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In this analysis particular emphasis is given to the question of blame in meaningful relationships, such as those occurring within families and between practitioners and their clients. The authors suggest there is a potential in these contexts for the subjective experience of being blamed to challenge, perhaps even disturb, an individual's sense of personhood and for interpersonal boundaries to therefore become de-regulated. A general implication for practice is then raised: if blame can be so powerful in its effects, practitioners may benefit from talking explicitly to their clients about blame in order to access intrapsychic and interactional material, for its relevance to the immediacy of the client's lived experience, for its ability to contribute to engagement, and perhaps most importantly, because feeling blamed and being blaming reduces the self-agency available to clients and hence potential for change.  相似文献   

该文从汽车节油的重要性出发,提出合理选用车型和节油产品是汽车节油的重要途径,并就如何合理选用车型和节油产品提出了建议。  相似文献   

闲话“发表”   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
长久以来,“发表”这个词的含义被过分神秘化、狭隘化了。发表渐渐疏离于它的本来含义“抒发表达”而更具社会学和传播学的意义。其自然属性一天天萎缩,社会属性则一天天壮大。发表成了必须借助大众传播手段才能得逞的一种目的和结果。于是乎发表由本能的需要(或者欲望)退化为一种颇受社会尊重的贵族气息浓重的特殊劳动,参加这种劳动的人正在把“发表”当作事业和重要谋生手段——发表得来的报酬无论由哪种传媒(报纸、杂志或视听媒体)支付一律称为“稿费”。随着大众传媒的蓬勃发展和稿酬的持续“攀高”,喜爱发表的人越来越多了,然而,人类整体的发表欲望却越来越受到压抑。  相似文献   

陈淳 《交通与港航》2012,26(5):35-38
介绍了城市燃气信息化的组成部分及各部分之间的关系,简要概述了燃气信息化发展方向,对推进信息化系统建设提出了建议。  相似文献   

NGOs and Organizational Change: Discourse, Reporting, and Learning, by Alnoor Ebrahim. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2003. $55.00 hardcover, $35.00 paperback  相似文献   

Ce texte se base sur des données tirées des interviews ouverts et de reserche ethnographique avec des travailleurs(euses) des forêts du nord-ouest de l'Ontario. II tente a analyser les relations entre ces travailleurs(euses) et l'environnement aussi bien que leurs images des environnementalistes. L'argument fait est que les interprétations des travailleurs(euses) des forets sur les sujets environnementaux et les environnementalistes ne sont pas seulement déterminées par les intérêts étroitement économiques. L'environnementalisme et les environnementalistes sont connotativement liés à des oppositions de classe et de région et done, deviennent des symboles métaphoriques et métonymiques d'autres conflits de classe et de région. La compréhension de quoi les sujets environnementaux signifient dans la culture des travailleurs(euses) des forêts demande une analyse de la manière par laquelle cette signification est surdéterminée par les discours existants à propos les divisions sociales enracinées en classe et en espace, dans le procès que les travailleurs(euses) des forêts constituent leur identité. This paper draws on data from open-ended interviews and ethnographic research with forest workers in northwestern Ontario to analyse their relationship to the environment and their representations of environmentalists. It argues that forest workers' interpretations of environmental issues and environmentalists are not solely determined by narrow economic concerns. Environmentalism and environmentalists are connotatively linked to class and regional oppositions so that they become metaphoric and metonymic symbols of other class and regional conflicts. Understanding the specific meaning of environmental issues in forest workers' culture requires an analysis of the way in which their meaning is overdetermined by existing narratives about social divisions rooted in class and space in the process by which forest workers constitute their identity.  相似文献   

Books reviewed in this article: R. Appelbaum, W. L. Felstiner, and V. Gessner (eds), Rules and networks: the legal culture of global business transactions D. Barney, The network society A. Barry, Political machines: governing a technological society G. Thompson, Between hierarchies and markets: the logic of network forms of organization  相似文献   

How do social workers begin to talk about sexual identity when conducting assessments with older men? This paper focuses on work with older gay men and highlights the importance of talking about sexual identity in order to prevent it being rendered invisible. While there may be some risks associated with openly identifying as gay, such as homophobic violence, being open about one's sexuality is important for maintaining self-esteem and mental health. Despite the obstacles facing social workers in talking to older men about their sexual identity, it is essential that they do not ignore this aspect of people's lives. Therefore it is important that social workers open themselves up to the possibility that an older man might be gay or bisexual and help construct environments that enable the disclosure of this aspect of his identity.  相似文献   

This article analyses the discourse concerning gender quotas and their implementation in Finnish local politics. Among our local actor interviewees, we found four different groups: feminist-oriented, non-feminist, accepting and disapproving. Despite the successful implementation of the quotas, our analysis reveals hidden conflicts and resistance. Respondents often resorted to memory lapses, strategies of distancing or assumptions about the interim character of quotas in an ‘almost gender equal Finland’ when discussing the implementation process. The predominance of these strategies is explained by contextual factors, including the strong cultural support for gender equality and legalism in Finland. We suggest that they can be interpreted as psychologized forms of resistance to a hegemonic discourse which does not really allow for anyone to be ‘against gender equality’ or wilfully negligent of the law.  相似文献   

This paper uses the proposed UK referendum on the single European currency as a means of investigating the effect of democratizing science on the scrutiny of conflicting expert advice. Although the referendum has not happened yet, and may not happen at all, the campaigners for and against the Euro have none the less been working for several years to ensure that if, and when, it does happen they are in a position to win it. By exploring how campaigners on both sides of the debate understand the concerns of voters, the paper shows how they are working towards a referendum in which the political dimensions of the Euro are actively minimized in order to avoid alienating key 'floating voters'. Instead, the campaign is expected to focus on the economic costs and benefits of the Euro for individuals and households, with only limited discussion of issues relating to sovereignty. Whether or not the campaign groups, particularly those that oppose the Euro, can maintain this line remains to be seen but if there is a full and frank public debate about the economic, social and political stakes, then this will be despite the referendum rather than because of it.  相似文献   

