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Dermal Uptake of Organic Chemicals from a Soil Matrix 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
Thomas E. McKone 《Risk analysis》1990,10(3):407-419
Uptake of chemicals from soil on human skin is considered. Based on a review of literature on the structure of human skin, the processes by which chemicals pass through this boundary, and experiments that reveal the rate and magnitude of this transport process; a two-layer model is presented for estimating how chemical uptake through the stratum corneum depends on chemical properties, skin properties, soil properties and exposure conditions. The model is applied to two limiting scenarios--(1) continuous deposition and removal of soil on the skin surface and (2) a one-time deposition of soil onto the skin surface. The fraction of soil-bound chemical that passes through the stratum corneum is dependent on the skin-soil layer thickness; the dimensionless Henry's law constant, Kh and the octanol-water partition coefficient, Kow of the soil-bound chemical. The nature of this dependence is discussed. 相似文献
Estimating Dermal Uptake of Nonionic Organic Chemicals from Water and Soil: I. Unified Fugacity-Based Models for Risk Assessments 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
Contamination of water and soil that might eventually contact human skin makes it imperative to include the dermal uptake route in efforts to assess potential environmental health risks. Direct measurements of dermal uptake from either water or soil are only available for a small number of the thousands of chemicals likely to be found in the environment. We propose here a mass-transfer model for estimating skin permeability and dermal uptake for organic chemicals that contaminate soil and water. Statistical relationships between measured permeabilities and chemical properties reveal that permeability varies primarily with the octanol-water partition coefficient (Kow) and secondarily with the molecular weight. From these results, we derive a fugacity-based model for skin permeability that addresses the inherent permeability of the skin, the interaction of the skin with the environmental medium on skin (water or soil), and retains a relatively simple algebraic form. Model predictions are compared to measured human skin permeabilities for some 50 compounds in water and four compounds in soil. The model is adjusted to account for dermal uptake during both short-term (10-20 min) and long-term (several hour) exposures. This model is recommended for compounds with molecular weight less than or equal to 280 g. 相似文献
Assessments of aggregate exposure to pesticides and other surface contamination in residential environments are often driven by assumptions about dermal contacts. Accurately predicting cumulative doses from realistic skin contact scenarios requires characterization of exposure scenarios, skin surface loading and unloading rates, and contaminant movement through the epidermis. In this article we (1) develop and test a finite-difference model of contaminant transport through the epidermis; (2) develop archetypal exposure scenarios based on behavioral data to estimate characteristic loading and unloading rates; and (3) quantify 24-hour accumulation below the epidermis by applying a Monte Carlo simulation of these archetypal exposure scenarios. The numerical model, called Transient Transport through the epiDERMis (TTDERM), allows us to account for variable exposure times and time between exposures, temporal and spatial variations in skin and compound properties, and uncertainty in model parameters. Using TTDERM we investigate the use of a macro-activity parameter (cumulative contact time) for predicting daily (24-hour) integrated uptake of pesticides during complex exposure scenarios. For characteristic child behaviors and hand loading and unloading rates, we find that a power law represents the relationship between cumulative contact time and cumulative mass transport through the skin. With almost no loss of reliability, this simple relationship can be used in place of the more complex micro-activity simulations that require activity data on one- to five-minute intervals. The methods developed in this study can be used to guide dermal exposure model refinements and exposure measurement study design. 相似文献
