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随着事业单位人事制度和高等教育体制改革的推进,高校越来越需要构建一套有效的绩效管理体制来提升学校的整体管理水平和竞争力.QD大学绩效考评指标过于简单、不重视考评过程、考评结果缺乏应用等,本文以此为例,分析绩效管理中绩效考评指标体系设计、绩效考评结果的反馈、绩效考评的应用等方面存在的问题,尝试采用360度考核方法和KPI指标方法设计一套适用于QD大学的教师绩效考评指标体系.  相似文献   

范立民  宋杨 《经营与管理》2011,(11):125-127
詹姆斯·杜德斯达既是一位具有丰富经验的高等教育实践者,也是一位高等教育理论家。在当今经济全球化和信息化高速发展的时代,杜德斯达在对高等教育面临的或即将面临的问题进行深入研究的基础上,提出了公立研究型大学思想理论,其内容主要是以战略规划和变革管理为主体,推动公立研究型大学转型。探索和分析杜德斯达公立研究型大学思想,对我国创建一流大学具有重要的借鉴意义。  相似文献   

结合医院实际,对医德考核评价工作进行探索和实践。主要从考评指标、考评标准、考评方法等方面进行研究,建立了医德考核评价指标体系。另外,从健全组织管理、完善考核制度、开发电子管理系统软件等方面进行探索,建立了科学的、合理的具有现代管理手段的医德考核评价管理体系,为进一步提高医院的医疗质量、服务质量及管理水平提供有益参考。  相似文献   

我国研究型大学核心竞争力的评价指标体系研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文借用企业核心竞争力的理论,结合研究型大学的特点,设计出了一个用以评价、分析我国研究型大学核心竞争力的指标体系,利用AHP法与专家评判相结合的方法对指标体系进行了评价,并通过实例分析表明该指标体系和评价模型的通用性和科学性。  相似文献   

<正>为保证执政党的各项决策落到实处,各地政府结合地方实际,设计了一整套绩效考评指标体系。这套指标体系在明确目标导向、助推社会发展、加强群众联系等方面都发挥了重要的作用。但是我们在肯定绩效考评机制积极作用的同时也应当正视其存在的问题。考评机制由于其考评指标、考评操作和考评效果等方面的缺陷,而无法全面替代民主评价机制。很难科学设计考评指标。一是考评指标难以定性、定量。考评指标的文字描述有一定的模糊性,不  相似文献   

研究型大学的高层次人才是大学中最为核心的人才资源,高层次人才普遍具有高学历、高水平、高主体性、高自主性、高智能型、强事业心、强责任感、高稀缺性和高流动性等社会学特征。研究型大学应通过完善的制度,为高层次人才提供良好预期的职业发展轨道,确保高层次人才的职业追求与学校整体发展目标高度切合。  相似文献   

目的:构建临床医师专业能力量化考评指标体系和评价方法。方法:从卫生人力资源管理实际出发,运用文献法和问卷调查法,通过德尔菲(Delphi)法和层次分析(AHP)法,建立临床医师专业能力指标体系并对指标赋重,建立考核评价模型。结果:指标体系由二级指标构成,从职业道德、工作成绩和业务水平3个维度出发建立质量指标体系。其中二级指标33个,能够对临床医师的业务素质、工作质量、工作效率和经济效益进行考评。结论:建立健全一套临床医师专业能力量化考评模型势在必行。此研究建立的考评模型基本能够满足现阶段临床医师专业能力量化评估的需要,为医疗机构的人力资源管理提供理论了新的方法和思路。  相似文献   

多年以来数字指标已经成为消防行政执法工作考评的主要依据。不可否认,数字指标在上级公安机关消防机构对下级公安机关消防机构的行政管理和业务指导等方面起到了积极而有效的作用,但片面强调数字指标的考评机制往往会导致弄虚作假、行政乱作为、执法不公、以罚代管等现象,执法主体也缺乏相应的独立性。因此,有必要对数字考评机制进行优化和改良,以数字指标为考评的基本信息,重点考评行政执法人员办案的质量、效率和效果,以推动消防行政执法健康有序开展,真正实现法律价值,实现公平与正义。  相似文献   

正沈阳:取消GDP增速奖,增设改革创新考评指标今年,沈阳市政府绩效考评有较大变化:适当调低了经济发展的考评分值,新增设改革创新考评指标,取消地区生产总值增速奖,增设环境保护重点工作奖。同时,加大对民生改善方面的考评,除了就业和再就业、民生保障、住房保障、供暖工作等常规绩效考评内容,还新  相似文献   

学院是大学的细胞,学院功能发挥的好坏直接影响整个学校的水平和质量,所以学院建设是高校的一项基本建设;学科建设是学院建设的基础性工程,因此只有加强学院的学科建设,才能集中体现大学的人文观念、科学精神和学术制度,才能广泛调动大学资源,实现队伍汇聚、方向凝炼和机制创新,所以加强学院的学科建设,是研究型学院建设的一项重要任务。本文从研究型学院的概念、特征及内涵入手,初步剖析了新时期高校研究型学院建设和学科建设的辨证关系和重要意义。  相似文献   

