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Liz Beddoe Kathryn Hay Jane Maidment Neil Ballantyne Shayne Walker 《Social Work Education》2013,32(8):955-967
The readiness to practice of newly qualified social workers in Aotearoa New Zealand is a contested subject. In recent years, criticism by public figures including government ministers and the New Zealand government-appointed Children’s Commissioner have stimulated debate within the profession. Media critique of social work practice has highlighted many of the challenges faced by social workers. Significant policy developments, in particular a substantive government review of child protection services, have also increased the scrutiny of the capabilities of social workers.A timely 3-year multi-phase project ‘Enhancing readiness to practise’ is the first large study of social work education to be funded in Aotearoa New Zealand. The findings reported here have been derived from data collected in a series of focus group interviews with social work educators and students, in which they reflected on curricula in their programs and explored their perceptions of readiness to practice. Overall, educators were positive about the preparedness of their graduating students but held concerns over the organizational environments they would enter. Students were more ambivalent about their readiness, but hopeful and committed to ongoing learning. Development of programs to support graduates to transition to employment is recommended. 相似文献
Community development in Aotearoa New Zealand can be conceptualizedas three concurrent processes such as (1), statutory work undertakenby the State through central government departments and localauthorities (consisting of a system of legislation, fundingassistance to individuals, groups and organizations and theprovision of social services), (2) social change processes undertakenprimarily through the collective action of individuals, groupsand organizations that give voice to marginalized groups andcommunities and (3) the forces of change within Tangata Whenuacommunities working for tino rangatiratanga, self determination.Three time-periods are identified to help structure the discussionthat begins from 1840, the time of the signing of the Treatyof Waitangi between the Queen of England and Maori, the indigenouspeoples of Aotearoa New Zealand, signalling the birth of modernAotearoa New Zealand. This paper argues that community developmentas policy and the practice (methodology) of social change throughorganizing, coordinating and initiating activities that enhancethe wellbeing of individuals, groups and communities is morethan pedagogy of the oppressed and, therefore,cannot be conceptualized simply in terms of resistance.It is a holistic process of transformation encompassing socio-economic,political, cultural, environmental and spiritual dimensions. 相似文献
Sharon Mast 《Qualitative sociology》1988,11(1-2):99-112
Conclusion It can be argued that qualitative research has become more popular in New Zealand in recent years. If this is so, then researchers in diverse subfields of sociology may come to develop an awareness of their common interests, thus fostering the growth of qualitative sociology as a basis of occupational identification. However, many of the developments which have bearing on the state of qualitative sociology in New Zealand (e.g., a local journal, funding agencies and research centres) have only been recently established. It is therefore too early, perhaps, to assess the future role of qualitative sociology in New Zealand scholarship. Nevertheless, the preceding discussion has demonstrated the existence of a lively research scene, much of it qualitative, which exists in New Zealand at present. 相似文献
《Comparative American Studies》2013,11(1):85-103
AbstractFrank O'Hara's 1958 poem 'Ode: Salute to the French Negro Poets' cites 'race' as 'the poetic ground on which we rear our smiles', a phrase that points to both domestic and international contexts for reading this New York poet. At the same time, 'race' has a history of specific valences in O'Hara's work – as a focus of exoticized images of desire, aesthetic fulfillment, and social energy. Further, race, inflected through various colonial screens, becomes the central avenue leading toward O'Hara's project of rewriting the parameters of social space in poetry, a radical aestheticization not just of landscape but of social relations, with a consequent socialization of the act of writing. This article explores O'Hara's spatial poetics through the terms of Situationist theory, in which the techniques of dérive and détournement are applied to a reading of the poet's active suspension of the 'rules' of a gridded and hierarchical social order. 相似文献
A hierarchical needs assessment model used to identify the competencies required by communication management practitioners in the New Zealand workplace generated three key findings. First, there was evidence of a perspective of CM as a distinct discipline founded on an agreed body of knowledge, skills and values. Second, despite an identified lack of consensus about required CM competencies in the literature, we found high levels of agreement between practitioners and academics. Third, there was, however, a significant difference in views between these two groups about the importance of the competency managing client reputation. As this was rated as one of the two most important competencies by respondents, there are implications for changing the focus of tertiary curricula to ensure graduates are appropriately prepared for the reality of workplace practice. 相似文献
Charles Crothers 《The American Sociologist》2016,47(4):486-498
Journals may set themselves one or several of a range of missions, but often a national Sociology Association’s journal is concerned to be a vehicle assisting in the shaping of that country’s ‘national sociology’, while maintaining some openness to international sociology. This personalised case study of New Zealand’s sociology journal discusses the extent to which this mission has been achieved over the last decade and more generally over the journal’s history, and the nitty-gritty of challenges and operational issues involved in carrying this out. 相似文献
M.J. HEDLEY 《Revue canadienne de sociologie》1988,25(1):67-83
Cette communication analyse les tentatives des membres des families ďagriculteurs de vouloir imposer leurs propres modèles sur le processes de production et sur la création et la reproduction de leur existence sociale. Cette communication souligne aussi ľimportance ďune reformulation des approches traditionnelles envers la culture rurale en reconnaissant ľinfluence importante ďune histoire de domination. Les arguents sont basés sur les résultats de recherches entreprises sur place dans le nord de la Nouvelle Zélande et en Alberta central.