In recent decades, premarital sex, extramarital sex, and homosexuality have become increasingly visible in China, leading scholars to claim that a national “sex revolution” is under way. However, China’s internal sociocultural diversity calls this nation-level generalization into question. How do sex ideologies vary across China’s distinct provinces? To what extent are interprovince variations in sex ideologies associated with distinct macrolevel social factors in China? In this research, data from the 2010 China General Social Survey and the 2011 Chinese Statistics Yearbook were analyzed using multilevel models to test four contending theories of interprovince differences in sex ideologies in China: modernization, Westernization, deindustrialization, and the “rice theory.” The modernization theory was unsupported by the results, as socioeconomic development is not significantly associated with sex ideologies. Higher levels of deindustrialization and Westernization were associated with less traditional sex ideologies, but the strength of association varied across the domains of premarital sex, extramarital sex, and homosexuality. The rice theory was consistently supported, as the distinction between rice and wheat agriculture explained up to 30% of the province-level variance in sex ideologies. The findings underline the roles of both long-standing geographic differences and recent social changes in shaping China’s ideational landscape of sex.  相似文献   

A relationship among language, gender, and discourse genre has previously been observed in informal, spoken interaction and formal, written texts. This study investigates the language/gender/genre relationship in weblogs, a popular new mode of computer-mediated communication (CMC). Taking as the dependent variables stylistic features identified in machine learning research and popularized in a Web interface called the Gender Genie, a multivariate analysis was conducted of entries from random weblogs in a sample balanced for author gender and weblog sub-genre (diary or filter). The results show that the diary entries contained more 'female' stylistic features, and the filter entries more 'male' stylistic features, independent of author gender. These findings problematize the characterization of the stylistic features as gendered, and suggest a need for more fine-grained genre analysis in CMC research. At the same time, it is observed that conventional associations of gender with certain spoken and written genres are reproduced in weblogs, along with their societal valuations.  相似文献   

Abstract Using the two waves (1987–1988 and 1992–1994) from the National Survey of Families and Households (NSFH), I focused on the 3,792 Main Respondents (MRs) living in sexual unions at Wave 1 who, along with the spouse or domestic partner, were successfully recontacted at Wave 2. MRs from both formal marriages and nonmarital cohabitations were included. An identically worded set of questions about proper roles for men and women was posed to each member of the pair at Wave 1 and again at Wave 2. An Exploratory Factor Analysis uncovered two factors. A conservative orientation on the Sexuality/Reproduction Factor (#1) defined legal marriage as the only acceptable domain for sexual intercourse, pregnancy, and childbirth. An orthodox perspective on the Childcare Factor (#2) assigned mothers the primary responsibility for the care of young children and men responsibility for earning the main living. In this study, we tested the hypotheses that nonmetro residents would be more conservative on both sex-role dimensions than metro residents at Wave 1, would be slower than metro residents to adopt more egalitarian attitudes, and thus would remain more traditional on both sex-role dimensions at Wave 2. The influence of nonmetro-to-metro and metro-to-nonmetro migration, as well as the sway over attitudes of the spouse/partner, was taken into account.  相似文献   

Existing research assumes that hegemonic mothering ideologies influence U.S. mothers' work and family decisions. These ideologies assume that childrearing is a mother's duty, that mothering occurs within a self‐sufficient nuclear family, and that paid employment conflicts with motherhood. Even when mothers do not conform to these ideologies, scholars find that they continue to influence mothers, as exhibited by mothers' efforts to reframe, redefine, or actively reject the ideal. This study expands on research that challenges the dominant influence of these ideologies on all mothers. Through analyzing the accounts of 24 middle‐ and upper‐middle‐class African American mothers employed in professional careers, three different cultural expectations about motherhood emerged. Participants assumed that they should work outside of the home, be financially self‐reliant, and use kin and community members as child caregivers. Together, these cultural expectations form the basis of an alternative ideology of mothering that the author terms integrated mothering.  相似文献   

The authors argue, in line with recent research, that operationalizing gender ideology as a unidimensional construct ranging from traditional to egalitarian is problematic and propose an alternative framework that takes the multidimensionality of gender ideologies into account. Using latent class analysis, they operationalize their gender ideology framework based on data from the 2008 European Values Study, of which eight European countries reflecting the spectrum of current work–family policies were selected. The authors examine the form in which gender ideologies cluster in the various countries. Five ideology profiles were identified: egalitarian, egalitarian essentialism, intensive parenting, moderate traditional, and traditional. The five ideology profiles were found in all countries, but with pronounced variation in size. Ideologies mixing gender essentialist and egalitarian views appear to have replaced traditional ideologies, even in countries offering some institutional support for gendered separate spheres.  相似文献   

陈茂华 《交通与港航》2011,25(2):24-26,55
根据企业经营管理的特点和实际需要,充分运用信息技术手段,建立一个动态发展、功能齐全且高效率的智能化管理系统,进而实现企业的经营管理目标,已成为当务之急.该文在对传统公交企业推进智能化管理的现状、存在问题进行分析的基础上提出建议.  相似文献   

李元元 《交通与港航》2012,26(3):30-34,68
该文简介了二次供水及二次供水现状,结合工作实际提出了一些思考和相关的探索以及未来二次供水的发展趋势。  相似文献   

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