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Drawing on the dual process framework from social and cognitive psychology, this paper reconciles two distinct conceptualizations of trust prevalent in the literature: “rational” calculative and irrational “affective” or normative. After critically reviewing previous attempts at reconciliation between these distinctions, we argue that the notion of trust as “reliance” is the higher order category of which “deliberate trust” and “intuitive faith” are subtypes. Our revised approach problematizes the conflation of epistemic uncertainty with phenomenological uncertainty while providing sound footing for a key sociological insight: that reliance on the routine social order is both the cognitive default and based on substantial practical evidence. We develop two broad suggestions for future research from these implications: (1) sociological research should examine the role of intuitive faith—as opposed to deliberate trust—in late modern societies, and (2) analysts should challenge the role of deliberate trust as the “modal” form of reliance in contemporary research.  相似文献   

“反向格义”与“中西会通”是构建中国学术话语存在的两种认知取向和方法选择。近现代中西学术交流在反向格义过程中完成了对中国学术的形塑,同时也造就了中国学术对西方话语的依附,给中国学术带来相当的片面性偏差。对中国学术而言,不能为了避免西方话语的反向格义而在学术上走向自我封闭,会通中西方已有学术资源进行思想创新是建设中国学术话语体系应有的实践智慧和理性诉求。中国学术的发展道路不是简单地“去西方话语”,而是要以中国立场寻求与西方学术的深度对话,唯此才能避免在格义天平首鼠两端,在中西会通基础上建立中国学术话语的主体性。  相似文献   

This study focuses on the conceptual and empirical development of severance pay (SP)/redundancy pay schemes established through centralized collective agreements (in Nordic countries) and legislation for unemployment compensation. It argues that these “mandatory” occupational welfare benefits have been neglected in social policy debates due to the ambiguity in their conceptualization, overemphasis on their cost implications, and the nonrecognition of their redistributive effects. The study offers quantitative indicators to analyse SPsapos; redistributive structure (coverage, generosity, and benefit equality) during the Global Recession in Canada, the United Kingdom, Australia, Ireland, France, Germany, Austria, Spain, Portugal, Denmark, and Sweden. The findings demonstrate that SP schemes possess distinctive elements in Southern European, Continental European, Anglo-Saxon, and Nordic clusters. The indicators are also used to analyse the interplay between these schemes and unemployment insurance/assistance in these clusters.  相似文献   

理性与非理性的纷争构成了现代投资决策理论演化的主要脉络。本文从古典经济学对理性的最初描述开始,系统讨论了博弈论框架下的理性特征、理性预期对现代金融理论发展的影响、有限理性修正、凯恩斯批判、噪音交易的存在性以及行为金融学关于投资者非理性行为的解释,最后分析了理性与非理性的经济学本质,对现代金融决策理论发展的脉络进行了全面理论梳理。  相似文献   

谢立中 《社会》2008,28(3):106-140
实证主义的“现代化”分析模式将“现代化”过程视为一种纯粹给定的、独立于社会成员个人主观意识之外的“客观性现实”,诠释学(或现象学)的“现代化”分析模式则将“现代化”过程视为一种由社会成员个人的主观意识建构出来的“主观性现实”;与它们都不同,多元话语分析学者则将“现代化”视为一种由社会成员在特定话语系统的约束和引导之下、借助于一些特定的话语策略而建构出来的“话语性现实”。与此相应,实证主义“现代化”分析模式的支持者们在对“现代化”过程进行研究时总是致力于探究支配着“现代化”过程形成和变化的“客观规律”,诠释学(或现象学)分析模式的支持者们则总是致力于考察导致“现代化”过程的那些个体行动及其行动者在从事这些行动时赋予其行动之上的那些主观意识,而多元话语分析学者们则主张致力于探讨人们将我们现在称为“现代化”的那种社会变迁过程建构为“现代化”过程的那些话语策略及其背后的话语系统(话语构成规则)。  相似文献   

张荣华 《阅江学刊》2014,(2):94-100
作为普遍观念中的权利“载体”,新闻话语的功能价值研究受到学界的格外关注,却遮蔽了对其生产形式的澄清。实际上,“新闻话语”与“话语”关系紧密相连,从社会生产的角度看,新闻话语提供日常生活事实上的意义架构与实践批判,通过职业报道和非职业形式维系了民主制度下的信息流通;从话语历史的角度看,新闻生产表征“权力与权利”在启蒙与技术社会的直接博弈,渗透了不同社会情境下媒介组织规则与人的主体性的控制与反制。深入新闻话语生产的构成形式,观察它的生产主体和内在要素,对于反思和延展“新闻是如何可能的”这一理论命题将有着重要的分析价值。  相似文献   


