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到2020年全面建成小康社会是党的十八大提出的重大战略目标,这对我国生态文明建设也提出了更高的要求。当前我国还存在着环境污染形势严峻、资源约束压力增大、土地资源利用不合理等问题,积极应对这些问题,有助于全面建成小康社会目标的顺利实现。  相似文献   

拂去春寒料峭的残雪,挺起蓬勃向上的希望,2020年的春天已经悄然来到你我身旁。2020年的春天,注定不会平凡。一场突如其来的新冠肺炎疫情,打乱了亿万国人的正常生活,改变了千年历史的春节团聚,放慢了百年梦想的前进步伐。危难时刻,在爱国主义和民族精神的感召下,无数勇敢的逆行者舍弃温暖的小家,在寒夜里奔向那没有硝烟的战场,用勇士的胆魄刺破病毒阴霾。  相似文献   

中国残联七代会的召开,标志着中国残疾人事业进入一个新的历史发展阶段。韩正副总理在代表党中央、国务院的致词中指出,必须完成决胜全面建成小康社会的关键任务,同时,必须开启残疾人事业现代化新征程,促进残疾人全面发展和共同富裕。当前和今后一个时期是我们全面建成小康社会、实现两个百年奋斗目标的关键时期,也是促进残疾人事业全面发展的重要时期。  相似文献   

党的十八大开启了全面建成小康社会的伟大征程。作为老干部工作者,必须认真贯彻落实党的十八大精神:在实际工作中,要立足本职,从四个方面下功夫,扎扎实实把各项工作做好,为实现我国全面建成小康社会目标作出应有贡献。  相似文献   

2012年,我国最大的政治事件是党的十八大召开。十八大不仅确定了到2020年全面建成小康社会的宏伟目标,而且说明了实现这一目标的现实基础和基本途径。从社会工作事业发展的角度来说,  相似文献   

马尔库塞在《单向度的人》一书中,对发达工业社会进行了深刻的剖析,提出了最负盛名的单向度的人的观点。随着现代工业的发展和科技的进步,以及我国社会主义制度的不断完善与创新,我国社会取得了前所未有的发展,然而也出现了一些问题。在全面建成小康社会的历史关头,《单向度的人》一书无疑为我们提供了前车之鉴。同时,马克思主义的人的全面发展理论得到了发展,对人的全面发展的实现条件进行研究,对于全面建成小康社会有深远的意义。  相似文献   

赵杰 《城市》2015,(11):74-79
当前我国正在全面建设小康社会,根据我国经济社会发展的“三步走”战略,此时正是完成第二步、进入第三步的关键时期。今后,综合交通运输自身的发展和对经济社会发展的促进作用是否还有较大空间,应当如何发展,值得思考。笔者运用弹性系数法对我国“三步走”战略实施至今的综合交通运输发展及其与经济增长、城市化之间的关系进行了分析,就全面建成小康社会对综合交通运输发展的需求进行了阐述,依据市场机制与政府财政职能相结合的原则提出了相关的对策建议。  相似文献   

2018年9月14日至16日,中国残联第七次代表大会在北京隆重召开。习近平总书记等党和国家领导人出席大会开幕式,国务院副总理韩正受习近平总书记委托,代表党中央、国务院向大会致词,高度评价了过去五年残疾人事业取得的巨大成就,系统概括了推动新时代残疾人事业发展的“五个必须”,对决胜全面建成小康社、开启新时代残疾人事业新征程提出了明确要求。  相似文献   

鲜花、巧克力和红酒,每次情人节我们都如此演练浪漫,虽然很格式化,但也让我们这些不太浪漫的人,学着珍惜,练习恩爱。情人节,本来是一个西方情圣的劫难日。据百度百科显示,为了爱与正义,有一个基督徒英勇就义,后世称之为圣瓦伦丁。14世纪后,瓦伦丁同志给典狱长女儿写情书的光辉事迹被挖掘出来,并被评为爱情楷模。于是,他的祭日2月14日成了情人节。情圣瓦伦丁用他所没有预见的方式,永垂不朽。当然,我国人民早年并没有过情人  相似文献   

