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The dimension reduction in regression is an efficient method of overcoming the curse of dimensionality in non-parametric regression. Motivated by recent developments for dimension reduction in time series, an empirical extension of central mean subspace in time series to a single-input transfer function model is performed in this paper. Here, we use central mean subspace as a tool of dimension reduction for bivariate time series in the case when the dimension and lag are known and estimate the central mean subspace through the Nadaraya–Watson kernel smoother. Furthermore, we develop a data-dependent approach based on a modified Schwarz Bayesian criterion to estimate the unknown dimension and lag. Finally, we show that the approach in bivariate time series works well using an expository demonstration, two simulations, and a real data analysis such as El Niño and fish Population.  相似文献   

Multivariate (or interchangeably multichannel) autoregressive (MCAR) modeling of stationary and nonstationary time series data is achieved doing things one channel at-a-time using only scalar computations on instantaneous data. The one channel at-a-time modeling is achieved as an instantaneous response multichannel autoregressive model with orthogonal innovations variance. Conventional MCAR models are expressible as linear algebraic transformations of the instantaneous response orthogonal innovations models. By modeling multichannel time series one channel at-a-time, the problems of modeling multichannel time series are reduced to problems in the modeling of scalar autoregressive time series. The three longstanding time series modeling problems of achieving a relatively parsimonious MCAR representation, of multichannel stationary time series spectral estimation and of the modeling of nonstationary covariance time series are addressed using this paradigm.  相似文献   

Time-irreversibility, asymmetry of the distribution, and the occurrence of sudden bursts are considered, amongst others, as non-linear features in time series modeling. The implication is often made that time series showing these features must be analyzed using non-linear models. In contrast, this paper shows that time-irreversible asymmetric time series showing certain types of sudden bursts may be generated by linear models with adequate input sequences. Thus some non-linear time series features may be caused by the pattern in the input sequence rather than by non-linearity in the model. Examples are considered to illustrate the situation.  相似文献   

The effect of nonstationarity in time series columns of input data in principal components analysis is examined. Nonstationarity are very common among economic indicators collected over time. They are subsequently summarized into fewer indices for purposes of monitoring. Due to the simultaneous drifting of the nonstationary time series usually caused by the trend, the first component averages all the variables without necessarily reducing dimensionality. Sparse principal components analysis can be used, but attainment of sparsity among the loadings (hence, dimension-reduction is achieved) is influenced by the choice of parameter(s) (λ 1,i ). Simulated data with more variables than the number of observations and with different patterns of cross-correlations and autocorrelations were used to illustrate the advantages of sparse principal components analysis over ordinary principal components analysis. Sparse component loadings for nonstationary time series data can be achieved provided that appropriate values of λ 1,j are used. We provide the range of values of λ 1,j that will ensure convergence of the sparse principal components algorithm and consequently achieve sparsity of component loadings.  相似文献   

S.K. Zaremba 《Statistics》2013,47(4):625-642
The J* test which was previously proposed by the present author for the detection of a trend in a time series does not depend on any quantitative assumptions, but in the case of a polynomial trend it depends on its degree; if this degree is too high, the test cannot be applied. The author finds a bound of the significance level at which the test can be applied when the sample size, as well as a bound of the degree of the trend, are given. Asymptotic results are used only when we trust the asymptotic distribution of J* under the null hypothesis.  相似文献   

The article studies a time-varying coefficient time series model in which some of the covariates are measured with additive errors. In order to overcome the bias of estimator of the coefficient functions when measurement errors are ignored, we propose a modified least squares estimator based on wavelet procedures. The advantage of the wavelet method is to avoid the restrictive smoothness requirement for varying-coefficient functions of the traditional smoothing approaches, such as kernel and local polynomial methods. The asymptotic properties of the proposed wavelet estimators are established under the α-mixing conditions and without specifying the error distribution. These results can be used to make asymptotically valid statistical inference.  相似文献   

