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精神残疾社会工作是为精神残疾人提供社会工作。与残疾人服务不同,精神残疾社会工作是专业的社会工作者应用社会方法帮助残疾人,使其弥补自身的缺憾,克服生活上的障碍,提高生活质量。由于我国精神残疾社会工作发展时间短、缺少有效的方法,所以依旧存在着一些问题。下文主要从精神残疾人社会工作的现状和个案管理在精神残疾人社会工作中的应用策略这两个方面进行阐述。  相似文献   

城乡残疾人的就业,事关全面建成小康社会目标的实现,厘清城乡残疾人就业率系统差异是重要前提。基于第五轮"中国居民收入调查"数据,采用Probit模型分析显示已婚、自评健康良好、未参与最低生活保障、具备党员身份的男性残疾人比其他残疾人群体就业状况更好。但农村残疾人潜在工作经验就业回报的效应强于对城镇残疾人的作用;城镇残疾人群的教育和最低生活保障就业效应存在显著的性别差异,但在农村残疾人群上述变量的性别差异效应不显著。因此,应积极制定差异化的城乡人力资本政策,加强对城乡残疾居民就业的政治引导和社会支持,健全城乡残疾人全面康复服务保障,完善城乡残疾人最低生活保障制度。  相似文献   

本文以湖北省红安县易地扶贫搬迁集中安置点的残疾人家庭为研究对象,依据残疾发生对象将残疾人家庭分为两类,第一类是残疾父母健康子女家庭,第二类是健康父母残疾子女以及残疾父母残疾子女家庭。从人口负担和家庭经济两方面分析农村残疾人家庭各阶段返贫风险,研究结果表明,在家庭形成、扩展、收缩和解体四个阶段中,第一类家庭在扩展阶段和解体阶段返贫风险较高,在形成阶段和收缩阶段返贫风险较低。对这类家庭,在评估解体阶段返贫风险的时候不应忽略子女的赡养义务。第二类家庭虽然难以用现有的家庭生命周期阶段划分方式进行定量分析,但从家庭生命周期角度可判断返贫风险趋势:如果残疾子女不具备劳动能力,从该子女出现残疾家庭状况就可能日益恶化,且难以摆脱困境;如果残疾子女具备一定劳动能力,需要警惕返贫发生。第二类家庭中,有多个子女的家庭比仅有一个子女残疾的家庭返贫、致贫的风险大幅降低。应防止残疾父母家庭贫困的代际传递效应。  相似文献   

为了调查大学生社会支持水平与心理健康的相关关系,采用症状自评量表与社会支持评定量表对湖南多所高等院校的261名大学生施测。结果发现大学生有较好的心理健康状况和较高的社会支持水平,大学生的症状自评量表和社会支持评定量表得分与各项因子之间存在不同程度的负相关,差异显著。说明个体的社会支持水平越高其心理健康状况也就越好。  相似文献   

残疾统计是认识和掌握残疾人状况的基本方式和手段,也是促进残疾预防、康复和精准服务,推动残疾人社会保障体系建设、脱贫攻坚、提升机会均等的实证基石,对社会、经济和人口政策的制定和实施具有极为重要的意义。本文对改革开放以来中国残疾统计和信息化事业的发展历史进行了梳理,对我国残疾统计数据和残疾基本信息进行介绍,论述了我国在国际残疾统计领域发挥的重要作用,指出我国残疾统计事业未来应从完善制度、建设思路、优化统计方法细节、突出统计内容重点等方面加强建设,以迎接新时期残疾人工作的挑战。  相似文献   

目的,了解家庭环境状况与小学生心理健康的关系,为干预对策制定提供依据。方法,采用《心理健康诊断测试量表》对通化市1314名小学生进行测试,并对调查结果进行分析。结果,不同生源、父母性别、家庭结构、父母职业等小学生心理健康水平不同,差异均有统计学意义(p<0.05或p<0.01)。结论,小学生心理健康水平与家庭环境状况有关,可针对性地制定干预对策,促进其发展。  相似文献   