This paper examines the concern of the members of farm households to impose their own designs on the productive process, and on the creation and reproduction of their social existence. It also points to the importance of rethinking conventional approaches to rural culture by recognizing the pervasive influence of a history of domination. The arguments draw upon the results of field work conducted in northern New Zealand and central Alberta, Canada. 相似文献
This paper examines the concern of the members of farm households to impose their own designs on the productive process, and on the creation and reproduction of their social existence. It also points to the importance of rethinking conventional approaches to rural culture by recognizing the pervasive influence of a history of domination. The arguments draw upon the results of field work conducted in northern New Zealand and central Alberta, Canada. 相似文献
Recent work in comparative sociolinguistics marks a re–engagement of variationists studying language change in progress with geography. In this study of the vocalization of /l/ in nine speech localities in Australian and New Zealand English, the geographical, the linguistic and the social constraints on variation are all included in the quantitative analysis. The usual identification of the starting point of change as the factor that is quantitatively ‘more’ is challenged by variable constraint hierarchies associated with speech localities as well as by the identification of Christchurch as the place of the origin of the sound change. Neither the gravity nor the urban hierarchy models of diffusion explain the geographical pattern of the sound change; a number of place effects are proposed as potential explanations, including the geographical variability of the vigorousness of the change. Variable isoglosses representing discontinuities in the dataset are mapped; they reveal the subtle patterns of sociolinguistic variation that mark the difference between Australian English and New Zealand English. 相似文献
CAROLINE BRIDGE 《Children & Society》1989,3(4):325-331
SUMMARY. During the last decade the New Zealand Family Court has been central to the transformation of key aspects of Family Law. It has provided a forum for conciliation, thus enabling the resolution of family conflict without recourse to the formal adjudicative process. Conciliation, coupled with a diminution in the use of adversarial techniques by lawyers., have combined to take the bitterness and recrimination out of family breakdown. The Family Court has therefore succeeded in enhancing the welfare of children. These two articles are based on papers given to the Family Courts Campaign Conference, May 1989 相似文献
Within studies of ageing, rurality and family relations, the prevalent “point of view” is based on the perspectives of adults, particularly older people themselves. However, taking seriously the reciprocal nature of kinship relations also challenges researchers to find ways to explore younger people's views and experiences of intergenerational ties. The study on which this paper is based addressed this challenge, by considering the dynamics of ageing in rural families through the lens of young people's experience. In the South Island of New Zealand, Area Schools serve families in rural regions specifically defined in terms of a catchment area based on distance from any other state school. This research study selected five (from 16) of these schools, and invited the classes of Year 7 and 8 students to take part in a classroom activity, led by the researcher with support from the class teacher. The activity involved a total of 98 young people (aged 11–13) in written completion of a survey which outlined their relationships and contacts with the people they know as grandparents, along with basic demographics of their own age, gender, family and household situation, and length of attendance at the school. From this survey, information was derived about 380 grandparents (of whom 73 were no longer alive), the nature and frequency of their contacts, and the types of activities they shared with these grandchildren. Around 40 percent of the students have daily or weekly contact with a grandparent, one third “regularly do things together”, and one fifth say they have “a special relationship” with a grandparent. By controlling the age group of the grandchild, and focussing on rural families, this study adds insights and detail to a growing body of research interest in understanding the roles and contributions made by grandparents to New Zealand families, in particular those in rural communities. 相似文献
Poot J 《The International migration review》1993,27(1):121-139
"This article addresses economic aspects of New Zealand immigration during the 1980s. General features are overall net emigration coinciding with high levels of immigration from Asia and Pacific Island countries. Earnings by years in New Zealand profiles for immigrants with selected occupations are steeper for Pacific Island-born males than for other immigrant groups. Although there are few data, there is some evidence that profiles differ between cohorts." 相似文献
The current Labour Government in Aotearoa1 New Zealand has overseena revival of interest in devolved community decision-makingand a burgeoning of locality-based community action and communitydevelopment projects. This paper reports on a meta-analysisof ten community action projects. The activation, consolidationand transition or completion stages of the projects were examinedto identify commonalities in structures and processes that eitherenhanced or impeded the projects meeting their objectives forsocial change. The importance of processes for critical reflection,the analysis of power dynamics between stakeholders, and recognitionof the social, cultural and historical context of a project'sgenesis will be discussed. 相似文献
Just 5 years ago, at the pinnacle of their success, New Zealand unions negotiated collective agreements covering over 720,000
employees and were successful in persuading some 603,000 of these employees to join. In May 1991, the Employment Contracts
Act, which withdrew totally any state-endorsement or sponsorship of union activity, radically altered their position. Union
membership fell by around 40 percent in the four years since the enactment of the Act — from 603,000 to 376,000 members in
December 1994; the overall number of unions remaining has declined to around 80; a number of unions have become insolvent
and have filed for liquidation; staff retrenchments within unions has been widely reported and, in some cases, this has led
to a reduction in services and capacity. Data for 1993 suggest that union decline may have “bottomed out” with unions losing
fewer than 20,000 members in that year. However, decline is again apparent in the 1994 data. The removal of external legitimacy
has had a significant impact on unionization rates. We review the conditions under which the restoration of legitimacy would
bring about a reversal of union decline. 相似文献
In his latest book, Understanding Disability: from theory to practice (1996), Michael Oliver (p. 111) notes the 'globalisation' of disability related issues and the absence of any satisfactory comparative studies in disability policy across the globe. This paper can be seen as laying the ground work for such a study by reviewing the theorisation of disability and its practical consequence in the articulation, development and implementation of disability policy in Aotearoa New Zealand. It will describe some current examples of policies for disabled people and provides an analysis of current debates. The paper explores the emancipatory potential of current disability theorising by analysing strategies adopted by disabled people as a response to recent policy developments in the health and disability field in Aotearoa New Zealand. 相似文献