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In the mid-1980s, population movement, wartime male mortality, and changing notions of marriageability converged to create a radically different marital terrain than that previously encountered by Vietnamese women. Finding themselves without suitable marriage prospects a small number of single women asked men they would not marry to get them pregnant. This paper focuses on three elements that contributed to this refashioning of reproductive space: the women's post-war experiences that prompted them to ‘ask for a child’, state policies that provided a different dynamic for bearing children out of wedlock, and the manner in which the Women's Union sought to provide social acceptance for women who ‘asked for a child’. As a result of the women's agency and the state's decision to incorporate single mothers into society a new reproductive space was forged in which ideologies of motherhood, family, and reproduction took on new meaning in post-war northern Vietnam.  相似文献   

时尚杂志充斥着靓丽的图像、知性的文字和体贴的语气,它们在给读者带来视觉快感的同时,也向读者传达了一种新鲜的美学判断。在时尚杂志所引导的女性美学观中,身体是女性美的中心,而时间美学观和空间美学观是女性美的两个基点,背后隐藏着现代性的追寻、安全感的诉求、消费观念的刺激、男性凝视的快感等美学缘由。时尚杂志潜移默化地向青年女性传达了一种新鲜的美学判断,但其所倡导的美学观是病态的、不健康的,在批判这种美学观的同时,青年女性应该在自我独立的基础上追求一种健康的、朴素的、自然的女性美。  相似文献   

Women's responses in the context of focus groups to fashion photographs and clothing advertisements in Vogue magazine and to a brief questionnaire eliciting their attitudes toward clothing and fashion are used to examine the nature and extent of hegemonic influences in fashion. Participants' sources of information about fashion suggest that the authority of the fashion press is limited. The magazine's conceptions of women's roles as expressed in its fashion photography fit a model of "conflicted" hegemony characteristic of American media and popular culture in general. Empowered by the cultural context of conflicted hegemony, women were generally critical of fashion photographs. Their responses to photographs were influenced by their acceptance of traditional norms of feminine demeanor but varied by age and race. They rejected the magazine's orientation toward the use of fashionable clothing for postmodernist roleplaying in favor of a modernist outlook.  相似文献   

This essay analyses the trial records of civil cases between former slaves and their former slaveholders between 1865 and 1899 to consider the different, often competing, ways in which these parties portrayed the antebellum and postbellum worlds. In courtrooms around the post-war South, former slaves and former masters wove diverging narratives about slavery, capitalism and labor, family and authority, and sexual violence. Litigants sought to leverage these tales and their interlinked histories to win legal disputes against each other, while also working to advance their own visions of the post-war world.  相似文献   

This paper elucidates the changes in the meanings associated with the term rezubian (the Japanese term for "lesbian") through an analysis of its discourse in magazines for general readership published in post-war Japan. The category of "rezubian" first appeared in mainstream magazines in the 1960s as a generic category that referred to both "masculinized women" and "women who engage in sexual acts with other women." Masculinized women, in particular, were called "onabe." At first "onabe" denoted "a tachi rezubian," meaning a lesbian who plays "top," but gradually a distinction came to be made between "rezubian who are onabe" and "rezubian who aren't." The early 1990s saw the differentiation of "onabe" as a category distinct from that of "rezubian." Focusing particularly on this process of differentiation, this paper traces the transitions in the signifying practices pertaining to the category rezubian. doi:10.1300/J155v10n03_09.  相似文献   

Feminist international relations theory argues that male consolidation of power in the aftermath of armed conflict often occurs as men gain the status of heroes in the post-war appraisals. Explorations of republican commemoration in the North of Ireland have uncovered the dominance of the male protagonist with a notable relative absence of militant republican women. Militarized masculine narratives and patriarchal understandings of what is deemed a combatant role, and therefore deemed worthy of commemorating, consistently fail to value or recognize women’s multiple and vital wartime contributions. This article argues that conventional definitions of military contributions and combatant roles are imprecise, highly gendered and ultimately function as a mechanism to denigrate and exclude women’s wartime labor. Based on in-depth interviews with former combatants, the article critically explores the ways in which republican women themselves conceptualize their contributions to armed struggle. Emerging from this is a theoretically rich narrative of women’s multiple and diverse military roles which firmly challenge the limited definition of “a person with a weapon.” It is suggested that by paying careful attention to the lives of combatant women, feminist scholars can use their experiences, narratives and meanings to challenge existing frameworks and discourses, and redefine combatant roles and wartime contributions.  相似文献   