We investigate the behavior of the well-known Hylleberg, Engle, Granger and Yoo (HEGY) regression-based seasonal unit root tests in cases where the driving shocks can display periodic nonstationary volatility and conditional heteroskedasticity. Our set up allows for periodic heteroskedasticity, nonstationary volatility and (seasonal) generalized autoregressive-conditional heteroskedasticity as special cases. We show that the limiting null distributions of the HEGY tests depend, in general, on nuisance parameters which derive from the underlying volatility process. Monte Carlo simulations show that the standard HEGY tests can be substantially oversized in the presence of such effects. As a consequence, we propose wild bootstrap implementations of the HEGY tests. Two possible wild bootstrap resampling schemes are discussed, both of which are shown to deliver asymptotically pivotal inference under our general conditions on the shocks. Simulation evidence is presented which suggests that our proposed bootstrap tests perform well in practice, largely correcting the size problems seen with the standard HEGY tests even under extreme patterns of heteroskedasticity, yet not losing finite sample relative to the standard HEGY tests.  相似文献   

Summary.  A stochastic discrete time version of the susceptible–infected–recovered model for infectious diseases is developed. Disease is transmitted within and between communities when infected and susceptible individuals interact. Markov chain Monte Carlo methods are used to make inference about these unobserved populations and the unknown parameters of interest. The algorithm is designed specifically for modelling time series of reported measles cases although it can be adapted for other infectious diseases with permanent immunity. The application to observed measles incidence series motivates extensions to incorporate age structure as well as spatial epidemic coupling between communities.  相似文献   

Summary It is widely recognized that the class of ARIMA models may fail to capture fully the dynamics of real phenomena since these are often characterized by strong nonlinear components. Thus, it is important that any preliminary analysis (or evaluation of model adequacy) includes a check on the linearity of the generating process. The paper reviews recent developments in the theory of testing nonlinearity in time series analysis.  相似文献   

We first describe the time series modeling problem in a general way. Then some specific assumptions and observations which are pertinent to the application of these models are made. We next propose a specific approach to the modeling problem, one which yields efficient, easily calculated estimators of all parameters (under the stated assumptions). Finally, the technique is applied to the problem of modeling the census of a particular hospital.  相似文献   

This paper studies influential observations on the spectrum of a stationary stochastic process. We introduce a leave-one-out procedure in spectral density estimation to identify influential points. A simulated envelope is proposed to assess the magnitude of influence when the data follow an autoregressive integrated moving average model. Practical illustrations are discussed in two examples.  相似文献   

In this paper, we consider the auto-odds ratio function (AORF) as a measure of serial association for a stationary time series process of categorical data at two different time points. Numerical measures such as the autocorrelation function (ACF) have no meaningful interpretation, unless the time series data are numerical. Instead, we use the AORF as a measure of association to study the serial dependency of the categorical time series for both ordinal and nominal categories. Biswas and Song [Discrete-valued ARMA processes. Stat Probab Lett. 2009;79(17):1884–1889] provided some results on this measure for Pegram's operator-based AR(1) process with binary responses. Here, we extend this measure to more general set-ups, i.e. for AR(p) and MA(q) processes and for a general number of categories. We discuss how this method can effectively be used in parameter estimation and model selection. Following Weiß [Empirical measures of signed serial dependence in categorical time series. J Stat Comput Simul. 2011;81(4):411–429], we derive the large sample distribution of the estimator of the AORF under independent and identically distributed (iid) set-up. Some simulation results and two categorical data examples (one is ordinal and other nominal) are presented to illustrate the proposed method.  相似文献   

Various nonparametric approaches for Bayesian spectral density estimation of stationary time series have been suggested in the literature, mostly based on the Whittle likelihood approximation. A generalization of this approximation involving a nonparametric correction of a parametric likelihood has been proposed in the literature with a proof of posterior consistency for spectral density estimation in combination with the Bernstein–Dirichlet process prior for Gaussian time series. In this article, we will extend the posterior consistency result to non-Gaussian time series by employing a general consistency theorem for dependent data and misspecified models. As a special case, posterior consistency for the spectral density under the Whittle likelihood is also extended to non-Gaussian time series. Small sample properties of this approach are illustrated with several examples of non-Gaussian time series.  相似文献   

