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新生代农民工和道德同一性在当下已引起各学科各专家的关注,新生代农民工的社会身份认同和道德自我认同的问题也成为社会学、伦理学的热点问题。新生代农民工的生存困境更体现在精神层面上,企业思想政治教育对于推动和加强新生代农民工的道德教育及道德同一性培育能够发挥积极的作用。目前仍需努力拓展各种途径加强新生代农民工的思想道德及价值观引导并促其向市民转变。  相似文献   

本文从目前高校德育评价存在的不足之处出发,就德育评价中存在的被动性、限制性、封闭性、忽视主体性、形式等问题进行了分析,并结合高校德育评价的综合性、相对性、特殊性等特征和层次性、系统性、针对性、动态性等基本原则,对高校德育评价新体系的构建做了深入探讨.  相似文献   

Farmer Artists     
THERE is a huge tree stump in front of my house, and clumps of mushrooms grow on it. I always stand there looking at them and wondering how to include them into my painting. On the second floor of the China Art Gallery, Liu Suying stands in front of her work, Picking Mushrooms, and vividly describes the process of creation. The color of the painting resembles that of the yellow earth in her hometown. Eight huge stumps are  相似文献   

Mary Hall 《Social Studies》2013,104(4):171-172
Education in the twenty-first century requires that all students learn the social studies skills that help them understand the complex issues related to civic ideals and practices. One of these skills is developing multiple perspective-taking. Many educators believe that this critical thinking ability is not only for upper level students but also plays an important role in elementary social studies education. The author shows how he has worked with elementary preservice teachers to develop multiple perspective-taking. Immigration history is one of the areas that is especially appropriate for using multiple perspective-taking. This article shows how to develop these skills by comparing two main immigration stations, Ellis Island and Angel Island, during the first half of the twentieth century. It challenges the commonly held perspective that both immigrant stations served very similar functions. Indeed, it shows how to teach the perspective that the treatment of the Chinese immigrants at Angel Island was more inhumane and racially discriminating than that experienced by their counterparts on Ellis Island. It is important for students of all ages to learn that the immigration policies of our nation have not always lived up to the civic ideals and practices of a democratic pluralistic society.  相似文献   

A variety of animals occupy the bad side of the Arluke‐Sanders (1996) socio‐zoological scale, including “invasives.” We contribute to the literature on animals and social problems by examining the societal reaction toward invasive Burmese pythons, focusing on the claims‐making process that culminated in the construction of a moral panic about these snakes. We seek to enhance sociological and public knowledge about social problems involving invasive species—a category of non‐human animals, plants, and organisms that attract significant scientific, political, and public attention. We draw from the work of, among others, Arluke and Sanders (1996), Nagy and Johnson (2013) and Jerolmack (2008) and argue that problematizing some animals, especially invasive species, involves the use of claims about ecological and physical harms. However, these claims do not come from the same sources or arouse similar responses. For strategic purposes, claims‐makers may rely on assertions that an animal is physically threatening, rather than ecologically threatening. They may emphasize the dangerousness or lethality of the animal to create fear and generate momentum toward a desired policy response, typically involving control or eradication of the animal. The goal is to restore the boundary between humans and nature which the animal's presence has disrupted.  相似文献   

人文关怀是德育的内在特质,古今中外文化中的人文理念为德育人文关怀实践提供了丰富的思想资源。以人文精神为引领,对人进行内在自觉的关照是德育的应然状态。现代德育人文关怀的失落,造成德育实然与应然状态的分离,引发一系列精神危机和社会矛盾。造成这一状况的原因包括文化因素、现代化的负面影响以及德育功能和价值定位的偏颇等多重方面。构建充满人文关怀的现代德育,应在遵循马克思主义科学理论指导的前提下,抓住德育内在的、本质的柔性特质,将情感、爱等人之内在本性所必须的元素更加深入地融合到德育实践当中。  相似文献   

未成年人思想道德建设的反思和改革   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
当前社会、经济、文化的变迁,使得未成年人的思想道德建设面临冲击和挑战.本文认为通过对传统的思想道德教育方法的反思,只有从未成年人的需求出发,立足现实,突出未成年人的主体地位,重视道德价值,以习惯养成为重点,从群体互动中去建构未成年人的思想道德教育,才能使未成年人成为社会合格、需要的人才。  相似文献   

本文从学校教学中的德、智关系的演变作为剖析问题的突破口,重点考察了新时期学校德育途径的选择和建设应从三大途径展开,高度重视多渠道和渗透性的作用.对我国学校德育教育工作提供了新的思考和借鉴。  相似文献   

大学生德育指标体系的构建   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
大学生德育指标体系可细分为个性品质指标与社会规范指标。实施大学生德育指标体系主要措施有:德育内容应突出“生活”性;德育实施应突出“实践”性;完善德育工作的组织网络;实行德育工作量化管理;充分发挥教学主渠道作用等。  相似文献   

