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社工A问:在我所服务的社区,有社区工疗站(残疾人康复中心)为残疾人士提供一些服务,但这里的残疾学员只肯待在工疗站里面,工疗站也不组织他们外出。社工是应该让这些残疾学员更多地走出工疗站接触社会,还是在工疗站的现有场地中(我觉得服务已经较为饱和了)继续为他们开展活动?  相似文献   

为了落实党的十九届四中全会关于“健全残疾人帮扶制度”“完善重点群体就业支持体系”等要求,在澳门特区回归20周年之际,2019年11月20日至23日,中国残联研究室、维权部、教就部、港澳台办和信息中心、残疾人事业发展研究中心共同组团赴澳门特区就残疾人就业支持和社会福利服务进行考察和交流,先后拜访了中央人民政府驻澳门特别行政区办公室、澳门特别行政区政府社会工作局,与澳门街坊总会、澳门扶康会、澳门弱智人士服务协会及所属服务机构进行了交流。代表团分外感受到澳门地区各界爱国爱澳的浓厚氛围和社会服务的显著成效。现将有关情况报告如下。  相似文献   

我国残疾人社会政策进入优化发展新阶段,将系统思维贯彻至残疾人社会政策优化是现实所需。文章提出残疾人社会政策以需要为本的目标导向,聚焦社会保障制度和关爱服务体系的目标集成、政策集成,推动残疾人兜底型和发展型社会政策的效果集成,进一步提出建立健全残疾人家庭需求的多维识别和综合研判机制、持续追踪和动态预警机制,并围绕残疾人家庭的能力提升、残疾人关爱共同体建设这两个重点,来促进残疾人社会政策的协同。  相似文献   

残疾人作为社会中的弱势群体,其就业将面对巨大的压力与障碍。长期以来,残疾人的就业问题一直是社会关注的热点。为提升残疾人专业技能,完善残疾人服务事业,各地残疾人机构有计划地开展残疾人职业技能培训以更好地帮助残疾人提升就业竞争力与市场变化的适应能力。目前在残疾人职业技能培训方面仍存在一些问题,只有加大宣传与动员力度,改进培训科目,丰富培养模式,才能彻底改善残疾人职业技能培训。  相似文献   

残疾人社区照顾在我国的应用正处于初级起步阶段,在借鉴和引进社区照顾的模式与理念之后,通过实行机构式集中照顾对残疾人进行帮助,政府部门成为为残疾人提供各种服务和照顾的主体,能够使被照顾残疾人的生活需要在很大程度上得到满足。但是,同时也存在一些问题,仍然有许多地方需要改善。本论文主要通过结合服务对象的基本情况(身体情况、家庭情况、心理状况、社会资源等)设计服务方案,运用社区照顾的理论与模式,整合资源,帮助服务对象改善自身情况,满足需要,更好地适应社会。  相似文献   

5月10日,广东省首个专门针对残疾人的社工服务中心——顺德区星宇社会工作服务中心正式启动。该中心今后将作为顺德残疾人社工服务的“终端”对全区残疾人社区康复工作进行指导,并提供社区服务、康复服务和长者服务三大范畴的个性化社会服务。  相似文献   

在全面建成小康社会之后,我国残疾人事业发展的主要目标将从促进残疾人全面小康提升到促进残疾人共同富裕。要将残疾人共同富裕纳入全国和各地区共同富裕的进程,进一步缩小残疾人收入和实际生活与社会平均水平的差距,在残疾人事业的各个方面都有新的突出进展。残疾人共同富裕的基本路径是各方面的去障碍,主要着力点是夯实对残疾人各方面的基本保障,扩大残疾人公共服务和提高基本公共服务均等化水平,以及加强残疾人能力建设等方面。为此,应该加强和优化残疾人社会政策,充分发挥社会政策在残疾人共同富裕道路上的作用,包括基本生活保障、维护平等权利与机会、增能服务等方面的重要作用。为此,要合理确定总体福利水平,优化福利结构,合理运用再分配原则,注重社会服务质量并推行积极的社会政策。当前的重点工作包括进一步完善残疾人社会政策体系,实行积极去障碍的残疾人社会政策,进一步提高对残疾人社会政策的资源投入,加强和优化多元主体的作用,以及进一步优化残疾人社会政策的资源分配和福利供给结构。  相似文献   

