It uses the overeducation/required education/undereducation framework and a decomposition of the native-born/foreign-born differential in the payoff to schooling. This decomposition links overeducation to the less-than-perfect international transferability of immigrants’ human capital, and undereducation to favorable selection in immigration. Comparisons are offered with findings from analyses for the U.S. and Canada to enable assessment of the relative impacts of favorable selection and the limited international transferability of human capital to the lower payoff to schooling for the foreign born. The sensitivity of the results of the decomposition to several measurement issues is assessed.  相似文献   


This research investigates an intercultural praxis approach to using visual research methods, in Australia and Vietnam, with preservice teachers in a Diploma of Early Childhood (DEC) course. The paper results from limited research with DEC preservice teachers exploring the development of intercultural praxis and limited research in teaching whilst using visual images (photos). The methodology is supported by using Bennett’s developmental continuum for intercultural sensitivity and draws on sociocultural theories to consider how these DEC preservice teachers’ histories and situational contexts are relevant in understanding the development of intercultural communication. Mixed methods include a comparative analysis of student-produced visual multiliteracy images (photographs) generated in Australia and Vietnam, during 2015 and 2016, annotations on those photos and interviews with two cohorts of students (n = 27) six months after their experiences in Vietnam. Analysis is reinforced with Sorrells’ intercultural praxis framework to understand students’ capacity to use inquiry, framing, positioning, and dialogue processes as a result of their study tour to Vietnam. The paper outlines and reinforces the importance of being explicit in developing intercultural sensitivity in dynamic teaching contexts and illustrates the increasing awareness of intercultural communication with these DEC students.  相似文献   

This paper explores snowball sampling, a recruitment method that employs research into participants' social networks to access specific populations. Beginning with the premise that research is ‘formed’, the paper offers one account of snowball sampling and using social networks to ‘make’ research. Snowball sampling is often used because the population under investigation is ‘hidden’ either due to low numbers of potential participants or the sensitivity of the topic, for example, research with women who do not fit within the hegemonic heterosexual norm. This paper considers how the recruitment technique of snowball sampling, which uses interpersonal relations and connections between people, both includes and excludes individuals. Following this, the paper contends that due to the use of social networks and interpersonal relations, snowball sampling (in)forms how individuals act and interact in focus groups, couple interviews and interviews. Consequently, snowball sampling not only results in the recruitment of particular samples, use of this technique produces participants' accounts of their lives. Doctoral research with (rather than on or for) 28 non‐heterosexual women is used to examine the inclusions and exclusions of snowball sampling and how interpersonal relations form research accounts.  相似文献   

A framework for conducting transcultural therapy with families is considered. This emphasises the importance of developing cultural sensitivity, competence, and the role of cultural consultants. The paper then applies this framework to Aboriginal families. The author explores the indigenous belief system about health and healing, demonstrating the importance of body, land and spirit to the Aboriginal people. Continuity and change in belief and health practices are then traced from the traditional setting to the mission or reserve and urban setting. A case study demonstrates how to work with this belief system and provides practical recommendations for family therapists. On a broader level the paper demonstrates the compatibility of systemic thinking to the Aboriginal world view and draws from the literature of transcultural psychiatry, geography, medical anthropology and family therapy.  相似文献   


A major challenge in multicultural social work education is fostering meaningful learning experiences for students by matching educational methods and content to students' individual learning needs and characteristics. Building upon transformative learning theory developed by Jack Mezirow, this paper proposes a teaching framework for transformative multicultural social work education that addresses students' individual learning needs and characteristics. This framework uses the dimensions of cultural knowledge and cultural sensitivity to represent four potential stances of cross-cultural learning in students. The paper provides a detail discussion regarding the learning needs and learning foci of students at each stance, and useful teaching strategies and activities that enhance students' transformative learning process so that they develop integrative knowledge about self and others in a dynamic multicultural society from multiple perspectives.  相似文献   


Social science datasets usually have missing cases, and missing values. All such missing data has the potential to bias future research findings. However, many research reports ignore the issue of missing data, only consider some aspects of it, or do not report how it is handled. This paper rehearses the damage caused by missing data. The paper then briefly considers eight different approaches to handling missing data so as to minimise that damage, their underlying assumptions and the likely costs and benefits. These approaches include complete case analysis, complete variable analysis, single imputation, multiple imputation, maximum likelihood estimation, default replacement values, weighting, and sensitivity analyses. Using only complete cases should be avoided wherever possible. The paper suggests that the more complex, modelling approaches to replacing missing data are based on questionable methodological and philosophical assumptions. And they may anyway not have clear advantages over simpler approaches like default replacements. It makes sense to report all possible forms of missing data, report everything that is known about the characteristics of cases missing values, conduct simple sensitivity analyses of the potential impact of missing data on the substantive results, and retain the knowledge of missingness when using any form of replacement value.  相似文献   

《Social Networks》1988,10(3):233-253
Although the concept of centrality has been well developed in the social networks literature, its empirical development has lagged somewhat. This paper moves a step in that direction by assessing the performance of four centrality models under a variety of known and controlled situations. It begins by examining the assumptions underlying each model, as well as its behavior in a community influence network. It then assesses the robustness and sensitivity of each model under conditions of random and systematic variation introduced into this network.  相似文献   

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