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通过对总和生育率(TFR)、终身生育率(CFR)与政策生育率(PFR)的概念及相关数据分析,论证总和生育率与政策生育率是完全不同的概念,不可直接比较。在特定条件下TFR、CFR和政策生育率会产生差异,在一个国家生育水平下降的历史时期,TFR必然小于当年49岁组女性的CFR;"超生率"、"未婚率"、"未育率"和"不孕率"的变化,决定了政策生育率与终身生育率的差异。借鉴日本经济与人口发展相关数据,可以相信由平均初婚年龄推迟、女性有偶率下降导致的生育水平下降很可能成为对我国人口均衡发展的最大潜在威胁。因此,当前以及今后相当的时期内,我国的政策生育率应高于1.8。  相似文献   

许非  陈琰 《西北人口》2008,29(4):1-6
在过去三十年里,中国历经了发达国家要用一百多年才能完成的人口转变过程。生育率、死亡率快速下降,接踵而至的是日益严重的少子、老龄化过程。基于以上背景,本文扩展了Diamond(1965)的基本叠代模型,以不确定性寿命为切入点,在个人的微观行为基础上,致力于分析以下问题:中国是否需要调整当前的计划生育政策;随着人口红利的逐渐消失,中国长期的经济增长如何持续。本文的分析结果显示,预期寿命与生育率、人力资本投资、储蓄率以及经济增长的关系是非单调性的。  相似文献   

由中国社会科学院经济学部主办,中国社会科学院人口与劳动经济研究所承办的"人口红利与社会经济发展国际研讨会"将于2012年8月20-22日在北京举行。中国过去30余年的高速经济增长伴随着快速的人口转变。这一转变表现为生育率显著下降、劳动年龄人口比重提高等特点,通过充足劳动力供  相似文献   

人口增长与经济财富   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:6  
笔者对人口迅速增长会导致地球上居民财富的减少和福利水平的降低这一观点提出了疑义,认为从历史上看较低的人口增长率意味着较低的经济增长率,而生产力的极大提高,经济的迅速发展对生育率产生极大的影响。本文从多方面论述了人是重要的经济财富,人口增长没有导致人均实际收入增长率的降低。  相似文献   

人口密度和生育率:一项探索性分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
20世纪是世界人口前所未有的增长期。文章利用世界187个国家1960~2000年(间隔5年)的时间序列资料,结合中国、印度和瑞典的个案分析,着重研究人口密度与人口增长率、生育率之间的关系。研究结果表明,人口密度是除影响人口增长率和生育率下降的社会、经济、文化变量之外的另一个重要因素,它直接影响生育率的水平和趋势,在未来人口预测中有必要考虑人口密度变量。中国、印度和瑞典的案例也反映出人口密度与生育率之间的显著相关关系。  相似文献   

浅析中国1991~2000年生育模式变化对生育水平的影响   总被引:22,自引:3,他引:22  
丁峻峰 《人口研究》2003,27(2):55-60
分析生育模式的变化对生育水平的影响 ,通过计算 1 991~ 2 0 0 0年中国去进度效应总和生育率TFR’ ,清楚地看出 ,提高初婚年龄和拉大一孩至二孩生育间隔所造成的生育模式的变化导致中国 1 0年间TFR偏低。去进度效应总和生育率TFR’较之TFR更加接近中国妇女的实际终身生育水平  相似文献   

本文利用俄罗斯的历史人口数据,对俄罗斯人口数量和结构变动状况进行了分析,并对俄罗斯三次人口转型中的社会经济情况变化对人口变动状况的影响进行了分析。结果表明,俄罗斯的人口出生率下降很快,人口死亡率升高,总和生育率已远低于替代水平,因此人口自然增长率迅速下降,总人口数长期处于下降通道,出生预期寿命不增反降,特别是男性出生预期寿命远低于女性出生预期寿命。在推动人口增长的社会经济相关措施实施后,俄罗斯人口数量仍不能增加,这对目前总和生育率已经很低的中国有一定的借鉴意义。  相似文献   

通过比较终身生育率的两种估计方法,本研究发现,利用同是队列指标的初育年龄测度终身生育率在反向"预测"过去时明显优于总和生育率估计法,而在正向预测未来时则具有更强的稳定性。运用不同的终身生育率估计值测算中国人口内在自然增长率的结果表明,从20世纪70年代初进入生育期的育龄妇女开始,人口的内在增长水平就已为负并持续下降,与此同时,偏高的男女性别比需要高于2.1的更替水平才能保持人口稳定。中国人口1970年以后持续增长的主要原因在于预期寿命的持续提高,以及育龄妇女占总人口比例相对较高。今后生育政策的调整不仅需要关注当年人口出生率即人口金字塔底层的数量变化,而且要考虑对未来人口结构即人口金字塔形状的影响。此外,在监测人口增长时应继续重视初育年龄变化对人口增长的作用。  相似文献   