了解阻碍残疾人申领残疾人证的因素对促进残疾人社会服务的可及性具有重要的现实意义。本研究采用小型民族志的研究方法,对26名普通民众进行访谈,了解普通民众对残疾及残疾人证的看法,间接确认残疾人办证率低的社会成因。基于民众观点,本研究认为:(1)年龄和残疾因素通过影响残疾人健康状况进而影响了残疾人证的办证率,形成“封闭一开放”和“被动一自觉”的申领模式。(2)排斥性的社交环境和标签化的社会舆论常常导致残疾人的负面心理,导致残疾人在自我层面和家庭、社区与社会层面遭遇不同形式的歧视,进而降低残疾人证的办证率。(3)不同家庭背景的残疾人,所感知的残疾人证的社会价值不同。(4)地理因素上,显性的不利条件如交通阻隔或隐性的不利条件如信息不对称,对残疾人证办证率低有较大的解释力。实践中须把握残疾人对残疾人证的需求层次,消除与残疾人证有关的社会歧视,以提高残疾人证办证率,进而促进残疾人享受残疾人福利和我国残疾人事业的发展。  相似文献   

回顾西方社会服务,特别是老人的社区照顾护理服务的发展道路,它的理念原则和方法模式,对我们的社区老年照顾服务的发展,无疑具有哲学理论的启示以及实践运作的借鉴意义。  相似文献   

Social housing estates and sustainable community development in South Korea   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The purpose of this paper is to examine the characteristics and problems of social housing estates in South Korea, and to explore sustainable community development issues. In order to examine the social housing situation, a survey of the three social housing communities in Seoul was conducted. The survey evidence demonstrates that there is a growing stigma against the poor and social exclusion. This kind of social bias is likely to escalate the construction of social housing estates, which the poor concentrates in. Residents recognized that mixing public and private housing would be an issue and problematic. Public housing was thought to have a negative impact on the neighborhood. It is important to examine why these kinds of social problems arise. Applying the concept of social sustainability to low-income communities in urban Korea requires mobilizing residents and their governments to strengthen all forms of community capital.  相似文献   

近年来,韩国校园暴力问题凸显,在家庭、学校及社会诸多方面因素的影响下,校园暴力事件呈现出逐年上升的趋势,对青少年身心健康及社会和谐发展造成了极其恶劣的影响。目前,韩国校园暴力的产生呈现出受害青少年心理创伤问题严重、小学高年级校园暴力的发生率极高及校园暴力类型多样化三大特点。为了预防及根治校园暴力,韩国历届政府相继制订并颁布了专项法律条例及各类应对举措。2014年,朴槿惠政府宣布实施"以学校现场为中心"校园暴力应对政策,主要内容包括在校园内开展丰富多样的校园暴力预防活动,根据暴力类型、发生地域以及学生年级的不同而推行有针对性的应对策略等。  相似文献   

残疾人是社会中的弱势群体,需要全社会的共同关注和支持。目前我国残疾人社会支持网络尚不完备,残疾人价值实现仍然面临诸多困境。本文从社会资本视角出发,就如何最大限度地激发残障群体的社会资本、构建以残疾人为中心的社会支持网络,进而实现残疾人的全面发展提出对策和建议。提升残疾人自身能力、促进残疾人社会角色转变和协调残障群体社会互动关系,是激活残疾人社会支持网络的内生动力;而构建多元协同的托养照护模式、完善福利制度供给、培育残障自助组织和推广助残志愿服务则构成了残疾人社会支持网络的外部保障。这种新型社会支持网络的构建,将有利于推动新时代残疾人事业的发展,不断满足残疾人对美好生活的向往。  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to develop and evaluate social skills training and parent education programs for aggressive young children and their parents in South Korea. Participants consisted of intervention group I, which included six children and their mothers in the social skills training and parent education programs; intervention group II, which included seven children and their mothers in the social skills training; and control group, which consisted of six children and their mothers. Pre-test-post-test control group design was used. Participants in both intervention groups reported a significant decrease in aggression and on improvement in pro-social behavior, emotional regulation, and social skills, while the control group reported an increase in aggressive behavior. Mothers in the intervention group I also reported an increase in warmth/acceptance. The findings indicate that both programs are highly effective in reducing aggressive behavior among young children and in fostering positive parenting behaviors.  相似文献   

