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残疾文化胜任力是残疾研究领域的一项重要议题,为残疾研究开辟了全新的视野。残疾文化胜任力的嬗变过程经历了研究视角的转型、概念内涵的探明、实践目标的定型三个发展阶段。研究视角的转型包括从“同质化”向“文化多元化”的转型,以及从“文化胜任力”向“残疾文化胜任力”的转型。残疾文化胜任力的内涵包括意识胜任力、态度胜任力、知识胜任力和技能胜任力。残疾文化胜任力的实践目标包括观念性目标、机制性目标与能力性目标。残疾文化胜任力对我国残疾人事业高质量发展具有启示价值,并在残疾人工作研究、残疾人工作实务和残疾人工作策略方面具有视角创新、工具创新与思路创新的价值。  相似文献   

现在一谈全球化,人们往往会马上想到西方文化的“入侵”,而多元化则成了抵御西方文化“入侵”的挡箭牌。那么什么才是真正的多元化?怎样做到多元化?如何利用多元化去实现一个国家、民族的文化竞争力?文化多元化:美国的特征随着印刷术、航海技术、国际贸易、通讯技术和信息网络技术的出现和发展,航海家、商人、军人、宗教人士和技术人  相似文献   

由于一些原因的影响,导致英语翻译现状不尽如人意。究其原因,在于没有深入把握英文翻译中语言的多元化文化。如今,语言多元化的表现十分普遍。在英文翻译过程中必须注意语言的多元化文化表现,方能体现英文翻译的准确性。  相似文献   

进一步提升文化软实力,加快文化大都市建设已经成为上海转型发展的重要战略举措。我国台湾地区台北市非常重视文化发展,明确提出"文化立市"战略,注重鼓励群众参与文化活动,营造城市的文化气息,扶助各类文艺团体,培养文化经营人才,其中有很多思路和举措值得上海学习借鉴。  相似文献   

特殊教育学校的文化建设,必须注重学生特点,培养残疾学生成才。一、花语无声,营造全方位的育人环境文化,二、锐意进取,实施教书育人的精神文化,三、依法治校,健全教书育人的制度文化,四、深化教改,培养学生成才的课程文化  相似文献   

孙聪 《现代交际》2011,(12):239-240
从跨文化交际视域和语言运用的层面上诠释文化在英语语言使用中所蕴涵的多样性、内在丰富性以及该语言与其所承载的文化间密不可分的联系是世界多元文化格局的要求。可为多元文化区域内如何学习吸纳异域语言,借鉴、融合异域文化进行跨文化交际提供一个语言与文化相结合的新的理论研究空间。  相似文献   

北仑河是东兴海事管理的重要区域,界河两岸分别居住着越南人民和东兴京族人民。独有的少数民族文化、越南文化、边民风俗等多元文化客观地存在北仑河区域。因此坚持文化多元化的处理视角,是东兴海事化解管理冲突的前提。  相似文献   

阳明心学是中华优秀传统文化的主要组成部分,其精华思想涉及到政治、经济、社会等方面。文章从阳明心学的视野,探究阳明心学与高校统战文化建设二者之间的关系,将二者结合起来实现优秀传统文化的创造性转化和成长,并进一步推动高校统一战线工作的发展。  相似文献   


Effective social work requires cultural sensitivity and competency. Until recently, there was little discussion of culture outside of the contexts of race or ethnicity. This article is an exploration of the key components of culture with application to the community of people with disabilities. The language, history, stigmatization, economic concerns, common behaviors, and practices of people with disabilities are highlighted. A literature review of sensitivity and competency in cross-cultural practice is provided. The article furnishes insights into the lived experience of disability. Suggestions to help practitioners reduce the risks of harm and improve service to this population are presented. Content on disability culture is proposed for social work educators to infuse into core curriculum or add to diversity electives.  相似文献   


The Diabetes Clinic at Princess Margaret Hospital for Children has been concerned at the impact of changes made in 1998 to eligibility for the Child Disability Allowance on families caring for a child with diabetes. A survey of those families was conducted to obtain their views on the changes. Results showed the number of families receiving Child Disability Allowance since the changes has significantly declined. Parents indicated the allowance should be automatic for children with insulin dependent diabetes as the disability is chronic, incurable, requires extra care and attention, and is a financial and emotional burden for families. Many felt the application process was unjust, incomplete and inadequate. The results formed part of a submission to the Department of Family and Community Services evaluation, giving parents a voice in this process. This project illustrates the capacity of social workers to attempt to impact on social policy within the context of their clinical practice.  相似文献   


