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This article aims to assess the extent to which women's labor force participation reflects culturally or situationally induced family strategies above and beyond the well-known effects of opportunities and constraints associated with education and the life cycle. We focus particularly on women immigrants from the former Yugoslavia in Australia, and explore the family strategies by comparing the Yugoslav women systematically to immigrant women from other parts of the Mediterranean world and to immigrant women from other parts of the Slavic world. To this end, we use data from the one percent public use sample of individual records of the 1981 Australian Census. We find that the labor force particiaation patterns of immigrant women from the former Yugoslavia are more shaped by education and less shaped by the life course than is true of other groups, although the life course matters for all of them. Indeed, in the impact of education on labor force they closely resemble the Eastern Europeans across most of the range of education. But in the impact of life cycle stage on participation they more closely resemble the Greeks and the Italians. This emphasizes how important it is that statistical agencies release data at the greatest possible level of detail: A country may belong in one group for some purposes, but in a different group for other purposes. We assess a number of explanations for birthplace differences in participation patterns, and find most wanting. We suggest that they may reflect culturally conditioned intergenerational wealth flows and patterns of time investiment in children and the elderly. M.D.R. Evans's research focuses on comparative, international analyses of stratification, ethnicity, culture, and gender. Her book, Prejudice or Productivity, is forthcoming from Westview Press.  相似文献   

由于企业用工环境的恶化,为了纠正职场女性遭受的各种不公平待遇,挖掘经济增长潜力,日本于2015年8月出台了女性活跃促进法,旨在提高女性劳动力的利用率及其在企业中的参与度和活跃度。在法律的推动和保障下,日本政府以财政补贴、行政奖励的方式,助推企业改革雇佣管理制度,扩大女性劳动力雇佣规模和职业领域,改进工作方式,支持女性兼顾工作和家务。该法对存在就业歧视的企业有一定的警醒作用,使企业意识到在反就业歧视中不仅承担着道德义务,也承担着法律义务。同时该法付诸实施后的一些积极效果值得其他国家关注和学习。  相似文献   

由计划经济向市场经济转型的过程中,中国女性的劳动参与率在诸多因素的共同作用下发生了变化。本文将对女性劳动参与率进行理论和实证研究,利用相关数据对中国城镇女性劳动参与率与其影响因素进行灰色关联分析,藉此揭示经济转轨时期中国劳动力市场中女性劳动供给的特点,并总结其政策含义。  相似文献   

In the first section of this article, the authors Christel Gilles and Antoine Parent, argue that in France, public policy and the pension system provide financial incentives favoring early retirement. The implementation of “bridge jobs” to facilitate the transition from full employment to full retirement, could, in theory, lessen the long-term decline in employment rates of men and women. Gilles and Parent, in the second section, question the idea that rising labor force participation rates among women are adequate to narrow pension inequalities between men and women. Regarding this point, we also note that since women's careers are generally shorter than men's and their labor income remains, on average, lower, an increase, in female labor force participation would lead, in an occupational-based system, to a substitution effect between direct and indirect entitlements. The impact of this effect on pension gender inequalities remains uncertain. In the third section, the authors examine, from a gender perspective, other pension reform options that may, in theory, provide greater gender equality, but that are, in practice, far from the implementation phase.  相似文献   

This article examines gender differences in employment status among immigrants in Israel, and how these differences vary across origin groups. Analysis of the 1995 population census indicates that, all else being equal, immigrant women exert a negative effect on activity in the annual labor force. As time elapses, the probability of immigrant women being employed improves but remains considerably lower than that of both immigrant and native-born men. However, after a few years in the country, immigrant women do close the gap with native-born women. For employment status in the last week, being an immigrant woman has a positive effect on full-time employment. A detailed analysis reveals substantial stratification by country of birth. Thus, the patterns of employment status for immigrant groups can reflect different levels (single, double, and triple) of disadvantage or advantage for women. I attach this stratification to cultural background and social values of country of birth as well as to economic and religious considerations, not fully indexed by the census data.  相似文献   

设施蔬菜生产是一个技术要求比较高、劳动投入比较大的产业,劳动力是影响设施蔬菜生产的首要因素。采用典型抽样问卷调查和访谈调查方法开展研究。研究结果显示设施蔬菜生产费工多,比较辛苦;菜农技术掌握程度较好,但经营技术还有待提高;设施蔬菜生产提高了土地生产率,增加了农民收入,但和打工相比缺乏比较优势;设施蔬菜经营者存在劳动力年龄大、女性为主的问题;菜农子女从事农业的比例较低,从事农业的意愿不强。从农业劳动力可持续发展的角度,提高菜农收入、培训经营技术、解决劳动力短缺是郊区设施蔬菜的出路。  相似文献   