Quantitative approaches to assessing exposure to, and associated risk from, benzene in mineral spirits solvent (MSS), used widely in parts washing and degreasing operations, have focused primarily on the respiratory pathway. The dermal contribution to total benzene uptake from such operations remains uncertain because measuring in vivo experimental dermal uptake of this volatile human carcinogen is difficult. Unprotected dermal uptake involves simultaneous sustained immersion events and transient splash/wipe events, each yielding residues subject to evaporation as well as dermal uptake. A two‐process dermal exposure framework to assess dermal uptake to normal and damaged skin was applied to estimate potential daily dermal benzene dose (Dskin) to workers who used historical or current formulations of recycled MSS in manual parts washers. Measures of evaporation and absorption of MSS dermally applied to human subjects were modeled to estimate in vivo dermal uptake of benzene in MSS. Uncertainty and interindividual variability in Dskin was characterized by Monte Carlo simulation, conditioned on uncertainty and/or variability estimated for each model input. Dermal exposures are estimated to average 33% of total (inhalation + dermal) benzene parts washing dose, with approximately equal predicted portions of dermal dose due to splash/wipe and to continuous contact with MSS. The estimated median (95th percentile) dermal and total daily benzene doses from parts washing are: 0.0069 (0.024) and 0.025 (0.18) mg/day using current, and 0.027 (0.085) and 0.098 (0.69) mg/day using historical, MSS solvents, respectively. 相似文献
Dermal penetration of organic chemical-contaminated water from showering and bathing scenarios is a concern of regulatory agencies that have been tasked with determining safe exposure levels. During household showering and bathing, nearly the entire surface area of the body is exposed for short periods of time (5-15 minutes). The primary means of predicting body burden during brief exposures is to estimate total chemical penetrated from the steady-state penetration rate using a skin permeability coefficient. A variety of approaches has been recommended to estimate "body burden." The purpose of this investigation was to collect experimental data from short-term exposures to an organic chemical (dibromomethane [DBM]) in aqueous solution so that methods for estimating body burden could be compared. Rat skins were exposed in vitro to saturated aqueous solutions of DBM for 20 minutes and the amount of chemical in the receptor solution and the skin was analyzed. The total DBM mass in the receptor solution and the skin was taken to represent an in vivo body burden. These results were compared with the estimates of penetration from steady-state calculations, square root of time calculations, and a biologically based mathematical model. Results indicated that the amount of chemical in the skin and its fate during short exposures is important. The square root of time approach predicted total amount of chemical absorbed and penetrated better than did the steady-state approach. The biologically based mathematical model accurately predicted total body burden and could be used to distinguish between the amount of chemical in the skin and the amount of chemical that penetrated through the skin, which would be useful for understanding local toxicity. 相似文献
Field Measurement of Dermal Soil Loading Attributable to Various Activities: Implications for Exposure Assessment 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
Estimates of soil adherence to skin are required for assessment of dermal exposures to contaminants in soils. Previously available estimates depend heavily on indirect measurements and/or artificial activities and reflect sampling of hands only. Results are presented here from direct measurement of soil loading on skin surfaces of volunteers before and after normal occupational and recreational activities that might reasonably be expected to lead to soil contact. Skin surfaces assayed included hands, forearms, lower legs, faces and/or feet. Observed hand loadings vary over five orders of magnitude (roughly from 10–3 to 102 mg/cm2) and are dependent upon type of activity. Hand loadings within the current default range of 0.2 to 1.0 mg/cm2 were produced by activities providing opportunity for relatively vigorous soil contact (rugby, farming). Loadings less than 0.2 mg/cm2 were found on hands following activities presenting less opportunity for direct soil contact (soccer, professional grounds maintenance) and on other body parts under many conditions. The default range does not, however, represent a worst case. Children playing in mud on the shore of a lake generated geometric mean loadings well in excess of 1 mg/cm2 on hands, arms, legs, and feet. Post-activity average loadings on hands were typically higher than average loadings on other body parts resulting from the same activity. Hand data from limited activities cannot, however, be used to conservatively predict loadings that might occur on other body surfaces without regard to activity since non-hand loadings attributable to higher contact activities exceeded hand loadings resulting from lower contact activities. Differences between pre- and post-activity loadings also demonstrate that dermal contact with soil is episodic. Typical background (pre-activity) geometric mean loadings appear to be on the order of 10-2 mg/cm2 or less. Because exposures are activity dependent, quantification of dermal exposure to soil will remain inadequate until data describing relevant human behavior (type of activity, frequency, duration including interval before bathing, clothing worn, etc.) are generated. 相似文献
