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This paper proposes rethinking intercultural education in teacher education, arguing that any discussion of student teachers’ intercultural education should be connected more explicitly to a theoretical conceptualisation of love. The first part of the paper focuses on identifying discursive boundaries in engaging with intercultural education in teacher education. It is argued that if we are to develop intercultural education, we need to consciously move away from some discourses in teacher education, namely instrumentalism, performance orientation, emotionlessness and seeing the relationship between teacher and learner as static. The second half of the paper develops a theoretical alternative by engaging with the concept of love as a basis for intercultural education in pursuing an alternative to the instrumentalist, performance-based, non-emotional fixed-relationship ethos of intercultural education in teacher education.  相似文献   

When considering the trends in the Japanese sociology of education over the 70 years since the end of World War II, there have been several significant changes in the nature and social position of the sociology of education within the academic history of expansion and development. These changes can be further understood by focusing on: (i) the relationship between the sociology of education in Japan and research trends in Western sociology; (ii) the relationship between the sociology of education and pedagogy in Japan; and (iii) the relationship between the sociology of education and changes in Japanese society itself. This paper focuses on these three relationships to provide an overview of the characteristics and the future direction of post-war Japanese sociology of education. The keywords of this paper will be sociologization, pedagogization, resociologization, and the Galapagos syndrome. The post-war Japanese sociology of education has not suffered from the Galapagos syndrome. However, it is evident that it lacks transmission of research results to other countries. So, the future task for Japanese researchers in the sociology of education is to demonstrate the significance of their research on Japanese education to international sociology of education markets. To achieve a more generalized perspective and regain a sense of equilibrium within the Japanese sociology of education, a “resociologization” will be required for the sociology of education in Japan, though the Japanese sociology of education especially seems to be experiencing a pedagogization.  相似文献   

英国是创业教育先行并较为成功的国家之一。英国的创业教育发端于工业革命与商业文化的兴起,得力于政策推动与基金扶持,成功于创业课程设置以及差异化的专业化创业人才培养模式的构建,具有鲜明的民族特征与时代特色。分析和研究英国创业教育的发展历程和教育现状,对于包括我国在内的大学生创业教育的持续发展,有着广泛的借鉴意义。  相似文献   

For an increasing number of African girls and women, upgrading the level of education has become a strategy for life improvement. This paper analyses the role that family plays in enabling women's education and contributes to understanding on the interconnectivity of education, work and family in women's lives in collective societies. The analysis focuses on how young Tanzanian women perceive the role of family and education in their ‘youth task’, of becoming adult. The analysis is based on interviews with seven young Tanzanian women enrolled in non-formal secondary education and nine professional women enrolled in higher education. The results show that the women were determined to pursue higher levels of education and committed to continuous self-improvement. The women identified family both as a motivator of further education and as a constraint for their individual aims and ambitions. Respecting and maintaining good family relations were given priority over individual aims and decisions. Consequently, the reasons for women to educate themselves were drawn from the overall benefits to the future of the family and the society at large. Findings suggest a major role of the family in determining the success in improving education and professional advancement of girls and women in Tanzania.  相似文献   

在国民教育中加强对学生的社会主义核心价值观教育,是事关我国未来人才储备和社会可持续发展的重大问题。为破解当前我国学生价值观方面的现实问题,西方德育中价值观教育值得借鉴。我国当前学校价值观教育的内容和方法有待进一步发展。学生领导力教育以价值观教育为核心,重视社会责任感的培养,重视让学生积极参与社区活动培养影响他人的能力,且具有文化兼容性,可以成为社会主义核心价值观教育的一种新途径。  相似文献   

To date, there has been little opposition to the growing influence of cognitive neuroscience in education from the education profession itself. However there is growing criticism from the fields of psychology and philosophy. This paper aims to summarize the central arguments found in literature critical of the claims made by cognitive neuroscientists who advocate its potential to improve education. The paper is organized around three sections which draw together assessments from psychology, philosophy and sociology of education. The first, “Brain, Mind and Culture,” lays out the general argument against neuro‐education and evaluates two common assumptions made by advocates of neuro‐education: that there is a causal relationship between brain and mind and that learning is a central tenet of education. The second section, “Promises and Problems,” critically considers an example of neuro‐educational research and then goes on to discuss how neuro‐education has detrimental consequences for two necessary conditions of liberal subject‐based education; disciplinarity and pedagogic authority. The final section, “Discourses of Risk, Vulnerability and Optimal Outcomes,” considers wider sociological literature to locate neuro‐education within its contemporary cultural context. The paper concludes with a summary of the main philosophical and moral objections to neuro‐education.  相似文献   

