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在追求高质量教育的过程中,家庭和学校的合作越来越成为各国教育改革与发展共同关心的问题。美国作为一个教育发达国家,在家长参与学校教育方面有着丰富的实践经验,并取得了良好的教育效果。本文主要阐述美国家长介入学校教育的实践经验及取得的效果,以期对我国家长参与学校教育有一定的借鉴意义。  相似文献   

中国参与东盟主导的地区机制的利益分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着中国改革开放的持续深化,中国与外部世界的互动也越来越频密,其对国际机制的参与无论是在数量还是质量上皆成正比地逐年增长。其中包括参与三个由东盟发起和主导的地区性国际机制,即东盟地区论坛(ARF)、东盟-中国合作(“10+1”)和东盟加中日韩(“10+3”)。对中国而言,上述机制具有一些有别于其他国际组织的特质。中国自1971年以来先后加入的众多国际组织中,绝大部分机制都是由大国特别是美国所主导的。中国作为后来者,注定了更多是以  相似文献   

高校群体性事件的根源主要包括大学生利益要求得不到满足、大学生诉求表达渠道不畅和党政管理者服务意识不强等三个方面,应从建立健全大学生权益保障机制、完善大学生诉求表达机制和建立健全共同参与治理机制中实现群众路线在高校群体性事件的防治。  相似文献   

华智亚 《城市观察》2013,(2):151-158
香港的城市安全建设成效卓著,其中一个成功的经验是广大公众对于城市安全建设的积极参与。为了便利公众的参与,香港当局和相关职能部门设计了个人示范、社区参与、安全教育以及与非政府机构的合作等参与途径。而为了使得公众能够真正有效地参与到城市安全建设中来,香港政府又从经费保障、伙伴关系建设、政府公信力建设、激励制度设置以及促进多元文化平等等方面构建了保障机制。这些公众参与的具体途径和机制对于内地的城市安全建设具有重要的借鉴意义。  相似文献   

随着城市环境问题由点源向面源污染转移,城市环境管理也面临着降低成本提高效率的难题,公众参与环保是解决这一问题、满足市民个性化需要的必然选择。本文以上海杨浦区为例,对当前城市环保工作中公众参与现状进行梳理,认为公众参与还存在着相当大的改进空间,在剖析公众参与机制运行中存在的瓶颈及其原因的基础上,提出推进公众参与机制不断完善的可能空间及其相应的外部制度环境建设。  相似文献   

随着城市环境问题由点源向面源污染转移,城市环境管理也面临着降低成本提高效率的难题,公众参与环保是解决这一问题、满足市民个性化需要的必然选择.本文以上海杨浦区为例,对当前城市环保工作中公众参与现状进行梳理,认为公众参与还存在着相当大的改进空间,在剖析公众参与机制运行中存在的瓶颈及其原因的基础上,提出推进公众参与机制不断完善的可能空间及其相应的外部制度环境建设.  相似文献   

随着城市环境问题由点源向面源污染转移,城市环境管理也面临着降低成本提高效率的难题,公众参与环保是解决这一问题、满足市民个性化需要的必然选择。本文以上海杨浦区为例,对当前城市环保式作中公众参与现状进行梳理,认为公众参与还存在着相当大的改进空间,在剖析公众参与机制运行中存在的瓶颈及其原因的基础上,提出推进公众参与机制不断完善的可能空间及其相应的外部制度环境建设。  相似文献   

作为在美国儿童保护领域工作的一线社工,我在工作中接触的除了令人心碎的受虐儿童外,还有他们的家长。这些家长中有吸毒者、酗酒者、流浪者、家暴者、残疾人士和精神疾病患者等。他们背景不一、情况各异,但他们最为相似之处就是对社工工作角色和意图的深深误解和敌意。这些家长本来就有失去孩子的创伤和担心要不回孩子的恐慌(注:美国有严格的儿童保护机制和法律,若有报告“家庭中孩子可能被虐待或忽视”,双亲即可能被剥夺监护权),他们常常不愿与我们合作,觉得我们是阻碍他们从政府手上要回孩子的绊脚石,  相似文献   

透视美国国家兽医物资储备   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
美国为应对重大动物疫情和人兽共患病疫情而建立的国家兽医物资储备(NVS),经数次实践证明其意义重大。本文对美国NVS的成立背景、建设目标、经费保障、存储范围、物资类别、有偿服务、储备机制、保障机制等进行了概述,并对其应急协作、联合演练、基础设施等方面的运行特点进行了分析总结。  相似文献   

湖南基本建立离休干部“两费”的“三个机制”湖南省7月在岳阳市召开建立和完善离休干部“三个机制”工作现场经验交流会。会议透露,目前全省14个市州已全部建立离休干部离休费保障机制、医药费保障机制和财政支持机制,县(市、区)建立离休费保障机制的有113个,建立医药费保障机制的有114个,建立财政支持机制的有94个。(岳洋)郴州市举办老干部读书班郴州市举办暑期老干部读书班,市直单位离休干部和副厅级以上退休干部参加。读书班活动有学习“三个代表”重要思想专题报告会,市委、市政府通报全市上半年的经济情况,医学专家关于老年人心血管疾…  相似文献   

