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改革开放二十年来,中国旅游业的发展从无到有、从小到大,到2000年已经达到年接待入境旅游者8300多万人次、创汇160多亿美元、国内国际旅游业总收入达4500亿元的规模.中国旅游业作为国民经济新的经济增长点,目前正进入全面加速发展时期,并越来越焕发出朝阳产业的魅力.  相似文献   

Consumer evaluation research is defined and analyzed as an experimental model for establishing a link between social science research and public policy. The paper reports the results of an 18-month longitudinal study of an experimental citizen evaluation group. Participant observation was the method used to organize the data. The impact of the model on methodological issues, such as objectivity, researcher autonomy, and control over research decision-making, is discussed. Implications of the CER model for integrating social research and public policy formulation are analyzed.  相似文献   

中国人民和阿拉伯人民间的友好交往源远流长,著名的丝绸之路就是中、阿两个伟大文明友好交往的历史见证.1949年中华人民共和国成立后,中阿关系进入了新的历史发展时期,一直保持着极其广泛的友好合作.进入21世纪,随着国际形势出现新的发展和变化,中国和阿拉伯世界在实现发展目标上也面临新的机遇和挑战,中阿合作的基础在进一步充实和加强.  相似文献   

新世纪的出租车调度系统   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
介绍上海出租车服务特点及市场描绘,新世纪出租车调度系统的主要特点、功能及技术展望、出租车调度系统展望等。  相似文献   

欧佩克的形成与二战后中东阿拉伯民族主义运动的振兴直接相关。近半个世纪来,欧佩克的发展道路上既有团结斗争成功的辉煌,又有值得总结反思的挫折。进入新世纪后,欧佩克面临一系列深刻而复杂的时代新挑战,促使欧佩克进行相关战略调整,以维护成员国共同的经济利益及其在国际能源体系中的重要地位。  相似文献   

欧佩克的形成与二战后中东阿拉伯民族主义运动的振兴直接相关.近半个世纪来,欧佩克的发展道路上既有团结斗争成功的辉煌,又有值得总结反思的挫折.进入新世纪后,欧佩克面临一系列深刻而复杂的时代新挑战,促使欧佩克进行相关战略调整,以维护成员国共同的经济利益及其在国际能源体系中的重要地位.  相似文献   

在新世纪开端,中国国土经济学研究会与北京六合休闲文化策划中心共同主办21世纪中国旅游论坛,对20世纪中国旅游事业的发展进行回顾,对21世纪中国旅游事业的前景作出展望,并就旅游与社会经济可持续发展、旅游与休闲、旅游与西部大开发等问题进行研讨.这是一件很有意义的事情.  相似文献   

Since the last decade review of the fathering literature in 2000, scholars across numerous disciplines such as demography, family studies, medicine, nursing, law, psychology, social work, and sociology have continued to produce a steady stream of work on fathering and father–child relationships. This literature is reviewed selectively with a focus on key developments, persistent challenges, and critical directions for future research. Significant developments include greater availability of large and nationally representative datasets to study fathers; expansion and evaluation of U.S. federal policy regarding fathers; thoughtful consideration of conceptualization and measurement of fathers' parenting; growth in research on coparenting, maternal gatekeeping, and fathering; increased attention to issues of diversity in fathering; and awareness of the effects of fathering on men's development. Persistent challenges and critical new directions in fathering research include full and routine inclusion of fathers in research on parenting, improved assessment and appropriate data analysis, adherence to evidence-based portrayals of fathers' roles in children's development, generation and use of scientific evidence to guide policy-making, and sustained attention to diversity and fatherhood. These should be priority areas of focus as fathering research proceeds into the next decades of the 21st century.  相似文献   

石油需求在中国能源发展中以不以人们意志为转移的方式增长.中国的石油外交也成为新世纪中国外交的主旋律.中东石油在中国海外油源中占有特殊地位,中国非常重视发展与中东产油国的能源合作关系.国家利益是国际关系中驱动国家互动的最基本要素,中国石油外交最重要的考量亦是国家利益,中国对中东产油国的石油外交具有政治与经济利益相辅相成、互动互利的特点.石油对中国经济持续高速增长极为重要,"石油经济"成为中国经济持续增长的关键,由此凸现了石油外交对中国经济发展的重要性.  相似文献   