To assess exposure to and uptake of chemical compounds from consumer products, a general model framework is proposed. The model framework separates exposure into the components contact, potential exposure, and potential uptake rate, and establishes the relation between the three. It adds a contact function and a spatial component to other exposure modeling concepts. Before the model framework can be used, its components need to be specified. A simple diffusional model is built as an example of specifying functions for exposure and uptake. A case study of 1,1,1 trichloroethane in some shoe impregnating product, partly based on the diffusional uptake model, illustrates the inclusion of the contact component. In the latter example, the exposure is calculated for the user and then, by only modifying the contact component, for a nonuser randomly walking in the house. 相似文献
Routes of Chloroform Exposure and Body Burden from Showering with Chlorinated Tap Water 总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13
While there is an awareness of the need to quantify inhalation exposure from showers, the potential for dermal exposure to organic contaminants in showers has not been appreciated or explored. To establish routes of environmental exposure from showers, comparisons of the concentration of chloroform in exhaled breath after a normal shower with municipal tap water were made with those after an inhalation-only exposure. The postexposure chloroform breath concentrations ranged from 6.0-21 micrograms/m3 for normal showers and 2.4 to 10 micrograms/m3 for inhalation-only exposure, while the pre-exposure concentrations were all less than the minimum detection limit of 0.86 micrograms/m3. According to an F-test, the difference between the normal shower and the inhalation-only exposures was considered significant at a probability of p = 0.0001. Based on the difference, the mean internal dose due to dermal exposure was found to be approximately equal to that due to the inhalation exposure. The effect of the showering activities on the concentration of chloroform shower air was examined by comparing air concentrations during a normal shower with the air concentrations obtained when the shower was unoccupied. The F-test showed that there is no significant difference between the two sets of data. 相似文献
Chronic Health Risks from Aggregate Exposures to Ionizing Radiation and Chemicals: Scientific Basis for an Assessment Framework 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
Very little quantitative analysis is currently available on the cumulative effects of exposure to multiple hazardous agents that have either similar or different mechanisms of action. Over the past several years, efforts have been made to develop the methodologies for risk assessment of chemical mixtures, but mixed exposures to two or more dissimilar agents such as radiation and one or more chemical agents have not yet been addressed in any substantive way. This article reviews the current understanding of the health risks arising from mixed exposures to ionizing radiation and specific chemicals. Specifically discussed is how mixed radiation/chemical exposures, when evaluated in aggregation, were linked to chronic health endpoints such as cancer and intermediate health outcomes such as chromosomal aberrations. Also considered is the extent to which the current practices are consistent with the scientific understanding of the health risks associated with mixed-agent exposures. From this the discussion moves to the research needs for assessing the cumulative health risks from aggregate exposures to ionizing radiation and chemicals. The evaluation indicates that essentially no guidance has been provided for conducting risk assessment for two agents with different mechanisms of action (i.e., energy deposition from ionizing radiation versus DNA interactions with chemicals) but similar biological endpoints (i.e., chromosomal aberrations, mutations, and cancer). The literature review also reveals the problems caused by the absence of both the basic science and an appropriate evaluation framework for the combined effects of mixed-agent exposures. This makes it difficult to determine whether there is truly no interaction or somehow the interaction is masked by the scale of effect observation or inappropriate dose-response assumptions. 相似文献
Kenneth T. Bogen 《Risk analysis》2013,33(7):1334-1352
