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从竞争优势到竞争优势群   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
在当今的超强竞争时代,环境的动态性日益成为影响企业竞争成败的关键因素,从动态的角度分析竞争优势成为当务之急。本文从动态的角度构建了竞争优势群分析框架,对竞争优势的维持、增强、权衡和更新等问题进行了研究。  相似文献   

本文基于知识理论来解析企业竞争优势的源泉。通过对企业竞争优势理论的探源,并从知识与经济租金和核心竞争力方面分析了知识与企业持续竞争优势形成之间的关系,论证了知识是企业获取持续竞争优势的最终基础,构建了基于知识的企业竞争优势模型。  相似文献   

人力资源的竞争是企业竞争成败的关键因素,人力资源的竞争优势影响着企业的竞争优势。在满足客户利益的价值链活动中,当人力资源以低于他人的价格提供同等劳动,或所提供的独特劳动产生的价值补偿劳动力溢价还有余时,人力资源竞争优势即形成,也可以体现为成本领先和差异化竞争优势。  相似文献   

绿色供应链管理是在传统供应链管理下发展起来的面向生态环境的新型企业管理战略。本文首先提出绿色供应链管理的概念及内容,紧接着阐述了绿色供应链管理所具有的特征,通过与传统供应链的比较,分析出现代企业实施绿色供应链管理的竞争优势所在。  相似文献   

本文从供应链由来及概念--供应链管理意义;从供应链研究与应用现状--创造企业奇迹,以梅尔、沃尔玛为案例,侧重论述敏捷供应链中流程再造和快速响应的关键环节,并以点带面论证供应链管理在各行各业都存在和适用的普遍性.尤其是在经济全球化及市场激烈竞争环境下,供应链是创造竞争优势,适应快速变化的新的集成工具.  相似文献   

供应链分析与基本竞争战略的选择   总被引:16,自引:1,他引:16  
本文在分析产品需求特性的基础上,指出企业供应链的选择必须与其产品需求特性相适应,进而说明企业基本竞争战略选择与实施的前提首先是对产品需求特性进行明确定位,其次是必须有与此相对应的供应链,才能保证基本竞争战略的有效实施。  相似文献   

比较优势、竞争优势与发展中国家的经济发展   总被引:113,自引:1,他引:113  
竞争优势理论的追随者往往将比较优势与竞争优势两个范畴对立起来或者干脆使用竞争优势理论来否定比较优势理论。本文将证明,对两种理论相互关系的上述理解基本上是错误的。与这种理解相反,文章认为,竞争优势的建立离不开比较优势的发挥。发展中国家只有充分依靠和发挥自己的比较优势才能够建立自己的竞争优势,最大限度地促进自己的经济发展。  相似文献   

张玉林 《中国管理科学》2003,11(Z1):327-330
本文在确定性需求的假设下,基于销售商竞争地位的不同,对由一个制造商和两个供应商组成的供应链进行分析,得出了销售商谋求不同竞争地位应满足的不同条件,比较了不同竞争地位情况下相对应的社会福利、消费者剩余和产业利润等.  相似文献   

电子商务与企业竞争优势   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文运用进化博弈理论和企业竞争战略理论对于企业运用电子商务的过程进行了分析,指出获取长期竞争优势是企业运用电子商务的根本动机,并对电子商务给企业带来竞争优势的机制做了细致的探讨,最后根据国内外企业电子商务发展的规律,给出我国企业发展电子商务所应采取的策略。  相似文献   

企业竞争优势中的协同效应分析   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
战略管理的核心是使企业形成竞争优势,竞争优势的表现就是使企业产生协同效应。每个企业有其独特的优势,但是所有成功的企业都有其共同的特征,即企业内部的协同。协同效应使企业成本降低,不断创新,协同效应的存在增强了竞争优势的不可模仿性,使企业长期处于竞争优势。  相似文献   

