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We experimentally study a non-exclusive group contest in which contestants actively participate in multiple groups simultaneously. We compare the results of this contest to those of an exclusive group contest in which each contestant belongs to a single group. In contrast to theoretical predictions, we find that the non-exclusive group contest generates less aggregate effort than the equivalent exclusive group contest. We hypothesize that groups in the non-exclusive group contest are less responsive to their rival group’s effort than those in the exclusive group contest. Likewise, on the individual level, players in the non-exclusive group contest are more likely to free-ride on their group members’ contributions. Our data indicate that non-free-riders in the non-exclusive group contest are more likely, over time, to allocate their effort toward a single group. This finding is consistent with previous findings that players facing a complex strategy space tend to focus on specific winning combinations. Moreover, given that players are affected by their group members’ contributions, they tend to exert their effort primarily toward a single group. Taken together, our findings suggest that a non-exclusive group contest may evolve, over time, into an exclusive group contest.  相似文献   

We study the general class of two-player public-policy contests and specify the asymmetry condition under which a more restrained government intervention that reduces the contestants’ prizes has the “perverse” effect of increasing their aggregate lobbying efforts.
Shmuel NitzanEmail:

《Journal of Socio》2002,31(2):167-169
Respondents in two studies rated the value of goods and services generally, according to their perceived self-interest, and according to their perception of the public-interest. Study 1 found that the general ratings of government-provided goods were closer to public-interest ratings than to self-interest ratings, suggesting valuation of such goods is not solely determined by self-interest. Study 2 found a similar phenomenon applied for some market-supplied goods.  相似文献   

The literature on altruism and monetary transfers in the household is here extended with new and recent evidence on different approaches with the final aim being to provide policy recommendations in order to reduce socio-economic inequality among households, from both inter- and intra-generational perspectives. Thus, we include issues which deal with transfers from parents to kids (downstream transfers), and with transfers from kids to parents (upstream transfers). On the other hand, we also include issues from intragenerational transfers beyond the household, studying such phenomena as charitable donations and remittances from migrants.  相似文献   

Altruism and social solidarity: Envisioning a field of specialization   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
Conclusion This article has presented a vision of what a field of altruism and social solidarity could potentially involve. An additional perspective on the nature of this field and how it could contribute to the discipline and to society is provided by the science of psychology. In the last decade a fundamental new orientation has developed in this discipline, growing from the pioneering work of Martin E.P. Seligman. Generally identified as “positive psychology” it represents a shift from a focus on trying to understand and find solutions to mental illness and various pathologies of thought and behavior in a “disease model” to a focus on human strengths, virtues, and other positive characteristics. This shift in focus is regarded as making a direct contribution to understanding what is best in human emotions and traits and how society can support the psychological flourishing of individuals. This new perspective in turn provides increased awareness of how the problems studied in the disease model can more effectively be prevented (Seligman, 2003, 2005). The importance of this focus on the positive for sociology and a call to action is stated by Seligman (2003): The third pillar of positive psychology is the study of positive institutions and positive communities.  相似文献   

This article explores a culturally sensitive topic, envy, among Bolivian migrants in Spain. Following a constructivist approach to emotions, we examine discourses of envy, as they are shaped by the cultural contexts in which they emerge. Our study uses a sample of 30 transnational households and multi-sited ethnography to illustrate the ways emotions and their effects on sociality serve as a mechanism of social control, especially when the boundaries of such a community have been stretched transnationally. Envy is an important component of a belief system central to understanding the emergence, or lack thereof, of trust and solidarity among migrants and can shape the types of social relations and conflicts between migrants and non-migrant households back in Bolivia. These conflicts have been exacerbated by economic instability, high unemployment rates and precarious wages especially for the undocumented migrant community in Spain.  相似文献   

