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Three methods of training in family assessment were evaluated. Method I employed traditional classroom lecture along with demonstration videotapes prepared by faculty. Method II used small group discussion with the same videotapes. Method III incorporated an experiential task in which the students conducted a family interview and presented their own videotapes for small group discussion. Parallel pre and post tests were developed to measure knowledge and skills in family assessment. Results showed a significant gain in scores between pre and post measures, but the gains did not differ significantly between the three teaching methods. Logistic considerations led to the conclusion that the method of choice is Method I.  相似文献   


This paper is a critical review on the family caregiving of mental health consumers in Hong Kong. The writer has a brief review on related studies of family caregiving of mental health consumers. In comparing with those in the U.K. and the U.S.A., family caregivers of mental health consumers in Hong Kong are lonely, stigmatized and unsupported by mental health services and members in the community.  相似文献   

This article explores connections between informal caregiving and identity transformation as experienced by pregnant teens. Based on in‐depth interviews with 51 African American teen mothers, the article examines teens’ pregnancy narratives as an example of narrative repair, illuminating how attending to processes that connect one’s identity to the care of others can work to empower individuals to resist threats to a positive sense of self or a damaged identity. The authors suggest that family caregiving can provide an important context that supports identity transformation not only among pregnant teens as they strive to become good mothers but among those experiencing other types of disruptions to their lives.  相似文献   

Parentification has been defined as the familial interactional pattern in which children and adolescents are assigned or assume roles and responsibilities normally the province of adults. Two studies were conducted to examine the role that parentification takes in the context of immigration with regard to its impact on adolescent adaptation. In study 1, a comparison between 70 adolescent immigrants from the Former Soviet Union (FSU) in Israel with 70 nonimmigrant Israeli adolescents showed higher levels of spousal role taking among the immigrant adolescents. In the case of the immigrants, spousal role taking was seen to involve positive relationships with both parents (as opposed to with only one for the nonimmigrants) and to be associated with better coping with stressful events. In study 2, the association between the incidence of parentification and family climates was explored among 123 adolescent immigrants from the FSU in Israel. Of the three climates found, the optimal cohesive independence‐oriented family climate showed a higher incidence of parentification (parental role taking, spousal role taking, parental role for siblings, and nonspecific adult role taking) as opposed to within the unstructured‐conflict‐oriented and control‐oriented family climates. These results seem to strengthen the position that optimal adolescent development following immigration involves a combination of enhanced familial relatedness and assumption of responsibility within a climate that allows age‐appropriate autonomy.  相似文献   

Abstract  The aim of this study is to clarify the changes in the lifecourses of rural stem family women, and how they are influenced by society and the family. Our lifecourses are characterized by the sequence of events in our lifetime. Women's lifecourses are mainly influenced and varied by the experiences of marriage, childbirth and childcare.
We used the event of marriage as the basis for finding how the lifecourses of three generations of women had changed. The Mother generation (MI refers to the parent; the Wife generation (W) refers to the child; and the Grandchild generations are the daughters (F) and Son's Wives (SW).
Our findings revealed that the Agriculture Continuation type lifecourse had decreased with each generation. About 80% of (MI women helped on the family farm before marrying into another farming family, while this type no longer existed in the grandchild generations. The (W) women were the first to start working in various jobs (outside the farm) after graduating from their last schooling, but they usually quit their jobs after marriage. Many (SW) women followed this same pattern. Many (F) women also worked outside the farm after their last schooling, then became full-time housewives after marriage. Few women in the grandchild generation worked in agriculture when they were young.
The lifecourses of (M) and (W) women followed basically a fixed pattern, but began to diversify for the grandchild generations, as their order of life events also diversified. Correlation and changes were found between society and individuals.  相似文献   

Despite social work's expressed interest in families and belief in the importance of parents to children, social work researchers have done little to explore the importance of fathers in children's everyday lives. This is especially true for infants. Moreover, as more and more infants and children grow up in single-mother homes, step-families, and other family configurations, knowledge is needed about how these demographic trends affect parents' interactions with their young children.

