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Writing test , wins its popularity in measuring the mastery of one' s language ability . In view of the significant role writing playing in a test , some considerations on writing test construction are presented in this paper which anticipates the effective ways for measuring one's complex language ability of application.  相似文献   

Zhou Kun 《学术界》2012,(8):257-263
Pushkin is a great Russian poet.In addition,he is a famous litterateur.He achieved the peak by virtue of history-themed poems including Poltava and The Bronze Horseman.Pushkin was good at applying realism and romanticism for writing.The two ways complement each other.In the mid-to-late period of Pushkin’s writing career,his creation style transformed to realism rapidly.Meanwhile,he was better at mixing historical events and imaginary plots so as to perfectly blend historical reality and artistic truth.  相似文献   

As a writing technique, symbolism has a great tradition in American literature, and it plays an important role in Wines-burg, Ohio. The author in this thesis attempts to analyze Winesburg, Ohio by exploring its symbolism through an analysis of the major symbols.  相似文献   

CET Band 4 has been carried out for more than a decade. It becomes so large - scaled, so popular and so influential that many testing experts and foreign language teachers are willing to do research on it. In this paper, I will mainly analyse its reliability from the perspective of writing test and speaking test.  相似文献   

Xu Yan 《学术界》2015,(1):300-304
Taking the historic linguistics theories as the foundation,with the comparison of history and language,the article again interprets the Old Turkic writ from Tunhuang 17th cave,and then in detail expounds the writing master,time,background of the writin order to restore Qarluq activities and relations to other nationalities.  相似文献   

刘剑英 《阴山学刊》2011,(2):114-115
Input plays an important part in the acquisition of second language.This report will just focus on Krashen's Input Hypothesis and Long's Interaction Hypothesis concerning input.First a summary will be made about the two theories,and then the writer will make a comparison between the two.This report will conclude with the writer's observations of how her thinking about 'input' has been clarified in the process of preparing and writing this report.  相似文献   

闫丽霞 《阴山学刊》2010,23(3):120-124
Because of the difference and the particularity of oral test among reading,listening and writing,oral test should focus on the framework,the interviewer and the marking system.In addition,some instructions for oral interview and the training of assessors also play important roles in the test.In order to make the oral test-interview more successful,some other facts should be considered when having the test,such as the reliability,construct validity and authenticity.  相似文献   

Multiple - choice tests give students the opportunity to select responses to test questions from among a number of specific choice. This format is efficient and practical. Carefully designed multiple - choice questions can provide valid information about student's knowledge and their ability to reason logically and apply complex thinking processes to solve problems. In this paper, the author explore the advantages and disadvantages of MCQ tests and suggest some useful tips for writing MCQs , the aim is to give some suggestions for improvement and use them more efficiently in our teaching and testing.  相似文献   

Ⅰ.E-mail and its application in SLAComputer technology is probably the fastest growingeducation phenomenon in the world history.Many educa-tors are endeavored to make computer networks a part oftheir teaching and their students’learning experi-ence.[1](P335)Among a number of the uses of computertechnology that are at disposal of foreign language teach-ers,electronic mail,especially its use in writing,israpidly gaining popularity.Email is a way of sending a message from one com-puter to one…  相似文献   

If we want to improve our way of teaching, one way is to teach reading in three stages: Pre - reading stage, while-reading stage, and post - reading stage. Each stage has a different goal and deals with different reading strategies. Pre -reading means before the text is read. In while reading stage, we have looked at the main reading skills: skimming, scanning , reading for detail , drawing inferences about the author's purpose and intention. Post - reading stage mainly focuses on the exploitation of the text. It aims to help the reader understand the content and structure of the text, as well as the author's purpose in writing it.  相似文献   

中国番荔枝科囊瓣木族植物叶表皮形态的观察与比较   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
番荔枝科囊瓣木族Saccopetaleae Hook,f.et Thomson植物,中国有5属10种,其中囊瓣木属Saccopetalum Benn.,属独活属Miliusa Lesch,ex A.DC.,蚁花属Mezzettiopsis Ridl.,澄广花属Orophea BL.等属的分类位置仍存在一些争议。本文对有争议的四个属的植物,进行了叶表皮形态的观察与比较,为正确划分它们的分类位置提供一个佐证。  相似文献   

Horizon是现象学运动中的一个重要概念。胡塞尔的Ho-rizon是狭隘的、“平面”的。胡塞尔之后的现象学运动进展的一个维度,就是这种Horizon不断被扩展:伽达默尔将历史的因素补充进去,提出了“视域交融”理论;海德格尔则对Horizon作了一种立体的扩展,Horizon成了人们存在的境域;梅洛·庞蒂在海德格尔存在论的基础上,指出厚度、身体、他者等不可见者都是我们存在的Horizon,丰富了存在的理论;德里达则批判了胡塞尔、海德格尔等人在场的形而上学,将不在场纳入Horizon之中。Horizon的扩展,极大地改变了现象学的特质。  相似文献   

