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《Social Networks》2005,27(3):231-247
This paper investigates the stability of egocentric informal conversational networks in rural Malawi by analyzing reinterview data collected by a longitudinal survey. Contrary to the findings of test–retest studies carried out in developed countries, in rural Malawi geographically and socially close networks are found to exhibit a low level of stability even over short periods of time. This is mainly attributed to the specific structure of the networks considered, and it is therefore recommended that the importance of measurement bias should not be overemphasized. It is also found that, despite the significant changes in the named partners, network size and reported actions of network partners are quite stable, thus suggesting a negligible impact of network instability for further analyses of these data.  相似文献   

Major late life events, reported in the Dubbo longitudinal study of older Australians, are used to examine the interaction of private lives with public programs. First, the data indicate strong supportive effects of publicly funded income, health, and aged care programs in reducing family burdens from major life changes. In particular, financial crises were rarely mentioned, directly or indirectly, as major threats. Next, the central role of informal social support in these events is demonstrated, first, as in previous studies, family support was responsive to risky events and to aging itself. Also, in new findings, one-third of surviving elderly respondents coped with the burdens of family crises as a substantial proportion of the "major" life changes that occurred over 13 years of the study. Within the security and support provided by the Australian welfare system, and with strong social networks, families with older persons in the Dubbo study manage multiple, major life changes. With rapid population aging, the development of more, and more easily accessible, services for a growing population of older people is a priority. The critical challenge will be to harmoniously grow public financing, private funding, and informal caregiving to deal with the growing burden arising from an aging society.  相似文献   

Objectives: To conduct an 8-year follow-up of the National Elder Mistreatment Study (NEMS) and specify risk ratios for negative outcomes of elder abuse, including DSM-5 defined depression, generalized anxiety disorder (GAD), post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), and poor self-reported health.

Methods: Attempts were made to re-contact, via Computer Assisted Telephone Interview, all 752 NEMS participants who reported mistreatment since age 60 at Wave I, as well as a randomly selected sample of non-mistreated NEMS participants

Results: 183 NEMS Wave I elder abuse victims and 591 non-victims provided data. In bivariate analyses, elder mistreatment 8 years earlier increased risk of negative outcomes by 200–700%. However, multivariate analyses revealed that Current (Wave II) social support was highly protective against most negative outcomes (excepting PTSD), and even appeared to nullify effects of mistreatment on GAD and poor self-reported health.

Conclusions: Outcomes of elder mistreatment have not been studied prospectively in a national sample. The NEMS 8-year follow-up findings indicate a strong relationship between elder mistreatment at Wave I and negative emotional and physical health 8 years later. Fortunately, current (Wave II) social support appears to be both consistently and powerfully protective against most negative outcomes.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to examine the nature and predictors of family reunification patterns in Australia. Using a large representative sample, this study extends previous studies based on older, often smaller samples and encompasses a period in which kinship care comprised a substantial proportion of out-of-home care placements. Analyses were based on a sample of 468 children who entered care for the first time in the State of Tasmania between January the 1st 2006 and December 31st 2007. Administrative data and case-worker interviews were used to obtain information concerning children's demographics, family backgrounds and placement movements over 2–4 years. The results showed that around 50% of children had gone home after 2 years, but that 79% of returns occurred in the first 6 months. Reunification was slower for younger children, those in kinship care, and amongst children from families affected by poverty, substance abuse and for a cluster children with the highest prevalence family risk factors. The study contributes to international knowledge concerning the importance of assessing the multiplicity of risk factors in family reunification research and the implications of kinship care for the increased stability, but higher retention, of children in out-of-home care.  相似文献   

A one-year longitudinal study of burnout involving 46 helping professionals revealed that burnout levels were quite stable over one year (r's range from .33 to .67 with a mean of .45) and that about equal numbers of subjects increased burnout as decreased burnout. Several predictive factors (measured at the original testing) and several concurrent factors (measured at follow-up) were examined in comparing workers moving toward higher (n = 18) and lower (n = 15) burnout levels across the year. Predictive variables established that the higher burnout group experienced less social support in the work place from peers (p<.05) and from supervisors (p<.10). The higher burnout group also experienced the work setting as being more controlling (p<.05). Attributional style differences also proved to be a significant predictor of burnout with the higher group more prone to accept personal responsibility for the outcome of their clients and more likely to blame themselves when their clients did not improve (p<.05). Concurrent data failed to find any differences between higher and lower burnout groups in terms of life stressors outside the work setting. There was a difference in the perceived level of economic stress (loss of job security) created by economic recession, with the higher group reporting a higher level of such stress (p<.05).  相似文献   

