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Fund Helps Women     
InOctober,theFoundationofUnderdevelopedRegionofChinakickedoffanewprojecttohelpextremelypoorwomenwhohavejustgivenbirth.TheprojectwillallocateatotalofRMB30million(US$3.6million)to10countiesinChina'scentralandwesternregionsoverthenext10yearsinordertoreducethebirth-relateddeathrateforwomenandbabies.InChina,anaverageofabout600,000pregnancy-relateddeathsoccureveryyear.(ChinaDaily,October18,2000)■Fund Helps Women…  相似文献   

Earlythisyear,theCollegeofPublicHealth,BeijingMedicalUniversity,incollaborationwiththeChineseUniversityofHongKong,conductedasurveyamong500careerwomenaged22-55bothinurbanandruralBeijing.Thesurveyfocusesonthesewomen'sdegreeofsatisfactionwiththerolethey...  相似文献   

With a credit loan of RMB1,000 (US$120) and skillslearned about breeding, Ren Yuhua, once an ordinaryhousewife, bought two sheep in October 1998 and soonearned more than RMB2,000 (US$240) in profit with the 10lambs born to the two sheep.Sponsored by the United Nations World Food Programme(WFP), the project offers food-for-training in functionalliteracy, income generating skills and group buildingtraining, in addition to small loans.Women living below the poverty line in Guyuan, Pengya…  相似文献   

CommonAspirationsofWorldWomenHuangBaoshanOver30,000participants,fromdifferentracestheworldover,gatheredinBeijingtodiscusswome...  相似文献   

TowardFourthWorldConferenceonWomen¥//InSeptember1995theeyesandearsoftheworldwillbefocusedonBeijingwheretheFourthWorldConferen...  相似文献   

Women have become an increasinglyimportant part of the workforce in Chinatoday. The number of working womenrose from 3 1 .28 million in 1978 (32.6% of total workforce) to 57.45 million in 1997 (38.7%). Thetransition from planned to market economy, however,has caused massive dislocations, posing a seriouschallenge to women employment. Sample surveysconducted by labor departments suggest that of the 13million laid-off workers across the country, 59% arewomen.To develop an understanding of the c…  相似文献   

Threeyearsago,CatShuzllen,afarmerinLislluCountyinJinnProvincewasilldespair.Theuntimelydeatllofthechickensandrabbitsshehadraisedtoselloiltilemarketaim.ostdrovehertosuicide.TodayCatilasbecomeamillionairethankstotheadvancedfarmingskillsshe11aslearlled.AlldsheisnotaIOlle.Nearly1001llillionwomenillruralareas11avemasteredatleasttwoappliedfarmingskillsovertilepastdecade,tllallkstotileimplementationoftrainillgprogralllslaullclledbygovernmentalinstitutiOlls,accordillgtotheAll-CllmaWOmen'sFederati…  相似文献   

ConferenceonVulnerableWomeninChinaAconferenceheldatthePeople'suniversityofChina,BeijingfromJuly24to26,1995focusedonimprovingt...  相似文献   

This study examines the general perceptions of women towards their roles, their interpretation of progress, as well as the facilitating factors and barriers to their progress. Questionnaires were distributed to 1,000 Malay women in Malaysia from rural and urban areas, from various age and income groups. Interviews were also carried out on the selected sample. Using both quantitative and qualitative methods of analyses, the results showed that women were perceived to play a strong, influential, and supportive role in their families. The results also showed how women perceive progress. These findings are discussed in relation to culture, socialization, values and norms of the Malay society.  相似文献   

Bringing together women and family in quality perspective bring about interesting discussions in this paper. By integrating previous studies and considering expert opinions, we determinate the variables and dimensions with respect to women’s existence regarding their roles both in the family and at work. Many activities carried out by women represent the consumer aspects of their role. Women undertake these activities to fulfill their needs, which can be classified in the order of preference using Maslow’s Hierarchy of Need. Women success can be measured based on their ability to perform their roles successfully. We identify women’s performance by using quality approach of Personal Quality Maintenance (PQM), which is widely applied in many organizations in order to maintain the service delivery, which meets the customer satisfaction. The effort to enhance women’s satisfaction for their success in playing the multirole in the family and at work is our main consideration. This study may contribute a new point of view regarding for the women’s welfare and existence.  相似文献   

Revisions to the Law on the Protection of the Rights and Interests of Women (also known as the Women’s Law) and the Law on the Protection of Minors have been included in the legislative plan of the 10th National People's Congress (NPC) Standing Committee, which is currently in session. The All-China Women's Federation (ACWF) submitted draft amendments to the Women's Law to the State Council at the end of last year. The amendments include adding the national policy ofgender equali…  相似文献   

TheStatusandRoleofWomenUnderChineselaw,womenenjoyequalrightswithmeninallmatterssuchaspolitics,cultureandeducation,work,proper...  相似文献   

LiMeixiangLeadsWomentoBecomeWell-offMadamLiMeixiang,anordinarymiddle-agedwoman,isagrassrootsfamilyplanningmotivatorfromasmall...  相似文献   

ZhangXiuliLeadsWomentoBecomeWell-OffZhangXiuliLeadsWomentoBecomeWell-OffMs.ZhangXiuli,atwenty-eightyearoldfarmerfromXinanVill...  相似文献   

China'sPromisestoHerWomenafterFWCW¥//Ifthistrendcontinues,fertilitypatternsandpopulationmovementsandchangescouldoccurwhichcou...  相似文献   

The life expectancy at birth for female reached 81.81in Shanghai in 2003, up from 81.63 in the previousyear, according to a new report on the status ofwomen and children in the city in 2003. The reportwas released jointly by Shanghai Women andChildren’s Committee and the Shanghai StatisticsBureau.The higher life expectancy was evidence that womenin Shanghai have benefited from greater nationaleconomic growth, healthier lifestyles and bettermedical services.In other areas, two key indicato…  相似文献   

The life expectancy at birth for female reached 81.81 in Shanghai in 2003, up from 81.63 in the previous year, according to a new report on the status of women and children in the city in 2003. The report was released jointly by Shanghai Women and Children‘s Committee and the Shanghai Statistics Bureau.  相似文献   

Anational debate has been raging on over whether women should work periodically or even go home to take care of the family. The debate was touched off in October 2000, when a government document, called 揜ecommendations of the Chinese Communist Party on the Formulation of the 10th Five-Year Plan for National Economic and Social Development, mentioned 搕he creation of a mechanism for periodic employment? The All-China Women抯 Federation, the country抯 chief watchdog for women抯 rights, h…  相似文献   

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