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This study examines the sensitivity of future long-term care demand and expenditure estimates to official demographic projections in four selected European countries: Germany, Spain, Italy and the United Kingdom. It uses standardised methodology in the form of a macro-simulation exercise and finds evidence for significant differences in assumptions about demographic change and its effect on the demand for long-term care, and on relative and absolute long-term care expenditure. It concludes that mortality-rate assumptions can have a considerable influence on welfare policy planning. Relative dispersion between country-specific and Eurostat official estimates was found to be higher for the United Kingdom and Germany than for Italy and Spain, suggesting that demographic projections had a greater influence in those countries.
Joan Costa-FontEmail:

欧盟社会标准化工程在社会保障制度改革中的意义   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
文章认为社会标准化可能涉及到社会保障研究的三大领域:(1)社会需求的合理确定;(2)社会行为主体的价值取向和利益平衡;(3)社会保障机制的正确选择。社会标准化挑战社会保障行为主体的行为方式,引起功能转换,从而在社会保障制度之间产生接轨现象和趋同现象,同时在传统的民族国家之上又产生了一个新的、不使用传统政策工具的社会行为主体。社会保障主体的角色转换和功能转换是社会保障制度改革的症结,欧洲联盟的社会标准化已经开始触动这个症结,并且给世界带来了值得思考的经验。  相似文献   

Social Indicators Research - This paper provides an approach to measure the quality of life in the European Union from a multiple perspective: individual, socioeconomic and territorial by creating...  相似文献   

A population density grid of the European Union   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
This paper describes four methods used to produce dasymetric population density grids combining population data per commune with CORINE Land Cover, a map available for all countries of the European Union. An accuracy assessment has been carried out for five countries for which a very reliable 1-km population density grid exists; the improvement, compared with the choropleth map per commune, ranges between 20% for the weakest result in Finland and 62% for the best result in the Netherlands. The best results are obtained with a method using logit regression to integrate information from the point survey LUCAS (Land Use/Cover Area frame Survey); however, performance differences between methods are moderate. The dasymetric grid is distributed free of charge by the European Environment Agency, for non-commercial use.  相似文献   

An Index of Child Well-being in the European Union   总被引:11,自引:1,他引:11  
While the living conditions of children and young people in the European Union have gained increasing recognition across the EU, the well-being of children is not monitored on the European level. Based on a rights-based, multi-dimensional understanding of child well-being we analyse data already available for the EU 25, using series data as well as comparative surveys of children and young people. We compare the performance of EU Member States on eight clusters with 23 domains and 51 indicators and give a picture of children’s overall well-being in the European Union. The clusters are children’s material situation, housing, health, subjective well-being, education, children’s relationships, civic participation and risk and safety.  相似文献   

We aim to clarify a puzzling paradox: while shares of highly educated and non-religious individuals—who generally hold less prejudice—have increased in the Netherlands, levels of prejudice against ethnic minorities have yet risen over time. To solve the paradox, we use cross-sectional data from 1985 to 2011 in counterfactual analyses. In these analyses we simulate that levels of ethnic prejudice within categories of education, church membership, and church attendance are kept constant at the 1985 level and a new simulated trend in prejudice is estimated for the 1985–2011 period. Our findings show that changing levels of prejudice within categories of education are partly responsible for the trend. We conclude that the increasing share of highly educated individuals has not resulted in a decline of prejudice in the Netherlands over time, because all Dutch have become more prejudiced over the years and in particular the higher educated.  相似文献   

The aim of this work is to determine the factors affecting development, not only the economic ones, which play a central role in economic literature, but also social. To do so we have used a wide sample of countries and have estimated a panel data for 171 of those that have been members of the United Nations for a period of 16 years (from 1995 to 2010 inclusive). The results obtained allow us to conclude that fight against poverty, provision of basic infrastructure, and investment in greater democracy, greater stability and less corruption, have, in all cases, a positive effect on human development in these countries.  相似文献   

For years we have been observing the exponential trend of the economic growth, energy consumption, mineral resources use and greenhouse gas emissions. The human population is exerting an increasing pressure on the environment, which in the highly industrialised regions has lost its natural ability for bio-capacity. The measurement of the member states’ progress in achieving the sustainable development is an integral part of the European Union strategy. The article deals with methods of measuring the level of sustainable development and presents diversification of the EU member states according to the synthetic indicators, such as: domestic material consumption, import dependency, risky external energy supply, diversity index, ecological footprint and total carbon intensity. These determinants affecting potential of the EU states to maintain the achieved level of development in future.  相似文献   

At risk of poverty indicators based on relative income measures suggest that within the enlarged EU societies located at quite different points on a continuum of affluence have similar levels of poverty. Substantial differences in levels of income between societies do not in themselves invalidate this approach. However, the relative income approach fails to capture the fact that, if countries are grouped in terms of level of GDP, between economic cluster differences in life-style deprivation are sharper at lower income levels. Support for the argument relating to restricted reference groups is found in relation to the contrast between the twelve most affluent EU countries and all others. The limitations of relative income poverty lines have little to do with the process of enlargement as such. Instead the major problem involves the weak association between income and deprivation in the more affluent countries. However, as a consequence of such difficulties, such indicators do not provide entirely meaningful comparisons of levels of disadvantage across economic clusters. The current analysis, rather than supporting the alternative of a focus on absolute income or an EU wide poverty line, suggests that we should take the argument for adopting a multidimensional approach to the measurement of poverty more seriously.  相似文献   