The general nonstationary ARMA model with time dependent coefficients is considered and a necessary and sufficient condition for the existence of the solution of such a model is given. A simple form of the above solution is expressed as a one-sided-moving average, in terms of one-sided Green's functions. Using these results we solve the Prediction Problem and give some expressions for the h(>0) step-ahead linear predictor of such a process. A few examples are added to illustrate the theory.  相似文献   

In this paper we consider the effect of the sampling interval in systematically sampled time series on the forecast efficiency. We find that for sufficientlv long sampled series the loss in forecasting accuracy by using the sampled instead of the original series is small  相似文献   

This research is dedicated to the study of periodic characteristics of periodically correlated time series such as seasonal means, seasonal variances and autocovariance functions. Two bootstrap methods are used: the extension of the usual Moving Block Bootstrap (EMBB) and the Generalised Seasonal Block Bootstrap (GSBB). The first approach is proposed, because the usual Moving Block Bootstrap does not preserve the periodic structure contained in the data and cannot be applied for the considered problems. For the aforementioned periodic characteristics the bootstrap estimators are introduced and consistency of the EMBB in all cases is obtained. Moreover, the GSBB consistency results for seasonal variances and autocovariance function are presented. Additionally, the bootstrap consistency of both considered techniques for smooth functions of the parameters of interest is obtained. Finally, the simultaneous bootstrap confidence intervals are constructed. A simulation study to compare their actual coverage probabilities is provided. A real data example is presented.  相似文献   

We investigate the problem of statistical analysis of interval-valued time series data – two nonintersecting real-valued functions, representing lower and upper limits, over a period of time. Specifically, we pay attention to the two concepts of phase (or horizontal) variability and amplitude (or vertical) variability, and propose a phase-amplitude separation method. We view interval-valued time series as elements of a function (Hilbert) space and impose a Riemannian structure on it. We separate phase and amplitude variability in observed interval functions using a metric-based alignment solution. The key idea is to map an interval to a point in R2, view interval-valued time series as parameterized curves in R2, and borrow ideas from elastic shape analysis of planar curves, including PCA, to perform registration, summarization, analysis, and modeling of multiple series. The proposed phase-amplitude separation provides a new way of PCA and modeling for interval-valued time series, and enables shape clustering of interval-valued time series. We apply this framework to three different applications, including finance, meteorology and physiology, proves the effectiveness of proposed methods, and discovers some underlying patterns in the data. Experimental results on simulated data show that our method applies to the point-valued time series.  相似文献   

Time series methods offer the possibility of making accurate forecasts even when the underlying structural model is unknown, by replacing the structural restrictions needed to reduce sampling error and improve forecasts with restrictions determined from the data. While there has been considerable success with relatively simple univariate time series modeling procedures, the complex interrela- tionships possible with multiple series requite more powerful techniques.Based on the insights of linear systems theory, a multivariate state space methos for both stationary and nonstationary problems is described and related to ARMA models. The states or dynamic factors of the procedure are chosen to be robust in the presence of model misspecification, in constrast to ARMA models which lack this property. In addition, by treating th emidel choice as a formal approximation problem certain new optimal properties of the procedure with respect to specification are established; in particular, it is shown that no other model of equal or smaller order fits the observed autocovariance sequence any better in the sense of a Hankel norm. Finally, in the treatment of nonstationary series, a natural decomposition into long run and short run dynamics results in easily implemented two step procedures that use characteristics of the data to identify and model trend and cycle components that correspond to cointegration and error correction models. Applications include annualo U.S. GNP and money stock growth rates, monthly California beef prices and inventories, and monthly stock prices for large retailers.  相似文献   

We study autoregressive models for binary time series with possible changes in their parameters. A procedure for detection and testing of a single change is suggested. The limiting behavior of the test statistic is derived. The performance of the test is analyzed under the null hypothesis as well as under different alternatives via a simulation study. Application of the method to a real data set on US recession is provided as an illustration.  相似文献   

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