China’s rise has increased concerns about innovation in China’s indigenous literary theory. How to create theories with a “China style” and global influence has become a serious challenge for the development of contemporary Chinese literary theory. Three strategies are noteworthy in meeting this challenge. First, “amateurism in professionalism” can be used to offset the constraints of increasing disciplinization and professionalization in literary theory. Second, critical rationality needs to be cultivated among researchers and in institutional forms in order to alter the present lack of rational and vigorous debate, criticism and dialogue. Third, we need to reconstruct “grand narratives,” so as to make a unique contribution to the world in terms of universal values, meanings and ethics through transforming and advancing traditional Chinese thought.  相似文献   

This article addresses major arguments in the controversy about the “rationality” of moral behavior: can moral behavior be explained by rational choice theory (RCT)? The two positions discussed are the incentives thesis (norms are incentives as any other costs and benefits) and the autonomy thesis claiming that moral behavior has nothing to do with utility. The article analyses arguments for the autonomy thesis by J. Elster, A. Etzioni, and J. G. March and J. P. Olsen. Finally, the general claim is discussed whether norm following and norm emergence are utility maximizing. The conclusion is that the autonomy thesis is not tenable if one applies a wide subjectivist, social psychological version of RCT that includes the assumption of “bounded rationality.” The autonomy thesis is only compatible with a narrow version of RCT that excludes internal outcomes and that refers to norms that do not have external outcomes. It is argued that such a narrow version is not capable of explaining many forms of behavior social scientists are interested in.  相似文献   

Nationalist discourse concerning race in Puerto Rico generally states that residents are of the same racially mixed heritage—a combination of Spanish, West African, and indigenous ancestry of various degrees. However, literature and casual observations suggest that the population is characterized by greater variation in physical appearances than what is posited by “admixture” discourse. Moreover, and further complicating the understanding of race, 2010 U.S. Census data show that over 75 percent of Puerto Ricans self‐identified as “White, alone,” and that only 3.3 percent of respondents indicated “Two or More Races.” Researchers, employers, and governmental agencies attempting to address issues of inequality, discrimination, and residential segregation have had to rely on existing U.S. Census data for analysis. Thus, the need for an alternative data collection process that can be used for various forms of socioeconomic analysis has become evident. The objective of this study was to develop two alternative instruments that emphasized a locally suited, culturally grounded, and standardizable conceptual foundation for the purpose of establishing more representative racial statistics in Puerto Rico. Methods included the administration of 248 copies of these alternative forms, in addition to a replica of the current U.S. Census form, to residents in Bayamón, a city located within the greater San Juan metropolitan area. Results showed that participants were less inclined to self‐identify as “White, alone” when given these alternative instruments, and that fewer individuals resorted to the selection of “Other” for race. In addition, observer‐reported data indicated that the sample was less white when compared to participant‐reported results. The conclusion was that both alternative instruments were considerably more effective in gauging racial composition than the 2010 U.S. Census form.  相似文献   

陈天祥  徐雅倩 《社会》2005,40(5):137-168
技术治理进入国家视野是一个循序渐进的过程。相关研究先后拓展和增加了专家治国、技术官僚、信息技术和微观政治等概念,并分化为两个研究维度:一是一以贯之的国家如何以“技术性方式”进行治理;二是由“信息技术在政府应用”这一研究分支发展而来,分析国家如何将新技术手段引入治理。其中,前者是技术治理概念的逻辑起点,本文从这一起点展开分析国家与技术治理的关系,试图还原技术治理的本来面貌。基于技术治理具有自身发展和运作的自主性,国家与技术治理关系呈现三种基本形态:“吸纳”状态下国家对“可控”技术治理的应用、“扩散”状态下国家对“自主”技术治理的干预和“分途”状态下国家对“失控”技术治理的监管。最后,本文还进一步提出“超越技术治理”的两种路径构想,由此系统呈现了国家与技术治理相互形塑的整体图景,为技术治理研究提供了新的反思与关注的视角。  相似文献   