In multistakeholder sustainability initiatives, nongovernmental organizations (NGOs) need not only to negotiate with actors from other sectors, but also with other NGOs. Taking a framing perspective, this study examines how NGOs engage in framing contests because of their collaborative attitude toward the private sector. Through an analysis of Oxfam's participation in the Shrimp Aquaculture Dialogues, the paper examines the interplay between NGOs that propose and oppose certification as a viable strategy for ensuring sustainability in the farmed shrimp sector. The results show that controversies among NGO groups related prognostic framing (i.e., regarding the proposed solution to a problem) are characterized by specific ontological and normative attributes. The paper offers NGOs strategies for dealing with such controversies and shows that, depending on the nature of the controversy, engaging in framing contests might enlarge or constrain the roles that an NGO is able to play in a multistakeholder setting, particularly, when it comes to preserving its independence while securing interdependence with others.  相似文献   

This research focuses on norms concerning altruistic behavior and how information is used in assessing these norms. The research context was situations involving conflicting norms of self-interest versus altruism. Five categories of information were used: (1) ego's stake in the encounter, (2) relationship between ego and alter, (3) audience to the behavior, (4) legitimacy for self-interest behavior, and (5) alter's cost if ego fails to help him. Sex and SES of respondents were analyzed. The first four categories in addition to sex and SES served as between-subjects variables, each with two levels. Cost-to-alter was within-subjects variable and contained 4 levels. There were 16 groups containing 9 subjects with the same combination of sex and SES characteristics, thus, creating a 2×2×2×2×2×2×9×4 design. Respondents were asked to predict ego's behavior in a situation. Analysis of variance showed that altruism behavior was expected under the following conditions of (1) low cost to ego, (2) close relationship between ego and alter, (3) presence of audience to the encounter, and (4) high cost-to-alter. Females predicted more altruistic responses while SES produced no significant differences in predictions.  相似文献   

Tim Dartington 《Human Relations》1998,51(12):1477-1493
This paper examines the concept of primary task,as it has been used in action research and consultancyat The Tavistock Institute and elsewhere. It applies theconcept to the not-for-profit organization and argues that primary task should not bethought of opportunistically; it relates to themission of the organization. The threesector model of public, private and voluntaryorganizations is linked to basic assumptions, as described by Bion andapplied to societal institutions. The voluntary sectoris considered to have a valency for basic assumptionpairing organizational behavior. A case study of a voluntary organization demonstrates the waydifferent stakeholders claim psychological ownership ofthe enterprise. The paper concludes that the concept ofprimary task remains important, offering a stable reference point for working with organizations,where the boundary between sectors is increasinglyproblematic, threatening to overwhelm their originalpurpose.  相似文献   

Fluctuations in endogenous opioid activity in the brain, controlled under ordinary conditions by attachment, are capable of producing patterns of dependence in social behavior resembling those appearing in substance abusers. Withdrawal symptoms arising in relation to these fluctuations, short of producing dependence, ordinarily fuel everyday social interaction, and interaction then serves to modulate opioid activity within a range associated with comfort. Comfort-constraints in this sense operate in all settings of social interaction, part of an innate caregiving mechanism conserved by evolution in human behavior. In this paper we present a formal model of the neurosociological mechanism embodying these comfort constraints. Conceptualized as a hyperstructure , the mechanism grounds thinking about social interaction in recent biological discoveries about the brain, and enables sociologists to study how activity in core brain systems constrains deep patterns in social life, including the human tendencies to altruism and reciprocity. Using computational methods, we undertake simulations to study the mechanism, deriving implications about moral behavior. The theory of the hyperstructure leads to new conclusions about reciprocity and altruism, and bears upon sociological understanding of related subjects such as justice and social comparison.  相似文献   

This paper presents a comparative analysis of giving ethos and behavior in the United States and the United Kingdom, in particular the relationship of giving to civic life. Obvious disparities between the two countries exist when overall levels of giving are considered. In the United States, individual giving as a percentage of gross national or domestic product has consistently hovered around 2% of Gross Domestic Product. By contrast, charitable giving in the United Kingdom has yet to reach 1% of GDP. The paper identifies the differences in giving ethos and behavior in the two countries in relation to the complexity of the differences between the political structures, social attitudes, and the role of charitable giving in the two countries. In particular, the paper postulates a set of models—generosity and altruism—for explaining the differences.  相似文献   

