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进入经济新常态以来,"85后"90后"等新生代员工开始大量地、快速地进入到职场之中.与此同时,新生代员工频繁跳槽等现象引起了人们的关注,新生代员工的管理问题已经成为一个热门话题.文章从雇主品牌的视角,对企业与新生代员工的关系进行了分析.员工与企业共同的品牌认同度与美誉度,使得企业里里外外都同时获益.经济新常态下,企业与新生代员工的关系,已经逐渐发展成为双向选择的新型关系.  相似文献   

彭建平 《社会》2011,31(4):49-64
以两个集团公司研发事业部为个案,本文构建了不同情境下员工的社会网络,并对不同网络的关系特征值做了计算。研究发现,员工所处的社会网络位置对员工关系绩效存在显著影响;网络结构特征对国有企业员工和外资企业员工关系绩效的影响不同;中外企业研发员工社会网络的整体结构特征存在一定差异。这一发现为企业通过优化社会网络改善员工关系绩效提供了理论支持,同时丰富了嵌入性理论在中国企业的实践和应用。  相似文献   

以物流企业为行业背景进行问卷调查,采用结构方程建模的方法探讨企业社会责任对品牌绩效的作用机制。实证分析结果表明:企业社会责任对品牌美誉度有直接的作用,对品牌忠诚度有无直接作用,但可以通过品牌信任作为中介变量对品牌美誉度和忠诚度有间接作用。物流企业承担社会责任时,当顾客、客户、消费者感知到物流企业积极进行企业社会责任行为时,就会提高他们对企业及品牌的评价、产生品牌认同感,最终提高企业品牌绩效水平。  相似文献   

本研究通过文献分析的方法对日本企业品牌战略的特点及其产生的原因进行了总结和分析,认为日本企业在选择品牌战略时更注重对企业品牌的建设.从管理的角度来看,特殊的流通渠道及独特的企业文化使得日本企业更愿采用集约型的品牌管理方式;而从消费者的角度来看,日本消费者对企业品牌的忠诚度更高,并且更容易受企业品牌影响.  相似文献   

美学视角的品牌竞争优势:价值创造与美感体验   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
厉春雷 《学术交流》2013,(2):137-139
审美是品牌构建的重要因素,品牌中的美学价值是建立视觉和情感品牌的重要途径,审美因素对品牌价值的构建起决定性影响。因此,从美学的维度阐释品牌竞争优势是剖析当今品牌运动的关键所在,品牌美学规律的探讨更已成为现代品牌学、品牌系统理论研究的一个不可或缺的组成部分。基于这样的一个崭新视角,从品牌中的美学问题着手,通过美学的价值创造和品牌的美感体验两个角度,分析美学影响品牌价值的机理所在。  相似文献   

在北美,无论是浏览报纸的广告,还是通过猎头找工作,雇主对雇员的头一条要求总是“出色的沟通技巧”。由于英语是我的第二语言,出国后经历了很长一段时间的语言关,对于这一条很自然地理解为这是雇主对应聘者英语听、说、读、写能力的要求。试想,哪个雇主会用一个连“男女”都不分的员工(中国人讲英文最常见的口误是将“he”说成“she”)。  相似文献   

刘亚文 《社科纵横》2006,(10):16-17
西部地区中小企业员工忠诚滑坡的原因是多方面的,但企业自身在员工忠诚管理方面的问题不容忽视。西部中小企业必须在企业改革、用人理念、企业文化建设、人力资源管理和薪酬福利管理等多方面采取措施,遏制员工忠诚度下滑的趋势,为企业快速发展创造条件。  相似文献   

周沛 《社会工作》2013,(3):37-42,62
社会工作的目标指向是由社会工作者介入案主对象的双向互动过程,此中,案主是单一的。社会工作对企业的介入即企业社会工作。不同于青少年社会工作、老年人社会工作等目标指向是单一面对青少年、老年人,企业社会工作的目标指向不能把员工作为单一的案主。出于认知的误区及利益的博弈,企业社会工作的单一对象介入会面临企业及雇主的阻力。为此,必须"修正"一般性社会工作的目标指向,把员工与企业(雇主)作为企业社会工作的二元对象,在帮助员工的同时,需要促使企业和员工的沟通,把企业社会工作纳入到企业管理中,从员工权益维护、福利提供、企业发展、企业社会责任等角度来实施企业社会工作。目前,根据实际情况,企业社会工作者的身份属性可以采取机构属性模式与企业属性模式两种。  相似文献   