Average rates of total dermal uptake (Kup) from short‐term (e.g., bathing) contact with dilute aqueous organic chemicals (DAOCs) are typically estimated from steady‐state in vitro diffusion‐cell measures of chemical permeability (Kp) through skin into receptor solution. Widely used (“PCR‐vitro”) methods estimate Kup by applying diffusion theory to increase Kp predictions made by a physico‐chemical regression (PCR) model that was fit to a large set of Kp measures. Here, Kup predictions for 18 DAOCs made by three PCR‐vitro models (EPA, NIOSH, and MH) were compared to previous in vivo measures obtained by methods unlikely to underestimate Kup. A new PCR model fit to all 18 measures is accurate to within approximately threefold (r = 0.91, p < 10?5), but the PCR‐vitro predictions (r > 0.63) all tend to underestimate the Kup measures by mean factors (UF, and p value for testing UF = 1) of 10 (EPA, p < 10?6), 11 (NIOSH, p < 10?8), and 6.2 (MH, p = 0.018). For all three PCR‐vitro models, log(UF) correlates negatively with molecular weight (r2 = 0.31 to 0.84, p = 0.017 to < 10?6) but not with log(vapor pressure) as an additional predictor (p > 0.05), so vapor pressure appears not to explain the significant in vivo/PCR‐vitro discrepancy. Until this discrepancy is explained, careful in vivo measures of Kup should be obtained for more chemicals, the expanded in vivo database should be compared to in vitro‐based predictions, and in vivo data should be considered in assessing aqueous dermal exposure and its uncertainty. 相似文献
Lance Wallace 《Risk analysis》1990,10(1):59-64
The major sources of human exposure to about a dozen volatile organic chemicals (VOCs) have recently been identified.1 For nearly every chemical, the major sources of exposure are completely different from the major sources of emissions. This finding implies that current environmental regulations and control strategies are misdirected. Important sources of exposure are typically not regulated in any way, whereas unimportant sources are heavily regulated. Vast sums of money are spent on problems involving little risk (e.g., hazardous waste sites), whereas few resources are expended on problems involving higher risk (e.g., indoor air pollution). The following paper summarizes recent findings regarding major sources of exposure to several VOCs. Benzene is selected as a case study. Brief discussions of tetrachloroethylene and paradichlorobenzene are also included. 相似文献
Assessment of Health Risk from Exposure to Contaminated Soil 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
John K. Hawley 《Risk analysis》1985,5(4):289-302
The risk to human health posed by contaminated soil in a residential area depends on the potential extent of exposure to soil and on the toxic properties of the contaminants. A detailed soil exposure analysis is presented for young children, older children, and adults living in a house surrounded by contaminated soil. From this analysis, a lifetime exposure model is derived and used to assess chronic health risks. 相似文献
Risk-Based Assessment of Soil and Groundwater Quality in the Netherlands: Standards and Remediation Urgency 总被引:17,自引:0,他引:17
To assess soil and groundwater quality two generic (i.e. multifunctional) risk-based standards, Target and Intervention Value, have been developed, in the framework of the Dutch Soil Protection Act. These standards allow soil and groundwater to be classified as clean, slightly contaminated or seriously contaminated. The Target Value is based on potential risks to ecosystems, while the Intervention Value is based on potential risks to humans and ecosystems. In the case of serious soil contamination the site has, in principle, to be remediated, making it necessary to determine the remediation urgency on the basis of actual (i.e. site-specific) risks to humans and ecosystems and, besides, actual risks due to contaminant migration. 相似文献
Wout Slob 《Risk analysis》1993,13(5):525-530
This paper discusses a statistical exposure model (STEM) that can be used to estimate the percentage of the population exceeding ingestion intake criteria (e.g., ADI or TDI). In addition, STEM may be linked to toxicokinetic models to evaluate the interindividual variability in internal doses that results from variability in consumption habits. The assumptions of STEM are investigated by analyzing dioxin and cadmium intake data for the Dutch population. 相似文献
Halûk Özkaynak Jianping Xue Valerie G. Zartarian Graham Glen Luther Smith 《Risk analysis》2011,31(4):592-608