文学或文化的全球化 ,主要是指在世界性的经济交往与交流的带动和影响下 ,建立在民族文化基础上的较为广泛的跨国性的文学与文化的交流与共享。这已经成为世界形态的存在 ,体现为历史的必然性。文学或文化的全球化 ,在时间过程中有从无到有的程度 ,从少到多的程度 ,从交流到合作的程度 ,从被动接受到自觉拿来的程度 ,从接受别国到送去别国的程度。这种种不同的程度 ,就是文学和文化在全球化过程中所表现出来的限度。而文学或文化全球化问题的提出 ,就是要人在理性上认识这个限制 ,找到克服限度的方法和策略 ,求得用全人类创造的先进文化和文学来丰富自己的国家和民族文化 ,扩大这种文化的共享 ,以更好地立于世界民族之林。  相似文献   

文学具有诸多潜在的功能因素,它因社会时代的需要而被彰显和确定,由于不同社会时代人的需要有所不同,同一社会时代人的需求也是千差万别,从而使文学的功能的显现也呈现出主次、变化和不断丰富的特点。本文就中国文学发展的大致脉络分析了文学的教育、审美和娱乐功能如何在社会时代的需求中演进和交替变奏。  相似文献   

论实践检验真理的过程   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
实践是检验真理的惟一标准,但对于实践检验真理的过程,尚需进一步研究。应从主体与客体的认知关系,从信息转换以及从系统分析考察实践检验真理的过程。实践检验真理的过程具有相对性。  相似文献   

昆廷·斯金纳与菲利浦.佩迪特是当代著名的共和主义理论家。根据他们的观点,共和主义政治哲学的基础乃是一种独特的自由观。从这一立场出发,他们对其他学者(尤其是自由主义者)的观点提出了质疑。作为自由主义领军人物的约翰.罗尔斯也受到了批判。在斯金纳看来,罗尔斯忽视了公民美德的作用和必要性,从而过分强调了人的自私倾向和包容这种倾向的制度设计,并进而支持一种对公民生活实施最少干预的国家。而在佩迪特看来,与共和主义的无支配自由观不同,罗尔斯持有的是一种消极的、无干涉的自由观。后者满足于实际干涉的阙如,而前者则要求能够抵御专断干涉的保障。然而,两人的批判均是建立在对罗尔斯著作的误读之上的,因此不能成立。  相似文献   

董莉芹 《阴山学刊》2008,21(5):40-42
出于调节与顾客的心理差距、避讳、标志售货员的身份地位等动机,售货员利用普通话与方言语码转换作为语言策略,进而说服顾客购买自己的商品。在包头这样的多方言地区,如果人们能熟练地掌握两种甚至更多的语码,就比别人多了一个交流的工具或谋生的策略。  相似文献   

中国古代哲学中的时间与存在   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
人类生活实践的深化导致精神对实践的反思日益深入,影响到中国古代思想对世界的存在与时间性的理解。在殷人的意义世界中,时间是神话时间和历法时间的交织;时间与存在混然同一,是唯一普遍的存在关联。在周初思想中,实践的深化强化了人们对事物因果性的意识,导致时间开始被去神话化和伦理化,蜕变为一种普遍的宇宙和伦理时间。在春秋以降的思想中,对实践的内在反思最后使事物的存在呈现为完全由自身因果性决定且在时间中自身持续的,即具有自身必然性的、现实的存在,与之相应的是儒、墨等家思想中的现实的时间,而后期道家则企图解构这一时间。这些思考决定了中国古代哲学对时间与存在的基本理解。  相似文献   

古今中外,“色情”饱受非议,乃至遭到抛弃。而在正统文学中,它要么根本不被看作文学,要么被打上否定或负面的标签。桑塔格却发现了色情文学其实是文学的一种——与色情作品不同,色情文学本身包含了较多的思想性和拓展性因素。同时,借助于萨德和巴塔耶对色情小说的研究,桑塔格发现了色情文学的重要价值,也赞赏了他们在人类意识和思想的可能性之开拓方面所做出的努力。当然,桑塔格并非要引发一种色情实践或色情泛滥。毋宁说,桑塔格实际上是想告诉人们:我们需要直面“色情”和“色情文学”本身。只有如此,我们才能不被道德判断阻隔自己的眼界,不被外物迷惑和干扰自己的判断,也才能发现色情文学的真正价值和意义。事实上,在桑塔格看来,色情文学既是越界和超越性想象,也是自由的象征。  相似文献   

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