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金融是市场经济的中枢神经,是资本运营的核心.中国的金融体制源于计划模式,资源配置主要靠财政,不是银行.在体制转轨中,面临着艰巨的改革任务.在金融实务领域,存在着五大观念误区银行只能国家专办;国有银行只能给国有企业贷款;贷款必须提供实物硬件抵押;不是积极"寻贷",而是消极"惜贷";只是单纯放贷,不是兼顾投资.面向WTO,中国金融的发展走向是重新构筑金融体系;鼓励发展民营银行;实行国有银行的股份化改造,促进金融市场的深化;扩大金融市场的开放,尽快和国际接轨.  相似文献   

中国的现代化道路面临着现代化与生态环境的尖锐矛盾.许多经济学学者试图以财政手段遏制现代化的弊病,走可持续发展的道路.反思财政自身的局限性,依靠财政手段不可能解决现代化与生态环境之间的矛盾.  相似文献   

Is Hyman Minsky's “Financial Instability Hypothesis” actually an interpretation of Keynes General Theory? Yes and no. Yes, they both describe an economy dominated by monetary forces in which employment and output dance to the expectations of financial players via speculation. But, no, they do not contain the same analytical structure. Keynes' theory specifies static positions of equilibrium. Minsky's analysis investigates the dynamic processes of the business cycle. Minsky's work might be viewed as the business cycle theory Keynes hinted at, but never completed.  相似文献   

This paper explores the political significance of Asian American campaign finance activity in municipal elections. We examined both the donation patterns of Asian contributors and the fundraising coalitions assembled by Asian candidates. From the contributor perspective, we found that Asians contributed in roughly proportional levels to their population as a whole, and were willing to contribute not only to coethnics but also to Asian candidates of other ethnicities and to non-Asians. As for Asian candidates, we found that they relied heavily on Asian contributors for campaign funds, especially coethnics. Asian candidates’ ability to draw on ethnic networks for campaign funds is an important political resource that enhances their ability to mount competitive campaigns. However, the value of these networks is limited by candidates’ inability or unwillingness to form panethnic fundraising coalitions.  相似文献   

The Goal-5 of United Nations Development Agenda for gender equality and women empowerment through equalizing the ratio of girls and boys enrolment in primary education remains suffered in almost every part of the globalized world, which does not even violate the basic human rights while it is the mandatory foundation for global peace and prosperity. The contribution of international tourism development to empower women is the key initiative of the developed world to provide an equal opportunity to the women to sustain their livelihoods. This study focused on the role of international tourism development on women empowerment through mediating a number of financial factors in a panel of 24 selected European countries, over a period of 1990–2015. The results show that financial intermediaries act as a catalyst to empower women through international tourism. More specifically, tourism and financial factors promote (i) gender parity in tertiary enrollment, (ii) gender parity in primary and secondary school enrollment, (iii) female employment, and (iv) women’s share in non-agriculture wage employment, while the results further support the (i) growth-led tourism, (ii) finance-led growth, (iii) growth stimulate women empowerment, and (iv) tourism-induced women’s empowerment hypothesis across countries.  相似文献   

Social security contributions make up around a fourth of total tax revenue in OECD countries. However, there are concerns on the economic effects of high levies on labour. Recent studies suggest that at least a third of taxes on labour are shifted onto employers, leading to higher wage costs. We find substantial evidence in the literature that the nature of social security contributions matters. With a clear connection between contributions and rights, the employee will perceive this contribution as a price and not as a tax. As a consequence, these contributions will be less distortive in terms of labour supply, wage costs and private savings.  相似文献   

我国目前财税体制中存在着财力不足、债务增长过快、税收制度和财政支出管理滞后于市场经济发展等诸多问题.解决这些问题的途径是深化财税体制改革.财税体制改革的政策取向是建立公共财政体制,完善税制,加快费改税,改革财政支出管理制度,推进财政法制建设,适度举债防范财政风险等.  相似文献   

当前中国民生财政在体制机制、资金分配、监督机制上仍有待改进。优化民生财政,需要进一步推行省管县体制,保障县乡基层政府的公共服务能力;规范预算管理的民主化、科学化;强化民生资金的过程监督;开展民生资金绩效评价。  相似文献   

职业分层的方法论及其功能   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
李弘毅 《学术交流》2004,(12):113-118
职业分层不仅在理论上而且在实证上与社会分层之间具有原生与派生的逻辑关系。当代国际社会分层研究对其基本研究单元一职业分层的研究可以分为两种基本理论构架和方法路径:理论分类分析和经验分级分析。分类与分级实质上是分层领域的理论核心问题和矛盾的难题。上述两种分层理论和分析路径的综合将有助于对职业分层和社会分层的全面研究。  相似文献   

《资本论》以唯物史观和辩证法为基础 ,运用科学的从抽象到具体的研究方法和逻辑方法 ,从商品的价值规律及其体现的社会经济关系入手 ,揭示了资本主义经济关系受价值规律支配产生和发展的自然必然性及其历史趋势 ,充分体现了逻辑、辩证法和唯物主义认识论三者的统一。认识《资本论》的方法对于研究我国的市场经济关系 ,建立起完善的市场经济体制和科学的政治经济学体系 ,具有现实指导意义。  相似文献   