残疾文化胜任力是残疾研究领域的一项重要议题,为残疾研究开辟了全新的视野。残疾文化胜任力的嬗变过程经历了研究视角的转型、概念内涵的探明、实践目标的定型三个发展阶段。研究视角的转型包括从“同质化”向“文化多元化”的转型,以及从“文化胜任力”向“残疾文化胜任力”的转型。残疾文化胜任力的内涵包括意识胜任力、态度胜任力、知识胜任力和技能胜任力。残疾文化胜任力的实践目标包括观念性目标、机制性目标与能力性目标。残疾文化胜任力对我国残疾人事业高质量发展具有启示价值,并在残疾人工作研究、残疾人工作实务和残疾人工作策略方面具有视角创新、工具创新与思路创新的价值。  相似文献   

陶锋 《职业》2014,(33):121-123
为探讨经筛查需要关注的大学新生心理健康和适应之间的相关性,有针对性地为开展新生心理健康教育提供参考依据,本文探讨采用《中国大学生心理健康量表》和《中国大学生适应量表》对南通大学本科新生进行心理健康和适应状况调查。所得数据使用Stata10.0软件进行统计分析。调查显示,需要关注的大学新生占总数的8.87%,该群体新生心理健康各因子得分与适应各分量表及总适应得分之间多数具有显著负相关,表现为心理健康水平越高,其适应能力就越好。抑郁、依赖、社交退缩、强迫四个因子是该群体新生适应能力的影响因素,对适应具有一定的预测作用。为此应在入学初及时对需要关注的大学新生开展针对性心理健康教育,帮助他们顺利适应大学校园生活。  相似文献   

为了更好地了解临沂市农村留守儿童的现状,我们在运河区进行了心理健康状况抽样调查,共调查了125名小学中高年级学生,其中留守儿童62人,对照组63人。采用《心理健康诊断测验(MHT)》调查量表,数据采用SPSS软件进行统计分析。结果显示,非留守儿童心理健康水平非常显著地好于留守儿童。缺少父母的关爱、教养方式不当、抚养人的文化素质低、社会缺乏监管机制等是造成留守儿童心理健康问题的重要因素。  相似文献   

了解阻碍残疾人申领残疾人证的因素对促进残疾人社会服务的可及性具有重要的现实意义。本研究采用小型民族志的研究方法,对26名普通民众进行访谈,了解普通民众对残疾及残疾人证的看法,间接确认残疾人办证率低的社会成因。基于民众观点,本研究认为:(1)年龄和残疾因素通过影响残疾人健康状况进而影响了残疾人证的办证率,形成“封闭一开放”和“被动一自觉”的申领模式。(2)排斥性的社交环境和标签化的社会舆论常常导致残疾人的负面心理,导致残疾人在自我层面和家庭、社区与社会层面遭遇不同形式的歧视,进而降低残疾人证的办证率。(3)不同家庭背景的残疾人,所感知的残疾人证的社会价值不同。(4)地理因素上,显性的不利条件如交通阻隔或隐性的不利条件如信息不对称,对残疾人证办证率低有较大的解释力。实践中须把握残疾人对残疾人证的需求层次,消除与残疾人证有关的社会歧视,以提高残疾人证办证率,进而促进残疾人享受残疾人福利和我国残疾人事业的发展。  相似文献   

Encephalitis is a clinical syndrome which can include altered mental status, motor and sensory deficits, altered behavior including personality changes, speech and movement disorders and seizures. While the overall incidence of encephalitis is not known, it is common enough that most pediatric and adolescent medicine physicians will have seen at least one case. Peak times of risk include the newborn period and middle-to-late adolescence.1 Dalmau J, Tüzün E, Wu HY, et al. Paraneoplastic anti-N-methyl-D-aspartate receptor encephalitis associated with ovarian teratoma. Ann Neurol. 2007 Jan;61(1):2536. doi:10.1002/ana.21050. PMID: 17262855.[Crossref], [PubMed], [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar] It is important for clinicians to have a working knowledge of the broad range of encephalitis etiologies: viral, post-viral, toxic, auto-immune, and paraneoplastic. We discuss two cases of encephalitis in young adult women with ovarian teratoma and production of anti-N-methyl-D-aspartate receptor (NMDAR) antibodies.  相似文献   