This article presents a research that examines the relationship of quality of service (QoS) and organisational performance in a manufacturing setting. There are few empirical studies that measure QoS in the manufacturing supply chain. A model linking QoS with organisational performance through intermediate variables of satisfaction, loyalty and competitive advantage is introduced and tested in the internal supply chain of three automotive organisations. The research design for this article includes a combination of literature review, exploratory interviews with scholars and practitioners, and a survey of 156 practitioners in three automotive companies in North India. Structural equation modelling has been used for data analysis. This research comes out with four factor scale for internal service quality and six-factor scale for external service quality. The research revealed that employee-driven QoS is a source of value addition that is positively linked with the organisational performance. This study would be of interest to manufacturing industry practitioners interested in internal and external service quality improvements. Future researchers could validate this scale, and empirically test the proposed model.  相似文献   

Effective supply chain management (SCM) has become a potentially valuable way of securing competitive advantage and improving organizational performance since competition is no longer between organizations, but among supply chains. This research conceptualizes and develops five dimensions of SCM practice (strategic supplier partnership, customer relationship, level of information sharing, quality of information sharing, and postponement) and tests the relationships between SCM practices, competitive advantage, and organizational performance. Data for the study were collected from 196 organizations and the relationships proposed in the framework were tested using structural equation modeling. The results indicate that higher levels of SCM practice can lead to enhanced competitive advantage and improved organizational performance. Also, competitive advantage can have a direct, positive impact on organizational performance.  相似文献   

This paper studies the impact of configuring supply chain design strategies on performance using real-world example of aligning different supply chain practices to supply chain strategies to achieve competitive advantage. The paper first carries out a synthesis of literature categorising the supply chain strategies, practices and linking them to contexts and competitive advantage. The paper then uses a case study methodology to explore the process of adjusting supply chain strategies and aligned practices to gain competitive advantage in different contexts. The paper reports two case examples of a leaf tobacco company and a mosquito coil manufacturer from India facing different demand characteristics and implementing different supply chain strategies for enhancing performance objectives. Both companies faced a change in their business environment and competitive priorities. In both the examples, companies used a combination of practices for implementing appropriate supply chain strategies to gain competitive advantage. This paper contributes to the academic discipline of supply chain management through developing theory showing the transition of supply chain strategies for achieving superior performance in different business environments. The paper has wide managerial implications by reporting real-life implementation of different supply chain strategies thus bridging the practice-theory gap.  相似文献   

上下游企业间的研发协作与产销竞争共存研究   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
供应链内上下游企业间的研发合作广泛存在,但研究并不多.考虑供应链内联合研发与产销竞争共存时的企业策略及谈判能力、技术溢出等因素的影响.与横向研发协作不同的是,即使在较低的技术共享水平下,链内联合研发仍具有较高的投资水平和生产规模.在伙伴选择过程中,与自己谈判能力相近的企业进行联合是最优的.而就是否提高技术共享水平,上下游成员却始终存在冲突;进而,指出只有在整体协调能力较强时联盟才能具有较高的技术共享水平.  相似文献   

This research proposes a multi-criteria decision-making (MCDM) framework and demonstrates the impact of competitive conditions on supplier evaluation process for construction supply chains. The paper focuses on the supply chain of a large-scale housing project in order to illustrate the role of competitive capability and suppliers’ profile and its influence on supplier evaluation based on prevailing supply/market conditions. Various scenarios are investigated to demonstrate the impact of competition on supplier evaluation. The contribution of the study lies in highlighting the impact of supply/market conditions on MCDM decisions causing supplier evaluation ‘imbalance’ and MCDM usage. It is expected that the study will be useful for project management, construction, supply chain management, sourcing professionals. The findings of the study are generalisable to projects-based situations such as petroleum refinery and ship building where bill of materials typically consists of thousands of items and a large number of suppliers are involved.  相似文献   