In this process-oriented article, the authors weave short personal narratives with theoretical reflections to examine the relationship between Disability Studies scholarship and parenting children with disabilities. The authors present three findings: first, their position as parent-teacher-scholars informs their work in Disability Studies. Second, the work of Disability Studies scholars has the potential to positively influence parents’ understandings of disability; consequently, Disability Studies-informed parenting can influence parent advocacy for their children. Third, parent-scholars have the potential to create research that can positively impact parents, practitioners, and the field of Disability Studies. The authors conclude by arguing that there is a need for Disability Studies scholarship for and by parents. This work is significant because it challenges divisions between theory and practice, and articulates a need and responsibility for parents to grapple with alternative understandings of disability and alternative (collective) ways to create better social conditions for their children.  相似文献   

The United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities underscores the equal right of persons with disabilities to participate in political life. However, in Africa they are often unable to exercise their right to vote. This study sought to systematically review available evidence on inclusive elections in Africa. Findings showed that although most African countries ratified disability-focused legislation and proclaimed equal opportunities, the implementation of the legislation varies across the continent. Barriers to political participation can occur at any electoral stage and can be broadly categorised into three groups: lack of education and financial resources; stigma and negative social attitudes; and inaccessible physical infrastructure.  相似文献   

This paper explores the experiences and perceptions of four mothers who relinquished care of their child with a disability to residential care in the child protection system in Queensland. Qualitative in-depth interviews were conducted with mothers who asked the statutory authority to assume care of their child. The mothers’ narratives put into sharp focus the socio-political nature of caring for a person with a disability, and the need for more coordinated resources and expertise in supporting such families. According to the mothers’ perspectives, relinquishment provided some reprieve from daily caring responsibilities but was complicated by associated feelings of grief, anxiety, and guilt; behavioural and emotional adjustment of the child with a disability; and difficulties working collaboratively with child protection workers. The findings highlight service deficiencies and the need to build a strong evidence base to improve practice in these areas.  相似文献   

Violently-acquired spinal cord injury (VASCI) has recently emerged as a significant disability category. Identity formation following such a serious injury is important for psychosocial recovery. However, research examining individuals with VASCI is largely limited to epidemiological work prior to the injury and rehabilitation outcomes following the injury. This article details the results from a qualitative study to understand how young men with violently-acquired spinal cord injuries integrate the injury into their sense of self, as well as how the disability interacts with other aspects (e.g., racial/ethnic, gender, etc.) of their identity. Eleven men in this study were all former or current gang members, paralyzed because of their activities. Throughout the interviews four major themes emerged: environmental effects, making sense of the injury, living life on a split-screen, and challenges to masculinity. For the men in this study, the negative associations between disability and dependency affected their ability to integrate their injury positively into their identity.
R. Noam OstranderEmail:

残疾污名是针对残疾人负面的刻板印象而引发的偏见和歧视,其消极影响渗透残疾人个人生活和社会参与的诸多方面。现有研究对其成因的解释越来越注重社会文化背景因素。公众污名和自我感知污名是污名测量的主要内容,使用的方法以外显态度测量和内隐社会认知方法为主。当下残疾污名干预的研究主要围绕增加群际接触来改变公众对残疾群体的偏见,采用积极心理干预改变个体自我认知,通过融合教育塑造包容、共享的社会文化三个方面来进行。未来研究可以围绕污名影响的保护机制、残疾人内化污名的差异、残疾污名测量的优化、污名干预效果的评估及干预方式的改进等方面进行。  相似文献   

《Social Work Education》2012,31(2):215-226
This paper draws on the notion of threshold concepts to consider the way in which disability studies has the capacity to transform social work students' understandings of disability and therefore influence their practice. Most students enter social work programmes with the professed aim of ‘helping’ and so to be confronted by an approach (the social model of disability) and a body of research and theorising (disability studies) that challenges their taken-for-granted assumption that social work practice is ‘helpful’ is unsettling and can lead to resistance. The purpose of this article is to interrogate practice on a social work programme where a commitment to social model practice is explicated and embedded with the purpose of identifying what it is we want students to ‘get’, whether they find this troubling and how they can be effectively supported as they move through liminal spaces in social work education.  相似文献   


As disability rates increase more social workers will require greater preparation to practice effectively with individuals with disabilities. The Capability approach and the International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health provide helpful tools for social worker training. The capability approach emphasizes the need to assess what individuals are able to do in their real-life environments (capabilities) rather than capacity or functional status. The ICF provides helpful disability-related terminology and an actual classification to assist social workers to develop appropriate interventions that facilitate capability development among individuals with disabilities. Using the capability framework with the ICF will contribute to improved understanding of disability among social work students and practitioners.  相似文献   

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