2004年6月,在美国工业设计协会年度"工业设计杰出奖"--工业设计领域中的奥斯卡奖--颁奖典礼上,有个公司赢得了最多的奖项,它就是韩国的三星电子公司.  相似文献   

The present paper explores the role of the local media, in the form of a prefectural–level newspaper, in relation to local volunteer activity. The local newspaper's potential for generating social knowledge and uniting resident's consciousness about volunteerism and volunteer activity is examined, considering the influence of volunteer organization leaders on media and public volunteer–related agendas. The data presented appear to point to a role for the local newspaper in generating a positive volunteer consciousness, which is latent at present. The results suggest that while volunteer organization leadership is active in contacting the media, they appear to be less careful in establishing or policing the message they would have the media deliver. The present paper concludes by proposing that for Japanese volunteer organizations to better use the media in creating positive volunteer consciousness in their communities, they must work to establish their own media agenda and use both indirect means (through traditional media) and direct means (through direct public relations campaigns), to get that message to local residents.  相似文献   

加强和推进青少年思想道德建设至关重要,为此在新时期应正确认识和把握好四种关系:普适性与层次性、抽象性与具体性、个体性与系统性、他律性与自律性.  相似文献   

高校德育工作需要创新.构建高校德育工作创新体系要突出"七性",即德育的首要性、方向性、科学性、实效性、时代性、渗透性和人文性.  相似文献   

自1869年苏伊士运河开通埃及报纸第一次进入阿拉伯联合酋长国至今,该国的新闻业已有130余年的历史了.随着海湾与通向海外的航道开通以及该地区与大马士革、巴格达陆上交往的日益频繁,从20世纪30年代初开始,印度、叙利亚、伊拉克等文化相对发达国家和地区的报刊也纷纷进入阿联酋.此外,来自科威特和埃及的教育、文化工作者也曾对该国新闻业的发展起过积极的推动作用.  相似文献   

In this paper I apply recent theoretical discussions of the spatial character of modernity to a 'rural' context. I argue that neither modernity nor 'modernism' has been an exclusively 'urban' phenomenon in the twentieth century, and that attention to modernism in the countryside yields insights into the modernist project. From the beginning of the twentieth century, the apparently 'rural' spaces of the prairie west were already integrated into modern trans-local structures. Wheat farmers were ahead of their contemporaries in their appreciation of the nature and scale of modern distanciated relationships. They were 'modernist' in embracing and celebrating the technologies, particularly organizational technologies, for dominating space and time. They were also innovators in modern organizational design, seeking creatively to control the modern machine and to bridge the local and the 'global.' Their progressive experimentation culminated in a surprising proposal for 'co-operative farms' not unlike Soviet collective farms.  相似文献   

大众文化对当代中国青少年思想道德建设提出了一系列新的课题,它包括:在拉动消费需求、繁荣经济的同时,如何将消费伦理观念的教育与人生观教育、生态环境教育结合起来?如何引导青少年正确对待“青春偶像”,培育良好的人生心态,正确地进行人生定位?如何充分发挥网络在青少年思想道德教育中的“扶正”功能,让网络中出现更多的为青少年所欢迎的形式和内容?作者提出了从大众文化入手,加强青少年思想道德建设的对策。即要突破传统的将大众文化与思想道德教育对立起来的观念;加强文化产业、文化市场和青少年思想道德建设的联动;德法并举有效监督大众传媒的运行;加快网络立法的进程,强化网络道德教育与心理疏导。  相似文献   

A resurgence of agrarianism has motivated new farmers to enter farming, not for profit, but for lifestyle and socio‐ecological values which are frequently associated with diverse economies. Proponents of diverse economies argue for an ontological reframing that accounts for non‐capitalist forms of economic exchange. However, these perspectives have not fully addressed the conditions—often structured by race and class—that facilitate participation in diverse economies. This paper is based on mixed‐methods research on the life cycle of new farmers in Hawai‘i that include participants of farmer training programs. We investigate what drives new farmers into farming, by what mechanisms they are able (or not) to establish a farm, and what limits the duration of their participation. Our analysis reveals three contradictions of diverse economies in agriculture: (1) the inadvertent undervaluation of farmwork that undermines broader efforts to improve the welfare of farm labor; (2) the tension between the value of scaling up and the vulnerability of cooptation; and (3) the ways in which the duration of new farmers' engagement is structured by their ability to mobilize unpaid labor and external resources. These contradictions challenge long‐term and inclusive participation in diverse economies in ways that constrain their emancipatory potential.  相似文献   


Law enforcement press releases and other print-media miscellany detailing accounts of male elder abuse involving insurance fraud, false allegations by perpetrators, and abuse inflicted by care-givers, spawned interest in a more systematic review. That review was accomplished principally by accessing two search engines, with news articles from 1986 to the present. A review of these media accounts transformed the initial “insurance fraud” category into a broader one classified as “economic exploitation.” That same review also resulted in three distinctive categories of caregiver abuse. This article provides abbreviated case accounts within each category, and concludes with brief notes on several themes derived from the reported accounts.  相似文献   

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