Supply chain management (SCM) has been considered as the most popular operations strategy for improving organizational competitiveness in the twenty-first century. In the early 1990s, agile manufacturing (AM) gained momentum and received due attention from both researchers and practitioners. In the mid-1990s, SCM began to attract interest. Both AM and SCM appear to differ in philosophical emphasis, but each complements the other in objectives for improving organizational competitiveness. For example, AM relies more on strategic alliances/partnerships (virtual enterprise environment) to achieve speed and flexibility. But the issues of cost and the integration of suppliers and customers have not been given due consideration in AM. By contrast, cost is given a great deal of attention in SCM, which focuses on the integration of suppliers and customers to achieve an integrated value chain with the help of information technologies and systems. Considering the significance of both AM and SCM for firms to improve their performance, an attempt has been made in this paper to analyze both AM and SCM with the objective of developing a framework for responsive supply chain (RSC). We compare their characteristics and objectives, review the selected literature, and analyze some case experiences on AM and SCM, and develop an integrated framework for a RSC. The proposed framework can be employed as a competitive strategy in a networked economy in which customized products/services are produced with virtual organizations and exchanged using e-commerce.  相似文献   

This paper presents a supply chain network design framework that is based on multi-objective mathematical programming and that can identify ‘eco-efficient’ configuration alternatives that are both efficient and ecologically sound. This work is original in that it encompasses the environmental impact of both transportation and warehousing activities. We apply the proposed framework to a real-life case study (i.e. Lindt & Sprüngli) for the distribution of chocolate products. The results show that cost-driven network optimisation may lead to beneficial effects for the environment and that a minor increase in distribution costs can be offset by a major improvement in environmental performance. This paper contributes to the body of knowledge on eco-efficient supply chain design and closes the missing link between model-based methods and empirical applied research. It also generates insights into the growing debate on the trade-off between the economic and environmental performance of supply chains, supporting organisations in the eco-efficient configuration of their supply chains.  相似文献   

It is widely argued that to be competitive, a company not only needs to focus on internal aspects but on the entire supply chain. Lean supply chain management has become a means of enhancing competitiveness by improving efficiency and increasing flexibility at all stages of the supply chain. This research develops and validates a lean supply chain management measurement instrument. A two-phase approach is used for scale development and refinement. In the first phase, a literature review is conducted to identify definitions of lean supply chain management and agile supply chain management and their corresponding measurement items. In the second phase, the lean supply chain management measurement instrument is validated using survey data based on scales developed in the first phase by 59 scholars with experience in lean management and/or supply chain management. The results provide a structured and comprehensive measure of lean supply chain management indicating that there are two differentiated dimensions in the measurement instrument: one related to the operational aspects of lean supply chain strategy implementation and the second related to lean supply chain planning.  相似文献   

供应链应收账款融资的决策分析与价值研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
根据供应链应收账款融资交易模型,建立了包含供应商、下游厂商和金融机构的多阶段供应链决策模型,研究了包含和不包含融资情况下相关企业的决策问题,得到供应链中各参与方在各阶段的期望收益,并通过数值分析研究了供应链应收账款融资对供应链成员和整个供应链的价值.分析发现:没有其他融资的情况下,中小供应商有可能出现生产不连续的情况,而供应链应收账款融资能够使其进行连续生产,并在快速增长的市场中能在较短的周期内达到最优产量;应收账款融资也能使厂商得到连续供货,收益持续增长,供应商的初始现金越多,厂商的期望收益越高;当供应商的实力较弱时,金融机构能够得到较大融资总收益,当供应商的实力达到一定程度后,金融机构得到的总收益呈下降趋势.供应链应收账款融资对中小供应商、厂商和金融机构都具有很大的应用价值.  相似文献   

探讨了双边不对称信息下供应链信息真实分享和谎报对效率的影响。首先,给出完全信息下的最优商品交易量和供应链利润作为比较基准。其次,构建双方信息真实分享的激励模型。研究发现激励双方信息真实共享所需的信息租金降低交易量和供应链利润。再次,构建允许信息谎报的交易量谈判模型。研究发现,供销双方都偏好高报自己的信息类型。个体谎报信息的幅度随着谈判力增加而减小。拥有绝对谈判力的一方不会谎报信息。供应链效率与谎报信息的幅度、成本上界以及销售价格相关。最后,通过数值算例对实报信息和谎报信息下交易量、供应链个体利润及效率进行对比分析。研究结果为管理实践提供一定的洞见:供应链企业是否激励双边信息分享可根据双方成本大小进行选择。  相似文献   

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