The International Federation of L'Arche is made up of intentional, ecumenical, faith-based communities where people with and without developmental disabilities live together. Data on the worldwide federation offers an understanding of L'Arche communities that celebrate and encourage diversity and solidarity. Characteristics of clients and assistants as well as the daily running of homes reveal the inner workings of the program. Through assessing strengths and weaknesses, it is shown that even though L'Arche is a small movement that cannot serve every person with a developmental disability by providing a home and a place of belonging, this program offers a program model with many strengths that should be replicated.  相似文献   


The following provides a summary of a recent poll taken by Harris and commissioned by the National Organization on Disability (NOD). A summary is offered of each question explored in the poll. The findings suggest that people with disabilities continue to be treated as second class citizens.  相似文献   

As community inclusion efforts continue to develop, the recognition of the capacity and rights of persons with cognitive and learning difficulties to participate in planning their own programs has been increasingly acknowledged by providers. This paper presents a needs assessment which was conducted with a small group of people with disabilities, to ascertain their perspectives on community integration for the purpose of social and recreational activity. Anchored on acknowledgment of the rights of people with disabilities to exercise self determination, a focus group methodology was used to provide the opportunity for the client group to have a voice in developing their own recreation opportunities.  相似文献   


In the decade since initial implementation of the Americans with Disabilities Act in the United States, many questions have arisen pertaining to the rights of employers and employees in light of the employment of and services that must be provided to persons with disabilities. One of the most controversial aspects of the legislation is the issue of direct threat. This relates to the concern that workers or clients with disabilities may be a threat to others due to their condition. Integral to this fear is the employer's ability to protect persons within the work environment from such a threat, while remaining in compliance with the ADA. This paper considers the issue of direct threat and its pertinence to the social work profession, and provides recommendations for employers and supervisors in the field.  相似文献   

It has been well documented that persons with disabilities (PWDs) have a more vulnerable health status than persons without disabilities; yet, they often receive inadequate primary care within the US health care system. This study explores how PWDs think about the health care they receive, particularly how primary care providers facilitate or hinder quality care for PWDs. The findings from this study expand the concept of expertise in health care, suggesting it goes well beyond technical competence of health care providers. For PWDs, expertise is multi-dimensional, not solely the domain of providers and includes having knowledge and using that knowledge within the context of the provider-patient relationship. PWDs identified three distinct areas of expertise: medical/technical, medical/biographical, and systems. Expertise can be brought to health care encounters by both PWDs and providers, and it can be developed through collaboration during interactions between providers and PWDs.  相似文献   

推动残疾人成功创业已成为各国促进残疾人就业率提升的一个有效手段,但创业成功并非易事,残疾人创业所面临的信息沟通不畅、信任环境缺失等问题直接影响创业的成功率。本文通过构建相关变量的有调节效应的回归模型,深入探讨了影响残疾人创业的情景因素,研究结果显示,残疾人创业团队的外部信任环境重构和创业团队自信心的建立对创业成功有显著的正向影响。  相似文献   


Persons with disabilities are a distinct and insular minority group within the United States. Given the fact that social workers offer critical social services to this group, it is important for social work programs to offer meaningful curriculum content on persons with disabilities. This article presents key issues that social work educators should find useful for teaching about persons with disabilities. Specifically, a discussion is offered on the disability civil rights movement, the culture of disability, models for defining disability, knowledge areas on disability issues, teaching tasks and strategies for focusing on persons with disabilities.  相似文献   

为及时发现现有残疾人就业培训体系的不足,从而在理论上和实践上提供有针对性的对策建议,本文在柯式模型的基础上,将全国范围内参加就业培训或接受就业支持的残疾人作为研究对象,以问卷法和访谈法相结合的方式收集数据,经由专家评价和统计处理后编制出残疾人就业培训效果评估问卷,并进一步探索年龄、婚姻状况、地域和就业形式等显著影响残疾人培训效果的因素.此外,研究还发现就业培训效果与残疾人培训满意度、月收入显著正相关;而除了农业户口种养殖就业形式的残疾人以外,八种就业形式和无就业残疾人的培训满意度与培训效果总均分均存在显著正相关.  相似文献   

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