生育率下降是世界各国现代人口发展的一个基本特征,这种人口现象既被视为社会现代化和经济发展的必然结果,同时也被看作是促进发展中国家社会和经济发展的必要前提,是摆脱“马尔萨斯均衡陷阱”的跳板。但是,生育率下降与经济增长(发展)的关系十分复杂,特别是在我国生育率转变具有鲜明的外生性特征的条件下,生育率下降引致的积极经济后果更不能自动地生成,而需要相应的社会和经济条件进行催化。因此,制度和政策因素对于我国生育率下降积极经济后果的生成具有重要的影响,研究建立我国生育率下降积极经济后果实现的决策支持系统将十分必要。  相似文献   

胡伟华 《西北人口》2011,(6):79-83,88
人口与经济增长的关系是复杂的,内蒙古是民族自治地方,人口有其独特性,运用OLS模型实证分析各人口因素对经济增长的影响,结果显示:人口城镇化水平的提高、第二、三产业从业人员比重的上升及少儿抚养比的下降对1990年以来的内蒙古经济增长具有正相关作用;老年抚养比的上升、少数民族人口比重的提高对经济增长具有负相关作用;人口自然增长率、人口性别比及平均受教育年数对经济增长的作用不显著。  相似文献   

建设人口均衡型社会:条件、问题及对策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在建设资源节约、环境友好型社会的进程中,人口的均衡发展是一个关键。自上世纪70年代初开始的计划生育政策,加速了我国人口生育率下降,有效地控制了人口过快增长,促进了经济增长与人口增长的协调发展。但是,从1990年代我国进入低生育率开始已有20来年,长期的低生育率的人口非均衡发展下将产生了更为复杂的人口现象,引发了人口规模与结构、劳动供给与需求、人口流动与区域发展等之间的失衡和矛盾,成为制约未来我国经济与社会发展的人口难题,破解这些人口难题是建设人口均衡型社会的应有之意。  相似文献   

文化力对中国生育率下降的重要影响   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
中国在经济不发达的情况下 ,仅用 30年的时间实现了人口再生产类型从高出生、低死亡、高增长到低出生、低死亡、低增长的历史性转变。中国生育率迅速下降是政策力、经济力、文化力综合作用的结果。其中文化力对生育率的下降起着推动力、导向力、凝聚力和鼓舞力的作用。在文化力日积月累、潜移默化的影响下 ,中国城乡育龄夫妇生育观念正在发生巨大变化 ,且这种变化还远没有完成。  相似文献   

Since 1949 and in particular the 1970s, China's fertility rate has undergone rapid and continuous change. This is a direct reflection of China's success in population control. The decline in China's fertility rate regulated the speed of population growth, altered the population structure, and brought population development to be in line with economic development. Data used in this article are from the National 1/1000 Random Sample of Fertility (1982), the 10% Sample of the 1982 Population Census, 1981, 1983 and 1984 statistical yearbooks, and other data from the Statistics Bureau. China's fertility rate dropped an annual average of 2.5/1000 from 1950-81. However, this time, the fertility rate fluctuated, depending on political, social and economic factors. As the nation prospered, the fertility rate remained stable and high; as China suffered severe economic losses, the fertility rate dropped. A steady decline was evident beginning in 1970 as the government began to propagandize the merits of smaller families. Between 1971-83 the average yearly rate of growth was 1.6%. The number of years a woman was fertile was similar for both urban and rural women in 1964 and 1981; moreover, in 1981 both groups showed a sharp drop in fertility between the ages of 27-35. The 1 child rate for urban women rose from 21.9% in 1964 to 86.6% in 1981. Urban women tend to be more receptive to late marriage, late births, and fewer children. This change in the 1 child rate contributed to the drop in the birth rate of 31.1/1000 in 1964 to 20.9/1000 in 1981.  相似文献   

This report discusses research conducted to determine whether reduction in population growth rates contributed to the rapid economic growth of Indonesia, South Korea, Japan and Thailand. The 5-year research projects, jointly sponsored by the UN Fund for Population Activities, the Nihon University Population Research Institute, and the East-West Population Institute, concluded that development and family planning programs contributed substantially to fertility decline in these countries. The project examined 3 factors that influence the long-term productive capacity and growth of the 4 Asian economies: savings, the size of the labor force, and the quality of labor (measured by educational attainment). Available evidence indicates a strong positive contribution of population decline toward growth of savings, a growth in labor force concurrent with a decline in fertility rates which enables per capita income to rise, and an increase in 2ndary education enrollment ratios as fertility is lowered. Development factors by themselves explain no more than 1/2 of the decline in fertility observed, suggesting that family planning programs particularly in Thailand, South Korea and Indonesia since 1976 have had an important impact on fertility and economic development.  相似文献   

