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谢芳 《社会》2003,(11):53-54
不问隐私、不论家长里短在美国生活,街坊邻里相处也讲究个章法。有些章法靠你自己去摸索,有些章法约定俗成。与美国邻居相处,最重要的一条就是尊重别人的隐私,不议论家长里短。在美国人看来,“尊重隐私”是一种有教养的表现。尽管美国人刚一接触,给人热情大方的感觉,然而你最好不要“热情过度”,见了面嘘寒问暖。路上遇熟人,也最好仅限于打个招呼,说声“哈罗”。  相似文献   

The performance of Australian Indigenous1 learners is a national concern. The federal government has recognised that health and education are keys to closing the gap between the achievement of Indigenous and non‐Indigenous people and has made health and education a national priority. Through its ‘Closing the Gap’ initiative, the Rudd government is allocating significant amounts of money to redress the poor health and education among Indigenous Australians. In this paper, we discuss an innovation in education that is being implemented in a cluster of remote communities in Western Australia.2 The innovation draws on international research that has positively affected mathematics learning, particularly among students who are traditionally excluded from formal schooling. While the research is innovative, the mechanisms that may be the most effectual in bringing about strong mathematical learning for Indigenous Australians are unknown.  相似文献   

正如莎士比亚所说:“书籍是全人类的营养品,生活里没有书籍,就好像没有阳光;智慧里没有书籍,就好像鸟儿没有翅膀.”当新一年的钟声敲响,翘首回望,总有那么一段光阴因为书籍的慰藉而变得阳光普照.本刊特邀了几位嘉宾,请他们讲讲这一年中读过的印象深刻的一本书.  相似文献   

尼采曾经相信善的力量和道德理想.后来疾病使这一信念受到严竣考验,开始了道德批判.尼采道德哲学的新意在于把道德和"善"作为问题的形式加以提出和检验.他通过自己的苦难与不幸获得了对道德的新认识:善人也会受到良心之苦,良心也会起来反抗善;爱与怜悯的背后隐藏着软弱和虚伪.因此尼采批判传统道德,寻求一种更普遍的爱和更高级的正义.当这一寻求长久无果的时候,尼采便为了自我辩护而开始用"超人"学说、"贵族主义"和"爱命运"来进行善的"布道".这就是舍斯托夫对尼采的"心理学"解释.  相似文献   

How does one diminish discrimination? Many members of SPSSI, including the present authors, have tried to reduce discrimination through the application of good theories. We outline three theoretical approaches that Crosby, like many other psychologists, has taken as she has struggled with discrimination. Sometimes missing in Crosby's approach, and often missing in the approach of others, is a frank avowal of values. We argue that the attempt to divorce science from values renders theories less effective than they need be and even allows unexamined values to contaminate good research.  相似文献   

2004年2月21日至25日,为期5天的中国人民政治协商会议辽宁省第九届委员会第二次会议取得圆满成功.本次会议是在全省人民深入学习贯彻中共十六大、十六届三中全会和省委九届六次会议精神,全面推进辽宁老工业基地振兴的新形势下召开的,肩负着规划辽宁省老工业基地振兴蓝图和提前实现全面建设小康社会的历吏重任.  相似文献   

What Makes Good Foster Parents?   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Correspondence to Brian Minty, Lecturer in Psychiatric Social Work, Department of Psychiatric, University of Manchester, Stopford Building, Oxford Road, Manchester M13 9PT. Summary The assessment of prospective foster parents is an importanttask based on skilled, but largely unevaluated, methods. Thisstudy attempts to describe the characteristics, personal backgroundand motivation of all the foster mothers used by two inner cityteams who had had at least one child placed with them for ayear or more. The chief motivations and childhood experiencesof the foster mothers were compared with ratings made by thefostering officers of their excellence as foster parents. The study confirmed that two motivations for fostering, whichhave often been held to be reasonably good predictors of ‘success’in caring for deprived children, were, in fact, associated withan acknowledgement on the part of experienced fostering officersthat the parents who claimed to act from such motives had agood capacity to fulfil the demanding role of a foster parent:firstly, a desire to parent a child, when it was impossibleto conceive a child of one's own; and secondly, an identificationwith deprived children as a result of unhappy experiences inchildhood—experiences which the foster mothers had hadthe resilience to cope with, and use creatively. In addition,it emerged (somewhat to our surprise) that foster parents whoclaimed to act from motives of social concern and altruism werealso seen by fostering officers to have demonstrated a realability to foster children. Nearly three-quarters of the foster mothers were emphatic thatthe experience of fostering had enhanced the quality of familylife. For childless couples, the satisfaction seemed to comefrom caring for children; but for couples who had children oftheir own, the satisfaction seemed particularly to lie in helpingchildren who had been deprived of a normal home life, and inbringing up children whom they could not see as extensions ofthemselves.  相似文献   

