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This article compares women and men's attainment of workplace authority in female-dominated, mixed, and male-dominated occupations. It is based on a representative mobility study of Jewish women in the Israeli labor force conducted in 1991–1992. Two sets of hypotheses are offered based on two competing theories. The first theory predicts that in female occupations women have more influence and mutual support than in male occupations, and, hence, they will have more access to authority. The opposing perspective argues that in male-dominated occupations the competition between women and men is weaker, and therefore men have a smaller incentive to discriminate against women. Our findings support the second argument. The gender gap in authority is larger in female-dominated occupations, and women have the highest chances to have authority when they work in male occupations; men have similar chances, no matter in which type of occupation they are employed.  相似文献   

Gender inequality in earnings in industrialized East Asia   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Using data from the 2006 Family Module of the East Asian Social Survey, we use regression-based methods to decompose the sex gap in hourly wages in Japan, South Korea, and Taiwan. We find that Taiwan has the smallest sex gap in wages, and is also distinctive in that employed women have more education than men, on average. Japan is distinctive in the high proportion of women consigned to non-regular (temporary, often part-time) jobs, and this factor explains much more of the gap in Japan than elsewhere. Korea is distinctive in having an extremely high proportion of men who are college graduates; therefore, in Korea gender differences in education and occupational placement explain more of the gap than elsewhere. Despite many historical similarities between these societies, our analysis points out the heterogeneity within industrialized East Asia when it comes to gender inequality.  相似文献   

The sociological literature on workplace inequality has been relatively clear regarding racial disparities and ongoing vulnerabilities to contemporary structural and employer biases. We still know little, however, about the consequences of age and ageism for minority workers and susceptibilities to downward mobility. Coupling insights regarding race with recent work on employment-based age discrimination, we interrogate in this article African Americans and Whites, aged 55 and older, and the extent to which they experience job loss across time. Our analyses, beyond controlling for key background attributes, distinguish and disaggregate patterns for higher and lower level status managers and professionals and for men and women. Results, derived from data from the Panel Study of Income Dynamics, reveal unique and significant inequalities. Relative to their White and gender specific counterparts, older African American men and women experience notably higher rates of downward mobility—downward mobility that is not explained by conventional explanations (i.e., human capital credentials, job/labor market characteristics, etc.). Such inequalities are especially pronounced among men and for those initially occupying higher status white-collar managerial and professional jobs compared to technical/skilled professional and blue-collar “first line” supervisors. We tie our results to contemporary concerns regarding ageism in the workplace as well as minority vulnerability. We also suggest an ageism-centered corrective to existing race and labor market scholarship.  相似文献   

Because temporary jobs are time-delimited, their implications for workers’ economic security depend not only on their current characteristics, but also their place in longer-term patterns of mobility. Past research has typically asked whether temporary jobs are a bridge to better employment or trap workers in ongoing insecurity, investigating this question by analyzing single transitions. We demonstrate that this approach is ill-suited to assessing the often more complex and turbulent employment patterns characteristic of temporary workers. Our analysis instead employs sequence methods to compare a representative sample of temporary workers’ month-by-month mobility patterns through 8 potential (non)employment states over five years. We derive a typology of trajectories and describe their relative precariousness in relation to employment stability and wage and earnings levels and growth. While some of the pathways correspond quite closely to frameworks used by past research, others reveal new and important distinctions. Multinomial logit models reveal job, employer, and worker characteristics associated with different pathways. Age, gender, and type of temporary work stand out as important factors shaping subsequent mobility patterns.  相似文献   

Women in developed economies have experienced an unparalleled increase in employment rates, to the point that the gap with respect to men was cut in half. This positive trend has often been attributed to changes in the opportunity costs of working (e.g. access to caring facilities) and the opportunity costs of not-working (notably, relative growth in wages in positions more frequently occupied by women, improved educational attainment). Meanwhile, the gender employment gaps were stagnant in transition economies. Admittedly, employment equality among genders was initially much higher in transition countries.We exploit this unique evidence from transition and advanced countries, to analyze the relationship between the institutional environment and the (adjusted) gender employment gaps. We estimate comparable gender employment gaps on nearly 1500 micro databases from over 40 countries. Changes in both types of the opportunity costs exhibited strong correlation with gender employment equality where the gap was larger, i.e. advanced economies. We provide some evidence that these results are not explained away by transition-related phenomena. We argue that the observed divergence in time trends reflects a level effect: the lower the gender employment gap, the lower the strength of the relationship between gender employment equality and the opportunity costs of working. An implication from our study is that the existing instruments might be insufficient to further reduce the gender employment gap.  相似文献   