An analysis of data mainly from China's 1990 and 2000 censuses and 2005 mini-census shows how fertility decline between 1975 and 2005 in the province of Guangdong has been influenced by both fertility policy and economic and social development. Guangdong's development since 1975 has been very rapid and has attracted huge numbers of migrants from other provinces. The analysis of the province's fertility trend from 1975 shows clearly the influence of fertility policy on the trend. The analysis also shows that economic development has brought about large changes in population composition by urban/rural residence, education, occupation, and migration status, which, together with large fertility differentials by these characteristics, have contributed substantially to Guangdong's fertility decline, in large part through changes in proportions currently married.  相似文献   

This world report reviews population growth pre-1900, population change during 1900-50 and 1950-2000, causes and effects of population change and projections to 2050. World population grew from 2 billion in 1900 to almost 6 billion in 2000. Population showed more rapid growth in the 17th and 18th centuries. Better hygiene and public sanitation in the 19th century led to expanded life expectancies and quicker growth, primarily in developed countries. Demographic transition in the 19th and 20th centuries was the result of shifts from high to low mortality and fertility. The pace of change varies with culture, level of economic development, and other factors. Not all countries follow the same path of change. The reproductive revolution in the mid-20th century and modern contraception led to greater individual control of fertility and the potential for rapid fertility decline. Political and cultural barriers that limit access affect the pace of decline. Population change is also affected by migration. Migration has the largest effect on the distribution of population. Bongaarts explains differences in fertility by the proportion in unions, contraceptive prevalence, infertility, and abortion. Educational status has a strong impact on adoption of family planning. Poverty is associated with multiple risks. In 2050, population could reach 10.7 billion or remain low at 7.3 billion.  相似文献   

W Hou 《人口研究》1988,(6):32-37
China's population policy has had tremendous effects on the reduction of fertility. The impact of the population policy is manifested in the following aspects. 1) Reducing the size of the total population by 200 million in 17 years. If the population growth rate had remained at its 1970 level of 2.6/1000, the total population would have been 1.28 billion in 1987. 2) The implementation of the population policy accelerated the process of demographic transition. The mortality decline which began in the early 1950s initiated the demographic transition. The Fertility decline began after the birth control policy was implemented and shifted the transition to a low population growth stage even before the socioeconomic conditions which are considered to be the determinants of fertility decline appeared. The fertility decline, in turn, promoted the socioeconomic development of the country. 3) Solving the problem of food; feeding 21.6% of the world's population on 7.1% of the world's farm land is no easy task. The success of population control, no doubt, played an important role in lowering the population growth rate so that the growth of food production could keep pace with the needs of the population. 4) A decline in the dependency ratio is a favorable condition to socioeconomic development. China's dependency ratio of 59.7 is among the lowest in developing countries and is close to the level in developed countries. Therefore, more production output can be used in investment rather than consumption. 5) The fertility decline facilitated a balanced economic growth. The ratio of population growth as compared to the growth of major economic indicators should be considered an important issue in maintaining macroeconomic control. The population policy made it possible for economic growth to surpass population growth.  相似文献   

After experiencing rapid decline since the 1980s, fertility in Egypt seemed to be stalling during the second half of the 1990s. In an effort to identify the population segment(s) responsible for the stalling, this study considers fertility trends of women from three standard of living strata (low, middle, and high). Using data collected by the 1988, 1992, 1995, and the 2000 Egypt Demographic and Health Surveys, the study indicates that the reproductive behavior of women from high and middle standards households is largely responsible for stalling of the fertility decline during recent years, and that prospects for a lower fertility in the future is limited, once the gap between the three groups closes. This means that the expectation of achieving replacement fertility Egypt within the next 15 to 20 years is in doubt if the current trends in the both actual and desired fertility of the middle and high strata continued. The key for future decline in fertility is the decline in desired number of children below the current level of 3 children by at least one segment of the population. The fact none of the three population segments expressed a desired fertility below 3 children deprived the society of a vanguard group that leads the rest of the society to replacement level fertility.  相似文献   

生育理性和生育决策与我国低生育水平稳定机制的转变   总被引:11,自引:1,他引:11  
李建民 《人口研究》2004,28(6):2-18
自改革开放以来 ,我国人口生育率水平出现了迅速的转变 ,特别是 1 992年我国确立了市场经济为目标的经济改革以来 ,生育率水平更是进一步降低到更替水平以下。如果说 ,生育率的迅速转变是在国家计划生育政策干预下启动的 ,那么 ,在 1 990年代生育率的下降应该主要是社会和经济发展的结果。以市场经济为导向的经济改革和经济的迅速发展 ,已经为稳定我国城市地区人口低生育率水平提供了必要的经济条件 ,同时 ,制度、技术和文化等因素的变革已经为我国个人生育决策理性化创造了条件 ,低生育水平的稳定机制已经开始从政策控制为主转向群众自我控制为主的转变  相似文献   

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