社会性别视角下闽西农村女性家庭地位分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
根据实地调查研究发现,闽西农村女性积极参与社会化大生产,家庭中出现了"男女同工"和"农业生产女性化"的新型分工模式。随着女性经济地位的提高,其家庭地位相应提高,具体表现为女性自主权、决策权和支配权的地位提升。然而,从社会性别视角分析发现,男性仍然占据家庭的主导地位,新型的两性分工模式依然存在隐性的不平等。  相似文献   

第三期中国妇女社会地位调查整体数据显示,我国女性政治地位有了显著提高,但女性政治地位低于男性的问题依旧存在。基于社会分工失衡而产生的家庭责任偏重、职业发展渠道不畅、教育投资不力等因素都影响着女性权利的实现。从根本上看,改善女性政治地位必须改变女性在社会分工中的弱势处境,现代社会应通过更新观念、拓展职业发展通道、开发女性人力资源、优化家庭分工模式等方式提升女性的经济能力,从而促进女性权利的全方位实现。  相似文献   

人口红利促进经济增长,但是城乡收入差距却不断扩大。从人口红利的两个显著特征,高劳动参与率和总抚养比的下降两个途径提出理论假说。以中国1993—2012年的第二三产业总比重、城乡人力资本投资差异和城乡收入差距的时间序列数据,构建VECM 模型。实证结果表明:城乡收入差距长期受到产业结构的变动和城乡人力资本投资差异的共同作用;在滞后期内,第二三产业总比重的增加导致城乡收入差距缩小,城乡人力资本投资差异的扩大将导致城乡收入差距扩大。  相似文献   

19世纪末20世纪初,一大批东欧犹太女性进入美国。犹太女性移民大都因为生活贫困不得不进入就业市场,又因为传统文化和人际关系网络而主要进入美国工业化城市中的服装厂工作。这些犹太服装女工以年轻未婚女性为主,大都作为廉价劳动力分布在制衣生产线的基础性岗位上,面临职业升迁困难,工资处于低水平,以及遭遇性别歧视等困境。对于这样的工作境遇,她们一方面积极适应美国工厂的生产方式,同时也通过跳槽、参加工会和罢工等方式进行抗争,但大多数女性在婚后回归家庭,结束工厂职业生涯,选择以家庭为中心开展新的经济参与活动。  相似文献   

针对劳动参与率逐年下降的状况,该文从劳动者自身素质出发寻找原因。以1999-2008年的人口素质要素数据为微观基础,利用主成分回归分析法对影响劳动参与率的主要要素进行了提取。最终的模型估计结果表明:思想道德素质、身体素质及文化科学素质对劳动参与率的变化均有影响;其中,思想道德素质和身体素质两个要素尤为重要。即人口素质中这两个要素对一个劳动者进入或退出劳动力市场起着决定性作用。据此,文章针对性地提出了一些建议。  相似文献   

利用1982-2010年四次全国人口普查和1987-2005年三次全国1%人口抽样调查数据,1996和2006年两次全国农业普查数据,以及2014年至2015年安徽省调查资料,描述了农业劳动力性别结构变动态势和农村妇女农业生产参与状况。数据表明,中国大陆农业劳动力性别结构已经呈现出明显的女性化趋势。调查发现,在男性缺席的情况下,雇佣农群体既弥补了农村妇女生产技术匮乏的不足,也有效解决了劳动力短缺的问题,农业生产并未因为农业劳动力女性化而受到显著影响。然而,由于农业比较效益低下,土地难以支撑被高度商品化的农村生活,农民对于土地的情感逐渐淡漠,农地与农民的关系正在松绑,农地之于农家的重要性日渐式微,农村妇女农业生产意愿不容乐观,生产态度消极化逐步蔓延。伴随农业劳动力女性化,农业劳动力新老更替问题也日益突出,“谁来种地”将成为问题,避免城镇化进程中农业劳动力断层和弱质化是农业可持续发展的底线。  相似文献   

20世纪70年代以来,美国工会运动中的女性力量在迅速增长。导致这种现象的原因有很多,文中对其中的几个主要原因进行分析和探讨,包括劳动力性别构成的变化、男女工资差距、女性职业的性质与状况以及工会对待女性的态度。这些因素共同推动了工会中女性力量的增强。  相似文献   

抗战中期,日寇对晋西北根据地发动多次“扫荡”,并实行经济封锁,致使根据地军民的穿衣问题遇到严重困难。为解决军民的穿衣问题,抗日民主政府以发动农村妇女纺织为中心,从多渠道提高妇女劳动力素质,落实扶植妇纺的优惠政策,倡导互助变工,克服劳动力浪费,发展规模经营,鼓励民间纺织合作,增进妇女劳动力的使用效率,使妇女潜藏的劳动力资源得以充分发挥,成为恢复和发展根据地棉纺业的重要力量,有力地支持了抗战。  相似文献   