This article examines men's caregiving of infants and their displays of affection in a longitudinal study of a diverse sample of infants and their mothers, using both person-centered and variable-centered statistical methods. Comparisons are made among various “types” of fathers, including those who live with and separately from their children and men who are not biological fathers but live with and care for infants.

Results indicate that caregiving and expressions of affection appear to represent two distinct domains of fathering behaviors for residential fathers. We found two classes of residential fathers: one with low levels of both types of fathering behavior and one with higher levels, particularly higher expressions of affection. Similarly we found two classes of non-residential fathers with dramatically different levels of fathering behavior. Though surrogate fathers did provide affection to their infants, their levels of caregiving were low.  相似文献   

This article addresses the relationship between employment and providing informal care for sick, disabled, or elderly people in Great Britain. Hazard rate models for taking up caring and leaving work when caring are estimated using retrospective family, employment, and caring data from the British Family and Working Lives Survey 1994 – 1995 for 9,139 British men and women. Family roles but not employment characteristics were relevant for men and women taking up caring. Being in a lower social class was, however, an important predictor of female carers leaving the labor market. Starting caring and quitting the labor market were not affected by women working part time, nor by most aspects of job flexibility that were considered.  相似文献   

Dimensions which should be part of a family theory are developed by drawing from ‘Integrative Family Therapy’, a theory incorporating the concepts, hypotheses, and techniques of American family therapists. The family theories of seven family therapists (Minuchin, Haley, Zuk, Friedman, Speck, Boszormenyi-Nagy, Rubinstein) are described and compared with one another. Their limitations are shown and thereby the characteristics of approaches of family therapy are indicated. Their contribution to a more encompassing ‘Integrative Family Theory’ is shown.  相似文献   

There is currently a lack of reliable scales with which to assess the construct of family quality of life, particularly for families who have children with disabilities. The current work presents 2 studies, including a total of 488 families with children with disabilities, which were conducted to complete the development of a scale to assess family quality of life. The measure was refined through confirmatory factor analyses into 25 items that assess 5 domains of Family Quality of Life: Family Interaction, Parenting, Emotional Well‐Being, Physical/Material Well‐Being, and Disability‐Related Support. Each subscale was found to be unidimensional and internally consistent. An initial examination of test‐retest reliability and convergent validity is also presented. Implications for future research, scale use, and policy are discussed.  相似文献   

Family therapy is not easily understood, especially by the beginner therapist. This is not surprising given the confusing overlap between the various models and proliferation of new and often unexplained concepts and terms. This article serves to reverse this trend by presenting an overview of family therapy that can be understood by the novice. It clarifies the assumptions, terms, methods and goals of the main three schools of thought, namely structural, strategic and systemic. The similarities and differences between these schools are discussed and a summary table has been inserted for comparison purposes. A glossary has been included to assist the reader in defining commonly used terms and concepts.  相似文献   


Family practices related to hygiene, affection behavior, and privacy were studied using a sample of mental health and child welfare professionals. The professionals were asked to use their own experience to state up to what age it was acceptable for parents and children of the same gender and mixed gender to engage in certain family practices. For virtually all family practices, respondents reported lower appropriate ages for mixed gender pairs. Family practices were acceptable for mothers with their daughters up to older ages than fathers with their sons. Results indicate high variability in the responses regarding appropriate ages, as well as whether the behavior was ever acceptable. The implications of these substantial differences among professionals who often assess these practices as “soft signs” related to abuse are discussed.  相似文献   