怀特海的过程哲学之所以在现代西方哲学中实现了过程转向,皆源于它具有独特的方法论创新,这主要表现在过程哲学自觉地以过程分析法超越了传统的形态分析法,以关系分析法超越了传统的要素分析法,以哲学的思辨分析法超越了实证主义哲学的实证分析法,以哲学的无限概括法超越了科学的有限概括法,从而推动西方哲学由以实体思维方式为中心逐步地转向以过程-关系思维为中心。  相似文献   

In this commentary, I consider what can go wrong in research when tensions arise between methodology and procedural ethics. I recount difficulties negotiating and implementing a participant recruitment strategy during my doctoral research project, which aimed to explore the experiences of people affected by dementia in the United Kingdom who were disengaged from services. To access this hard-to-reach population, I intended to adopt an informal recruitment strategy, snowball sampling from personal contacts and striking up conversations in public places. The procedural ethics committee were unhappy with this approach, deeming it potentially coercive. They suggested a more formal recruitment strategy enacted via emailing community organisations and churches. This approach entailed practical consequences that ultimately weakened the study sample, data and findings. This case raises questions about the negotiation of tensions between methodology and procedural ethics in gerontological research.  相似文献   

邓小平思想政治教育方法研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
莫秋婵 《探求》2007,(3):67-71
邓小平在领导中国革命和建设的长期实践中,不断总结经验,改革创新,创造性地提出了一系列思想政治教育的基本方法,这些方法有:透彻说理、从容讨论的方法,联系实际、实事求是的方法,尊重群众、走群众路线的方法,以身作则、典型示范的方法,批评与自我批评的方法,坚持精神鼓励与物质利益相结合的方法。  相似文献   

宏观金融博弈分析与我国货币政策实践   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
西方经济学界将博弈分析方法推广到金融领域取得了理论成果,尤其以宏观金融博弈分析在20世纪90年代的最新发展为主要内容.完全信息动态博弈和不完全信息动态博弈两类模型,对货币政策的连贯性与可信度以及中央银行声誉做出了重新解释,货币政策目标、货币政策操作程序、中央银行独立性及政策透明度等热点问题在我国金融体制改革实践中的作用是至关重要的.  相似文献   

刑法学是法学专业的核心主干课程之一,是一门理论性、应用性、操作性均很强的学科。刑法学的教学既要注重学生刑法学理论知识的培养,也要注重学生应用刑法理论知识解决具体刑事案件能力的训练。刑法案例的分析方法与技巧有其自身的规律,研究、总结刑法案例的分析方法与技巧对提高教学质量,培养学生分析问题、解决刑事司法实际问题的能力尤为重要。  相似文献   

女性主义方法论:向男女不平等挑战的方法论   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
许艳丽  谭琳 《浙江学刊》2000,6(5):60-63
将挑战性别不平等作为目标的女性主义研究需要多种不同的研究方法。例如将社会活动与研究相联系的方法,参与分享的方法等,这些方法加强了科学标准——有良好的客观事实论据和引发公开的辩论。但是,它们因同学术界的精英主义和主导观点相才.盾而被应用甚少。本文介绍女性主义研究方法论的形成背景、基本要素、科学标准及应用中的障碍,旨在推动女性主义方法论的研究及应用。  相似文献   

现代政治哲学的核心方法是建构主义,这一方法的奠基者是霍布斯。他为这一方法铺就了认识论的基础,涂抹了实践理性的底色,并初步提供了建构主体、建构程序以及建构产出等基本构件。他对这一方法非自觉的初步应用基本型构了现代政治哲学的进展。但需要明确的是,霍布斯的工作只是为这一方法论进行了奠基,其本人并不就能称为建构主义者,他对这一方法的应用存在着严重的普遍性不足的缺陷。不过,这反倒使得方法论的探讨呈现为开放性,为康德的道德建构主义、罗尔斯的政治建构主义提供了广阔的探索空间。  相似文献   


This article will describe a method that has been effective in helping students, paraprofessional counselors as well as mental health professionals identify countertransference reactions in themselves. It offers instructors and clinical supervisors a way to teach about countertransference toward elderly clients. This technique can be utilized in a variety of work settings such as classrooms, mental health clinics, multi-purpose centers for older adults and private practice.  相似文献   

当前专业人士普遍认为 ,我国国际关系 (国际政治 )研究领域现存的主要问题是 :评论多于创新 ;热衷讨论时事而轻视研究理论 ;低水平重复现象严重等。不少学者指出 ,对研究方法的忽视和研究方法的单一 ,是造成这些问题的一个重要原因 ;在一定程度上 ,研究方法的不科学和缺乏规范 ,也阻碍着中国国际关系学的专业化发展。“工欲善其事 ,必先利其器” ,一项工作的进展往往依赖工具的改进和方法的革新。对我国国际关系研究来说 ,阎学通教授的新著《国际关系研究实用方法》 ,可算是“利其器”的一本方法论工具书了。《方法》一书首先“利”在其“准…  相似文献   

哈耶克方法论个人主义的研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
邓正来 《浙江学刊》2002,1(4):53-69
本文对哈耶克方法论个人主义及其遭遇的批判进行了讨论,并结合哈耶克对“个人主义”和“集体主义”的批判阐明了哈耶克的个人主义观,认为Simon和lukes的批判,就哈耶克的方法论个人主义而言,可以说完全误置了对象;而当代“社群主义”论者对方法论个人主义所做的批判则根本无法适用于哈耶克的方法论个人主义。哈耶克所主张的方法论个人主义乃是一种既反对“整体主义”方法论又在本质上区别于“原子论”个人主义的阐释性的非化约论的方法论个人主义。  相似文献   

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