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这次会议的主要任务是,深入学习落实科学发展观,认真总结出生缺陷一级预防工作,交流各地经验,部署实施优生促进工程,再接再厉,开拓创新,进一步推动出生缺陷一级预防工作深入开展。  相似文献   

"鸡鸣啼三国"显赫地标识了满洲里的特殊地理位置,北邻俄罗斯,西与蒙古国接壤,三国交界,得天独厚。或许是人生命运的注定安排吧,干了大半辈子医疗卫生事业的李侠,做梦也没曾想到,2007年末,市委决定调任她到人口计生局当局长,肩负"国策"使命。受命危难之时人口计生工作既是"天下第一难事,又是天下第一要事",与社会经济发展稳定息息相关,与百姓生活唇齿相依。"稳定低生育水平,提高出生人口素质,统筹解决人口  相似文献   

为提高育龄群众对人口计生工作的满意度,进一步深化优质服务,河南登封市颍阳镇努力打造计生服务"微笑窗口",服务广大育龄群众。一是大厅接待热心。值班人员始终坚持微笑服务,"一脸微笑,一句问候,一杯热茶",优质服务贯穿工作各个环节,温馨笑容,礼貌用语,工作零距离,服务心贴心;二是咨询服务耐心。大厅服务全天制,专人受理接待各类咨询,  相似文献   

甘肃省武威市以科学发展观为指导,进一步强化领导,突出重点,突破难点,狠抓工作落实,切实形成党政重视,齐抓共管,综合治理的人口计生工作机制,全面提升了计生优质服务水平。  相似文献   

陕西省宝鸡市陈仓区在"三进三解三促"群众路线主题实践活动中,围绕中心抓党建,立足特色抓创新,完善机制抓发展,在全区实施计划生育强基固本工程,强化宣传,创新管理,优化服务,不断夯实基层基础,努力提升为民服务水平。  相似文献   

浙江省绍兴县是全国综合经济实力十强县之一。近年来,随着经济社会的快速发展,流动人口大幅增加,2011年全县流人人口63.48万人,其中已婚育龄妇女18.22万人,大大超过本地户籍已婚育龄妇女的总数,对计划生育基本公共服务承载力及财政投入等构成了巨大压力。为此,全县切实加强领导,强化以人为本,提供有效保障,完善工作机制,创新服务举措,初步探索出了具有绍兴县特色的流动人口均等化服务新途经。  相似文献   

上海白领小南,供职于一家专业的园林设计公司。今年5月,公司人力资源部发布了一则令人“哭笑不得”的通知,要求每位员工在5月20日前,发动身边家人朋友,关注公司微信公号,并将成功关注人员的微信ID上报至综合部核对,“每人最少30人,上不封顶”。通知称,全体员工的推广情况,将汇总给领导审阅,“并将各部门的完成隋况计人季度考核指标”。  相似文献   

中国石油天然气大港油田第三矿区针对企业面临新形势、新任务,积极探索企业人口计生管理服务新途径,从服务管理入手,倡导企业文化,夯实基础工作,加大培训力度,真情服务育龄职工,人口计生工作整体水平不断加强。从真情服务入手,注重求真务实。在真情服务育龄妇女的活动中,一是采取请进来的方式,不断提高优质服务质量。矿区每年定期请市级医院医生到公司为育龄妇女进行健康检查,做好生殖健康档案填写登记,开展保健知识讲座和现场答疑等服务活动,使大家通过现场咨询及时了解自身  相似文献   

湖北省麻城市人口计生局把信息化建设作为做好人口计生工作的突破口来抓,加大投入,注重培训,规范管理,把人口计生信息化建设与实际工作紧密结合起来,不断提高数据质量,强化信息运用,信息化建设取得了明显成效。强化组织领导,创优工作环境。2011年以来,全市先后召开三次部门信息化建设协调会,专题研究信息化实施方案和推进工作,确保信息化建设顺利推进。市人口计生局牢固树立以信息化引领人口计生工作流程再造的理念,将人口信  相似文献   

2012年,江西省樟树市在全市范围实施免费孕前优生健康检查项目,并列入政府民生工程。近年来,全市坚持"政府主导、部门配合、技术支撑、群众自愿"的原则,面向农村,面向家庭,面向高危人群,以市人口和计生服务站为龙头,乡级服务所为基础,以向计划怀孕的夫妇提供免费和优质的孕前优生健康检查服务为手段,减少出生缺陷,提高出生人口素质,为待孕夫妇保驾护航。  相似文献   

According to Xinhuanet, persons with severe disabilities and household register in Sichuan Province began to receive nursing subsidies suceessively.In 2014, Sichuan Province planned to allocate 500 million Yuan of nursing subsidies to 650 000 persons with severe disabilities in the province.  相似文献   

Questions of bi identities can be invisibilized and overlooked by queer theorizing and LGBT studies. This article explores the ways in which complex performances of bisexuality can simultaneously encompass and deconstructively critique bi identity in a manner that embraces the “and” between bi and queer, offering important insights into how bi is lived, contested, and reaffirmed. Drawing on the BiCon and BiFest events in the UK, we argue that both the materialities (and supposed fixities) of bi erasures and exclusions and the fluidities that trouble the heterosexual/homosexual divides offer key insights into the spatial and temporal fixing and unfixing of identities.  相似文献   