Factual accounts of how different people actually do discount future events and do over-estimate and under estimate the likelihood of future gains and losses are seen to vary with time and place. Lifetime distributions of wealth and income correlate with choices by those who live mostly for the present and against those who think now about differential future outputs. Rates of time discount and degree of optimism (rational vs. irrational) are seen to overlap ambiguously. Each “behaviorist” pattern can be matched by its reversed pattern.  相似文献   

Issues of communication and the possibilities for the transformation of perspectives through an experimental dialogue resulting in a mutual, open, receptive, and non‐judgmental consideration of the other are addressed in this paper from transdisciplinary theoretical and conceptual standpoints. The warrant for cultivating this type of communicative ability is based on arguments resulting from the assumption of widespread confusion and conflict in intrapersonal, interpersonal, intergroup, and ecological relations across the globe. I argue that there are two distinct classes of “reasons” for this proposed practice of dialogue. First is recognition of the need for human individuals to engage in a regular and systematic “social maintenance” of embodied consciousness to forestall the continuous colonization of the past/future on the living present that embodied consciousness entails. Second is the teaching of a skill to creatively and respectfully engage with others in a mutual transformation of perspectives. This paper addresses the general problem of perspectives and reflexivity at the root of the communication phenomenon and by extension – to its scale and to its pathologies in individuals and collectives. It is argued that suspension of judgment, assumption, and habit (broadly) helps interlocutors to recognize the possibility of holding one's history in a tensional abeyance and to focus on the living present independent of habitualized and reified identities and the embodied manner in which we unconsciously carry ourselves as social or “universalized selves” in social situations.  相似文献   

Do pension schemes which are referred to as “assessment schemes” or, to be more precise, those which provide for and take into account the adjustment of pensions, need the contribution of actuarial science? If so, what is its function? These questions were raised in the early 1930s by Albert Thomas, Director of the ILO, and his colleagues, especially by Adrien Tixier, Chief of the Social Insurance Section (later a Division). Since then, they have been the subject of extensive and remarkably high-level discussion. In this article, one of the people who contributed most to this discussion gives his personal answer to this question and bases it on the use of tables showing projections. Through its Permanent Committee of Actuaries and Statisticians, the ISSA has devoted great efforts to studying “demographic and financial projections in social security”. The subject remains on this Committee's programme of work and in going into it more thoroughly, the Committee proposes to limit itself to the invalidity, old-age and death risks. The present article forms part of this research work: it concentrates on schemes which provide for the adjustment of pensions.  相似文献   

Past research has identified the salience of the notion of “good motherhood” in countries such as Australia, where women are expected to invest significant time and energy, often through self‐sacrifice, to raise their children. We analysed free‐text comments provided in response to an open‐ended question from the Australian Longitudinal Study on Women's Health (ALSWH) to examine whether the discourse of “good motherhood” played any role in how women articulate their experiences of juggling paid employment with motherhood. Eighty women from the cohort born 1973–78 were included, providing 223 comments. “Good motherhood” underpinned many of the accounts about combining motherhood with paid employment. Women reported life as stressful and hectic as they attempted to juggle the demands of childcare with paid employment and domestic chores. Although some identified “good motherhood” as an unachievable ideal, most were largely unable to disengage with this discourse. Broader social structures, such as inflexible working conditions, were found to reinforce and support this ideal, contributing to the strength of the discourse.  相似文献   

潘利侠 《社会》2005,40(2):76-110
以其早年对货币经济下的个体处境及两种个体主义的思考为背景,晚年的齐美尔在生命哲学的基础上集中阐述了有关伦理准则的个体法则。西方的主导伦理思想视伦理为普遍法则对个体行动的约束,普遍法则的合法性建立在一种二元对立的、机械的、理性的、目的论的视角之上。个体法则却以作为应该的个体生命为源泉,打破了以康德为代表的西方伦理思想中的各种视角局限,同时回应了齐美尔早年有关货币经济、文化悲剧和个体主义的思考,提供了一种与功利主义、利己主义等不同的个体主义话语。  相似文献   