Medicine use among the rural elderly   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

Health policy research analyzes urban/rural differences as a simple dichotomy. Research characterizes the rural elderly as having a higher incidence of sickness, dysfunction, disability, restricted mobility, and acute and chronic conditions than their urban counterparts. However, population density as a dichotomy may obscure urban, rural, or urban/rural differences. Interviews measuring health status were conducted with a representative sample of 2,300 elderly people in six Northeastern Ohio counties constituting an urban/rural continuum. On medical condition, use of medical aids, and symptoms, health status improved significantly when moving from rural to urban, but correlations were small. Using dichotomies, urban elderly reported fewer medical conditions and symptoms than rural elderly, but four other health-status variables revealed no significant association and results differed depending on how dichotomies were defined. When individual communities were compared few urban/rural patterns emerged. Controlling for demographics did not change interpretations. Findings question blanket assertions about urban/rural health-status differences. Medical resources may be misallocated. Rather than assuming poor health status among the rural elderly, researchers must verify differences through community-based research.  相似文献   

This study aims to understand how community material deprivation is related to associational membership amongst neighbourhood residents. We posit that aside from personal characteristics and willingness to engage, experiences of neighbourhood deprivation are strongly correlated with how much people devote themselves to associational membership. We identify three mechanisms through which community deprivation can determine individual participation in political, civic, and work voluntary associations: social cohering, norms of obligation, and activated dissatisfaction. We link individual panel data from Understanding Society from 2010 to 2019 with the English Index of Multiple Deprivation at the neighbourhood level. This study finds that neighbourhood deprivation is associated with lower norms of civic obligation which, in turn, lowers a person's propensity for engagement. Individuals with low income and education are less likely to participate in voluntary associations in the first place, therefore the contextual role of neighbourhood deprivation exerts a further external negative pressure on civic participation. We find that membership in political organizations is an exception whereby it is positively associated with neighbourhood deprivation. The results imply that given the many economic and social capital benefits of associational involvement (Putnam, 2000), collective deprivation can produce an additive pattern of economic disadvantage which is reinforced through a lack of social participation.  相似文献   

A humanistic approach to the study of rural populations   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Rural areas appear as zones under pressure, either for development or decline. As such, they are in a state of metamorphosis, with many emergent places. Drawing on experience from lowland England, this paper will argue that positivist techniques of analysis are inadequate to cope with the experiences of these places and the contrasting relationships of their residents. While more traditional approaches may describe some aspects of the mechanics of change and the resultant spatial and social structure, they have consistently neglected the evolving subjective relationship between the rural settlement and its inhabitants. Drawing on the theoretical stance of symbolic interactionism and the methodology of participant observation, the paper shows that a humanistic approach is valuable on two levels: practically, in allowing more detailed observation and the detection of phenomena inaccessible to other approaches, and theoretically, in aiding our understanding of the nature of the rural experience. Various examples of this are discussed.  相似文献   

A process view of the population turnaround: an Australian rural case study   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
"This paper provides empirical evidence of local-level demographic and socio-economic changes during the 'population turnaround' decade of 1970 to 1980. The study covers a contiguous area occupied by five small country towns and their trade areas, centred around 80-90 km north of Adelaide [Australia]. These communities were surveyed in detail in 1968 and 1970 in order to make forecasts of demographic change by 1980. In 1980, a replicatory resurvey provided data on various processes of population change operating at grass roots level."  相似文献   