Daily soil/dust ingestion rates typically used in exposure and risk assessments are based on tracer element studies, which have a number of limitations and do not separate contributions from soil and dust. This article presents an alternate approach of modeling soil and dust ingestion via hand and object mouthing of children, using EPA's SHEDS model. Results for children 3 to <6 years old show that mean and 95th percentile total ingestion of soil and dust values are 68 and 224 mg/day, respectively; mean from soil ingestion, hand‐to‐mouth dust ingestion, and object‐to‐mouth dust ingestion are 41 mg/day, 20 mg/day, and 7 mg/day, respectively. In general, hand‐to‐mouth soil ingestion was the most important pathway, followed by hand‐to‐mouth dust ingestion, then object‐to‐mouth dust ingestion. The variability results are most sensitive to inputs on surface loadings, soil‐skin adherence, hand mouthing frequency, and hand washing frequency. The predicted total soil and dust ingestion fits a lognormal distribution with geometric mean = 35.7 and geometric standard deviation = 3.3. There are two uncertainty distributions, one below the 20th percentile and the other above. Modeled uncertainties ranged within a factor of 3–30. Mean modeled estimates for soil and dust ingestion are consistent with past information but lower than the central values recommended in the 2008 EPA Child‐Specific Exposure Factors Handbook. This new modeling approach, which predicts soil and dust ingestion by pathway, source type, population group, geographic location, and other factors, offers a better characterization of exposures relevant to health risk assessments as compared to using a single value. 相似文献
Systemic Uptake and Clearance of Chloroform by Hairless Rats Following Dermal Exposure. I. Brief Exposure to Aqueous Solutions 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
Mohammad S. Islam Luhua Zhao Joseph Zhou Lilly Dong James N. McDougal Gordon L. Flynn 《Risk analysis》1996,16(3):349-357
The systemic uptake of chloroform from dilute aqueous solutions into live hairless rats under conditions simulating dermal environmental exposure was studied. Whole blood was sampled during a 30-min immersion of an animal within water containing a known concentration of chloroform and then for 5.5 h following its removal from the bath. The amount of chloroform systemically absorbed was determined by comparing the AUCs of the blood concentration vs. time plots from dermal exposure to that obtained after IV infusion (for a period of 30 min) of an aqueous solution containing a known amount of chloroform (positive control). Although dermal data implied two-compartment disposition characteristics, IV infusion data fit best to a three-compartment disposition. Linear pharmacokinetics was observed both by IV administration and percutaneous absorption at the dose levels studied. Chloroform was detected in the rat blood as early as 4 min following exposure. Our findings suggest that about 10.2 mg of chloroform was systemically absorbed after dermal exposure of a rat to an aqueous solution of 0.44 mg/ml. This amount is substantially higher than the predictions of mathematical risk-models put forth by some investigators. However, when expressed as the "effective" permeability coefficient ( K p eff ), close agreement was noticed between our value and those estimated by others using physiologically based pharmacokinetic (PBPK) models. Also, in terms of K p eff , reasonable agreement existed between our and another investigator's past estimates of uptake based on depletion of bath level of chloroform and the actual uptake measured in our current experiments. The estimated onset of systemic entry seen here is entirely consistent with our estimate of how long it takes to establish the diffusion gradient across the stratum comeum based on tape stripping. 相似文献
The exposure of employees of different contracting firms to chemical pollutants was assessed during the five-week biennial maintenance shut-down of an isocyanate (TDI) synthesis plant. This assessment was mainly based on personal sampling, but work-related constraints occasionally required that area samples be used instead. Many tasks were carried out during the shut-down procedure (dismantling of reactors, installation of insulation, refection of kilns, cleaning, painting, electricity, etc.), thereby causing the employees of the contracting firms to be exposed to different kinds of pollutants, including products used or manufactured in the process (solvents, TDI and its synthesis intermediates), and products specific to the contractors' activity (welding fumes, crystalline silica, mineral fibers of heat insulation). The highest level of exposure (mainly to TDI) was found for the mechanical engineering activities undertaken during the dismantling of reactors and for cleaning activities. It was demonstrated that there was much variability in day-to-day exposure levels, and occasionally in the exposure levels encountered during a given shift. Cases of concomitant exposure to TDI (mainly short-term exposures) and other pollutants due to simultaneous activities from different tasks in the same area (co-activity) were also observed. Both the need for, and limitations of personal protective equipment (mainly respiratory) are stressed. Special emphasis is put on the responsibility of the owner of the facilities in helping the contractors in the organization of a health and safety policy. 相似文献