王欢 《兰州学刊》2009,(7):109-112
女性、社会性别和全球化之间的关系一直是女性主义者关心的话题。经济全球化是与就业结构的深远变化紧密联系在一起的,在此期间女性就业的转变同样复杂和多样。从社会性别的视角,探讨全球化背景下男女就业参与度、男女失业率、男女收入以及性别分工的变化,这对分析目前全球金融危机中的女性就业问题具有一定的现实意义。  相似文献   

Employing data from the 1974–1977 NORC General Social Surveys, I investigate differences in the earnings attainment of currently employed white men and women age 25 to 64. I focus special attention on the explanatory effects of job characteristics other than those traditionally employed in prestige and status-defined earnings models. The results, based on a multivariate regression analysis and a regression standardization procedure, suggest that a nontrivial portion of the earnings gap between men and women is due to women's concentration in jobs which are low-paying and heavily female and because women are less likely than men to exercise authority in their jobs or to control the means of production. Including these factors in an earnings model statistically increases women's earnings as a percentage of men's by over 7%, accounting for approximately 13% of the earnings gap. Net of these job characteristics, gender differences in industry distribution are not substantively important in explaining why women earn less than men, accounting for only 0.4% of the earnings gap. When single women's earnings are adjusted to take account of their occupational concentration, 10% of the male-single female earnings gap is explained, providing preliminary evidence that the job characteristics I specify are not mere proxies for work experience. Including job characteristics as measures of the context of employment thus usefully extends the human capital and prestige or statusdefined models traditionally employed in explanations of the male-female earnings differential.  相似文献   

In recent years, researchers have begun to explore the extent to which the impact of switching firms (inter-firm mobility) on wages varies between men and women. Using data from the NLSY79 from 1979 to 2012, this paper extends existing research by exploring how occupational segregation and individual level factors contribute to gender differences in the impact of voluntary inter-firm mobility on wages. The paper also examines how patterns vary depending on education level. Findings suggest that men without a college education receive greater wage gains from voluntary inter-firm mobility than similarly educated women although there is no overall gender difference for individuals with a bachelor's degree. The wage returns to voluntary inter-firm mobility for both men and women increase as a function of the male representation in the occupation. For individuals without a college education, the male premium to voluntary inter-firm mobility is largest in highly male dominated occupations. However, women with a bachelor's degree employed in highly male dominated occupations use voluntary inter-firm mobility to narrow the gender wage gap.  相似文献   

A large body of empirical research documents the adverse mental health consequences of workplace bullying. However, less is known about gender and race differences in the processes that link workplace bullying and poor mental health. In the current study, we use structural equation modeling of survey data from the 2010 Health and Retirement Study (N = 2292) and draw on stress process theory to examine coworker support as a buffering mechanism against workplace bullying, and gender and race differences in the relationships between bullying and psychological distress. The results of the analysis indicate that coworker support serves as a protective buffer against workplace bullying, although the buffering effect is relatively small. We also find that the effects of workplace bullying more heavily impact women and persons of color. Specifically, women and African American individuals in our sample were less protected from the buffering mechanism of co-worker social support.  相似文献   

This article joins the debate over the effect of market-driven economic development on women's work opportunities and household gender inequalities. It assesses women's opportunities for off-farm employment, the relative contributions of female off-farm workers to household income, and the distribution of power in families whose male members have left for off-farm jobs, leaving women behind in agricultural work. We find that women are not uniformly excluded from opportunities for off-farm employment and that economic development does not uniformly increase gender inequalities within Chinese households. Although men are more likely than women to obtain off-farm employment in China, women's opportunities for off-farm work improve significantly when the coexistence of local and regional marketization creates a shortage of male workers and compels employers to hire women. The relative size of contributions to household income for male and female nonfarm workers also narrows incrementally with increased marketization. In addition, women who are left in agricultural work are more likely to become heads of household, a position which brings greater household decision-making power to female family members.  相似文献   

