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Correspondence should be addressed to Justine Schneider, Senior Lecturer, Centre for Applied Social Studies, University of Durham, 15 Old Elvet, Durham DH1 3HL, UK. Email: Justine.Schneider{at}durham.ac.uk Summary Relatives and other people who visit residential care homeshave an opportunity to formulate their own views about the qualityof care, often over a considerable period of time. They maybe experienced in providing care themselves, and many have beenthe principal carer before admission of the resident. They canbe decision makers in purchasing care, and their preferenceswill therefore influence the market. Finally, through theirfrequent attendance, they too form part of the environment ofa home. This paper reports the findings of a survey of 228 visitorsto 17 residential care homes throughout England. It shows whothe visitors were, what they did, their likes, dislikes andideas for improvements. It summarizes what aspects were mostimportant to visitors, many of whom were former carers; thishas implications for purchasers and providers of residentialcare. It closes with a methodological discussion about how thevaluable views of visitors may be tapped without encounteringreticence due to guilt or fear of retribution affecting theresident.  相似文献   

Correspondence to Arnon Bar-On, Department of Social Work, University of Botswana, Private Bag 0022, Gaborone, Botswana. E-mail: bar-on{at}mopipi.ub.bw Summary Largely because they are unacquainted with power theory, socialworkers judge power as an aberration of their intentions toempower their clients and to make organizations more humane.Contrarily, this article, which explicates power and power-in-use,argues that social workers must increase their power and theirunderstanding of its dynamics and adopt a wider range of meansof influence than they currently do if they are to effectivelyhelp those society excludes and makes vulnerable.  相似文献   

Summary The opportunity of growing old has extended but it is an opportunityattended by risks. When old age is accompanied by infirmity,ill-health and economic or social difficulties, many problemsarise for the individual and for society. This paper looks atsome aspects of the incidence and nature of old age and at thesupport provided by social services, and the discussion is illustratedby reference to seven elderly hospital patients. The identityof the person found to be most at risk was predictable.  相似文献   

Listening to Children--Who Cares?   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Summary The intent of this article is to reinforce the idea of listeningto children in care. It is the author's belief that when giventhe opportunity to be heard, children can provide observationsthat are both relevant and important. To illustrate this beliefthe article provides verbatim comments of children obtainedas part of a larger research endeavour. It concludes with observationsextracted from children's evaluations of a Canadian ‘WhoCares?’ conference held in 1979, the Year of the Child.  相似文献   

Open Records: The Client's Right to Partnership   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Summary Many Social Services Departments have opened their files totheir clients or intend to do so. This reflects the incomingtide of concern about citizens' rights and client participation,but what effect might the opening of records have on the practiceof social work? The paper summarizes the findings of a small scale study inwhich a team of social workers opened their case recording toa selected number of clients. The workers’ and clients‘views of this process are described, along with the implicationsfor practice. The study suggests that a focus on shared recordingcan begin to alter the kind of work done by the social worker,helping to promote a partnership between the worker and theclient. Finally, the paper argues that a policy of client access enforcedonly as a right is prone to sabotage or a fall into disuse.A seven point training programme is outlined in order to helpsocial workers use Open Records as an opportunity to promotea partnership in their work with clients.  相似文献   

Summary In this study, 50 clients of social workers in an attachmentscheme were interviewed and their views compared with the assessmentsmade by the social workers. The results were very favourablefor the attachment; the clients were well satisfied with theservice given and the majority of clients felt that they hadbeen helped, especially with their emotional problems. However,there was much disagreement between the social worker's assessmentand that made by the client, especially regarding the type andnumber of problems helped.  相似文献   

Summary In this study the interaction of 51 videotaped professionalcommunications between Dutch family supervisors and parentsof children under family supervision were analysed. Family supervisionlies at the interface of care and control. This is evident inthe communication of professional child welfare workers withtheir clients for whom they have to clarify their rights. Theanalysis shows some of the strategies used by Dutch family supervisorsin cases of formal decisions and other interactions where theyanticipate confrontation with the client. In this way, familysupervisors separate their caring from their repressive functions.Nevertheless care and control were found to be successfullyintegrated in some communications.  相似文献   