Development of a Standard Soil-to-Skin Adherence Probability Density Function for Use in Monte Carlo Analyses of Dermal Exposure 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
It has recently been suggested that "standard" data distributions for key exposure variables should be developed wherever appropriate for use in probabilistic or "Monte Carlo" exposure analyses. Soil-on-skin adherence estimates represent an ideal candidate for development of a standard data distribution: There are several readily available studies which offer a consistent pattern of reported results, and more importantly, soil adherence to skin is likely to vary little from site-to-site. In this paper, we thoroughly review each of the published soil adherence studies with respect to study design, sampling, and analytical methods, and level of confidence in the reported results. Based on these studies, probability density functions (PDF) of soil adherence values were examined for different age groups and different sampling techniques. The soil adherence PDF developed from adult data was found to resemble closely the soil adherence PDF based on child data in terms of both central tendency (mean = 0.49 and 0.63 mg-soil/cm2 -skin, respectively) and 95th percentile values (1.6 and 2.4 mg-soil/cm2 -skin, respectively). Accordingly, a single, "standard" PDF is presented based on all data collected for all age groups. This standard PDF is lognormally distributed; the arithmetic mean and standard deviation are 0.52 ± 0.9 mg-soil/cm2 -skin. Since our review of the literature indicates that soil adherence under environmental conditions will be minimally influenced by age, sex, soil type, or particle size, this PDF should be considered applicable to all settings. The 50th and 95th percentile values of the standard PDF (0.25 and 1.7 mg-soil/cm2 -skin, respectively) are very similar to recent U.S. EPA estimates of "average" and "upper-bound" soil adherence (0.2 and 1.0 mg-soil/cm2 -skin, respectively). 相似文献
Lesa L. Aylward Robert C. Brunet Thomas B. Starr Gaétan Carrier Elizabeth Delzell Hong Cheng Colleen Beall 《Risk analysis》2005,25(4):945-956
Recent studies demonstrating a concentration dependence of elimination of 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin (TCDD) suggest that previous estimates of exposure for occupationally exposed cohorts may have underestimated actual exposure, resulting in a potential overestimate of the carcinogenic potency of TCDD in humans based on the mortality data for these cohorts. Using a database on U.S. chemical manufacturing workers potentially exposed to TCDD compiled by the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH), we evaluated the impact of using a concentration- and age-dependent elimination model (CADM) (Aylward et al., 2005) on estimates of serum lipid area under the curve (AUC) for the NIOSH cohort. These data were used previously by Steenland et al. (2001) in combination with a first-order elimination model with an 8.7-year half-life to estimate cumulative serum lipid concentration (equivalent to AUC) for these workers for use in cancer dose-response assessment. Serum lipid TCDD measurements taken in 1988 for a subset of the cohort were combined with the NIOSH job exposure matrix and work histories to estimate dose rates per unit of exposure score. We evaluated the effect of choices in regression model (regression on untransformed vs. ln-transformed data and inclusion of a nonzero regression intercept) as well as the impact of choices of elimination models and parameters on estimated AUCs for the cohort. Central estimates for dose rate parameters derived from the serum-sampled subcohort were applied with the elimination models to time-specific exposure scores for the entire cohort to generate AUC estimates for all cohort members. Use of the CADM resulted in improved model fits to the serum sampling data compared to the first-order models. Dose rates varied by a factor of 50 among different combinations of elimination model, parameter sets, and regression models. Use of a CADM results in increases of up to five-fold in AUC estimates for the more highly exposed members of the cohort compared to estimates obtained using the first-order model with 8.7-year half-life. This degree of variation in the AUC estimates for this cohort would affect substantially the cancer potency estimates derived from the mortality data from this cohort. Such variability and uncertainty in the reconstructed serum lipid AUC estimates for this cohort, depending on elimination model, parameter set, and regression model, have not been described previously and are critical components in evaluating the dose-response data from the occupationally exposed populations. 相似文献