阿联酋是中东地区颇有政治和经济影响力的重要国度之一,其油气资源丰富,经济发展良好,多年来始终执行自由开放的经济运行政策,投资环境极为宽松;同时,近几年来该国也与中国建立起较密切的经济联系.对阿联酋经贸发展状况的深入了解,将对两国的经贸合作具有一定的现实意义.  相似文献   

Abstract The essay examines how the academic discipline of social medicine was founded in Britain in the 1940s as a political mission. The original conception of social medicine was built upon a collection of beliefs about the nature of science and medicine which were shared by various branches of the profession who identified with diverse social values. The synthesis of ideas that created the discipline, however, were integrated into a specifically left-wing philosophy of social reform. This medicine of society for society emerged from the politics of science, ethics and society in the Second World War. As an expression of scientific humanism social medicine aimed to fulfil the ethical dictates of the modern evolutionary synthesis and be part of the rising tide of corporate welfarism. The paper concentrates on how its intellectual founder, John Ryle, believed this could be achieved by changing clinical medicine into a new discipline of holistic socio-biology of health and disease.  相似文献   

在小布什政府时期,阿富汗战争、伊拉克战争及伊朗核问题等构成了美国与伊朗关系的特殊背景。依据小布什政府在此背景下实施的一系列具体的对伊政策,可归纳出如下结论:小布什政府对伊朗政策的核心目标是伊朗停止铀浓缩活动,其根本目标是伊朗的政权更迭。在奥巴马政府执政初年,美伊关系的原有背景没有太大变化,但美对外政策受国内金融危机影响日增,因此奥巴马政府对伊朗政策的目标和限制因素同小布什政府的基本相同,但在实现目标的手段上作了调整,突出表现在对伊朗实施了无条件接触政策。但因接触政策效果不佳,以及受后来的撤军伊拉克、中东剧变、战略重心加速东移等影响,奥巴马政府在其实现目标的手段上逐渐回归小布什政府的强制性外交老路,而且有过之无不及。与此同时,奥巴马政府还加强了对伊朗的秘密战争。  相似文献   

In mid-nineteenth century north Wales, and indeed in Wales generally, 'community care' of persons with learning disabilities aided by the Poor Law survived longer than in England, where institutionalisation in the workhouse or asylum became the norm. This prehistory of community care has been largely unexplored, largely because of the difficulties of obtaining data. After discussing the methodology, and discussing the Lunacy and Poor Law documents used as sources, this paper seeks to advance understanding by using longitudinal histories of individuals with learning disability to explore their varied experiences in the community. It examines the attitudes of officialdom, and the role of family and community, and concludes by suggesting key factors in determining individual life stories included the presence of family, the ability to work, the degree of 'difficulty' or 'dangerousness' they presented.  相似文献   

陈俊  代明  殷仪金 《城市观察》2016,(4):102-111
评价创新型城市需要一个规范、统一、可行的工具或尺度。世界银行开发的知识评价法(KAM)可被适当修正后用作此途。导入波特的钻石模型,结合国内现行的统计指标,从创新绩效、创新系统、创新环境、创新投入、创新基础五个维度构建起城市版的知识评价法(KAMC),或即为我国目前实操所需的创新型城市评价体系。  相似文献   

郁青 《科学发展》2016,(9):48-50
新型城镇化评估指标体系提出了郊区城镇为解决八大问题、实现五大目标的制度改革建议,即:创新规划编制方法,并开展重点示范区的制度创新实践;加快户籍制度改革,完善现有的居住证制度,加强人口服务管理;出台与郊区转型相吻合的地方性法规,通过盘活存量土地等提高土地集约利用程度;提高政府的服务效能,增强村级自我保障能力;构建系统化、可操作的绿色制度来引导行动,保障生态文明建设.  相似文献   

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