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ChangesinHouseholdSizeandStructureinChinaJiangZhenghuaandZengYi(Basedonthemostrecentdatafromthe1990census,thispaperanalysesth...  相似文献   

PercentagesoftheElderlyAged60andOverinRuralandurbanAreasinSelectedAsianCountriesin1990Theconsequencesofagingdifferinruralandu...  相似文献   

PopulationandFamilyPlanninginTibetTibetanPopulationStudyTeamSentbytheChinaPopulationinformationandResearchCentreThispaperisan...  相似文献   

TheAgingSituationinAsianandthePacificRegionandSub-regionalDifferencesinthePercentageofPopulationAged60andOverThepercentageofe...  相似文献   

ChinahasexperiencedthreebabyboomssincethefoundingofthePeople'sRepublicin1949fthefirstoneduring1950-1957withanaverageannualincreaseofalittleover20million;thesecondduring1962-1975withanaverageannualincreaseofover25million,andthethirdduring1986-1997withanaverageannualincreaseofover20million.China'spopulationwillcontinuetogrowinthe21stcenturyduetothemomentumofpopulationgrowth,eventhoughthetotalfertilityrate(TFR)ofChinesewomenofchildbearingagehasdeclinedtobelowthereplacementlevel.'SomeChinesedemo…  相似文献   

1. Introduction Population databases contain information about people and the conditions surrounding them. This information can be obtained from population censuses, demographic surveys, or vital registrations. Since the 1950s, we have conducted five censuses and many sampling surveys on population in China. Millions of dollars have been spent to produce data, but these data cannot be shared. Though population data abound at present, it does not necessarily mean that information is being ful…  相似文献   

Yu WH 《Demography》2005,42(4):693-717
Research on female labor-force participation has not fully explained why economic development has different effects on married women's employment continuity across societies. I use life-history data from nationally representative samples of women in Japan and Taiwan to examine the divergence in women's patterns of labor-force exit in these two countries during the postwar period. The findings reveal that the effects of family demands, occupation, firm size, and employment sector on women's exit rates differed substantially between Japan and Taiwan. Taken together, these factors account for the different trends in married women's employment during this period. I argue that the cross-national differences in the predictors of women's labor-force withdrawal reflect the extent of incompatibility between work and family responsibilities for married women in these two societies.  相似文献   

GuSujuanandHerBirthControlProgrammeinTibetWhileatendingaconferencesponsoredbytheChinaFamilyPlanningAssociationinDecember1996...  相似文献   

On December 13, 2001, Zhang Weiqing, Minister of the State Family Planning Commission of China met with visiting UNFPA Executive Director Thoraya Obaid. Both sides exchanged views in a candid atmosphere on the fifth phase of their cooperation in the population and family planning field. This was Obaid抯 first visit to China since she took office in January. Zhang asked her to convey his greetings to Dr. Nafis Sadik, former Executive Director of the UNFPA who just won the Chi…  相似文献   

Tomaintainrapideconomicdevelopmentrequiresanoptimumpopulationsize.Otherwise,theoverrapidincreaseofpopulationmayspeedupoverc...  相似文献   

Overthepastsixyearssinceitsfounding,thePartnersinitiativehasmadegreatprogressincarryingouttheProgramofActionoftheInternationalConferenceonPopulationandDevelopment(ICPD)inanall-roundway,combiningfamilyplanningwithreproductivehealthservices.Byincorporatingthepreventionofsexuallytransmitteddiseases(STDs)andAIDSintoitsscopeofservices,providingfamilyplanningandreproductivehealthservicestailoredtotheneedsofmen,womenandadolescentsandbringingdownthematernalmorbidityandmortalityrates,thePartners…  相似文献   

GrainProductionandCultivatedLandinChina¥WangWenxue(WangWenxueisDeputyGovernorofShanxiProvinceinchargeofruralworkandagricultur...  相似文献   

Demographic and Health Survey data from nine African countries make it clear that HIV/AIDS prevention knowledge has been increasing. Still, in many cases, fewer than half of adult respondents can identify specific prevention behaviors. Knowledge is lowest in rural areas and among women. HIV testing generally remains rare but is highly variable across countries, likely reflecting differences in the supply of testing services. In most cases, schooling and wealth impacts on prevention knowledge have either been stable or have increased; hence, in the majority of contexts, initial disparities in knowledge by education and wealth levels have persisted or widened.
David E. SahnEmail:

Based on data from the BHPS and the SOEP, we analyse the economic performance of various ethnic groups in the UK and West Germany, as well as the effects of income redistribution on these populations. Taking the indigenous population of each country as the reference category, we find that, as a whole, the non-indigenous population in the UK fares much better than the immigrant population in Germany. However, the range of economic performance across different ethnic groups in the UK is much larger than that in Germany. The German corporatist welfare system is characterised by much stronger redistribution effects than the liberal UK one. Consequently, the relatively low-performing immigrant population in Germany profits more from the redistribution system than immigrants with similar socio-economic attributes in the UK.All correspondence to Felix Büchel. Responsible editor: Christoph M. Schmidt  相似文献   

Political interest is a key for the survival and development of democracies. Therefore, it is important to establish when political interest develops. We examined changes in political interest—when and in which directions—among youths between 13 and 28 years of age. We followed five age groups of Swedish youths over 2 years, with a total of 2621 participants. Analysis of stability coefficients supported the idea that political interest becomes more stable with age. From their early twenties, youths’ political interest was found to be as stable as has been earlier reported for adults. Among adolescents, the lowest stability rate was observed in the youngest cohort (ages 13–15). The results also showed that, when taking the increase in political interest into account, the proportion of youths losing their interest in politics corresponded to the proportion of youths gaining interest over time. On the whole, this study brings new insights on the development of political interest over time. It provides empirical evidence on when political interest is most susceptible to change and on how it is likely to change. Implications for research and intervention are discussed.  相似文献   

MarkedImprovementinChina′sMaternalandChildHealthMaternalandchildhealthcare(MCH)inChinahasimprovedconsiderablycomparedwithteny...  相似文献   

OnSexRatiosatBirthandinChildhoodChengHuaThe1982and1990censusdatashowedthesexratioofTibet’spopulationincreasedfrom97.76to100....  相似文献   

Reducing the morbidity of children is vital toimprovement of the quality of the wholepopulation. In order to effectively help reducethe birth of sick and disabled children, a retrospectivesurvey was conducted in northeast China's LiaoningProvince between 1990-1992 to study the main causesleading to disabilities and explore ways to preventthem.The survey covered both urban and rural areas of thewhole province, involving a total of 8,508 first-birthchildren with sickness or disability, 6,092 se…  相似文献   

Province-specific educational level of population aged 6 and over in China in 1998  相似文献   

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