This article analyses the distributional effects of education spending across regions of Thailand, a country that purportedly seeks to reduce regional welfare disparities through decentralisation. It finds that public expenditure on education is neither progressive nor pro‐poor, although there are sizeable regional differences, driven by the pro‐rich distributional profiles of public tertiary education spending and public transfers to private education. Policy‐wise, these results suggest that the current decentralised allocation of educational spending is not consistent with an equity‐enhancing goal.  相似文献   

Human papillomavirus is responsible for anogenital warts and could be regarded as an indicator of possible sexual abuse in children. A genital wart was detected during an investigation of anti–hepatitis C virus positivity in a four-year-old male patient. No pathological findings of another sexually transmitted disease were found except complete cleft palate and circumferential lesions in the perianal region. No family member was anti-hepatitis C virus positive, but the patient's uncle and his wife had genital condylomata. Although detailed physical examination uncovered no other findings indicative of sexual abuse, suspicion of abuse could not be eliminated. Therefore, we wanted to draw the attention of health professionals to the association of anogenital warts and sexual abuse.  相似文献   

Although several aspects of gambling have been thoroughly investigated, little is known about the effect of seasonality on gambling. This study investigated the seasonal patterns in slot-machine usage, based on a unique data set of slot-machine usage from a German gambling centre using time series analysis. Knowledge of seasonal slot-machine usage patterns provides useful insights for researchers, gambling centre managers and legal authorities. Slot-machine gambling activity appears to be highest in November, when poor weather is compounded with lack of entertainment activities and lowest in December, when ample entertainment possibilities may distract people from gambling. The estimated daily and weekly seasonal patterns support the self-control literature, which suggests that self-regulatory failures are more likely when people are more tired; after work, or late in the evening. The high variation in gambling during winter implies that the availability of alternative entertainment activities may have an important influence on slot-machine usage.  相似文献   

When people have to make a choice in an individual setting between a known-risk option and an untested situation of uncertainty, the majority prefers the known risk over the uncertainty of the alternative. The confrontation with an unfamiliar situation in an environment including other participants allows for new mechanisms in risk-perception and risk-evaluation. People tend to become other-directed and use the behavior and consequences of actions of other people in the environment to assess risk. Our investigations show that warning signals observable in the behavior of other participants in the setting reinforce people's preference for known risks over uncertainty.  相似文献   

大学校园里的“大负翁”   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
随着人民生活水平的进一步提高,以及西方发达国家某些观念的渗入,父辈那种“省吃俭用,努力存钱”的观念在当代大学生的头脑里逐步淡化。追求名牌、时尚已成为当代大学生的生活目标,以至于越来越多的大学生加入“大负翁”一族。  相似文献   

Many union leaders and observers of unionism in industrially advanced countries have recently argued for stronger links between unions and social movements but their arguments leave the nature of social movements underspecified. This article reviews the literature on social movements and argues in favour of a minimalist theory of the social actor rather than choose between American and European approaches to studying social movements. Both Melucci's European approach and McAdam, Tarrow, and Tilly's American approach to integrating the European and American schools of thought on social movements are inadequate to the task of specifying social-movement unionism. Hindess's minimalist theory of the social actor and articulated arenas of conflict offers a stronger approach to understanding social-movement unionism and appreciating its strategic pertinence in particular times and places. Two episodes of contention in Sweden illustrate the advantages of a minimalist theory of articulated social-movement unionism.  相似文献   


To investigate frequencies and types of elder abuse occurring in residential settings in two municipal areas of Sweden, nursing staff were asked to answer a questionnaire; 499 responded. The findings indicated that elder abuse involving the staff did occur. Eleven percent of the staff knew of situations of elder abuse and two percent admitted that they themselves had been abusive towards an elderly resident. Psychological and physical abuse related to caring activities were most common. In the specific situations reported, the abusers were mostly characterised as hot-tempered, exhausted, and burned out. The abused people were often mentally and/or physically handicapped and generally over 80 years old. Feelings such as powerlessness, anger towards the abuser, and compassion for the abused person were reported. To cope with the situation, they talked to each other or to the manager. They recommended more education and support as the main preventive strategy.  相似文献   

This paper attempts to explain how and why women in Norway have achieved unusually high political representation. The study, based on forty-three personal interviews with female politicians and persons familiar with Norwegian political culture, found that certain favorable social and political preconditions existed in Norway that encouraged women's entry into politics. However, it was the strong and effectively organized women's movement which was responsible for the significant increase of women in politics. A number of environmental opportunities and threats facilitated the formation of a successful coalition between establishment and new feminist factions of the women's movement. This coalition then used effective strategies to get more women into politics.  相似文献   

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