Traditionally for black Americans, World War I did not signify the traumatic removal of traditional Victorian ideals, the end of any romantic notions of battle, or, as it would for white American literature, the disillusionment and alienation of a literary ‘Lost Generation’. Although experiencing continued racism upon their return, the recognition that black Americans had received in wartime France came to characterize a budding enthusiasm for the social prospects of the post-war era. Yet many novels of the Harlem Renaissance certainly resonate with the disillusionment of the Lost Generation and similarly grapple with notions of war trauma and traumatic post-war (re)integration into a chaotic American society. This article considers the endeavour to reconcile feelings of post-war national unity with the African-American struggle for racial equality in the early twentieth century. By evaluating the analogous themes of alienation, masculinity, and place represented by both the Lost Generation and Harlem Renaissance, this article seeks to highlight traumatic parallels between post-war literatures of two divergent ‘lost’ generations.  相似文献   

Older women's body image is multidimensional, changes across lifespan, and is a significant source of self-esteem. Ageist social practices in popular fashion magazines and the reluctance of the fashion industry to recognize the sartorial needs of female baby boomer cohorts feed into an internalization of naturally aging women's bodies as socially undesirable. Depression and/or eating disorders are associated with negative internalizations of body image. Despite baby boomers being the most affluent female social group in the United States history and the fashion industry's enormous social influence on women's self-image, few studies have examined the depiction of older women in fashion magazines. Visual content analysis of eight fashion magazines revealed that the fashion industry continues to focus its promotional efforts on youthful populations and seldom includes images of women over forty, regardless of the large percentage of such women among their readership.  相似文献   

Available, well-positioned urban space at relatively low cost has permitted the growth of a lively small-scale and independent fashion sector in Berlin, mostly female-led. These shops, workshops, boutiques and ‘ateliers’ have also benefited from support in the form of reduced rents for business start-ups (Zwischennutzung) and other provisions which encourage job creation and self-employment. Within and alongside the imperative to self-organise according to the requirements of contemporary entrepreneurial governance, different, proliferating forms of activity can be seen where there are co-operative and collaborative modes of ‘co-working’. Fashion design workshops in Berlin both subscribe to and undermine commercial imperatives, offering embedded forms of job creation where ethical fashion and urban regeneration enter into partnership. This article proceeds by ‘lifting out’ fashion design from current debates about creative economy where the specificities of this sector are often submerged, and, considering recent changes within the fashion industry per se, it offers some reflections, in a period of austerity and cuts to public spending, as well as high unemployment for young women, on the possibilities for localized practice within a neo-artisanal frame. The question of entrepreneurship understood within a broadly Foucauldian frame is interrupted on the basis of the tendency to homogenize and flatten practices within the terms of neo-liberal governmentality. By paying attention to the many multi-mediated associations, and networked arrangements where elements from an earlier tradition of feminist projects, third sector and not-for-profit activities can be drawn on, the assemblages of fashion emerge as a pathway for local growth, meaningful non-standard jobs and a merging of craft with ethical and sustainable practice.  相似文献   

We have come a long way from our understanding of the menopause as it was described in the 11th century by Trotula of Salerno, a female gynaecologist who said 'there are older women who give forth blood matter especially as menopause approaches them'. Yet very little is known about the impact menopause has on the mental health of women especially severe and enduring illnesses like schizophrenia. A lot of research has shown that estrogen acts as a protective factor due to its antidopaminergic properties, thus providing an explanation for the increase in risk of a new psychotic disorder during the menopause. This has further led to the hypothesis of hormone replacement therapy providing benefits in the management of these disorders in menopausal women. This review article highlights the importance of a clear understanding of this phase of life in patients suffering from or who present with a risk of developing schizophrenia.  相似文献   


HerWay Home is a multi-service drop-in and outreach program women for with substance use issues and who also may be affected by mental illness, trauma, and/or violence. Philosophical foundations of the program include harm reduction and being relationship-based and trauma-informed. This article presents the program’s evaluation findings related to cross-sectoral service collaborations and outcomes for service partners as well as for women and families, including prevention of children going into care. For service partners, HerWay Home provided peace of mind, knowing that vulnerable women’s needs would be met and also led to increased understanding about substance-using women and best practice approaches.  相似文献   

This paper critically scrutinizes the thesis put forward by Jennifer Platt in a recent article in The Sociological Review about the general relation between theory and method, based on her investigation of the specific example of functionalism and survey research in post-war US sociology. The present paper questions the extent to which Platt's analysis and general conclusions mask important levels of connectedness between theory and method.  相似文献   

This paper approaches the cultural body as a dynamic nexus of interaction between biophysical factors and diverse social environments in Bolivia. The discussion develops insights from four recent studies that explore the beliefs, practices, and relations that give shape and meaning to sexuality and reproductive health in Bolivia. Visions and voices of women and men with varying sexualities and identities shed critical light on a number of common theoretical assumptions about gender.  相似文献   