Models of party competition building on Downs (1957) have recognized that there are centrifugal and centripetal forces in party competition; but one such force, the existence of party primaries, has been remarkably neglected in recent literature. We consider party/candidate policy divergence in two-party competition in one dimension where there is a two-stage electoral process, e.g., a primary election (or caucus) among party supporters to select that party’s candidate followed by a general election. We develop a model in which (some or all) voters in the primary election are concerned with the likelihood that the primary victor will be able to win the general election and being concerned with that candidate’s policy position. This model is similar in all but technical details to that given in an almost totally neglected early paper in Public Choice Coleman (1971) 11:35–60, but we offer important new results on electoral dynamics for candidate locations. In addition to accounting for persistent party divergence by incorporating a more realistic model of the institutions that govern elections in the U.S., the model we offer gives rise to predictions that match a number of important aspects of empirical reality such as frequent victories for incumbents and greater than otherwise expected electoral success for the minority party in situations where that party has its supporters more closely clustered ideologically than the supporters of the larger party (in particular, with a concentration of voters between the party mean and the population mean).A much earlier version of this paper was presented at the Annual Meeting of the Public Choice Society, Long Beach, California, March 24–26, 1995. We are indebted to Dorothy Green and to Clover Behrend-Gethard for bibliographic assistance and to Nicholas Miller and the late Peter Aranson for helpful suggestions.  相似文献   

The unmentioned emotions that ghost this article include hurt, rage, loneliness and melancholia. It addresses pervasive and pernicious emotional dynamics among lesbians who work within the career structure of third-level institutions. These dynamics are like the elephant in the sitting room--we've all been to some extent a party or witness to these scenarios and hence are all implicated in the psychic life of these dramas, but we don't describe or analyze these relationships or address their emotional impact. This article uses object-relations theory to better understand these dynamics in order that we may respond more reflectively, and hopefully ethically, to the damage they cause.  相似文献   

《Journal of Socio》1997,26(4):407-420
The fledgling literature on “humanistic economics” has succeeded in debunking the neoclassical assumption of self-interested behavior and utility maximization. What it has failed to do, or at any rate failed to do satisfactorily, is to explain why people act selfishly sometimes and cooperatively at other times. More specifically, “humanistic economics” does not shed much light on why societies that were known to be cooperative eventually turned to uncooperative modes of behavior. In this paper, a framework for understanding such a behavioral change is developed. This framework is based on a distinction between primary and secondary norms and values. It is argued that under certain conditions, the latter may dominate the former.  相似文献   

The means of contest design may include differential taxation of the prize. This paper considers all-pay auctions under complete information and establishes that, given a revenue-maximizing contest designer who faces a balanced-budget constraint, the optimal taxation scheme corresponding to an all-pay auction is appealing in two senses. First, it ensures extreme equitable final prize valuations. Second, it is effective; it yields total contestants’ efforts that are larger than those obtained under almost any pure-strategy equilibrium of a Tullock-type lottery contest.  相似文献   

Donald Trump's election to the U.S. Presidency in 2016 qualifies as one of the more shocking events in American political history. This article reviews the literature on the social construction of Donald Trump's political career. It finds prominent ideological laminations over racism, Islamophobia, nativism, sexism, Christianity, and right‐wing populism in Trump's discursive field. This article argues that Trump's discursive field comprises a juncture of stigma contests over the moral worth of numerous collective identities including men, women, racial minorities, immigrants, Muslims, Christians, and the middle class. Such stigma contests likely exacerbate recognition gaps created by neoliberal policies. This review suggests that scholars should continue to examine the connection between Trump's political career and stigmatization. Moreover, cultural sociologists should ready themselves to track the dialectical response to Trump and to assess the lasting impact on the American normative order.  相似文献   

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