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评价中心在领导干部选拔中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
评价中心起源于德国心理学家1929年建立的一套用于挑选军官的多项评价程序,之后,英、美等国军方机构开始应用评价中心,英国文职人员委员会还将之应用于行政领导。在北美和西欧,评价中心被成功地运用于军事和商业已有半个多世纪。通过对评价中心应用效果的比较分析,我们发现,由企业领导凭主观意志选拔的管理人员,对照使用结果,其正确率只有15%;经过各级经理提名推荐的,正确率超过35%;而经过评价中心挑选的,正确率达70%。所以,评价中心被认为是迄今为止最有效的中高层管理人员评价方法。那么,什么是评价中心呢?评价中心是包含无领导小组讨论、…  相似文献   

评价中心技术是一种评价中高级管理人员的综合性人员测评方法,至今,评价中心技术已推广到各个领域,我国政府部门和许多企事业单位也相继采用评价中心技术对人才进行选拔。该技术以其较高的信度、效度和“更全面、更客观、更有效”的特点得到越来越多的学者和专家的的青昧。因此,对评价中心的概念、基本特点和核心方法进行系统的研究,不仅可以完善现代人才测评理论,而且可以为广大评价中心专业人员的实际操作提供重要参考,具有很强的实践价值。  相似文献   

张浩 《经营管理者》2013,(10):225+211
财务部门作为报社的信息、制度、监控与评价中心,通过制定政策、科学设置岗位、执行财务内部控制制度、强化预算执行与考评,实现财务部门对广告经营业务全方位、全过程的管理。  相似文献   

情境判断测验的应用和进展   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
一、情境判断测验概述 :情境判断测验 (situationaljudgementtests ,SJT)出现已有若干年了 ,由于它与工作中运用到的知识、技能和能力有直接相关 ,而一直被认为在人才选拔中有很高的应用价值 (Wernimont&Campbell,1968)。情境判断测验最初是在评价中心的基础上发展起来的 ,评价中心合并了模拟测验的各方面特征 ,在 5 0年代中期开始运用。然而 ,在做出选拔人员决策的时候一直有一种观点 :行为的最好的预测效标就是行为本身。比如Wernimoot和Campbell( 1968)就曾提出 :对绩效…  相似文献   

无领导小组讨论是评价中心中一种常用的测评技术。本文在简要介绍LGD的基础上,针对其在实际应用的一些问题,提出了相应的建议。  相似文献   

本文选取公务员录用考试中的素质测评方法为研究对象,以我国公务员的素质构成为基础,以完善公务员选拔的素质测评方法为出发点,借鉴人才测评的相关理论与实践,提出了由资格审查、公共科目笔试、专业素质测评、面试、评价中心五个环节构成的分类素质测评方法。  相似文献   

运用胜任力理论来构建高校教师胜任力模型打破了传统的教师人才评价模式,适应了时代要求。而本文主要探讨运用评价中心来体现高校教师胜任力模型的实际应用。  相似文献   

最近,由国务院研究室工交组、国家体改委宏观调控司和《管理世界》中国企业评价中心联合建立的“中国宏观经济形势专家问卷调查系统”,采用国际上通行的“德尔菲专家问卷调查法”,比较广泛  相似文献   

测评机制引入政府公务员选拔领域由来已久,公务员考试、公开选拔干部的面试环节等都是其重要表现形式。从技术层面看,测评机制将有以下新进展:重视采用评价中心技术。从内容看,  相似文献   

国内外人才测评的发展与研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
国外人才测评的发展状况以人才测评的三大技术——心理测验、面试和评价中心技术为标志,心理测验是人才测评的基础,面试技术在心理测验之后得到更进一步发展,近些年评价中心技术在西方已经得到广泛而深入的发展。国内人才测评技术的发展大体分为三个阶段,即起步阶段、初步应用阶段和繁荣发展阶段。对国外心理测验量表的引进和修订是起步阶段的主要特点,初步应用阶段的明显特征是国家公务员制度的确立。随着经济的发展,国家和企业越来越认识到人才测评的重要性,由此我国人才测评进入繁荣发展阶段。  相似文献   