社区建设与治理转型   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
胡宗山 《社会》2003,(11):25-27
从统治到治理的转型90年代以来,“治理”(governance)的概念和理论模型开始出现于西方政治学界(俞可平,2000:11),国内也有学者对其概念进行过专门阐释。治理是Governance的中文译义之一,除治理外,Governance还有统治、指示、控制、支配等译义,但只有治理与统治是同一译支。Governance、Government都来源  相似文献   

改革开放40年,中国乡村治理实践成效显著,学术研究亦可谓硕果累累。但对于乡村智库建设与研究却重视不够。故而,乡村善治亟需获得智库支撑,乡村智库虽然不能与国家智库所取得的成就相提并论,但也有不少创新模式、成功经验值得梳理和总结,尤其不能忽略其间的草根智慧。如何以更高标准、更长远的发展眼光,为乡村善治安装智慧大脑,实现乡村振兴和农村现代化,这是今后应该着重思考的重要问题。  相似文献   

辽阳,雷锋的第二故乡,孕育了雷锋精神,也出现了许多雷锋式的人物.沈凌生长在这座城市,从小耳濡目染,并立志要向雷锋学习.她大半生的实际行动兑现了她小时候的誓言:做一个像雷锋一样的好人! 1984年,得知推垃圾车的张横老人坚持多年为行动不便的人上门收垃圾,沈凌很感动,专门为老人写了一篇专访,刊登在《辽阳日报》上,从此开启了她长达30年的义务报道家乡好人好事之路.  相似文献   

意志是以自由为存在前提的,其策动的行为处于善恶之间;道德意志是道德活动中的意志,是意志中指向善的那一部分,其行为以善为指向;善良意志是道德意志中的纯粹利他部分,它是道德意志的一种特殊状态,其行为以"善本身"为目的.从道德动机的角度来看,从意志到道德意志再到善良意志,表现为人的道德属性不断增强的发展过程,既不能将意志等同于道德意志,也不能将道德意志等同于善良意志.因此,厘清三者的各自内涵,既是道德理论探讨的需要,也是道德实践的需要.  相似文献   


This article reflects part of the results obtained from a wider research project aimed at the elaboration of a “Map of Good Intercultural Practices” in several areas of social intervention in Andalusia, Spain. It also reports the results obtained from the analysis portion related to the participating projects within the social services. Intercultural assessment was conducted at the level of institutional intervention through a 32-item questionnaire that was sent to 139 intercultural project-leading institutions measuring intercultural sensitivity. A definition of the fundamental concepts of “interculturality” and “good practice” is given to support the foundations of “good intercultural practice” (GIP). Such definitions help in the design and validation of a GIP Scale that was used in the analysis of 60 social services projects with an intercultural component. The results obtained underline the relevance of aspects such as intercultural empathy and show significant differences between the social services and other intervention sectors. Future research is proposed that studies GIP scale in other intervention sectors such as the private and public sector. Also, the transferability of the instruments and methodology used makes it possible that the research presented in this article is conducted in other geographical areas.  相似文献   

, 《青岛画报》2013,(8):60-61
所谓"现象级"电影是指一段时间内被很多人观看、谈论,形成热门话题,其规模之大几乎形成一种社会现象。6月27日《小时代》上映首日便席卷7300万票房,创下国内2D电影首日票房纪录,之后两周票房过4亿,但票房一路飘红的背后却是骂声猛烈,使之成为2013年中国电影乱象中最大的"现象级"影片。4月底上映的《致我们终将逝去的青春》,是又一部票房爆炸、引起广泛讨论的"现  相似文献   

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