始于20世纪七八十年代的国外大学生领导力教育,于前几年开始影响中国。由于缺乏社会共识和理论研究,国内大学生领导力教育在实践中缺少整体规划和系统设计.故进展较缓慢。本文强调必须从大学使命、提高大学人才培养质量和中国未来领导人才资源的前瞻性开发的战略高度认识大学生领导力教育的重大意义,并通过对大学生领导力教育的对象范围、基本原则与特点、大学生领导力教育与学校其他教育工作的关系以及实施大学生领导力教育的内容、途径与方法等基本问题的论述,对中国大学生领导力教育问题作了较全面的战略性分析,旨在引起各方的重视和关注,力图在理论和实践上推进中国大学生领导力教育的发展。  相似文献   

薛浩 《当代青年研究》2020,(2):58-62,103
当前高校创新创业教育存在教育经验不足,服务与需求难匹配;教育模式单一,理论与实践难统一;教育系统壁垒,高校与社会难互动等现实问题。众创空间为高校的创新创业教育提供了全新的环境,弥合校内创新创业教育与社会创新创业教育相对割裂的状态,打通社会资源参与高校创新创业教育的通道。基于众创空间的高校创新创业教育,在探索适合高校创新创业教育的良性生态系统中推进高校创新创业教育的升级转型,如规范高校创新创业教育的管理,营造创业生态环境氛围,完善创业指导扶持系统,构建创新创业教育合作新模式。  相似文献   

仇志海 《职业时空》2013,(2):79-81,84
人文素质教育是高职院校人才培养工作不可或缺的内容。思想政治教育同人文素质教育内容相融、目标相似、功能相同、形式和途径可相互借鉴,是高职院校开展人文素质教育的有效载体。在思想政治教育视阈下开展人文素质教育,要充分利用思想政治理论课程主阵地的作用,要利用社会实践和青年志愿者活动增强人文素质教育实效性,要利用校园文化活动内化人文素质教育的成果。  相似文献   

This paper traces the development of intercultural education in initial and in‐service teacher education in the United Kingdom. It is argued that intercultural education in the UK has been continually locked into various political agendas and that its place in teacher education has suffered almost terminal damage as a result. It was stifled as part of the UK Conservative government's anti‐liberal ideology and its attempts to restrict analysis of social issues. The effect continues under the new Labour government because of its commitment to the rhetoric of quality and standards in the basic skills. In order to understand the nature of intercultural education in teacher education in the UK, it is necessary to understand something of the background to developments in intercultural education in schools in general, and the history of developments in teacher education. The first part of the paper will examine the development of approaches in schools and the in‐service training of teachers: the second will discuss the parallel developments in initial teacher education.  相似文献   

祝拥军  尤凤翔 《职业时空》2012,(8):42-44,47
中国不同层次的教育一般都会依据本层次教育实施双语教育的目的、教育的对象,教师的专业素养、双语教育的内容、双语教育的政策法规等构建有本层次教育特色的双语教学模式或策略。文章拟对不同教育层次的人才培养目标进行分类,对国外双语教育的主要模式进行分析述评,进而在剖析国外双语教育模式的特征与交通运输类职业院校实施双语教育模式的利弊和实施条件的基础上,提出构建具有交通运输类职业院校特色的双语教学策略。  相似文献   