This study demonstrates how a multi-theoretical, multilevel process evaluation was used to assess implementation of the Families Improving Together (FIT) for weight loss intervention. FIT is a randomized controlled trial evaluating a culturally tailored, motivational plus family-based program on weight loss in African American adolescents and their parents. Social Cognitive, Self Determination, Family Systems theories and cultural tailoring principles guided the conceptualization of essential elements across individual/family, facilitator, and group levels. Data collection included an observational rating tool, attendance records, and a validated psychosocial measure.ResultsAttendance records (0 = absent, 1 = present, criteria = ≥70%) indicated that 71.5% of families attended each session. The survey (1 = false, 6 = true, criteria = ≥4.5) indicated that participants perceived a positive group climate (M = 5.16, SD = 0.69). A trained evaluator reported that facilitator dose delivered (0 = no, 1 = yes, criteria = ≥75%) was high (99.6%), and fidelity (1 = none to 4 = all, criteria = ≥3) was adequate at facilitator (M = 3.63, SD = 0.41) and group levels (M = 3.35, SD = 0.49). Five cultural topics were raised by participants related to eating (n = 3) and physical activity (n = 2) behaviors and were integrated as part of the final curriculum.DiscussionResults identify areas for program improvement related to delivery of multi-theoretical and cultural tailoring elements. Findings may inform future strategies for implementing effective weight loss programs for ethnic minority families.  相似文献   

This paper examines Koud Zyé, a Kréyòl‐language segment that was incorporated into the local nightly news in Guadeloupe, an overseas department of France located in the Caribbean. I argue that the variety of Kréyòl chosen for use in Koud Zyé illustrates a moment in a process of enregisterment. I demonstrate that the variety of Kréyòl used in Koud Zyé consciously draws on elements of basilectal creole and presents many similarities to a written variety developed by language planners for use in schools and in writing, thus distinguishing it from the Frenchified Kréyòl commonly heard in everyday conversation. I suggest that the ideological position that the writers of Koud Zyé hold toward Kréyòl influenced their choice of language on the program and, furthermore, that the program helped to concretize beliefs about and knowledge of the studied variety of Kréyòl that has been introduced into Guadeloupean schools by activists. Travay‐lasa ka dékatiyéKoud Zyé, on pati a jounal télévizé lokal ki fèt an lang kréyòl, an Gwadloup, ki sé on dépawtèman a Lafwans ka touvé‐y an Karayib‐la. Dapré mwen, modèl a Kréyòl‐la yo chwazi pou Koud Zyé, ka montré on moman adan évolisyon a ‘enregistrement’ a lang‐la (kivédi ki manyè on moun ka palé on lang ka fin pa rantré adan on larèl). An ka montré istil a lang‐la ki adan Koud Zyé, ni détwa éléman a gwo kréyòl‐la yo sèvi èvè‐y volontèwman, ka sanm on jan a kréyòl maké. Modèl lasa, sé tala yonndé mètamannyòk ka prévwa pou lang kréyòl‐la envanté, pou sèvi an lékòl‐la, é ki pa ka sanm tala moun ka palé touléjou. An ka pansé pozisyon idéolojik a sé moun‐la ki fèémisyon‐la, ni on enflians asi chwa a yo. An plis di sa, pwogram lasa rédé mèt déwò sa moun ka pansé asi kréyòl‐la, é fè yo pran konésans a modèl kréyòl sé militan‐la mété an lékòl‐la. [Kréyòl]  相似文献   

This article presents a simple conceptual framework integrating three couple-related outcomes analyzed in this volume: wage differentials in earnings related to couple formation, household formation (including cohabitation and registration as Registered Domestic Partnership), and intra-household allocation of income. It also discusses some of the articles’ main findings.
Lisa K. Jepsen (Corresponding author)Email:

In the framework of a one-and-a-half year long research and development project implemented by the Kurt Lewin Foundation, we studied the relationships between organizational culture and the hidden curriculum of schools, as well as how students’ knowledge, opinions, and attitudes are connected to active citizenship, democratic values, social and political issues, and questions related to minorities. We were interested to discover whether we could find any connections between school life, teaching competencies, teachers’ knowledge and students’ extreme right sentiments, and political attitudes. According to our hypothesis, students in a more democratic school should hold more democratic views, and should be more open towards minorities, demonstrating more support for human rights and the rule of law. Our research – focusing on graduating student cohorts, studying in secondary schools located in Eastern Hungary – only partly confirmed our hypothesis: the schools involved in the project influenced students’ knowledge, opinions, and attitudes regarding issues within schools. However, with respect to most questions, there was a limited relationship between school environment and student attitudes regarding social-political issues outside the schools. Our research also explored the underlying reasons behind the results and – connected to that – possible ways to ameliorate attitudes, from the school management level to educational policy-making.