Victor Albert 《Policy Studies》2019,40(3-4):410-425

There has been a call for a “second wave” of scholarship on policy advice to expand our understanding of the relational dynamics within a policy advisory system (PAS). In this article, we use a case from Brazil to address two key gaps in the PAS literature – the lack of attention to systems of network governance and the current predominance of “Westminster” empirical cases. To better understand the impact of policy advice within a system of networked governance, we apply the frame of “metagovernance” – the steering of governance networks. We then introduce and employ the concepts of funnelling, political brokering and gate-keeping to better understand how policy advice is shaped, modified and then either rejected or accepted. The contribution of the article is that, while much of the existing PAS literature describes the contours and key actors within an advisory system, we develop new conceptual scaffolding to better understand the trajectories and impact of policy advice, and the interplay between actors and agents, within a broader system of metagovernance.  相似文献   

Market uncertainty and the process of belief formation   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Subjective or personal belief formation has been up to now grounded on axioms (e.g., the axioms of Savage) that can be described asintrospection axioms, for they bear only on judgments formed by the individual within himself (e.g., judgments on the ordering of the “acts” in Savage's contribution), excluding every reference to other, possibly external, sources of opinion formation. This current view, linked to the traditional concept ofinstrumental economic rationality, implicitly assumes cognitive capacities that are most of the time out of the reach of any individual. Therefore this view is little or improperly used in the practical world of economics and/or management. An alternative view of belief formation on a market is offered in this article, grounded on a much more modest demand of cognitive capacities from the individual and on a different concept of economic rationality known ascognitive rationality. The model introduces to this end the global concept of market psychology as well as the concept of regular revision of the sets of opinions. Belief formation then appears as a process of deliberation between the individual and the market, rationality emerging within this process as deeply intertwined with the way the individual revises his opinions during the process. The rational treatment of beliefs in view of reaching a decision can consequently be carefully distinguished from their rational formation process.  相似文献   

吴柳财 《社会》2005,40(4):52-76
京剧《四郎探母》讲述的是宋辽两国交战,主人公杨四郎身处两个家和两个国的伦理困境中,而铁镜公主、佘太君、萧太后等人对情义的认同和坚守最终成全了杨四郎探母乃至回令的故事。晚清至民国,京剧《四郎探母》在民众当中十分流行,广受欢迎,但1949年之后这部剧却经历了四次大讨论,并屡次被禁演,而在解禁后又长演不衰。对四郎的同情和理解与对四郎“不忠不孝”“叛国投敌”的批评和斥责,形成了鲜明的对比。本文认为,京剧《四郎探母》所表达的传统中国社会是情理社会,而人们也正是通过以情理为基本取向的社会行动最终铸就了一个以情理为基本精神的社会结构。情理的根本是人伦,人伦精神贯穿于家国社会之中。  相似文献   


The new political economy of aging portrays “active citizenship” among seniors as a key challenge for the years to come. As a policy framework, Active Aging ranks high on the agendas of most supranational bodies. Informed by discourse analysis and a narrative approach, this article focuses on, first, older women’s everyday “active” practices, their meaning, and purpose and second, their day-to-day practical citizenship and social engagement experiences. A typology consisting of four figures of “lived” citizenship is proposed. Social contribution in later age is expressed through various types of engagement identified through these citizenship figures. These figures support older women’s social anchoring and sustain their feeling of belonging to the community. However, the figures outlined also reveal tensions, produced by relations of power between “dominant citizenship” and “relational citizenship,” pertaining to social relations and to caring for the other. In the latter case, we see that the coupling of action between the choice of action and social engagements in later age is more limited, due to social and health inequalities as well as lack of opportunities throughout the life course. Finally, in order to guarantee the right to age with dignity, we suggest a change of orientation in aging policies.  相似文献   

傅春晖 《社会》2022,42(5):152-180
本文把易卜生置于北欧-日耳曼的思想谱系中进行解读,认为“个体性”是理解其剧作的关键。易卜生的剧作和克尔凯郭尔的哲学思想有着互文性的关联,他们都认为严格意义上的宗教信仰的前提就是个体性。同时,在尼采看来,当时的欧洲已经进入“群氓的时代”,“个人”岌岌可危。在这个背景下,易卜生塑造的诸多人物都具有“世纪末”的特点,颓废、烦与空虚成为一种普遍的社会心态。个体性的膨胀将带来严重的社会问题,伴随着躁动不安,有时候会转变成最物质化的享乐主义,但更多时候则表现为否定和破坏,甚至是暴力和毁灭。  相似文献   

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