《The Leadership Quarterly》2001,12(2):181-196
The notion that leaders' values and motives influence their effectiveness is an old one. Little is known, however, about the role of values and motives on the ratings of leadership in assessment center settings. The present study examined the interrelationships between motives and values, personality, and rated leadership performance in a military assessment center designed for Reserve Officer Training Corps (ROTC) cadets. We examined power and affiliation, two value orientations found to predict leadership effectiveness as measured by managerial/leader performance in McClelland and Burnham's leader motive pattern (LMP). We expand on past research using the LMP by studying its utility in an assessment center setting and by positing that the personality factor of extraversion acts a mediator of the values–leadership linkage. Analyses revealed that extraversion completely mediated the relationship between affiliation and cadet leadership assessment, and extraversion partially mediated the relationship between power and cadet leadership assessment. Our results are discussed along with implications of the present study and directions for future research.  相似文献   

In its simplest form, technology assessment, as used for coverage decision making, involves an analysis of published data regarding the safety and effectiveness of a technology, either on its own merits or in comparison with a competing technology. However, while the medical literature, and thus technology assessments, typically focus on a well-defined population, a positive coverage policy almost immediately creates pressure for broadening patient selection criteria. A variant on this phenomenon is the patient selection criteria for organ transplantation. These criteria are based not only on the scientific merits of the procedure but also on frequently ill-defined notions of the most appropriate allocation of a scarce resource, which in turn is determined by supply and demand at individual transplant centers. In these cases, the payer may defer to the patient selection criteria of the individual transplant center. However, the situation arises when a patient, rejected at one transplant center, "shops" and finds another center that has more favorable selection criteria. How, then, can the payer resolve these discrepancies and establish consistent policy guidelines? Should allocation of scarce donor organs be part of a technology assessment and coverage decision? The case of liver transplantation will be used here to illustrate the insurer's dilemma.  相似文献   

Local labor market supportability is becoming an increasingly important issue for the United States Army Reserves. As military bases close and Reserve units are consolidated at fewer Reserve centers, the appropriate reassignments of units to Reserve centers require accurate measures of the ability of local labor markets to support such consolidations. A two-stage random effect model is applied to evaluate the geographical extent of the labor market for Army Reserve centers. In the first stage model, a lognormal distribution is used to describe the commuting distance behavior of the Reserve center members. In the second stage model, we estimate the mean of log transformed commute distance as a function of regional characteristics of the Reserve center. An iterative weighted stepwise selection method is used to find a set of characteristics that adequately predict variation of the mean commute distance over Reserve centers. The resulting model is used as inputs to location and market assessment models to assist the marketing decisions of the Army Recruiting Command.  相似文献   

Within a vocational program at the University of Göttingen, the authors developed and evaluated an online-coaching in order to enhance the self-management, the work-life-balance and the job opportunities of junior researchers. 50 participants first attended an assessment center, 60 participants proceeded with an online-coaching of two weeks duration. The 3-month-follow-up included detailed feedbacks to every participant. Quantitative and qualitative analysis showed that media competencies affected the self-perception of training outcomes. Though female participants reported less media competencies than males, men and women benefited equally and sustainably in the enhancement of time options, work-life-balance, and self-management.  相似文献   

Differences in the conceptual frameworks of scientists and nonscientists may create barriers to risk communication. This article examines two such conceptual problems. First, the logic of "direct inference" from group statistics to probabilities about specific individuals suggests that individuals might be acting rationally in refusing to apply to themselves the conclusions of regulatory risk assessments. Second, while regulators and risk assessment scientists often use an "objectivist" or "relative frequency" interpretation of probability statements, members of the public are more likely to adopt a "subjectivist" or "degree of confidence" interpretation when estimating their personal risks, and either misunderstand or significantly discount the relevance of risk assessment conclusions. If these analyses of inference and probability are correct, there may be a conceptual gulf at the center of risk communication that cannot be bridged by additional data about the magnitude of group risk. Suggestions are made for empirical studies that might help regulators deal with this conceptual gulf.  相似文献   