Coaching for professors is increasingly gaining in importance at German universities. Especially the more established professors are challenging to reach. This article identifies and analyzes the established professors as a target group for business coaching in academia. Unique requirements concerning their management tasks and professional role are presented. Basic reasons for coaching of established professors are demonstrated in three characteristic case studies from practical experience.  相似文献   

Coaching is used increasingly at universities as an instrument of human resource development for newly appointed professors. The article starts by examining the complexities of the situation often encountered after appointment. On the basis of three case studies, the article goes on to describe possible functions of coaching for professors as a target group and to draw conclusions about the role of the coach in the field of academics.  相似文献   

This article explains in comprehensive macro and micro terms why business management professors teach or should be teaching ethics as part of their classroom subject matter. Ten different perspectives, starting with transcendental and global, and ending with departmental and individual, are presented in convincing fashion. Ethics is an extremely popular topic today inside and outside of business schools. This article summarizes why; and it attempts to encourage professors who are not yet a part of the new environmental-ethical era of the 1990s to join the movement.  相似文献   

Chiang Kao  Hwei-Lan Pao 《Omega》2012,40(1):89-95
Project selection is an important task for organizations in achieving their missions using limited budgets and resources. Whether or not a project will be approved is also of primary concern to the applicants. This paper predicts whether a project will be approved for cases where the criteria for evaluating it are known while the scoring system is not. The idea is to construct a frontier function for the approved projects from past performance on the criteria. The relative distance between a proposed project and the frontier serves as an indicator of the possibility that the project will be approved. Data from the Management II Division of the National Science Council of Taiwan in the Topic Research Project are collected to illustrate this approach. From the percentile of the distance measure, an applicant is able to predict the possibility that their project will be approved. Since professors with different levels of experience and different research areas have different research performance, these factors are taken into account in the prediction. A Malmquist productivity index analysis is also conducted to investigate the performance improvement of the applicants in research between two periods.  相似文献   

Excellence and competence are terms referring to recent developments in higher education especially concerning the quality of teaching. The discussion about teaching excellence can be interpreted as increasing stress upon universities. Teaching competence on the other side is extensively a matter of the individual lecturer. As such they are expected to focus on their educational beliefs, their teaching conceptions, and their disposable teaching methods on new mission statements that are committed to teaching excellence. This article deals with the question how the recruitment of new professors is carried out in universities of applied sciences considering the mentioned teaching excellence. The coaching program for professors that have recently been appointed at the Cologne University of Applied Sciences is presented as a forceful in-house procedure that is oriented toward the development of teaching competence.  相似文献   

There has been a great deal of continuing discussion concerning the seemingly unbridgeable gap between so much of the research produced by business school professors and the needs of the business people who, ideally, would use it. Here, we examine this gap and suggest a model for bridging it. We sample four groups of people, business school academics (professors), deans of business schools, executive MBA students/recent graduates, and senior business executives. Each group rates 44 different (potential) properties of exemplary research. We analyze within-group differences, and more meaningfully, between-group differences. We then offer commentary on the results and use the results to develop the aforementioned suggestions for bridging the gap we find.  相似文献   

We propose a non-parametric methodology to study the presence of economies of scope between teaching and research (i.e., the teaching–research nexus). In particular, the paper advocates a conditional version of the ‘benefit-of-the-doubt’ approach to estimate the relationship between professors’ overall academic output, measured by a composite measure of multi-dimensional and importance-adjusted scores of teaching effectiveness and research productivity, and the time devoted to teaching and to research. The methodology is illustrated with a dataset of professors working at a Business & Administration department of a university college where the time allocation of teaching and research was assigned exogenously. The outcome of the analysis indicates the presence of limited scope economies for professors with an extensive research time.  相似文献   

Ken Starkey and Paula Madan's report, Bridging the Relevance Gap (2001), advocates the development of collaborative networks between academics and organizations. Drawing on similar experiences, this article discusses two essential conditions of such programmes: a clarification of the scientific object of management research, and the design of research-oriented partnerships. The scientific identity of management research should be distinguished from other social sciences: management sciences do not study economic or social facts, but 'models of collective action' which are then perceived and judged conventionally and historically as 'economic or social phenomena'. Therefore, the essence and universality of management research is in understanding, criticizing and inventing 'models of collective action'. In management research, as in other design sciences, the classical laboratory and field models of research are important. However, a third model of research based on partnerships is required, where knowledge does not transcend action but is integral to it. Yet research is not simply 'doing better' and requires theoretical and empirical control. Hence, the design of 'research oriented partnerships' is a crucial key of new management research. Inspired by existing experiences, the research community could lay down the rules and commitments expected from academics and companies in research-oriented partnerships. Resting on these two pillars, research could contribute to the invention of new models of collective action adapted to contemporary issues and values and reduce misleading mimetic behaviour, blind compliance to gurus or fashion in management practice.  相似文献   

The allocation of time in academe is influenced by artificial constraints such as wage-fund pools and quotas on promotion and tenure. These constraints affect the potential productivity of professors. An analysis of the time-allocation process and of rent-seeking implications for that process suggests various ways to shift supply curves to counteract the effects of these constraints.  相似文献   

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