杨雪 《人口学刊》2003,(2):42-46
1997年制定的《欧盟就业指南1998》中明确了欧盟共同就业策略的基础:企业家的权利和职能,就业能力,适应能力以及相等的就业机会。从此以后,欧盟就业政策的调和与制定都有较大的发展。在欧盟成员国中,丹麦、奥地利、希腊和意大利在劳动力市场政策的运用中有许多成功的实践。  相似文献   

Quality of Life in the Economic and Urban Economic Literature   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Quality of life (QoL) is increasingly becoming a concept researched empirically and theoretically in the field of economics. In urban economics in particular, this increasing interest stems mainly from the fact that QoL affects urban competitiveness and urban growth: research shows that when households and businesses decide where to locate, QoL considerations can play a very important role. The purpose of the present paper is to examine the way economic literature and urban economic literature in particular, have adopted QoL considerations in the economic thinking. Moreover, it presents the ways various studies have attempted to capture the multidimensional nature of the concept, and quantify it for the purposes of empirical research. Conclusions are drawn on the state of affairs regarding the study of QoL in economics, as well as the problems of measurement arising mainly from the complex nature of the concept.   相似文献   

The eventual objective of social disciplines is to ensure the existence of peaceful and prosperous societies through the provision and protection of property rights for all segments of society. The deprived and socially excluded persons attempt to violate the formal rules and informal norms of the society. Developing countries have been facing rapidly increased number of violators of rules and norms, causing to higher crime rate which confronts multifarious ethnic problems, religion, multi-lingual problems. The case of Pakistan dose not varies when our study consider socioeconomic causes of crimes i.e. ethnic diversity and social exclusion. Present study is a contribution in this blistering issue, particularly in case of Pakistan. Therefore, our study explores the socioeconomic determinants of crime rate in Pakistan, by using bound testing and auto regressive distributive lag technique for the data period of 1970–2015. The estimated results reveal that ethnic diversity, social exclusion and deterrence have positive and significant impact on property, violence crime rates, and on overall crimes in Pakistan. While per capita income and population density, both have negative and significant impact on property and violence crimes.  相似文献   


Economic instability, social changes, and new social policies place economic insecurity high on the scholarly and political agenda. We contribute to these debates by proposing a new multidimensional, intertemporal measure of economic insecurity that accounts for both its multiplicity and its dynamism. First, we develop three theory-driven, multidimensional measures of economic insecurity. Principal Components Analysis validates the measure. Second, we develop a dynamic approach to insecurity, using longitudinal data and a newly revised headcount method. Third, we then use our new measures to analyze the distribution of insecurity in Europe. Our analysis shows that insecurity is widespread across Europe, even in low-inequality, encompassing welfare states. Moreover, it extends across income groups and occupational classes, reaching into the middle classes.


20世纪70年代开始,欧盟逐步把社会性别平等的内在涵义纳入其社会政策,发展了由指令、建议和行动项目构成的相互关联又递进发展的就业男女平等政策。研究欧盟解决就业性别差异的政策与法律法规,对欧盟在解决就业性别差异的措施效果进行评价,进一步提出我国解决两性就业性别差异的建议。  相似文献   

Proposed Congressional legislation would allow the status of Puerto Rico—as an associated Commonwealth, an independent country, or a state of the United States—to be decided by popular plebiscite in Puerto Rico. The proposed legislation is silent on language policy, an issue of concern to many Americans and which has been much discussed in Puerto Rico. In addition to the divisiveness inherent in bilingualism, the history of the island's relations with the United States raises concern that statehood might lead to a separatist backlash possibly accompanied by violent unrest. The authors urge wider debate and a more deliberate approach to union: one that does not attempt to displace the Spanish tradition but one which protects the traditional language unity of the United States.The authors are public policy analysts who have worked extensively on issues relating to the status of English in the United States. The views expressed in this article are their own, and do not necessarily reflect those of any group or constituency.  相似文献   

With EU membership, politicians aswell as citizens in the accession countrieshope to achieve improvements in livingconditions and – at least in the long run –to catch up with the West European societies.Catch-up modernization of the less advancedmember states is also an ``official' goal of EUpolicy. Expert opinions about the prospects forsuccess, however, vary widely. In this paper, ageneral model for how EU policy influencesquality of life in less well-off membercountries is presented. An analysis of formerenlargements – the cohesion countries Ireland,Greece, Portugal, and Spain – reveals that EUintegration obviously facilitates processes ofcatch up but does not guarantee them. This isdemonstrated by using indicators coveringdifferent aspects of quality of life, percapita income (material living conditions),social protection ratios (general quality ofsociety), and life satisfaction (subjectivewell-being). Bearing in mind their particulareconomic and social conditions and theirheterogeneity, the prospects of the futuremember states are discussed.  相似文献   

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