该文运用动态世代交叠模型,预测人口老龄化对劳动供给和人力资本投资的短期和长期影响,进一步考察其对生产能力的间接影响。通过将劳动供给和人力资本投资决策视为内生变量,模拟研究表明,短期内人口老龄化为青年人提供了更多人力资本投资机会,导致劳动供给减少,产出水平下降,人口老龄化经济成本增加。可是,长期内人口老龄化为社会提供更多的熟练劳动力,提高劳动参与率和产出水平,降低人口老龄化的经济成本。  相似文献   

Using the Luxembourg Income Study data we examine married women's dependency on their husbands' earnings in nine Western industrialized countries: Australia, Belgium, Canada, Finland, Germany, the Netherlands, Norway, Sweden, and the United States. When we examine the level and degree of dependency, and the labor force participation of married women across countries, the nine countries fall into the three clusters delineated in Esping-Andersen's welfare states typology. But when we examine the determinants of the dependency within each country, the clustering disappears. Wives' dependency increases with age, the presence of young children, and the number of children. It is reduced when wives' labor force participation and education are high relative to their husbands' and in families that rely more on unearned sources of income. The similarity of patterns across countries suggests that gender differences in the work-family nexus are deeply entrenched in all countries and continue even in the face of very active social policy to minize their effects. This is a revised version of a paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Sociological Association, August 1995, Washington DC. Her current research focuses on gender inequality and parents' time allocation between work and family. She conducts research on various aspects of family demography, including household and family characteristics, co-resident grandparent families, cohabitation, and child care. With Suzanne Bianchi, she is completing a research monograph on trends in the American family. Her research focuses on gender, work, and family issues.  相似文献   

就业性别歧视与人力资本投资倾向的交互作用分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
劳动力市场中就业性别歧视与人力资本投资的性别倾向同时存在 ,这种现象不仅使女性劳动力苦不堪言 ,同时使市场与社会的效率和福利水平大受影响。国内外不乏关于就业性别歧视或人力资本投资性别取向的研究 ,但对两者之间的关联及相互作用的研究还不多见。由就业性别歧视与人力资本投资倾向相互逆向激励所带来的危害可知 ,女性长期被排斥在主流劳动力市场之外、女性人力资本投资不足都将使社会进步和经济发展受到阻碍。  相似文献   

960多万人口的易地扶贫搬迁,有73%以上的搬迁人口在西部地区,如何实现搬迁人口的可持续发展是易地扶贫搬迁后续扶持的关键。基于三区三州怒江州少数民族515户的调查数据,建立生计资本与生计稳定性耦合协调度模型和Logistic回归模型,分析生计耦合协调类型、生计策略选择和转化的影响因素。研究发现:搬迁移民现阶段的生计资本水平较低,生计资本与生计稳定性的耦合协调关系处于稳定恢复期;务工为主农业为辅类型、生计多样类型搬迁移民家庭的生计资本与生计稳定性耦合协调度优于农业为主务工为辅类型;在生计策略选择的影响因素中,物质资本、金融资本和人力资本对农业为主务工为辅类型移民家庭有负向影响,人力资本、社会资本对务工为主农业为辅类型移民家庭有正向影响,物质资本、金融资本、社会资本对生计多样类型移民家庭有显著影响;搬迁移民由农业为主务工为辅类型向务工为主农业为辅类型转化的关键因素是物质资本和人力资本,其中家庭资产数量、家庭收入、就业技能培训、非农就业人口数对其转化有促进作用;搬迁移民由农业为主务工为辅类型向生计多样类型转化的关键因素是物质资本、金融资本、人力资本,其中居住地生态环境、房屋面积、家有资产数量...  相似文献   

中国农村妇女问题研究综述   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
随着党中央对三农问题的重视,中国农村妇女问题逐渐凸现出来。对近二十年的中国农村妇女研究重新进行阶段划分,并对中国农村妇女研究所涉及的性别与劳动就业分工,农业女性化问题,农村妇女家庭地位及其变化,农村妇女科学文化素质及培训,农村女性劳动力流动及影响因素,农村妇女与贫困,农村妇女与人口再生产,农村妇女与资源、环境和持续发展,农村妇女参政议政等问题,进行多角度的分析说明,从中总结出经验和不足。农村妇女发展要联系农村实际,要针对多方面因素考虑农村妇女发展与农村诸要素之间的关系。农村妇女研究要采取定量与定性相结合的分析方法,从不同地域、不同环境入手分析当地农村妇女的实际情况,以便在今后的研究中得以借鉴。  相似文献   

随着世界资本市场的扩张,中国的乡村女性劳动力被日渐卷入劳动力市场。传统社会赋予女性的角色和功能,现代工业社会对于女性劳动力的诉求,使得女性劳动力在资本市场经历着空间变动引起的冲突和抗争,且伴随着一系列行为和认知的变化。传统社会同样经历着物质与观念的冲击,并通过参与的女性个体予以回应。其后,民族性的加入则在已有变化和回应的基础上与性别因素叠加而显现出差异,甚至更为深刻。  相似文献   

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