In this article, I propose that mobility performs a crucial role in the production and sustenance of intimate relationships and focus, in particular, on courtship practices and their modern-day equivalents. I pursue this discussion through close readings of literary and autobiographical texts from the nineteenth century through to the millennium, and by means of a framework that triangulates the work of Tim Ingold, David Seamon and Henri Bergson. My focus here is on how the mobilities we practice during the everyday routines of courtship – i.e. the paths we make, the routes we take, the roads we travel, the journeys we repeat, the transport we use – come to characterise the relationship concerned and impact upon its progress. Both Ingold’s work on ‘lines’ and Seamon’s on ‘place-ballet’ are conceptually suggestive in this regard and speak to recent work in mobilities/cultural geography on the significance of patterns of movement in the praxis of relationships.  相似文献   

William Hasty 《Mobilities》2014,9(3):350-368

This paper follows some late-seventeenth and early eighteenth century pirate ships, focusing upon the moments when these most enigmatic and elusive of ocean-going vessels were appropriated and inhabited by mutinous mariners who literally risked their necks to take charge of them. This paper builds upon recent work in mobilities and oceanic studies which is developing more materialist perspectives as a means for better understanding the seas and ships as lived, dynamic spaces. By exploring some of the ways that pirate ships were crafted and modified, and then occupied, at the turn of the eighteenth century, this paper contributes new perspectives on the formation of piratical spaces and identities, and in the process, the role of mobilities and spatialities in creating spaces afloat. The paper argues for a greater acknowledgement of the role of process in the making of space and mobility at sea as a means of better understanding the complex geographies of the pirate ship and the experiences of those who sailed aboard them.  相似文献   

郝娟  邱长溶 《南方人口》2011,26(5):27-33
我国城乡生育水平、发展趋势及差异程度的对比研究对于人口发展问题意义重大。首先通过运算,得出了城乡总和生育率指标数值,呈现出2000年以来十年间城乡生育状况,然后对这些数据进行了细致的比较与分析。研究结果表明:尽管十年中生育水平呈现波动状态,但农村总和生育率一直都低于1.8,城镇则低于1.3,差异近几年有逐步缩小的趋势;城乡生育水平差异主要来自二孩生育率的差异,二孩生育率近十年来有微弱上升趋势;一孩生育率受民俗等因素影响较大,城镇波动大于农村;平均生育年龄推迟现象在城镇、农村一直都在缓慢持续。  相似文献   

Despite a mounting interest in the elderly, and a rapidly expanding literature on the subject, there is a dearth of empirical research that can shed light on their condition. For Bangladesh and the rest of South Asia, the record is very thin. With the aid of observed and retrospective data on time-use from a sample of rural Bangladeshis, this paper seeks to help redress this situation by describing the role of the elderly in the household division of labour, management, and authority. The objective is to elaborate how labour-use and activity patterns change with advancing age, for men and women and rich and poor, and to explore the broader implications of such change. Concepts of work, retirement, and dependency are critically examined. The results of several labour surveys are used to estimate the limits that the physical effects of ageing place on the labour-force participation of the elderly.  相似文献   

Hardly anything is known about the demography of East Malaysia, that is of the lesser developed regions of Sabah and Sarawak, because of the wide range of deficiencies in the available data. This paper uses a range of indirect methods to construct a demographic profile of Sabah and Sarawak over the period 1960 to 1980. Comparisons are made between these areas and Peninsular Malaysia and some overall Malaysian estimates are given. The study suggests that between 1965 and 1980 there were large gains in life expectancy among the indigenous communities in Sabah and Sarawak, although their life expectancies are still shorter than those of the Chinese. Differentials in life chances between these regions and Peninsular Malaysia narrowed appreciably during the 1970s. Over the same period there were falls in levels of fertility. These were most spectacular among the Chinese communities and the groups living in and around the urban areas in Sarawak. There has been some decline in fertility among the indigenous groups in Sabah but current levels remain higher than among the indigenous groups in Sarawak and the Malays in the Peninsula.  相似文献   

In China, the increase of the sex ratio at birth (SRB) associates with the decline of the fertility level. The change of the parity structure, one of the main reasons of the low fertility level, may also play an important part in the change of the SRB. We find that the decrease of the proportion of the second and higher parity deters the imbalance of the SRB in China. The increase of the SRB in China is mainly caused by the increase of the second and higher parity's correspondent level of SRB before 2000, and the first parity's SRB also Plays more and more important role after 2000.  相似文献   

Yang Fan 《当代中国人口》2014,(6):F0003-F0003
With the aging of population,the academic researches tend to focus on the size, structure, quality of the labor forces. This article, based on the data of 2012 CLDS, describes demographically the employment status of China's labor force by four types: employee,employer, self- employed and farming and analyzes the variations in the indicators of the 4 types employment status, such as human capital,working hours,work sites,income,social security, job evaluation and work values and identity of social class, etc. Understanding these variations is a great significance to the proper labor policy-making.  相似文献   

The aim of the present study was to translate the Homosexuality scale of the Trueblood Sexual Attitudes Questionnaire into the Italian language and to assess its factor structure and psychometric properties in Italian psychology students. The questionnaire was originally developed and validated in U.S. college students, and later in Turkish social work students, showing high internal consistency. It measures attitudes toward several sexual practices and behaviors, regarding self and others. Particularly, the Homosexuality scale measures attitudes toward different sexual and romantic practices with people of the same sex. A total of 199 Italian psychology students participated to the study, and they were administered the Italian translation of the scale. We applied exploratory factor analysis and confirmatory factor analysis. Results showed that the scale has high internal consistency, and that the original two-factor model accounting for attitudes toward self and others fits the data well. Implications for education and assessment in student populations are discussed.  相似文献   

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