A Kurt Lewin Alapítvány másféléves kutatási-fejlesztési programja során megvizsgáltuk, hogy milyen kapcsolat van az iskolák szervezeti kultúrája, rejtett tanterve és a diákok aktív állampolgársággal, demokratikus értékekkel, szociális és politikai kérdésekkel, valamint kisebbségekkel kapcsolatos tudása, vélekedése és attit?dje között. Arra voltunk kíváncsiak, hogy található-e kapcsolat az iskolai élet, a tanítás és a tanárok ismeretei, kompetenciái és attit?dje, valamint a diákok széls?jobboldalhoz kapcsolódó érzelmei és politikai attit?dje között. Hipotézisünk szerint a demokratikusabb iskolák diákjai maguk is inkább demokratikusak, nyitottabbak a kisebbségek felé, jobban támogatják az emberi jogokat és a jogállami kereteket. Kutatásunk, melyben kelet-magyarországi középiskolák végz?s diákjai vettek rész, csak részben igazolta feltevésünket: a programba bevont iskolák a diákok iskolán belüli életére vonatkozóan bírnak befolyásoló hatással a diákok tudására, véleményére és attit?djeire. Mindazonáltal a legtöbb kérdés esetében az iskola falain kívüli élet társadalmi-politikai ügyeit illet?en nincsenek jelent?s hatással. Kutatásunk annak is utána járt, hogy milyen magyarázatok találhatók az eredményekre és - ehhez kapcsolódóan - milyen fejlesztési lehet?ségek állnak rendelkezésre az iskolaigazgatási szintt?l egészen az oktatáspolitikai döntéshozásig. Jelen cikkünkben a diákok adott társadalmi-politikai kérdéseket illet? attit?djeire vonatkozó eredményeket és a releváns fejlesztési javaslatokat ismertetjük.  相似文献   

Si l'effondrement du PIB consécutif à la crise économique mondiale de 2008 a nui avant tout à l'emploi des hommes, les politiques d'austérité auraient davantage affecté celui des femmes. L'auteure cherche à vérifier ce scénario dans huit pays européens, en décomposant la variation trimestrielle du taux d'activité et du taux d'emploi des femmes et des hommes à l'échelon sectoriel. Elle montre que l'association entre he‐cession et she‐austerity ne se confirme pas toujours, mais que les politiques d'austérité peuvent nuire à l'égalité des sexes et aux droits de la femme par d'autres mécanismes d'action, qu'elle répertorie et commente.  相似文献   

To explore the association between bullying and HRQoL among Chinese school-aged children and adolescents utilizing a cross-sectional survey design. Bivariate associations were used to determine the correlation between the experience of bullying and lower HRQoL, and multivariate logistic regressions were evaluated. A total of 2,155 participants, 32.57%, reported experiencing bullying: traditional bullying, 27.80% (n = 599) (β = −3.55, p < .001, SE = 0.41), and cyberbullying, 7.47% (n = 161) (β = −2.50, p < .001, SE = 0.71). The degree of traditional bullying (β = −10.28, p < .001, SE = 1.19) was negatively significantly associated with HRQoL. Other determinants of the impact of the bullying in this cohort were the children's school performance and their relationship with parents, teachers and classmates.  相似文献   

This study reports a meta-analysis of 75 estimates of the efficiency-wage effect. It reveals a strong efficiency-wage effect that depends upon whether researchers control for potential simultaneity between wages and productivity. Studies that control for simultaneity tend to report stronger effects. Clear evidence of publication selection is also found. E24, J30.
T. D. Stanley (Corresponding author)Email:

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