前后10年两次调查统计数据表明,随着经济社会的发展,重庆女性健康及保健状况明显改善;女性教育结构有所改善,男女受教育差距逐渐缩小;女性决定个人事务的自主性提高。但数据也显示,女性在业率偏低,两性劳动收入差距较大;女性拥有的财产大大低于男性;妇女参与决策和管理仍面临障碍;性别歧视现象仍不同程度存在,妇女发展环境亟待改善。应倡导男女平等观念,增强女性自我发展意识;多层次制定有利于维护妇女权益的政策法规:从教育着手提升农村妇女发展能力;大力发展公共服务业,减轻妇女家务负担;营造妇女发展的良好环境。  相似文献   

Using data from a 31-year panel study, we investigate reciprocal relationships between individuals’ attitudes about gender and their experience with a range of social settings commonly associated with the transition to adulthood. These settings include school, the labor market, independent living arrangements, cohabitation, marriage, and parenthood. We consider the extent to which gender and age moderate the relationships between attitudes about gender and exposure to these social contexts. Ordinary least squares regression and hazard models demonstrate that support for egalitarian roles for women and men in families is positively linked to subsequent school enrollment, women’s full-time employment, and independent living, but negatively associated with the subsequent timing of entry into marriage and marital parenthood. Accumulated schooling, independent living, and full-time employment are associated with changes in individuals’ attitudes about gender. Despite careful attention to gender differences, we find surprisingly little evidence that the causes and consequences of attitudes about gender differ for women and men, with the primary exception being the positive association of employment and egalitarian gender attitudes for women but not for men.  相似文献   

This study uses data from 23 countries in the World Values Survey and the National Survey of Families and Households and finds that the sex gap in feelings of depression is wider in high gender equity societies even though overall levels of feelings of depression are lower. Using hierarchical logistic modeling, we find that the sex difference in feelings of depression is wider in high gender equity societies because children increase depression for women in high gender equity societies, while they reduce depression for women without paid employment in low gender equity societies. There is little difference in the effect of children on feelings of depression for men across societies.  相似文献   

For more than 40 years, studies have reported that the higher the proportion of blacks in a community, the more white men earn, but the less black men earn. Researchers have speculated that black men earned less because earnings discrimination increases with percent black. Others have suggested that the negative effect of black representation on black men's earnings reflects black men's limited occupational opportunities. This study (1) investigates whether pay discrimination and regional location condition the relationship between black representation and workers' earnings and (2) examines the relationship between black representation and earnings for women. The results, based on 1980 Census data for black and white workers from 267 SMSAs, show that black representation was associated with higher earnings for white men and lower earnings for black men in both the north and south, and that part of the effect for southern black men stemmed from earnings discrimination. Southern black men's earnings gains from black representation offset some of the effects of discrimination, while northern black men encountered costs of black representation even in the absence of earnings discrimination. These findings reflect the disparate economic opportunities of black men in each region as manufacturing jobs have disappeared from the north and relocated to the south. For women, black representation led to higher earnings for blacks and whites. I argue that black representation does not lower black women's earnings because occupational sex segregation prevents black women from threatening white men's economic status.  相似文献   

1996~2006年的10年间,社会党妇女国际通过一系列会议对男女平等的制障因素和实现路径进行了探讨,认为新自由主义影响下的经济和贸易的全球化、贫困的女性化、国与国之间经济发展的巨大差距催生的劳动力国际流动的“悬崖效应”等严重制约了男女平等的发展。社会党妇女国际认为,解决问题的基本路径是:促进社会生产力发展;采取改善妇女经济困境的整体经济政策和发展策略;提高妇女的资源占有份额和政治参与能力;运用民主社会主义的价值理念整合人类社会,促进社会和谐发展,实现男女平等。  相似文献   