随着高等教育的不断改革与发展,一大批获得高学历的人才进入社会,这将对经济发展起到重要作用。不过,目前的研究中很少涉及高学历人才对个体企业究竟能否起到预期中的作用。本文试图从生产率的角度解释员工学历对于企业经营绩效的相关影响,从企业角度研究员工学历对于人均工资的可能影响。运用2004年中国经济普查数据实证检验员工学历对于企业利润率与人均工资的可能影响,结论认为:(1)员工学历与企业利润率呈显著的正相关性,员工学历对于企业绩效可能具有积极影响,但是平均学历并未通过出口而增强对利润率的影响;(2)员工学历与人均工资呈显著的正相关性并且通过出口而增强,这从企业角度再一次证明了学历对于求职者以及工人的重要性。  相似文献   

新时期涉农和谐劳动关系是农业产业升级的重要影响因素,是涉农企业运营效率与效益的根本保证.它有自身的特点,如涉农企业员工(方)经济来源多重复杂、法规调节基础特殊、相关法规不健全、非农民身份的员工要求更高等.这些特点决定了劳动关系和谐化构建的特殊性.考虑涉农劳动关系的特殊性,通过强化涉农劳动关系的各主体职能来保证涉农劳动关系的和谐化.其中,涉农企业应强化内功,提高管理者素质,做到满意引人、用人和留人;员工应不断提升自身素质,以求与企业在战略与行为上的和谐一致;政府应健全相关立法,营造和谐环境,鼓励相关培训,从而提高涉农企业员工职业素养,学习做好自己的职业生涯管理,做好职业定位,从长远的利益出发,构建一个良好和谐的劳动关系.  相似文献   

This article explores the intersectional role played by the various categories of workplace dynamics of female domestic workers in India. It models crucial aspects of a range of workplace conditions and employee‐employer relationship and empowerment factors, as predictors of the economic well‐being of domestic workers. The analysis is based on a questionnaire survey of 487 domestic workers in two cities of the Indian state of Karnataka, conducted July–December 2014. The prediction models reveal intersectionality: female domestic workers are disadvantaged by inequalities caused by two unique aspects of their work, namely, the feminization of this work as naturalized labor that women do because of their innate caring characteristics, and the employer‐employee relationship where the focus of work is the intimate private space of the employer. Empowerment factors, therefore, become additionally significant for their protection from exploitation and abuse. This paper highlights the conflicting role played by empowerment and concludes by discussing implications for legislation and policy.  相似文献   

廖文伟  王丽云 《社会》2005,25(2):137-167
党政关系是中国国家治理结构的核心所在。已有文献大多集中在“应然性”研究或官员层次的分析。本文提出一个基于人事制度的研究视角,从官员在党政领域不同职位和机构的任职、流动、兼职等事件和轨迹信息来测量党政机构和职位间的交融程度和关联程度,从不同侧面捕捉党政关系的实际运行状况。本研究提出了党政领域间人事流动的一系列分析概念和维度,如任期期限、职位和机构的知识通用性、交融性、关联性等。我们应用这一视角和相应的概念测量分析一个省份在省市县(区)层次机构主要官员的人事任期和流动信息,及其所折射的党政关系特点。  相似文献   

Professional mothers are more likely than professional fathers to leave workplaces—a phenomenon referred to as opting out. Previous research asserts that work–family challenges, including lack of access to supportive workplaces, are among the main reasons for this pattern. Despite revived interest in the study of opting out, little is known about factors shaping the loyalty to employer of those currently employed. Using data from the 2002 National Study of the Changing Workforce (N = 160 professional mothers; 114 professional fathers) we explore how three important forms of workplace social support – coworker support, supervisor support, and supportive workplace culture – are associated with professional mothers’ and fathers’ loyalty to their employees. Including fathers allows us to determine if gender dynamics are present in these patterns. The results suggest gendered patterns where supportive workplace culture relates to professional fathers’ employer loyalty and supervisor support relates to professional mothers’ employer loyalty.  相似文献   


