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European Journal of Population - Union dissolution is a critical event for women’s living standards. Previous work has found that women in high-income unions lose more from union dissolution...  相似文献   

Jobs held largely by women have low pay for the amount of education they require. Why is this? One hypothesis is that employers prefer to hire men, and all workers prefer better jobs, so that women can get in only when a job's rewards (relative to its skill requirements) are low enough that men no longer want the job. Thus, wages affect sex composition. Others see the causal arrow to run the other way. In this view, the sex composition of jobs affects the wage that employers offer; employers' biased perceptions lead them to see jobs as less important and less payworthy if they are filled largely by women. These explanations are not mutually exclusive; the causal arrow may run both ways (or neither way). In this paper we use CPS data from 1984 to 1991 and a cross-lag panel model to examine these effects. Jobs are defined with a detailed occupational category within a specific broad industry category. We find that jobs with a higher percentage of females at one point have slower wage growth (or steeper wage decline) for both men and women in the ensuing years. But we find no effect of earlier wage rate on later sex composition. For those interested in reducing gender inequality in earnings, these findings suggest the utility of “comparable worth” policies.  相似文献   

TheImportanceofCultureinLanguageAcquisition李小武AsIanguageandculturearecloselyconnected.itisimportanttobeawareofculturaldiffere...  相似文献   

The German language is spoken by more than 118 million people worldwide.It is the national language of the Federal Republic of Germany(West Germany),the German Democratic Republic(East Germany),Austria and Switzerland, to onlyname a few. It is called by some to be "modern Latin", because its grammaticalcomplexities are similar to those found in Latin.In fact,German is derived fromthe Teutonic languages,not Latin.  相似文献   

A Figure of speech is a deviation from the ordinary use of words with aview to increasing their effect,Thus we can say,"Bring the mainstay here",We can also say,"Her son is her mainstay."Here"mainstay"is used in afiguratine or non-literal sense and signifies"chief support". Figures of speech are classified under three main heads.The mostimportant kinds of figures are given under each head for reference.  相似文献   

The use of fetal tissue for scientific research is a good example of the ways that cultural definitions have enveloped and galvanized the link between culture, science, and politics. Since the Roe vs. Wade decision in 1973, use of fetal tissue has been connected to arguably one of the hottest political firestorms of the century…abortion. While the abortion issue, as well as the use of fetal tissue for research, has been debated and discussed in almost every major field of thought, the debate consistently fails to address some of the key cultural interpretations we give to issues such as gender, science, and the role of women, who have largely been forgotten, and how these interpretations influence the national debate. To gain understanding of how these issues affect the fetal tissue dialogue, one must explore the role these cultural interpretations have in the discussion on the use of fetal tissue for research by looking at the cultural meanings we give to the terms “mother” and “fetus” and how these scientific metaphors affect the way we think about women who donate fetal tissue. These concepts must then be applied to fetal tissue use by exploring both political and ethical arguments surrounding the issue.  相似文献   

Business correspondence are the indispensable tool in the practical process of business communication and interchange.Especially,as the communicated body of information,their language possesses specific characteristics.Rooted from the "Politeness Principle" and the "Cooperative Principle",the most distinctive epitome of it is the seven "C" principles.Based on the discussion of the seven "C" principles,this paper devotes itself to the analyses of the contradictory characteristics which occur frequently in the concrete business contexts,and then to examine the causes of these features.Ultimately,it will suggest more flexible and more widened perspective towards the creation of business correspondence and the language applied in them.  相似文献   

In recent years, in our country, a new upsurge of learning foreignlanguage has appeared along with the deepening of reform and theflourishing of construction of China's socialist modernization. Englishis mostly learned here because it has now become a popular language inthe world, people in many countries often communicate with each otherin English. Many native English-speakers come to China as teachers,  相似文献   

本文试从评述Jeremy harmer 的著作The Practice of English Language Teaching中的教师角色来探讨如何在现代英语教学中更好的定位教师的角色.文章对此书中教师角色内涵,重要性以及影响因素和角色定位进行了简单的评述,并结合有关学者在这些方面的见解以及新时期英语语言教学的特点对其进行了一些深层次的探讨.  相似文献   

0.0 What is‘fuzziness’?Before inquiring into the fuzziness of language,we should first of all understand what‘fuzziness’is.The term didnot become a scientific term until L.A.Zadeh,an American Professor of Electronic Engineering and Computer Science,published his thesis“Fuzzy Sets”in 1965.Up to then linguists and philosophers had been using‘vagueness’instead of‘fuzziness’.And now some still use the term‘vagueness’while others use‘fuzziness’,but both of them bear the samemeaning.A.Shaff,a Polish linguist,asserted that‘fuzziness’is“indicated by the finite area and lack of specification of itsboundary”(1965).Zadeh defined his‘fuzzy set’from the dynamic point of view.He points out that‘fuzzy set’is“a  相似文献   