A Framework for Hazardous Materials Transport Risk Assessment   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
In this paper, we provide a framework for quantitative risk assessment in hazardous materials transport. We first outline a basic model where population centers are approximated by points on a plane with the assumption that in the case of an incident all residents in a population center will experience the same consequences. Different versions of this model have been used by other authors in the literature. This model may be valid if the hazardous materials route goes by small population centers. Then we extend this basic model to assess risks of shipping hazardous materials through large population centers that cannot be modeled as single points on a plane. In the extended model, large population centers are treated as two-dimensional objects on the plane, which allows for a more accurate treatment of consequences than the basic model. To the extent of our knowledge the extended model is novel. We provide numerical examples for both the basic and the extended models, and finish by discussing limitations of the suggested risk assessment framework.  相似文献   

The nearly closed cycle of personnel development. The growing popularity of personnel development like training, coaching or supervision is usually justified by the new challenges impending on organizations. The author presents an alternative explanation: Basing on considerations about the operative consistency of organizations, he argues, that the popularity of personnel development is to explain by the boom of personnel diagnostics during the last two decades. Only by potential analysis, assessment center, 360-degree feedback, several trainings and especially person-centered counseling like coaching and supervision could increase their attractiveness. In organizations, cycles of personnel development emerge, and by this a sort of all-round cares of the organisation members.  相似文献   

This study examines the complex connection between individuals' emotion recognition capability and their emergence as leaders. It is hypothesized that emotion recognition and extraversion interactively relate with an individual's task coordination behavior which, in turn, influences the likelihood of emerging as a leader. In other words, we cast task coordination as a mediating mechanism in the joint relationship between emotion recognition and extraversion, on the one hand, and leader emergence, on the other. Study hypotheses were tested using multisource data from two diverse, independent samples. Study 1 supports the hypothesized relationships in a sample of student project teams in the Netherlands, and Study 2 constructively replicates the proposed model using student participants in an assessment center in the United States. These findings were obtained using a performance-based test of emotion recognition and controlling for a battery of known covariates.  相似文献   

We examined the relationship between self-monitoring (SM) and supervisor, assessor, peer, and subordinate ratings for 191 managers who participated in a developmental assessment center. We collected self-ratings from the managers concerning their ability and motivation to engage in self-monitoring. SM ability was positively related to supervisor and assessor ratings of interpersonal effectiveness (e.g., empowerment, managing teams, influencing others) but was unrelated to supervisor and assessor ratings of business competence (e.g., planning, decision making, strategic thinking, business knowledge). In contrast, SM motivation was negatively related to peer ratings of business competence. Still, SM explained relatively little variance in 360-degree ratings. 360-degree ratings do not appear to be contaminated by the target manager's SM; the small but significant relationship between SM ability and ratings appears to be job-related (and therefore desirable).  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to leverage quantitative risk assessment to investigate possible root cause(s) of foodborne illness outbreaks related to Shiga toxin-producing Escherichia coli O157:H7 (STEC O157) infections in leafy greens in the United States. To this end, we developed the FDA leafy green quantitative risk assessment epidemic curve prediction model (FDA-LG QRA-EC) that simulated the lettuce supply chain. The model was used to predict the number of reported illnesses and the epidemic curve associated with lettuce contaminated with STEC O157 for a wide range of scenarios representing various contamination conditions and facility processing/sanitation practices. Model predictions were generated for fresh-cut and whole lettuce, quantifying the differing impacts of facility processing and home preparation on predicted illnesses. Our model revealed that the timespan (i.e., number of days with at least one reported illness) and the peak (i.e., day with the most predicted number of reported illnesses) of the epidemic curve of a STEC O157-lettuce outbreak were not strongly influenced by facility processing/sanitation practices and were indications of contamination pattern among incoming lettuce batches received by the facility or distribution center. Through comparisons with observed number of illnesses from recent STEC O157-lettuce outbreaks, the model identified contamination conditions on incoming lettuce heads that could result in an outbreak of similar size, which can be used to narrow down potential root cause hypotheses.  相似文献   

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