精神残疾人多生活困难,构成社会最为弱势的群体。本文采用实地研究与文献研究的方法,对精神残疾人的社会保障需求与供给进行专门考察。研究发现,精神残疾群体的主要需求包括治疗、基本生活支持、康复、长期照护与监管以及社会参与。对此,我国政府已通过多项社会保障制度安排予以回应,基本满足了精神残疾人的基本生活与治疗需求,但还存在社区康复服务匮乏、替代性照护服务供给不足、就学、就业难等问题。基于以上发现,本文认为精神残疾人的基本生存权虽得到较好保障,但是对其发展权和参与权依然关注不足。原因在于当前精神残疾人社会保障存在三个不平衡:经济保障与服务保障发展的不平衡,医疗服务与社会服务发展的不平衡,以及卫健、民政、残联不同部门能力与投入的不平衡。针对这些问题,笔者对未来政策的完善提出了参考建议。  相似文献   


People with intellectual and developmental disabilities (IDD) vote less frequently than nondisabled people and people with other disabilities. This study explores what factors facilitate and hinder people with IDD’s voting participation. To do so, 1,341 people with IDD were surveyed using the Personal Outcome Measures®. Binary logistic regressions revealed significant relationships between voting participation, and support needs, residence types, guardianship statuses, and organizational supports. Along with the right supports, attention to barriers that might exist can ensure people with IDD are able to make use of their civil rights and participate in this crucial form of civic engagement.  相似文献   


Service user and carer engagement is a foundational requirement of social work education. Despite this, questions remain about how diverse experiences are represented and who might be excluded from involvement. This paper focusses on one group of people who it is suggested are excluded from involvement, people with profound and multiple learning disabilities. Evidence is presented which demonstrates the extent to which this group have been marginalised and excluded from processes of involvement. The paper then provides a case study of one universities’ experience of developing work in this area, when a man with profound and multiple learning disabilities was commissioned to design and deliver specialist teaching for a group of qualifying social work students. We argue that the main barrier to inclusive involvement for people with profound and multiple learning disabilities is the attitudes and assumption of others about what they are capable of. We demonstrate how involvement in social work education helps to address these barriers by challenging the assumptions of students, the academy and society more broadly.  相似文献   

A major city in Pennsylvania initiated the Career Transition Liaison Project, the first of its kind in the region. Based on a mixed method evaluation design, the pilot study findings show that employing youth with disabilities requires certain accommodations and an initial investment in training, but these investments pay off for the employer.  相似文献   

城乡残疾人的就业,事关全面建成小康社会目标的实现,厘清城乡残疾人就业率系统差异是重要前提。基于第五轮"中国居民收入调查"数据,采用Probit模型分析显示已婚、自评健康良好、未参与最低生活保障、具备党员身份的男性残疾人比其他残疾人群体就业状况更好。但农村残疾人潜在工作经验就业回报的效应强于对城镇残疾人的作用;城镇残疾人群的教育和最低生活保障就业效应存在显著的性别差异,但在农村残疾人群上述变量的性别差异效应不显著。因此,应积极制定差异化的城乡人力资本政策,加强对城乡残疾居民就业的政治引导和社会支持,健全城乡残疾人全面康复服务保障,完善城乡残疾人最低生活保障制度。  相似文献   

The rate of population aging is increasing in the developing world and the trend is particularly dramatic in East Asia. One consequence is sharp increases in old-age dependency ratios which have major implications for the sustainability of current public pension schemes. These trends are pushing pension policy experts in many of these countries to search for new pension models that are more suited to the increased demographic pressures they will be facing in the decades ahead. In this article we discuss five alternative public pension models with a focus on the newest of these models, the notional defined contribution (NDC) approach. We consider three countries with very different pension systems in place, two from East Asia (China and South Korea) and one from South East Asia (Singapore). The central question we address is which (if any) of the limitations in these existing models might more adequately be addressed using a variant of the NDC model. We conclude that the NDC model has the most to offer China and the least to offer Singapore.  相似文献   

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