Summary Some findings of a survey into the experiences of men releasedfrom prison are reported, where they relate to their use ofprison welfare and after care services. These are discussedin the context of issues such as through-care, rate of take-up,and the factors which may be influential in determining whethera man makes use of after care on release from prison. It isproposed that for more isolated men the probation service shouldadopt a ‘reaching-out’ strategy.  相似文献   

Correspondence to Tim Booth, Department of Sociological Studies, Joint Unit for Social Services Research, University of Sheffield, Sheffield S10 2TN. Summary This paper traces the theory and practice of group living inhomes for the elderly in the literature and in the field. Itreviews the current state of research and calls for more workon the comparative evaluation of outcomes. It describes andpresents the results from a longitudinal study of matched samplesof residents in group homes and traditional homes which assessedthe relative changes in their personal functioning over time.The findings suggest that group living arrangements have beenoversold—in so far as they promise more than they deliver.  相似文献   

Correspondence to Nigel Harris, Department of Philosophy, The University, Dundee DD1 4HN. Summary Social workers with child clients face the possibility thatsome mistake or oversight of theirs could lead to a child abusetragedy, for which they may suffer opprobrium and blighted careers.How can they guard against such risks? This paper shows howsocial workers might use different types of ‘defensive’measure to protect themselves. These parallel the types of measureused by some doctors, particularly in the United States, facedwith risks of litigation on grounds of malpractice. Becausedefensive practices have undesirable consequences, it is importantto find ways to eliminate their use by protecting social workersby other means.  相似文献   

Summary Some people seek social work help with problems that have arisenin their relationships with others to whom they are very closeand by whom they feel betrayed, attacked or maltreated. Often,so great are the distress and force with which the problem isbrought, the social worker may find himself drawn to acceptas substantially accurate the client's view of the situationand to act accordingly. This article argues that such a lineof action may be misguided or even harmful, and that help canonly be effective in the situations described if it has as oneof its basic assumptions the notion that the picture conveyedof 'the absent third person' has more connection with the client'sown inner needs than with anyone else  相似文献   

Summary There is a move - which originated in England and Wales butis now infiltrating Scottish criminal justice policy and practice- towards increased managerialism and auditing within criminaljustice social work supervision and towards more formalizedand tenuous relationships between worker and service user. Itis suggested that this runs contrary to the needs and expectationsof offenders themselves, who rarely have the opportunity tocontribute their views on criminal justice social work or on'what works'. This article looks at the views of probationersand ex-prisoners about social work supervision both in Englandand Wales and Scotland. It describes one Scottish study, whereprobationers and parolees considered their 'ideal model' ofthe social worker to be someone who was proactive and constructive,offering encouragement and emotional support and acting, intheir eyes, more like a mentor than a monitor. The researchfindings demonstrate the need for offenders' views to be givenmore prominence in both policy and practice, not least in recognizingthe significance of factors other than behaviour in determiningeffective longer-term outcomes; in so doing, it also arguesfor a more balanced view of the role of criminal justice supervisionthat incorporates elements of both justice and welfare.  相似文献   

Summary Once upon a time there was a society of priests who built aCelestial City with gates secured by word combination locks.The priests were masters of the Word and, within the City, ascendinglevels of power and treasure became accessible to those whocould learn ascendingly intricate levels of Word Magic. At thevery top level, the priests became gods; and because they thenhad nothing left to seek, they engaged in games with which topass the long hours of eternity. In particular, they liked toride their strong, sure-footed steeds around and around theperimeter of heaven: now jumping word hurdles, now playing polowith concepts of the moon and the stars, now reaching up totouch that pinnacle, that Splinter of Refined Understandingcalled Superunderstanding, which was the brass ring of theirmerry-go-round (Williams, 1991, p. 1)  相似文献   

Summary The integration of theory and practice has long been a topicfor debate and concern amongst social work educators. A longitudinalparticipant observation study of one cohort of social work studentsconfirmed that the ideal of theory—practice integrationwas also high on their own list of self-established priorities.Students' efforts towards attaining this goal were also hamperedby the perspectives which they themselves brought to bear ontheir training. Attempting to resolve the conflict between theirown perspectives and their perceived demands of professionaleducation students appealed to and reconstructed afresh variousmodels of theory application endorsed both by social work educatorsand practitioners. These models, however, are essentially contradictoryand pose serious problems for the development and maintenanceof social work standards.  相似文献   