This article explores the dual themes of place and time as influences on health care service delivery to the rural elderly, through a case study of rural Appalachia. Traditional patterns of indigenous health care practice and values are contrasted with more “professional” formal models of health care service delivery that have entered the region. The result has been a clash of health care cultures. The continuing validity of this perspective is appraised in relation to apparent generational differences between the old-old and the young-old in the degree to which contemporary health care practices and values are adopted. It is concluded that traditional and contemporary health care cultures can be reconciled through an expanded vision of health care service delivery premised on: understanding health care within a total community context; redefining the role of the health practitioner; improving education of both the rural elderly and service providers; and enhancing communication in the rural health care environment.  相似文献   

This study examines trajectories of development in the use of African American English (AAE) for 32 speakers through the first 17 years of their lives based on a unique, longitudinal database. Temporal data points in the analysis include 48 months, Grade 1 (about age 6), Grade 4 (about age 9), Grade 6 (about age 11), Grade 8 (about age 13), and Grade 10 (about age 15). Complementary methods of analysis for assessing AAE include a token‐based Dialect Density Measure (DDM), a type‐based vernacular diversity index, and frequency‐based variation analysis. The study reveals different trajectories and peak periods for the use of AAE, including a ‘roller coaster’ and a curvilinear trajectory; at the same time, there is a common dip among speakers in the overall use of vernacular AAE from Grade 1 through Grade 4. Examination of a selective set of demographic and self‐regard measures shows no significant differences for gender, school racial density, racial peer contacts, and measures of Afro‐centrality, but does show a significant correlation between mothers’ and child use of AAE as well as age/grade.  相似文献   

Empirical studies on mixed-orientation marriage in social science journals from 1988 to 2008 were reviewed. Fifteen articles published in eight peer-reviewed journals were identified and discussed in terms of sampling, design, measures, rigor, theoretical framework, and literature review. An overview of each study is provided along with a summary of critical findings. Implications and recommendations for future research and education are offered.  相似文献   

This study investigates socio-economic and ethnic inequalities in social capital and their effects on the process of the labour market entry. We use longitudinal data about the transition from school to work of lower- and middle educated young people in Belgium. Social capital is measured with three robust position generator measures. In line with previous studies, there are substantial socioeconomic and ethnic inequalities in the access to social capital. Ethnic differences in social capital are, however, due to the socio-economic deprivation of ethnic minority groups in Belgium. Among the specific population of lower- and middle educated youth, knowing more people from the working class leads to a higher likelihood of entering the labour market versus continuing in education, whereas knowing more people from the higher service class results in a lower likelihood of entering the labour market. Especially the resources of strong ties such as relatives and friends are important for these decisions. In addition, once entered the labour market, social capital has an impact on the likelihood of getting a job. Lower- and middle educated labour market entrants who know more people from the working class are more likely to find work, whereas knowing people from the lower service class decreases the job chances. However, there is no evidence for social capital effects on the occupational status of the job among our population.  相似文献   

This longitudinal study evaluated the learning and retention of task-specific training during the subjects' classroom performance of a one-person pivot transfer. Twelve subjects were videotaped completing the transfer (pretest). The subjects then participated in a two-hour training session. One week later (posttest 1), and one year later (posttest 2) the subjects were videotaped again. A checklist was used to analyze the videotapes. A one-way ANOVA with repeated measures revealed that there was a statistically significant difference between the tests (F = 243.73, p-value < 0.0001). A post hoc analysis (Bonferroni procedure) indicated that the posttest 1 scores (mean = 13, SD = 0.40) were significantly higher than the pretest scores (mean = 2.96, SD = 0.39) indicating an improved score on the checklist. There was no significant difference between the scores of posttest 1 and posttest 2 (mean = 12.79, SD = 0.60) indicating that subjects continued to perform the task with proper body mechanics one year post training.  相似文献   

This study represented a 10-year review of 86 master's theses and doctoral dissertations on play therapy that had been conducted in Taiwan from 2002 to 2011. Particular attention was directed to the intention of research, the traits of participants, the characteristics of play therapy, and the research methods. Results indicated that the most frequently studied population was children and adolescents (54.6%), followed by play therapists (25.6%), parents/care-givers of children (16.3%), and teachers of children (1.2%). Findings revealed the types of research were qualitative (n = 59; 68.6%), quantitative (n = 7; 8.1%), and mixed methods (n = 20; 23.3%). Results are discussed concerning implications for counselor educators and further research on play therapy.  相似文献   

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