Mobbing includes any kind of systematic behaviors, such as threats, humiliation, and violence, committed by an employee against his or her colleagues, subordinates, or managers. In recent years, reoccurring and persistent mobbing behaviors that result in a power imbalance between harasser and victim are increasing. These unethical behaviors can affect organizational commitment, employee efficiency, motivation, job satisfaction, and potential staff burnout. To measure this concept a questionnaire was given to 320 administrative staff in a university hospital in Ankara, Turkey. Significance was noted between mobbing and affective responses and continuance of employment. In addition, findings support that the majority of the respondents (79%) reported experiencing mobbing and of these 32% reported that these behaviors continued for a duration of 2–5 years. Reasons for these types of behaviors in the work environment included: job stress, administrative/supervisor/management problems, and work performance. The majority of the respondents who were victims did nothing in response. In closing, a correlation analysis was conducted to specifically address the relationship between mobbing and organizational commitment and no significant relationship was found. Reasons for these responses are discussed along with suggestions and practice implications.  相似文献   

This paper presents a dynamic perspective in which the psychological contract is treated as a structured set of beliefs that are held by individual employees about the mutual obligations of the organization as employer and themselves as employees. This set of beliefs is assumed to produce a state of commitment to the organization in which the employee is willing to accept work roles and tasks offered by the organization, and to carry them out in accordance with certain standards. The dynamic model that is presented can help to explain why the commitment of employees remains relatively stable over time, and why it may suddenly decrease or increase under circumstances that are perceived as critical by the employee. The model assumes that the employee's evaluation of the organization's behavior changes over time, but that the structure of the psychological contract and the associated commitment change only when certain limits are overstepped. This perspective on changes in the psychological contract transforms the concept into a powerful construct that may lead to fruitful research on the dynamics of organization‐employee relationships. Implications for future research are discussed.  相似文献   

Comparative studies of social security systems have increasingly turned towards the use of replacement rates as measures of the level of benefits in different countries and therefore of the degree of social protection afforded by different welfare systems. The rationale for this is that replacement rates provide consistent measures of the relative generosity of payments and therefore indicate the "quality" of social security systems. This article reviews the use of replacement rates in comparisons of the generosity of retirement pensions and argues that they are not necessarily reliable as such measures. This reflects a number of factors, including incomplete measurement of benefit packages and differences in what must be bought out of disposable incomes. Most importantly, the article suggests that the levels of earnings in different countries are not independent of the processes of redistribution. In particular, countries which rely on social security contributions from employers appear to provide more generous benefits than those which rely on income taxes or employee contributions. This is a consequence of the fact that employer contributions do not figure specifically in the calculation of replacement rates. The relative generosity of benefit systems is overstated in countries which rely on employer social security contributions to fund benefits. The article concludes that a range of complementary indicators of social security systems should be used in future analysis of these issues.  相似文献   

品牌形象是一个综合性的概念,是由品牌名称和品牌标志两部分构成的,同时又是企业的商标组织。旅游品牌形象的构成要素有功能要素和识别要素。旅游品牌形象的评价指标有品牌知名度、品牌美誉度、品牌忠诚度和品牌追随度。在旅游市场日益大众化、个性化、国际化的时代,中国"四极"旅游品牌形象具有强大的生命力。  相似文献   

This article argues that there might be important efficiency gains for countries to provide generous unemployment insurance benefits. Firstly, generous unemployment benefits might reduce the risks, real or perceived, associated with labour market transitions such as changing employer and/or career. Secondly, such benefits might increase workers' skills levels, both by functioning as a form of insurance for workers' investments in skills that are not easily transferable between employers and by facilitating the accumulation of skills that are developed through experience with different employers. These arguments are supported by empirical data, covering 14 countries, from the Eurobarometer survey.  相似文献   

This article compares maternity leave data from a 1981 Columbia study, a 1992 two county survey and a 1997 revisit to the same sample of Idaho employers. The data reflect a trend between 1981 and 1997 of shifting costs for specific benefits (pension, life and health insurance) from employer to employee. The findings also indicate that, regardless of the number of employees, all responding employers have health insurance that covers maternity and allow pregnant employees to work until delivery if able to do so. Additionally, the effects of the Family and Medical Leave Act of 1993 are considered by comparing policies reported in 1992 and those reported in 1997 by Idaho employers with 50 or more employees. The conclusions point to substantial changes in some leave benefits since the FMLA took effect but echo again the dilemma faced in the United States, that we are still out of step with most industrial societies in that we have an unpaid leave policy.  相似文献   

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