It is paradoxical that when Zimbabwe was experiencing the worst economic situation in its recorded history and the highest inflation rate ever experienced worldwide by any nation at peace, its educational achievements were unprecedented. The economy had untold negative effects on the education system causing mass exodus of teachers, dilapidation of infrastructure, shortage of library books and even lack of food. However, against this backdrop, the country scored major successes in education. In 2010, Zimbabwe became the highest ranked in terms of literacy on the continent. University enrolment was ninefold by 2006, and technical and vocational education has achieved similar developments. How and by what means? Research on education has so far mainly focused on the institutions of higher learning with little or no concern at all about community activities and efforts to sustain education at various levels. In fact until recently university education in Zimbabwe has had little community participation. This had to change during the last decade when the state could not afford to fund its own army, let alone education. Donor, bilateral and multilateral funding were withdrawn as the sanctions screw tightened. This research explores the community (students and parents) efforts in sustaining education from secondary to tertiary institutions. How did parents and students react to the deteriorating conditions of education and with what effect? The study findings indicate parents responded by supporting teachers with money and food, engaging in economic activities such as cross-border trading, and were involved in teaching the students. The students also responded by engaging in peer education and sharing resources such as books. This study could widen our understanding of community participation in education particularly at university level.  相似文献   

在教育界,有研究型大学、应用型大学,有普通教育、职业教育,不同类型的教育形式形成了不同的教学方法。教学方法改革,就是科学解决教师、学生和教材三者之间的问题,实现教师的"教"和学生的"学"的协调统一。高职院校应探索符合职业教育特点的教育教学方法,以实现人才培养的目标。  相似文献   


Social work education has traditionally been taught in urban universities in on-campus programs. In the present paper, the author outlines the nature of social work education at Charles Sturt University, a regional Australian university. The author argues that social work education in a rural/regional university is shaped by rural social contextual issues, as well as by changes in the higher education sector. The author notes that social work education fills a significant gap in that it attracts students who are unable to access urban campuses, adds value to rural service delivery, supports rural/regional research, and highlights issues of rural disadvantage. Despite this, the paper argues that rural disadvantage and higher education sector pressures place the delivery of social work education shaped around and responsive to rural social justice issues in regional universities in jeopardy.  相似文献   

The purpose of this paper was to examine children’s education financing alternatives among households in rural China. Data on education financing was from a household survey conducted in three poverty villages in Guizhou, China. The difference in financing education by households was verified through non-parametric testing. Findings show that private savings is dominant in financing education of children in school. Formal loans are almost absent even in the highest wealth group examined. The findings implied that the extension of financial services to children’s education could motivate parents to send their children for more education, increase disposable income of rural households by reducing precautionary savings, and provide better-educated labors in rural China.  相似文献   

This qualitative study explored the beliefs of teachers in the USA about the education of students with disabilities, focusing on their conceptualizations of inclusive education. Data were obtained through in-depth interviews with 30 teachers. The findings highlight multiple interpretations of inclusive education and suggest that teachers’ support for inclusive education may be linked with the ways in which they conceptualize this practice. Most teachers’ beliefs about the education of students with disabilities were embedded in dominant educational discourses that centered on the otherness of some students, and an unquestioned acceptance of implicit assumptions in special education. Findings support the need for a paradigm shift in teacher education, moving away from deficit models towards an understanding of inclusive education as linked with issues of social justice.  相似文献   

对新生代农民工来说,教育是提高自身人力资本、实现经济地位和社会地位转变的最主要途径。总体来看,新生代农民工对教育需求强烈,偏好学历教育,学习内容上体现了明显的市场经济导向,在教育机构的选择上存在一定的差异性。因此,技能与学历相结合的教育是最适合于新生代农民工的教育,可以通过深化成人教育和职业教育改革、规范培训机构、加强政府扶持力度和强化企业责任等途径以满足新生代农民工群体的特殊需要。  相似文献   

The education,especially English education,during the Republic period,was always worth researching.This paper picks up the Vernacular Movement and tries to analyze briefly its impact on the education,especially English education of Chinese people by reviewing the classical Chinese teaching,in order to give some hints to the English education of China.  相似文献   

张艳 《职业时空》2012,(7):58-59,61
阐述了高职高专院校加强音乐教育的紧迫性和必要性,探讨了高职高专音乐教育的内容、音乐教育存在的问题及音乐教育实践的途径和措施。  相似文献   

Global education has been debated and studied for the last two decades because of the developments in the world. Although global education involves different approaches and conceptualizations, it has influences on educational systems and curricula across the world. Likewise, the recent curriculum reform in Turkey has brought global education into perspective. The purpose of this article is to analyze the influence of global education on Turkey's current social studies curriculum and to discuss possible revisions of the curriculum to empower global education in Turkey.  相似文献   

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