A telephone survey with 339 randomly selected Chinese Canadian caregivers examined the employment and economic costs of family caregiving for the elderly. Although the Chinese culture places a strong emphasis on filial obligation, caregiving is not without economic consequences. Caregiver’s age, financial adequacy, and employment, caring for an additional care receiver, and levels of assistance in Activities of Daily Living (ADL), were the predictors for economic costs perceived by family caregivers. Caregiver’s age, caring for an additional care receiver, and care receiver’s financial adequacy were significant predictors for male caregivers. Caregiver’s financial adequacy and higher levels of assistance in ADL were the predictors for female caregivers. Policies to support family caregivers should not just focus on the social aspect, but also the financial needs.  相似文献   

Psychometrically sound measures of family therapy competencies are necessary to assess the effectiveness of training on student performance. This article critiques the self-report and observer rating measures developed to date to assess the clinical skills of trainees in the individual and in the family therapy fields. Suggestions are made to foster future instrument development specifically designed for the field of couples and family therapy/counseling.  相似文献   

The paper reports an empirical examination of the results, reliability,and validity of three attitude measurement procedures—open-ended,paired comparison, and monadic rating. Significant differencesamong the three approaches were found in the evaluation of twobrands on a number of attitudinal dimensions with respect tojudgment of "both brands are alike" and the evaluation of "brandA vs. brand B."  相似文献   

Eligible adolescents (12–17 years old) were recruited from a short‐term crisis shelter for runaway adolescents in a large Midwestern city. Adolescents (N = 179) were randomly assigned to Ecologically‐Based Family Therapy (EBFT,= 61), the Community Reinforcement Approach (CRA,= 57), or brief Motivational Enhancement Therapy (MET,= 61) with the primary focus on substance abuse. A significant increase in perceived family cohesion and a significant reduction in perceived family conflict were found among all treatment conditions from baseline to the 24‐month follow‐up. Adolescents who received EBFT demonstrated more improvement in family cohesion after treatment than those who received CRA or MET, and more reduction in family conflict during treatment than those who received MET.  相似文献   

In this evaluation of therapy experience for 82 families by brief therapy at Bouverie Clinic to 1976–1977, therapists' and clients' rating of outcome were obtained. After termination of therapy both therapists and clients reported high improvement rates in the presenting problem(s) as well as in the quality of family relationships and in the family's ability to deal with further problems. High agreement was found between therapist’ and clients' ratings of outcomes. Therapists were more favorable than clients in their ratings of change in the presenting problem and in their ratings of change in the quality of family relationships, but not in assessing the change in family's further problem solving ability. At follow-up clients were predominantly satisfied with their therapy experience. In addition, therapists' ability to predict outcome accurately, after the second of therapy, was strongly supported by our finding.  相似文献   

沉重的家庭照料负担极易导致农村重度残疾人家庭陷入致贫返贫风险.对河北、河南、山东、湖北及广东等地428个农村重度残疾家庭的调查显示,家庭成员是重度残疾人最主要的照料者,以提供生活照料为主.农村重度残疾人家庭不仅面临着医疗康复等客观负担、照料者的精神负担和心理压力,还面临着因照料重度残疾人所产生的机会成本.当前,农村重度残疾人照料负担的社会分担机制存在着明显的短板.为巩固拓展残疾人脱贫攻坚成果,防止贫困边缘群体返贫,需要大力整合残疾人社会救助、老年福利及扶贫政策资源,扩大集中托养服务覆盖面,开展照料者照料知识和技能培训,构建照料负担的多元参与分担机制.  相似文献   

Campbell and Fiske's (1959) multi-trait, multi-method analysis was applied to three popular measures of career development. College students completed the Attitude Scale of the Career Maturity Inventory (Crites, 1978a), the Vocational Preference Inventory (Holland, 1978), and the Decision-Making Scale of the Career Development Inventory (Super, Thompson, Lindeman, Jordaan, & Myers, 1981). Participants also took part in a structured interview to assess their career development. The table of multi-trait, multi-method correlation coefficients for the three measures of career development supported their construct validity. Implications and ideas for future research are discussed.  相似文献   

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