Summary An attempt is made to discover how people define their problemsand on what basis they decide when, and from where, to seekhelp. The focus is upon legal problems since the study formspart of a wider project concerned with the provision of legalservices. Ignorance and misinformation concerning the availabilityof both social and legal services, combined with apathy andresignation on the part of many who need help, are importantfactors determining the non-use of services. Nor can people'sneeds be neatly categorized as social or legal. The overlappingnature of their problems exists at a structural as well as anindividual level; many of the legal problems experienced byindividuals arise from inequalities in the social and economicstructure of society.  相似文献   

Jane Gibbons. Social Work Development Unit. University of East Anglia. Norwich NR4 7TJ. Summary The Children Act provides a clear remit to local authoritiesfor the provision of services to children in need and theirfamilies. Increased service provision needs to be supportedby evaluation of effectiveness. The paper describes an attemptto develop instruments for this purpose. In a sample of 122families containing children under 14 who were referred to socialservices departments, indicators of family needs, services receivedand their outcomes were used to examine whether services werematched to needs; and whether they had any effect on familyproblems in the short term.  相似文献   

Summary In calling for the creation of ‘community social work’,the Barclay Report argues that social workers should aim todevelop informal caring networks. This entails exploiting anindividual's informal social contacts, such as kin, friends,and neighbours, to provide care. This paper firstly examinesthe assumptions and thinking behind the concept of informalcaring networks. It then assesses the feasibility of using differentinformal relations in care provision by analysing the normativepatterning and exchange content underlying them. It concludesthat strategies like Barclay's are unlikely to be successfulbecause they entail a transformation of these relationshipsthat is incompatible with their normal organisation.  相似文献   

Correspondence to Martin Smith (Emergency Duty Team), The Katharine Knapp House, Stretton Close, Tylers Green, High Wycombe Bucks, HP10 8EW, UK. Summary Recognizing the current concern relating to social workers facingdistressing experiences, a qualitative research investigationwas undertaken which asked workers of grade 3 or above withina social services department to recall one distressing experienceencountered in their working life. Each was asked to describethe experience and recount the immediate and longer term impactsof the experience. They were then asked to evaluate what hadbeen helpful and unhelpful in their attempts to deal with, andprocess, the experience. Finally, they were asked what organizationalstructures they thought should be in place to help workers affectedby distressing experiences. Both qualitative and quantitative evidence is presented. Anunexpected repercussion of the study was that the interviewerwas asked to share the findings with his employer's DivisionalManagement Team who expressed interest in making appropriateprovision for staff care.  相似文献   

Correspondence to Kate Wilson, Senior Lecturer, Department of Social Policy and Social Work, University of York, Heslington, York YO1 5DD Summary The paper draws on a range of fictional and autobiographicalaccounts of childhood to illustrate different aspects of children'sperceptions and responses and to show how they can enhance theadult's ability to understand what a child is experiencing.Three themes, concerning children's perceptions and suggestibility,their sense of helplessness and difficulty in communicatingwith adults, and their responses to loss and change are illustratedthrough the work of nineteenth- and twentieth-century creativewriters. It is argued that literary accounts can work at a consciousand unconscious level in heightening our understanding, andmay also give us a perspective on how childhood experiencesinfluence the adult personality.  相似文献   

Correspondence to Brian Caddick, Department of Social Work, University of Bristol, 8 Woodland Road, Bristol BS8 1TN. Summary This paper traces the history, and assesses the impact, of aninnovatory project in which current and ex-offenders were providedwith the opportunity to gain practical social work experienceand training for long-term rehabilitative purposes. Based onearlier American schemes in which members of disadvantaged ordiscriminated against groups received training and support fornon-professional careers in human services agencies, the projectcan claim a measure of success. But the evidence also suggeststhat a demonstrated potential for individual change is not alwaysmatched by agency interests and ideologies. The findings areconsidered in relation to the philosophy and provisions associatedwith the 1991 Criminal Justice Act.  相似文献   

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