We examine the link between the postponement of parenthood and fertility outcomes among highly educated women in the USA born in 1920–1986, using data from the CPS June Supplement 1979–2016. We argue that the postponement–low fertility nexus noted in demographic and biomedical research is especially relevant for women who pursue postgraduate education because of the potential overlap of education completion, early career stages, and family formation. The results show that women with postgraduate education differ from women with college education in terms of the timing of the first birth, childlessness, and completed fertility. While the postponement trend, which began with the cohorts born in the 1940s, has continued among highly educated women in the USA, its associations with childlessness and completed parity have changed considerably over subsequent cohorts. We delineate five distinct postponement phases over the 80-year observation window, consistent with variation over time in the prevalence of strategies for combining tertiary education and employment with family formation.  相似文献   

Investigations with homeless populations have focused on those living on the streets or in shelters; few have examined phenomena based on respondents’ self-definitions as homeless or not. This investigation examined similarities and differences among risk factors (including mental health, substance abuse, religion/spirituality, social support, and risky sexual behaviors) using two definitions of homelessness: one where place of residence defined individuals as homeless (the ‘objective’ or traditional, definition) and another where respondents defined themselves as homeless (the ‘subjective’ definition). Data come from the baseline survey of the NIAAA-funded “Sister-to-Sister” study (n = 339) of heavy-drinking women. Subjectively defined homelessness was associated with higher rates of mental health and substance use disorders, lower rates of condom use, higher rates of trading sex for food, and less social support. Objectively defined homelessness was associated with higher rates of drinking in abandoned buildings, on the streets, and in public restrooms, more new sexual partners, and higher rates of trading sex for heroin and speedballs. Investigations failing to ask for subjective information may misattribute some factors to homelessness which may overestimate the effect of various factors on homelessness. Investigators should ask respondents to define their homelessness, or they lose an important dimension of the concept of homelessness.
Linda B. CottlerEmail:

Ralph Ellison's novel,Invisible Man,has won high praise ever since its publication in 1952. A poll of literary critics in 1965 selected his book as the most distinguished novel of the previous twenty years. It tells about a Southern Negro who leaves the South,sickencd by racial prejudice and the hypocritical attitude towards whites of his Negro  相似文献   

This article addresses the gender dynamics of the included canonized literature of each edition of the Norton Anthology of English Literature as related to the gender dynamics of the editorial staff, the publication date of each of the eight editions, and the feminist criticism prominent at the time of publication. The project combines quantitative and qualitative methods to examine the construction of the literary canon. The project finds that there is a direct correspondence between the number of women editors and the percent of the total pages of each edition occupied by works by women writers. The project also finds a correlation between the gender makeup of the editorial staff and a leap in included women writers in the fifth edition and the emergence of gynocriticism in the 1980s. The project recognizes the establishment of a separate canon for women’s literature that corresponds with this shift. The research indicates that as time passes, the inclusion of women writers in the literary canon and the editorial staff of the Anthology generally increase.  相似文献   

Pathways to childlessness may differ not only between individuals but also at the population level. This paper investigates differences in childlessness by comparing two countries—Britain and Italy—where levels of childlessness are high in comparison with many other European countries, but which have distinct fertility trajectories and family regimes. Using data from two large, representative national samples of women and men of reproductive age in a co-residential partnership, it presents a rich analysis of the characteristics associated with intended childlessness, net of the aspects associated with being childless at interview. Although childlessness intentions are generally comparable between men and women of the same age, results show a link between socio-economic disadvantage and childlessness for British men as well as the importance of men’s employment for childbearing decisions in Italy. These findings support the view that pathways into childlessness are gendered and highlight the importance of partnership context in the understanding of fertility intentions. Then, the level of childlessness at interview is comparable across the two countries. However, a higher proportion of respondents in Italy is only provisionally childless, whereas a larger proportion of British respondents intends to remain childless. Framing these differences in fertility intentions within the wider context of family and fertility regimes allows insight into the extent to which observed levels of lifetime childlessness at the population level might result from a specific combination of intended childlessness, postponed decisions leading to involuntary childlessness, or constraints affecting abilities to achieve intentions at the individual level.  相似文献   

Introduction The factors of personality may be directly or indirectly related to learners' success in foreion language learning. A lot of research work has been devoted to elucidating what kinds of learner's characteristics appear to be related to success in learning a foreign language and in what way they are retatad. However,the results prove to be problematic. As a result,it is not easy for language teachers to evaluate and utilize the results of those in-  相似文献   

European Journal of Population - Despite pervasive evidence of more educated women having lower fertility, it remains unclear whether education reduces women’s fertility. This study presents...  相似文献   

Under the Belt and Road initiative, the construction of Xi'an as an international metropolis should break through the economic obstacles it face and also strengthen the soft power of its international language environment. With the construction of Xi’an international language environment as the focus, this paper proposes a multilingual ecological environment and a demand-driven system with diversified language training contents from the perspectives of human factors and physical factors. The paper also suggests that a breakthrough in the foreign language training for the foreign-related sectors and human resources be made to standardize the translation of public signs and improve the multilingual consulting service system of this metropolis-to-be.  相似文献   

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