This paper situates current discussions of women's position in ICTs in the wider context of feminist debates on gender and technology. While a common trend among early feminist theorists was a profound pessimism about the inherent masculinity of technology, this was replaced during the 1990s by an unwarranted optimism about the liberating potential of technoscience for women. This article gives an account of both technophobia and technophilia, arguing that recent approaches drawing on the social studies of technology provide a more subtle analysis. Avoiding both technological determinism and gender essentialism, technofeminist approaches emphasize that the gender-technology relationship is fluid and flexible, and that feminist politics and not technology per se is the key to gender equality.  相似文献   

This article is about women’s economic empowerment within the United Nations (UN) Women, Peace and Security (WPS) agenda. Based on analysis of the core agenda-setting documents, it traces where two different versions of women’s economic empowerment, “liberal” (including women in the formal economy) and “liberating” (women collectively mobilizing to challenge the status quo), appear in the WPS agenda. It argues that the two exist in uneasy tension in the UN’s aspirations for women’s economic security post-war, but that when it comes to actual activities and achievements, the liberal version dominates over the liberating version. The article argues that it is important not to overstate the divide between the two approaches, and that the seeds of a liberating approach can be found within the liberal. It is initiatives to facilitate women’s economic empowerment that contain opportunities for collective action to transform the structures of the economy that WPS advocates should advocate. This would strengthen the WPS agenda and its ability to contribute to security as feminists envisage it, as encompassing freedom from want as well as freedom from fear.  相似文献   

Through its analysis of the complex discursive struggle over Times Square's – and later America's – ‘bobby sox brigade’, this article reintroduces young women into historical and theoretical accounts of youth culture. In doing so it challenges subculture and moral panic theories for their over-emphasis on working-class masculinity and their inability to account for the complexity and localized specificity – both historical and geographic – that such case studies command. The bobby soxer and the conflicting debates she engendered must be understood as a product of wartime contingency and in relation to the contested discourses within and between different localized contexts and media forms; the bobby soxer was simultaneously positioned as the key problem of wartime and promise of the post-war prosperity ahead. This article ultimately proposes a theoretical framework focusing on localized and contested terrains of discourse, appropriate to (sub)cultural activity in times of war and other disruptions.  相似文献   

Research about masturbation tends to be limited to the assessment of masturbation incidence and frequency. Consequently, little is known about what people experience connected to masturbation. This might be one reason why theoretical approaches that specifically address the persistent gender gap in masturbation frequency are lacking. The aim of the current study was to explore several aspects of masturbation in young men and women, and to examine possible associations with their social backgrounds and sexual histories. Data from 1,566 women and 1,452 men (ages 18 to 22) from 52 Swedish senior high schools were analyzed. Comparisons between men and women were made regarding incidence of and age at first masturbation, the use of objects (e.g., sex toys), fantasies, and sexual functioning during masturbation, as well as about their attitudes toward masturbation and sexual fantasies. Cluster analysis was carried out to identify similarities between and differences within the gender groups. While overall more men than women reported experience with several of the investigated aspects, cluster analyses revealed that a large proportion of men and women reported similar experiences and that fewer experiences are not necessarily associated with negative attitudes toward masturbation. Implications of these findings are discussed in consideration of particular social backgrounds.  相似文献   

针对多元主义这一社团政治理论预设存在的盲区,本文以法团主义理论为视角,以战后武汉工会为研究对象,考察其是否具有利益代表职能及强组织凝聚力,并执行社会整合功能。研究发现,战后武汉工会不具备法团主义整合方案所要求的基本条件,其整合模式既异于国家法团主义模式,又不同于社会法团主义模式。究其原因,弱势独裁的政府始终未能实现行政权力的集中化、分层化与制度化;政府对社会的专制控制使得民间社会趋于萎缩,无法发展出充分专业化分工的社会团体。先天的不足使武汉工会只有法团主义的形而无其神,最终无法担负起社会整合的功能。  相似文献   

This paper develops a critical approach towards the nature of research and knowledge about Women in Management (WIM). A variety of perspectives in the WIM area are reviewed from an inter-disciplinary standpoint. Drawing on radical approaches to organization analysis, the paper aims to evaluate the insights provided into the position of women in management from the perspectives outlined. It is argued that feminist approaches which focus on the gendered nature of organizational processes and in particular organizational cultures, represent an important way forward in the development of adequate theorizations of the position of women managers. The paper examines the implications of this analysis for the Women in Management research agenda and explores appropriate strategies for organizational change within this arena.  相似文献   

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