叶坦 《河北学刊》2005,25(5):100-110
日本江户时代商人思想家石田梅岩创立的"石门心学",作为"町人之哲学"、"道德性实践之实学",阐述"商人之道",提倡"正直"、"俭约"的经济伦理,对日本商品经济和社会职业伦理的发展具有独特的理论贡献,被视为类似马克斯·韦伯提出的促发资本主义产生的"新教伦理".与此大抵同时,中国清初南方的"三大启蒙思想家"和北方的"颜李学派"都提倡"实学",前者提出"工商皆本"、"大贾富民者,国之司命也"之说,后者讲求"习行经济"之学,主张"本宜重,末亦不可轻".然而,基于社会结构、制度基础与思想文化差异,中日经济思想对两国近代化的历史转型与社会发展产生不同的影响.开展两者的比较研究,有利于弥补迄今世界经济思想史大抵无东亚等缺憾.  相似文献   

This article analyzes a large sample of the 2005 population mini-census data and prefecture-level statistics of China to investigate gender earnings inequality in the context of economic marketization, paying special attention to the changing role of occupational segregation in the process. We approximate marketization by employment sectors and also construct an index of marketization at the prefecture level. Results show that, despite the tremendous economic growth, marketization has exacerbated gender earnings inequality in urban China's labor markets. Gender earnings inequality is the smallest in government/public institutions, followed by public enterprises, and then private enterprises. The gender inequality also increases with the prefecture's level of marketization. Multilevel analyses show that occupational segregation plays an important role in affecting gender earnings inequality: the greater the occupational segregation, the more disadvantaged women are relative to men in earnings in a prefecture's labor market. Moreover, the impact of occupational segregation on gender earnings inequality increases with the prefectural level of marketization. These findings contribute to understanding the dynamics of gender earnings inequality and have important implications for policy to promote gender equality in urban China.  相似文献   

叶坦 《河北学刊》2005,25(2):140-148
日本江户时代商人思想家石田梅岩创立的"石门心学",作为"町人之哲学"、"道德性实践之实学",阐述"商人之道",提倡"正直"、"俭约"的经济伦理,对日本商品经济和社会职业伦理的发展具有独特的理论贡献,被视为类似马克斯·韦伯提出的促发资本主义产生的"新教伦理".与此大抵同时,中国清初南方的"三大启蒙思想家"和北方的"颜李学派"都提倡"实学",前者提出"工商皆本"、"大贾富民者,国之司命也"之说,后者讲求"习行经济"之学,主张"本宜重,末亦不可轻".然而,基于社会结构、制度基础与思想文化差异,中日经济思想对两国近代化的历史转型与社会发展产生了不同的影响.开展两者的比较研究,有利于弥补迄今世界经济思想史大抵无东亚等缺憾.  相似文献   

农村工业化过程中社区劳动力市场建设与女性劳动力转移   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
农村工业化过程中 ,早期的农村社区劳动力市场使妇女在本社区内部实现了工业就业和工资就业。随着市场化进程的发展和乡镇企业经济效益的下降 ,使得农村社区劳动力市场不再对妇女宽容 ,这导致妇女就业过程中遇到更多的障碍和约束。本研究就是在这样的背景下 ,试图从分析农村女性实现本地非农就业、平等进入农村社区劳动力市场的障碍出发 ,提出促进女性劳动力平等转移的对策和公共政策选择  相似文献   

李宝芳 《理论界》2014,(10):56-59
调查数据表明,"80后"女性总体就业率较高,但也存在一些非自愿性失业。从事职业较为广泛,多集中于第三产业,职位级别有七成以上为普通职员,工作收入总体偏低,工作压力普遍较大。因户籍、职业、受教育程度、职位级别不同,工作压力有所差异,所感知的压力源不尽相同。工作满意度普遍较高,职业、受教育程度、职级对满意度有所影响。阻碍女性晋升的因素中,传统观念和家庭影响显著。提高"80后"女性的就业质量,女性自身需学会对家庭与工作进行权衡把握,需提高缓解压力的能力,另外应倡导用人单位进行人本化管理,并积极推进家务劳动社会化。  相似文献   

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